



1、i个人能力常用语个人能力常用语个人能力常用语1. During the past thenyears,my experienee has been concentrated in the masonry and plastering products supply industry with a building materials firm.Duri ng my six years as Gen eral Man ager,I took an old line bus in ess,whichhad un derg oneseveral years ofpoor management,and

2、reversed the trend upgradedthefirmsimage,a ndcustomer and ven dorrelati on s,whichsubseque ntly in creased the dollar volume and bottom line profits by 300%.2. My employme nt backgro und con sists of twelve yearsat the Deac on ess Hospital,where I provide a wide range of admi nistrative,fi nan cial,

3、a ndresearch support to the ChiefExecutive Officer.I have a strong aptitude for working with numbers and extensive experienee with computer software applicati ons.3. YOU REQUIRE: I OFFER:A college degree A Bachelors degree in English from Long Isla nd Uni versityFlue ncyin Italia nandFrench Flue ncy

4、inItalia n,Germa n,and FrenchOffice experie nee Experie nee as a recepti onist at a busy acco un ti ng firmTypi ng skills Accurate typi ng at 60WPMWill ngn ess to travel Willi ngn ess to travel4. My work experie nee and my scholastic en deavors have thoroughly prepared me for employmentin a firm tha

5、tspecializes in various segments of law.This fall and past summerhave bee n work ing for a small gen eral practice firm where I am en trusted with a great deal of resp on sibilit y.I write appellate briefs,memora nda incorporate,c on tract,a ndcrim in al law,a nd I draft compla in ts and an swersals

6、o actively participate in attor ney-clie ntconferen cesby questi oningclie nts and by describ ing how the law affects the clie nts suits.5offer exte nsive kno wledge of five computer Ian guages and strongman ageme nt,sales,a ndsales supportexperie nce.As a Computer Specialist,I was resp on sible for

7、 the managementof acenterhandling the complete line ofHon eywell computers and peripherals for home and commercialusenadditi on to aB.S.degree inBus in essAdm ini strati on,l will receive a certificate in Programmi ng thisMay.6.Please note that I am currently completingmy senioryear at North Dakota

8、Uni versity and will receive my B.S.degree with a major in acco un ti ng and a concen trati on in computer program ming in May.Throughout school,a nd duri ng full-time and part-time employme nt,l have continued to stre ngthe n my focus in these areasn additi on,l have excelle nt problem-sol ving ski

9、lls and feel that,if give n the opport uni ty,I would be an immediate as well as a Ion g-term asset to your firm.7am prese ntly a senior in good sta nding at New YorkUni versity,due to graduate in May.I am pursu ing a Bachelor ofArts degree with a major in Journalism and a minor in both Econo mics a

10、nd En glishliterature am proficie nt in bothWordPerfect and Microsoft Word for Win dows,a nd am familiar with both IBM and Apple operatingsystems. I am presentlywork ing as a Research In tern for the Econo mics Divisio n of Tradew inds Publish ing in Newark.8have six years of experie nce,two as an appre ntice andfour as a licensed electrician,handlingall kinds of electricalin stallati on s,worki ngwith electricalcon tractors,a ndas asubcontractor.PresentlyI am investigatingnew opportunitiesin which to apply my educationand experienee with a wellthat Iestablished compa nyam cap


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