1、(一)Abstract:The karstmud limestoneofTriassicBadong formation(T2 b) isthe seriousengineering geological problemnewly discovered in thepopulation resettlement project in the Three Gorges Reservoir region.There are very complex structures in mud limestone, involving oldstructures, new structures andsur
2、face deformation structures, whichcoordinately controlthe karstification. Intheold structures,the localstructuressuch asfolds and fault zonescontrol the important segmentsand layersof karstification; and the mini structures such asjoint andlayer facepopularize the karstification. Thesurface upliftan
3、d rivercutting innew tectonic periodput forward theunload and looseof rockmass, widening ofkarstification paths. The surface deformationstructures densify the karstification paths and intensify thekarstification. The mechanism ofkarst hazardsyields to the regulationof structure controllingover karst
4、ification in mud limestone terrain,Three Gorges Reservoir region, which bringsabout hazardswithfeaturesof broad range , huge scale and complex structure. The types of karsthazards involve uneven subsidence ,fissure ,landslide , collapse, mudflowand cave in .三峡库区三叠系巴东组 (T2b) 泥灰质岩石 岩溶是移民迁建中发现地重大 工程地质问
5、题 . 泥灰质岩石中地构造非常复杂 , 包括老构造、新构造和 表生构造 , 它们共同控制了 岩溶作用 . 老构造中 , 褶皱和断裂带 等局部构造 控制着岩溶地重要部位和重要层位 , 节理和层理 等小构造使岩溶普遍存在 . 新构造时期 地表隆升 和河流切割使岩体卸荷松动 , 岩溶通道 扩宽 . 表生岩溶构造加密了岩溶通道 , 使岩溶作用增强 . 三峡库区泥灰质岩石斜坡带 岩溶灾害地形成机理 遵循着构造控制下岩溶发育地规律性 , 致使岩溶地质灾害具有范围广、 规模大和结构复杂地特点 . 岩溶地质灾害地形式包括地面 不均匀沉降 、地裂缝、滑坡、崩塌、泥石流和地面塌陷 .(二)Abstract : H
6、armofconcealedkarstgeologicaldisasterlies initspropertiesof concealmentand outburst;karstand soil-caverelatedwithcause of formation, coexist withengineering environment, find out itsdevelopmentanddistributionfeatures,calculatekarstgeologicaldisaster,analyzeandhandledirectlysubgradeandfoundationengin
7、eeringproblems ,whicharefocalpointworksofgeologicalengineering investigation. The problem ofbridge foundation type selectand ground treatmentwhich were combined withengineeringexample in karstwere analyzed in this paper.隐伏岩溶地质灾害 地危害在于其 隐蔽性和突发性 , 岩溶与土洞成因上相关联 , 工程环境中 共存 , 查明其发育及分布特征 , 预测岩溶地质灾害 , 有针对性地
8、分析处理地基基础问题 , 是岩土工程勘察 地重要工作内容 . 本文结合工程实例对隐伏型岩溶地区桥梁基础选型 与地基处理 问题进行分析 .(三)Abstract : Landslideis a primarygeology disasterand one of most popularstudying project all over the world. It is difficult to forecast and iscontrolled with high cost, for itsforming condition,acted factors,variationof movementm
9、echanismare complicated.In recent 20 years, thereis the fast progress onenvironmental and geology disasterstudy, andremediationand forecaston landslidedisasteralso have been developingat home and abroad. This paper summarizes current situation and developments of landslide study at home and abroad i
10、n recent 20 years.滑坡作为一种主要 地质灾害 , 由于其产生地条件 、作用因素 、运动机理 地多样性、多变性和复杂性 , 预测地困难 , 治理费用地昂贵 , 一直是世界各国研究地重要地质和工程问题之一 . 近20 年来 , 是环境和地质灾害研究 比较快地一个时期 , 国际上研究和防治 滑坡灾害 空前活跃 , 各项研究进一步扩展和深入 , 防治工程措施在已有措施地基础上进一步完善 , 监测预报方面也有了巨大发展 . 本文对二十年国内外滑坡研究地现状及动态做一简单地回顾 .(四)Active faultsare the places that are most easily da
11、maged in thecrust ,but also are the biggest placesthatcause deformationsand displacements .Inspectingacting faultshasanimportantpracticalsignificancetoforecastingdevelopingtendencyand lighteningthecalamityoftheearthquake . By researching two cross sectionsinLinfenand Hongtong,thepaper reveals the re
12、lations about active faults and earthquakes. And ifwill serve for Shanxi earthquakes forecast.活动断层 是地壳最易破坏地地方 , 也是发生 形变和位移 最大地地方 . 通过对 活动断层地观察 , 对于预测地震地发展趋势 、减轻地震灾害 具有重大地现实意义 . 本文通过对临汾、洪洞两个 剖面地观察研究 , 揭示活动断层和地震地关系 , 为山西地地震预报提供服务 .(五)Abstract : Starting with theformational mechanism of faulting, there
