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1、新目标八下英语 unit 9 have you ever been to a museum?单元测试题(含答案)(时间:90 分钟分值:100 分)一 、单项选择(10 分)1can you come on monday or tuesday?im afraid _ day is possible.aeither bneither csome dany2have you ever been a guest at a surprise party?no,_.aonly once bi have cnever dnot3what are the best ways _ english well?a

2、to learn blearn clearning dlearned4we started in dif ferent directions but _ in the same place.awoke up bended up cput up dlooked up5how long _ you _ this computer?for about three years.ahave;had bhave;bought cdid;buy ddo;buya6this is a foreign language bookstore ,and _ of the books are english book

3、s.athird four bfourth three cthree quarters dthree four7for years ,doctors_ millions of patients lives with the help of microscopes.asaved bhave saved chas saved dwere saving8i like traveling,so i want to be a _.areporter b tour guide cpoliceman dteacher9_ is the pop ulation of your city?more than o

4、ne million.ahow much bhow many cwhat dhow10ive never been to japan.what about you?_.ai too bi neither cme too dme neither二.完形填空(10 分)when i was 16 years old ,i made my first visit to the united states.it wasnt the first time i had been _11_.like most english children,i learned french at school and i

5、 had often been to france._12_ i was used to speaking a foreign language to people who did not understand_13_.but when i went to america ,i was really looking forward to having a nice easy holiday without any _14_ problems.how wrong i was!the misunderstanding began at the airport.i was looking for a

6、 _15_ telephone to give my american friend danny a ring.so i asked an old man, “i want to give my friend a ring.could you help me?” “well,thats _16_.” he answered in surprise.“you look very _17_.are you getting married ?” “oh,no,” i replied.“i just want to give a ring to tell him ive arrived.could y

7、ou tell me _18_ theres a phone box near here?”“oh!sorry,” he said,“theres a phone downstairs. ”when we met up,danny _19_ the misunderstanding to me.“dont worry!i met such problems at first.there are lots of words which the americans _20_ differently in meaning from english people.but most of the tim

8、e the english and american people understand each other well!youll soon get used to all the funny things they say.”11 a.out baway coutside dabroad12 a.but bso cand dthen13 a.english bfrench crussian dchinese14 a.lesson bmath clanguage dmoney15 a.cheap bpopular cpublic dgood16 a.good bstrange cnice d

9、funny17 a.small bsmart clittle dyoung18 a.where bwhat cif d/19 a.described bexplained ctalked dexpressed20 a.write bspeak cuse dread三.阅读理解(20 分)ashanghai is in east china.its an international city.shanghai is famous for its night views and shopping centers.it is one of the largest cities in the worl

10、d.it is also known as the “shopping paradise ( 天 堂 ) ” because there are a lot of department stores and huge shopping centers.therefore,its not surprising that many tourists come to visit shanghai every year for shopping.peoples square is known as the center of shanghai.if you go there,you will see

11、a huge open area with green grass,fountains (喷泉) and pigeons (鸽子)there are many new buildings around.you will find shanghai grand theater,the musical hall and shanghai museum there.if you go to pudong new district in the east of shanghai,you will see the nanpu bridge.its 8,346 meters long.its one of

12、 the longest suspension bridges in the world.in pudong ,you will also see the famous oriental pearl tv tower.21shanghai is in _.asouth china beast china cnorth china dwest china22shanghai is famous for its _.anight views bshopping centers cclean air da and b23_ is k nown as the center of shanghai.ap

13、udong new district bshanghai grand theatercpeoples square d the oriental pearl tv tower24we can see _ at peoples square.agreen grass bfountains cpigeons da,b and c25shanghai is _ in the world.athe largest city bone of the largest citiescthe smallest city dthe most crowded citybin s ingapore,many mid

14、dle school students spend a lot of time on their studies.people think good schooling is a ticket to success in their future.so ,many of these students try their best to get good marks in their exams.they have a lot of homework every day and exams are usually difficult.sometimes,some of them have to

15、go to remedial classes after school.there are many afterschool activities :sports and games , music and dance,hiking and rockclimbing,etc.they are also very happy to do community service (社区服务)in their free time,most students like to listen to pop music.hollywood blockbusters (好莱坞大片), hong kong and

