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1、A缩略词Modem:modulatoranddemodulator 调制解调器Rom:read only memory 只读存储器Ram:random access memory 随机存储器CAD-computeraideddesign 计算机辅助设计CAE-ComputerAidedEngineering 计算机辅助工程CAM-ComputerAidedManufacturing 计算机辅助制造CPU-centralprocessingunit 中央处理器PC-PersonalComputer 个人计算机ProgramCounter 程序计数器IC-IntegratedCircuit 集成电

2、路MSI-medium-scaleintegration 中规模集成(电路)LSI-LargeScaleIntegratedcircuit 大规模集成电路VLSI-VeryLargeScaleIntegration 超大规模集成电路ULSI-UltraLargeScaleIntegration 特大规模集成电路ASIC-Application-Specific Integrated Circuit 专用集成电路CEO-ChiefExecutiveOfficer首席执行官CFO-Finance首席财务官COO-Operate首席运营官CIO-Information首席信息官CTO-Technol



5、载波;FETFieldEffectTransistor场效应晶体管MOSFETmetallicoxidesemiconductorfieldeffecttransistor电子金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管CISCComplexInstructionSetComputer复杂指令集计算机RISCReducedInstructionSetComputer,精简指令集计算机USBUniversalSerialBus,(Intel公司开发的)通用串行总线(架构)EEPROM-Electrically Erasable, Programmable Read-Only Memory.B、单词Amplifi

6、er放大器flip-flop触发器resistor电阻器resistance电阻capacitor电容器capacitance电容inductor电感器inductance电感operationalamplifier运算放大器sensor传感器transducer传感器,变换器register寄存器conductor导体semiconductor半导体feedback反馈diode二极管transistor晶体管,三极管thermo-表示“热、热电”之义thermometer温度计thermocouple热电偶microcomputer微型计算机monitor(监视器)1) direct cu

7、rrent circuits 直流电路2) amplifier放大器3) analog electronics 模电4) semiconductor diode 半导体二极管5) transistor effect 晶体管效应6) microprocessor或microcontroller 微处理器或微控制器7) electrical engineering电气工程8) power engineering电力工程9) telecommunications engineering通信工程10) internal devices内部器件1) assembler language汇编语言2) al

8、ternating current circuits交流电路3) passive electrical circuits无源电路4) three phase circuits三相电路5) digital electronics数字电子技术6) logic gates 逻辑门7) 3D virtual reality image 三维虚拟图像8) computer programming计算机编程9) major in(在大学里)主修10)advanced programming techniques高级编程技术1)electrical components电子元件2)Ohm law欧姆定律3)

9、limit current限制电流4)voltage divider分压器5)transistor biasing circuits晶体管偏置电路6)block DC current阻碍直流7)store electric energy 或store electrical energy储存电能8)inductive reactance感抗9)dielectric insulating material 或insulating material绝缘材料10)AC resistance/或AC impedance 交流阻抗1) known as capacitive reactance 称为容抗2

10、) with units of ohms单位是欧姆3) prevent device from burning out防止器件烧掉4) has an AC resistance to AC current对交流电流有阻抗5) adjustment with a screw用一个螺丝调节6) in the shape of a cylinder呈圆柱形式7) block DC current, but pass AC current阻直流,但通交流8) to vary the inductance改变电感9) be given by the formula.由公式给出10) the RF amp

11、lifie音频放大器1) general-purpose meter通用仪表2) analog meter数字仪表3) reverse the test leads交换测试笔4) mechanical adjust机械调节5) measure resistance测量电阻6) positive voltage正向电压7) measure current测量电流8) voltage amplitude电压幅度9) dual-trace oscilloscope双踪示波器10) signal generator信号发生器1)analog multimeter模拟万用表2)extended rang

12、e扩展范围3)specific meters特殊仪表4) include the function and range switches具有功能及范围选择旋钮5) present an electronic picture呈现一幅电子图像6) display the voltage waveform显示电压波形7) appear on the screen在屏幕上出现8) phase relationship相位关系9) as an example例如,作为一个例子10) in series with the circuit串联接入电路1) PN junction PN结2) anode阳极(

13、正极)3) external resistance外阻4) bipolar transistor三极管5) a small current controls a large current一个小电流控制一个大电流6) base current基极电流7) enhancement MOS transistors增强型MOS管8) P-channelP沟道9) integrated circuits集成电路10) electron and hole电子和空穴1) semiconductor material半导体材料2) forward biased正向偏置3) depend on the ext

14、ernal circuit resistance取决于外部电路的电阻4) excessive reverse-biased voltage过高的反偏电压5) is directly proportional to the amount of base current.是正比于基极电流6) may even appear almost as a short几乎可看成是短路7) cause stability problems for a transistor circuit.引起晶体管电路的稳定性(不好)问题8) digital technology数字技术9) the most popular

15、 technology最普遍的技术,最常用的技术10) use two complementary types of transistors N-channel and P-channel用两种互补型的晶体管-N沟道(MOS管)和P沟道(MOS管)1) electronic power supply 或 steady DC Voltage source稳压电源2) bridge rectifier桥式整流器3) pulsating DC 脉冲直流电4) anode of diode二极管的正极5) peak voltage峰值电压6) capacitor filter电容滤波器7) charg

