



1、150词英语美文摘抄欣赏【篇一】150词英语美文摘抄欣赏家庭FamilyThe family is a strong supporter of society. However, too many of us take our family members for granted, preferring to give priority to our friends and our careers. As it is often said, blood is thicker than water.家庭是社会强大的支柱,但我们很多人却常常忽略家人,仅仅重视自己的朋友和事业。不过,俗话说得好:血浓

2、于水。We can choose our friends and our life partners, but we do not have a choice which family we are born into. But we do have a choice how to make the best of what we are given.我们能够选择朋友和终生伴侣,却无法选择我们出生的家庭。但我们能够选择更好地利用家庭赋予我们的一切。A successful family life, whereby one is closely bonded to ones family mem

3、bers in a closely-knit environment, potentially brings more joy and fulfillment than anything else in this world. Yes, thats the beauty of family life. And for many, family life is the meaning of life.幸福的家庭往往是一个亲密无间的家庭,家人之间有着深厚的感情,它能比世界上其他东西带给人们更多的快乐和满足。没错,这就是家庭生活的美妙之处。对于很多人来说,家庭就是生命的意义所在。Read these

4、 pieces to provide some light hearted moments as well as to realize the importance of family. Dont wait till its too late.让这些文字给你一个愉悦的心情,让你了解家庭的重要性。不要再犹豫不决了。【篇二】150词英语美文摘抄欣赏时间的疗伤水平The Healing Power of TimeThe healing power of time is legendary. When skies are grey it can be hard to imagine brighter

5、days ahead. When you feel your heart has been crushed1, you wonder how you can overcome the pain and anguish.时间的疗伤水平是出了名的。当天空变得阴霾,人们很难想像之后也会晴空万里。当你感到心碎,你想弄明白如何才能战胜痛苦。Time can bring about the most magical changes in our lives. All you need to do is add in a little faith. If you can visualize a positi

6、ve outcome and hold onto that vision, no matter what, the healing power of time will prove itself to you. Perhaps the most helpful thing you can do, meanwhile, is seek a distraction. Try to find something meaningful that you can turn to.时间给我们的生活带来最神奇的改变。你需要做的仅仅拥有信念。如果你能在脑中描绘并保留一幅积极乐观的画面,无论发生什么,时间的疗伤

7、水平都会证明给你看。与此同时,寻找一个分散注意力的事也对你很有协助。努力寻找一些有意义,且你能投入进去的事。Creative activities can have an amazing healing influence. In times of acute stress you can yourself almost instantly. Most of us are able to put pen to paper; the act of writing, drawing or painting has the power to quickly absorb your thoughts

8、and shift your energies. Maybe you could turn your hand to sculpting. Have you thought of trying poetry?创造性的活动具有神奇的疗伤作用。当剧烈的压力席卷而来,你能让自己立刻沉浸在这些创造性的活动中。绝大部分人都会写写画画,写作和绘画能快速吸引你的注意力,转移你的精力。也许你还能试试雕塑。你想过试着创作诗歌吗?Remember, the anguish you may feel right now is only temporary. Try to youre your mind relax

9、and allow yourself the healing power of time.记住,你现在感到的痛苦仅仅暂时的。努力放松心情,让时间来疗伤吧。【篇三】150词英语美文摘抄欣赏when love beckonyouwhen love beckonto you, follow him, though hiwayare hard and steep. and when hiwingenfold you, yield to him, though the sword hidden among hipinionmawound you.and when he speakto you, beli

10、eve in him, though hivoice mashatter your dreamathe north wind laywaste the garden.for even alove crownyou so shall he crucifyou. even ahe ifor your growth so ihe for your pruning.even ahe ascendto your height and caresseyour tenderest branchethat quiver in the sun, so shall he descend to our rootan

11、d shake them in their clinging to the earth.but if, in your fear, you would seek onllovepeace and lovepleasure, then it ibetter for you that you cover your nakednesand pasout of lovethreshing-floor, into the seasonlesworld where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of

12、 your tears.love givenaught but it self and takenaught but from itself.love possessenot, nor would it be possessed, for love isufficient unto love.love hano other desire but to fulfill itself. but if you love and must have desires, let these be your desires:to melt and be like a running brook that singitmelodto the night.to know the pain of too much tenderness.to be wounded byour own understanding of love;and to bleed willingland joyfully.to wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thankfor another d


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