16、singapore movies are very popular among them.some of them also spend their free time surfing the internet,emailing their friends and playing computer games.they sometimes go to cafes,fastfood restaurants,shopping centers and big bookstores.so,it looks like the life as a middle school student in sing

17、apore is not easy but it is rich and colorful.26students in singapore think if they want to have a good future they will_.aget good schooling b do afterclass activitiescdo much homework dsurf the i nternet27the underlined word “remedial” means “_” in chinese.a额外的 b补习的 c业余的 d专业的28which of the followi

18、ng is not an activity the students do in their free time?alisteni ng to pop music. bwatching movies.cgoing to shopping centers. ddoing their homework.29which of the following is right?a all of the students go to remedial classes after school in singapore.b the middle school students life in singapor

19、e is hard but interesting.c only a few students like to surf the internet in their free time.d in singapore,students dont have to study hard to get good grades.30the best title for the text is _.ahow to get good marks in singapore bthe free time activities in singaporecthe students life in singapore

20、 dthe afterschool activities in singapore四 任务型阅读(10 分)the people below all want to take holidays in australia.there are three places to visit.help them to decide which place is the most suitable.1 john and simon are students.they want to have a holiday in summer ,but they have very little money.1 sh

21、irley and her daughter want to spend a day off and see some typical animals in australia.shirley also wants to buy gifts to take home.1 before susan leaves australia ,she wants to spend a day shopping.she is looking for something for her father who is interested in art.she does not like large shoppi

22、ng malls.athe australian wildlife parkgive people a close look at australian native animals.have your photos taken with kangaroos and koalas.there are talks every afternoon about these two kinds of animals.you can also get souvenirs about them in the gift shop.bstudents working holidaysa cheap (but

23、healthy) holiday.pick fruits and enjoy nature in the heart of the country.live on farms in tents.all meals included.free transport from the railway station.cthe rocksthe oldest part of sydney and full of history.at weekends ,there are outdoor concerts to enjoy and a market for you to buy the works (

24、作品) of local artists.根据短文内容,完成 31、32、33 题。请在人物和他们的最佳选择之间连线。31 john and simon athe australian wildlife park32 shirley and her daughter bstudents working holidays33 susan cthe rocks根据短文内容,回答 49,50 两个小题。34what are the talks about in the australian wildlife park?_35does one have to pay for his meals if

25、he chooses students working holidays?_五 .词汇运用(10 分)a)根据句意及首字母提示完成单词36 n_ of my parents works in an office;theyre factory workers.37 id really like to go to the a_;there i can see dolphins ,sharks,whales and o ther sea animals.38 get up,tom.its a q_ past eight.39 what a w_ memory she has!40 the child

26、ren need a happy e_ at school.b)用方框内所给词语的适当形式填空end up go on such as wake up rather than41 bruce likes eating lots of fruits,_ apples and oranges.42 harvey wants to be an actor _ a singer in the future.43 the two runners took different routes,but they both _ in the same place. 44when i _ this morning

27、,it was already nine oclock.45we are _ a school trip next sunday.六 .补全对话(10 分)根据下面的对话情景,在空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意义连贯、完整。 a:hello!emma,46._?b:yes,i have.i went there two years ago.a :47._? b :great !qingdao is a very beautiful place,especially the beaches.a:48._ _?b:yes,i went swimming in the sea every day

28、.a :did you do any other water sports?b :49._. a :boating?how did you learn to boat?b :i learned it from my uncle before i came here.a :50._? b :yes,id like to.ill teach you how to boat next summer holiday.七 .书面表达(15 分)根据设置的中文情景、英文提示词语以及表格所提供的信息,写出语法正确、意思连贯、符 合逻辑的短文。注意:1.词数:6080。2 所给的英文提示词语及表格所提供的信息

29、必须都用上。(可适当发挥)3 发言稿的开头和结尾已给出。假设你是张斌,今年暑假你将参加学校组织的赴加拿大 “绿色之旅” 夏令营活动。请你准 备一篇在开营式上的自我介绍发言稿。提示词:name,zhang bin,fifteen years old,live in beijing,favorite subject ,biology . interest(s) free time activities future job hopedrawing go campingdraw pictures of plantsenjoy the singing of birds in nature biologistgrow up good friendsdo ones bestmake the earth .dear friends,im very gla


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