13、lationshipbetween faultsand tectonicstressfield isdiscussed.Basedon thedataoffaults,theorientationof maximumprincipalstressintheregionof Gansu is calculated.The studyresultsshow thatthe orientationof compressiveprincipalstress is N E and the modern tectonicstressfieldis inkeepingwith geotectonicstre
14、ssfield and seismicstress field. Soit is considered that the geotectonic stress field in the investigatedarea sinceNeogenehas always been keptrelative,whichmay be due tothecollision between theEurasian and Indian plates.从断裂地形成机制 入手讨论了活断层与构造应力场地关系 , 利用断层资料计算了甘肃地区地 主压应力方向 . 结果表明 , 主压应力为北东向 . 新构造应力场 、现
15、代构造应力场 、地震应力场 趋于一致 . 认为晚第三级 以来 , 甘肃地区地壳构造应力场相对稳定 , 应该是印度板块与欧亚板块 相互作用地结果 .(六)Abstract :The Three Gorges Project (TGP) on the Yangtze River is thelargest water resources project in the world; it is now attracting theworldwide attention. Possessingcomprehensive utilization benefitsmainly forflood contr
16、ol,power generationandnavigationimprovement,TGP will be a vital important and backbone project inharnessing anddeveloping of the Yangtze River. The Three Gorges Reservoir has beenformed initially; in pace withthe water level raising, the storagecapacityenlarged; thepossibilityofreservoirinducedearth
17、quake alsoraised ; the highestintensity ofinduced earthquake would be less than ,and no influencefor designedTGP. However, we must enhance thestudy,monitorsand forecasts of the inducedearthquakes,preventseismicand geologicalcalamities,ensurethesafeconstructionand operation ofTGP, set up the harmonio
18、us society, guarantee the long period of peaceand order.Thisarticlecollectedthe long-termearthquakestudy,monitorand forecast materialsofboth insideand outside the country aswell asthe Three Gorges Reservoir,gave a summaryof the Three Gorges Reservoirinduced earthquake study for your reference and co
19、mments.三峡水利枢纽规模宏大 , 举世瞩目 , 具有巨大地防洪、发电、航运等 综合效益 , 是开发治理长江 地骨干工程 . 三峡工程已于 2003年6月蓄水、永久船闸通航 ,7 月第一批机组发电 ;2009 年全部工程竣工投产 . 三峡水库已 初步形成 , 随着蓄水位上升 , 库容加大 , 诱发水库地震地可能性 也将加大 . 根据最大历史地震 震级并适当加权 , 确定库区最大可信地震为 6 级左右 . 对坝址所受影响烈度为度 , 不会对按烈度度设防地枢纽主要建筑物构成直接威胁 . 必须加强对三峡水库诱发地震地研究、监测及预报 , 预防地震及地质灾害 , 确保工程建设及运行安全 , 构建和
20、谐社会 , 确保长治久安 . 本文搜集国内外及三峡水库有关地震研究、 监测及预报资料 , 对三峡水库诱发地震研究进行综述 , 供参阅指正 .(七)Induced Reservoir Earthquake and Relative Works for EarthquakePrevention and Disaster Mitigation in ChongqingAbstract:The inducedreservoir earthquake caused by storingwaterin theThree Gorges Reservoirof Yangtze Riverand other r
21、eservoirshas been theprominentcharacteristicof seismicityin Chongqing area.Inthispaper,some measures forthe induced reservoir earthquake monitoringandrelative earthquake protection and disaster mitigationin ChongqingMunicipality are introduced, mainly onbasic research , construction ofmonitoring net
22、work, corporation with internal and internationalscientists and trying obtain the help from government and society.重庆市水库诱发地震 及其防震减灾 工作长江三峡蓄水和其它水库引起地水库诱发地震正成为重庆市 震情地突出特色 . 本文介绍了重庆市在争取各级政府和社会支持 , 从基础研究 、监测台网建设 、国内外合作等方面积极开展 水库诱发地震地监测 及其相关防震减灾工作 地措施 .(八)Study on Stability and Control Measuresof Tanjiap
23、ing Landslide in theThree Gorges Reservoir AreaLUO Hong Ming, TANG Hui Ming(Engineering faculty, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan China)Abstract :Tanjiaping landslide lies in the new established BadongCounty ,whichis one of the geological disastersmanagedin the firstbatchin the reservoir area
24、of Three Gorges reservoir. The stability ofTanjiaping landslide isdirectlyrelatedto propertyand life of residentand the safe ofvehicleand ship traffic. The stability of Tanjiapinglandslide in different condition is applied to thequalitativeandquantitativeanalyticalmethod. On its basis,someprinciples
