



1、Unit 14发散思维应用典型例题1Pass me my glasses, Tom. I canread the words in the newspaper.A hardlyBreallyCratherDclearly解析答案: A 根据题意,这里须用表示否定意义的词,是一个含有否定意义的词,其他三个都不是否定含义的词,故答案是hardly的意思是“几乎不” , A 。典型例题2He can finish the work easily. (用 it 作形式主语进行改写,每空一词)for himfinish the work.解析答案: It is easy, to本题主要考查不定式的用法,

2、不定式的动作发出者一般是句子的主语,但有时也不是,这时不定式常会带上自己的逻辑主语,它通常用for 引出。【题型发散】发散 1选择填空() 1 He hasnt cleanedthe bag yet.A outB upC downD off() 2 He and his family livedthe farm.A inB atC onD above()3 Its her jobclothes.A washingB to washC washedD washes()4 Which TV programme shall we? Ive no idea.A seeB lookC look atD

3、watch()5 Will you pleaseme a glass of milk?A pastB passC passedD to pass解析答案: 1 Aclean out是个固定的词组。2 C在农场用 on,而在工厂却用 in 。3 B不定式作主语,前面的 it是形式主语。4 D看电视习惯上用 watch 。5 B please 后跟动词原形。发散 2根据汉语完成下列各句1 他们下个月将在中央电视台演出。TheyretoCCTV next month.2 你的老师曾去听音乐会吗?your teacherbeena concert?3 对不起我不能尽快给你回复。Sorry, I cou

4、ldntyou sooner.4 他喜欢说而我喜欢听他说。He loves, and I lovehim.5 学生们主要参观了安徽省的一些地区。The studentsvisitAnhui province.解析 答案: 1 going appear(perform)on 2 Has ever to 3 get back to4 talking listening to 5 mainly areas in【转化发散】请按要求改写下列各句,每空一词1 The boy wanted a bit of milk to drink.(改为同义句)The boy wantedmilk to drink.

5、2 The problem is too hard for the pupils to work out.(用 so that 扩展为复合句)The problem ishardthe pupilswork it out.3 This hat costs twenty dollars.(对划线部分提问)this hat cost?4 These new clothes were made by herself.(改为主动语态)these new clothes herself.5 The suit cost so much that I didnt buy it.(改为简单句)The suit

6、 costmuch forbuy.解析 答案: 1 a little alittle修饰不可数名词时可与a bit of互用。2 so thatcant too to 构成的简单句可以用 so that扩展为复合句。3 How much does询问价格用 how much,此句谓语动词加了“s”,该借用 does。4 She made被动改主动,首先是确定主语,再依据主语的人称和数,将谓语动词改为主动形式,注意时态不能改变。5 too me to so that引导的复合句可用too to 改为简单句,注意对某人来说太而不,用too for sb. to do sth.结构。【正误发散】下列

7、各句均有一处错,找出并将序号填入题前括号内()1 The shoes cost so little that I bought it.ABCD()2 They are surprise to know that Lucy and Lily are twins.ABCD()3 My wife will go to her parents house the next month.ABCD()4 We havent got any books on the history of England at that moment,ABCIm afraid.D()5 He is a quite popul

8、ar doctor in the hospital.ABCD解析答案 :1 D买的鞋不能是单数, 用代词来代替 , 也必须用复数 ,所以应将 it 改为 them。2 A对惊讶,常用be surprised to do (at)sth.结构。3 D以现在为起点来表示下个月应用next month, the next month一般与过去时态或过去将来时态连用。4 C现在或此刻用 at the moment, at that moment则表示在当时或就在那时。5 A quite 修饰作定语用的形容词前有 a 或 an 时,quite 习惯上放在冠词前, 而 very 则放在冠词后。【情景发散】

9、完成对话,每空一词A: Hello! Where are you 1 , B?B: Hello, A Im going to the doctors.A: Oh, whats 2 3 ?B: Im not 4 very well. Ive 5 a headache.A: Have you got a 6 ?B: Yes, I have.B: How 7 have you been 8 9 ?A: Ever 10 last night.A: Let me go 11 you at once and get some 12 .B: Thank you. Lets go .解析答案:1 going

10、2 your(the) 3 trouble(matter) 4 feeling 5got6 fever 7 long 8 like 9 this 10 since 11 with 12 medicine 做本对话时,须注意一些有关看病、身体状况的用语。【综合发散】完形填空Fire can help people in many ways. But it can also be very harmful. Fire cankeep your house 1 ,givelightand cook food.But firecan burn things,2. Bigfire can burn tr

11、ees, houses, animals or people.Nobody knows how people began to use fire. But there are3 interesting oldstories about how a man or woman started a fire. One is4 a man. The man 5 avery long time ago. He went up to the sun and6 fire down.Today people know how to make a firewithmatches( 火柴 ).Childrenso

12、metimes7to play with them. But matches can be very dangerous. One match can burn a pieceof paper,and8 itcould burn a house. A small firecan burn a big firevery quickly.So you9 be careful with matches.Be carefulwith fire,and itwill10 you.it may hurt you.But ifyou arentcarefulwithfire,()1 A warmB warm

13、er()2 A alsoB too()3 A manyB much()4 A overB about()5 A workedB studied()6 A bringB take()7 A enjoyB like()8 A afterB late()9 A canB may()10 A helpB doC coolC eitherC a littleC ofC learnC broughtC dont likeC yetC willC tellD coolerD neitherD noD onD livedD tookD becomeD thenD mustD hope解析通读全文 ,知道这是关于火的一段介绍。1 A这是没有比较的意思,所以不用比较级,火能加温而不是冷却,所以不用cool 。2 B 表示肯定不用either, neither,在句末不用also 。3 A stories是复数,不可能用no, a little, much作定语修饰不可数名词,这里中心词 stories可数。4 B 表示内容“关于”一般用about 。5 D 此处仅仅是说生活,而不强调学习和工作。6 C “拿来


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