16、e and discharge充电和放电8) zener diode稳压管9) IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)电气电子工程师学会10) technical professional association专业技术组织1) equipment operation设备的运行2) device that converts AC into DC把交流电转换成直流电的器件(设备)3) the power lines电源线4) depending on the value of DC voltage needed根据(取决于

17、)所需要的直流电压值5) a half-wave rectifier半波整流器6) so as to produce a constant DC output从而产生一个稳定的直流输出7) in the negative side of the capacitor在电容的负极8) flow through the load流过负载9) in the forward-biased condition在加正向偏置(电压)的条件下10) a series ( current-limiting) resistor一个串联(限制电流)电阻1) Kirchhoffs Voltage Law基尔霍夫电压定律

18、2) voltage sources电压源3) the law of conservation of electric charge电荷守恒定律4) at every instant of time在每一瞬时5) voltages across elements元件两端的电压6) radio transmission无线电传输7) frequency modulation调频信号8) the frequency domain频域9) linear resistor线性电阻10) amplitude modulation wave调幅波形1) current source电流源2) under

19、this circumstance在这种情况下3) present the second of Kirchhoff s laws给出基尔霍夫第二定律4) introduce the concept of a “loop”引入“回路”的概念5) An alternative statement of KVL KVL的另一种表述法6) voltages algebraically sum电压代数和7) sinusoidal steady-state response正弦稳态响应8) ordinary household voltage日常用电(即民用电和一般工业用电)的电压9) time-inva

20、riant circuit时不变电路10) percentage of modulation.调制百分比1) digital integrated circuits数字集成电路2) system design系统设计3) application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC)专用集成电路4) the productivity of chip designers芯片设计能力(生产力)5) sophisticated design tools复杂精致的设计工具6) fast response times快速时间响应7) combinational logic

21、blocks组合逻辑(电路)块8) valid signals有效信号9) input-output delay输入输出延迟10) the highest frequency logic circuits高频逻辑电路1) very large scale integrated(VLSI) circuits1) 超大规模集成电路2) in coarse terms粗略地说3) integrate a greater number of transistors in a single die or integrated circuit (IC)在一个芯片上集成大量晶体管即集成电路4) make w

22、ell-informed design decisions.作出全面的设计决定5) the ratio of channel width to channel length沟道宽度与沟道长度的比值6) output latch of a combinational block6) 组合块(电路)的输出锁存器7) defined in a high-level language用(计算机)高级语言定义(描述)8) reliability of MOS transistorsMOS管的可靠性9) reduce the power consumption减小消耗功率10) to realize ci

23、rcuit functions实现电路的功能1) decimal system十进制数字系统2) storage of information within the computer在计算机中信息的储存3) printed or displayed打印或显示4) logic operation逻辑运算5) combination of gates组合逻辑门6) provide an output high only when all inputs are high仅当输入全为高电平时输出为高电平7) above expressing上述表达式8) synchronous device同步器件9

24、) be combined with other gates与其他门电路结合10) the versatility and flexibility of digital integrated circuits数字集成电路的通用性和多功能性1) flip-flop触发器2) asynchronous device异步器件3) at arbitrary time在任意时间4) change state only on arrival of a clock pulse当时钟脉冲信号来到时改变状态5) the octal and hexadecimal systems八进制和十六进制系统6) clea

25、r input清除输入(信号)7) play video games玩电视游戏,玩计算机游戏8) surf the web上网(网上冲浪)9) with a common clock pulse transition用同一时钟脉冲(控制)转换10) in its broadest definition用广义的定义1) make up a computer system组成一个计算机系统2) high performance software高性能的软件3) the input/output (or I/O) devices输入输出器件4) CPU instructions reside in

26、memory存储在储存器中的CPU指令5) store data to an output device把数据储存到一个输出设备中6) the control bus 或 control signal lines控制信号线7) interrupt lines中断线8) read data from a memory从存储器中读数据9) semiconductor integrated circuits半导体集成电路10) dynamic RAM memory动态随机存储器1) impact system performance影响系统的性能2) be generally associated

27、with external devices通常与外部设备相连接3) read data from an input device从输入设备中读取数据4) connect the various components of a VNA machine与一台冯.诺依曼计算机的各种部件相连接5) data bus数据总线6) 80x86 family microprocessor80X86系列微处理器(芯片)7) to differentiate memory locations and I/O devices区分储存器的不同地址和不同的输入输出器件8) this prompts the quest

28、ion这就提出了一个问题9) worth a brief mention值得简要地提一下10) storage capacity in a single memory chip一个存储芯片的存储容量1) with some similarities to 与有些类似2) in an academic sense以学术观点来看3) structured language结构化语言4) the distinguishing feature显著特征5) local variables局部变量6) side effect副作用7) readable programs易读的程序8) high-level computer languages计算机高级语言9) assembly language instructions汇编语言指令10) comments describing the statements描述语句的注释1) perform a specific task.执行一个指定的任务2) to creep into a program潜伏(隐藏)在一个程序中3) in various situations在各种情况下4) section off and hide from the rest of the program


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