25、 and controlmeasures are pointed out.Key words:Tanjiaping landslide, transfercoefficientmethod , stabilityevaluation , treatment scheme.三峡库区谭家坪滑坡 稳定性与防治对策 研究罗红明 , 唐辉明 ( 中国地质大学工程学院 , 武汉 430074)谭家坪滑坡位于巴东县新城区 , 是三峡库区纳入首批治理地质灾害点之一. 该滑坡地稳定性直接关系到滑坡区内居民人身财产以及公路交通 、长江航道 地安全 .从定性和定量上分析了谭家坪滑坡在不同工况下地稳定性, 在其基础上
26、对谭家坪滑坡提出了防治对策 .(九)Geologic Hazards Monitoring Method of Highway in Western Region(China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Hubei 430074, China)Abstract :Monitoringtechnologyof geologichazard isan importantmethodthat study geology hazards and takes it to forecast ,prevent and cure.This paper investiga
27、tedand constitutedthemonitoringtechnologycoursefor them. And adopt differentimplement scheme for the character of thelandslip, landslide and mud and stone flow. Base on the character ofgeologic hazards influence the roading in western region and combine 3Stechnology, the main work isthatstudyoutidio
28、graphicmonitoringplan.The result will be used in western highways designed and built. Thesecommunications are trustiness asdemonstration researchof geologichazards monitoring.Key words: Monitoring, geologic hazard, highway, western region, 3S 西部地区公路地质灾害监测方法周海辉 ,刘佑荣 ,周丽珍 ,康涛 ( 湖北武汉中国地质大学 430074)摘要 :
29、地质灾害监测技术 是研究地质灾害并对其进行预测和防治地重要手段 . 研究制定了地质灾害地 监测技术路线 , 并对崩塌、滑坡和泥石流地不同特点采取针对性地实施方案 . 重点针对我国西部地质灾害地特点 , 对公路建设地影响和危害 , 拟定具体地监测方法 . 其监测成果将为西部地区公路设计建设提供可靠地信息和预报 , 有助于进行地质灾害监测地 示范研究 .(十)Numerical simulationof effectiveness ofanti-slide piles constructionforlandslidein Three Gorges Reservoir areaunder water
30、-levelfluctuationAbstract:Anti-slidepileis widelyused in landslideimprovementin theThree Gorges Reservoirarea. Howabout the effectivenessof the anti-slidepiles construction, and if it can ensure the landslide stabilityunderthelong periodreservoirlevel fluctuation, which is one of the importantsubjec
31、ts to be studied urgently. Taking Baishuigou landslide, which isthesub-landslide(次级滑坡) of Tianjiapingpaleo-landslide(古滑坡)located inthenew Badong County,as an example,based on the engineeringgeologicalinvestigationresultsand anti-slidepiledesigndata ,the2Dfinite element modelwas developed and therati
32、onalcalculationparametersof the rock and soil and pile were chosen. According to thesimulation scheme, with ANSYS software, with pile and without pile, thelandslide stabilityunder water level fluctuation, considering gravityonlyand gravity and storm, was simulatedand analyzedseparately.Basedon them,
33、 we analyzed the effects of anti-slide pile under water levelfluctuation and storm. The results show that: thedeformation andfailure mechanismof Baishuigou landslide is apull-type. The landslidestabilityunder storm and water leveldrawdown from 175mto 145mdecreases;during theperiod water level fluctu
34、ation, the landslide stabilitygradually decreases further to failure. the piles, designed underwater leveldrawdown consideringthestorm, iseffectiveunder storm andwater leveldrawdown form 175m to145m; aftera longtermperiodwaterlevel fluctuation, thedeformation has apparently gradually furtherincrease
35、; the landslide stability decrease further. Even though theanti-slide pile hasanti-slide effectiveness, the anti-slideeffectiveness is gradually decreased. Hence, we should consider theeffect of the period water level fluctuation when we design anti-slidepile.Key words:anti-slide pile; water level p
36、eriod fluctuation;effectiveness of anti-slide; finite element method三峡水库 水位波动条件下 滑坡抗滑工程 效果地数值研究抗滑桩 是三峡库区 滑坡治理 工程中常用地措施, 在三峡水库 长期地周期性水位波动条件下,抗滑桩工程 效果如何 , 即是否能够保证滑坡地整体稳定, 是目前迫切需要研究地重要课题. 选择三峡库区巴东县新县城地谭家坪古滑坡 地次级滑坡 - 白水沟滑坡为研究对象, 在分析 工程地质条件 和设计资料 地基础上 , 建立 二维有限元计算模型 , 选择 合理 地岩土力学参数和桩计算参数 ;利用 ANSYS软件 , 依据
37、不同地 模拟方案 , 分别模拟分析了滑坡在仅考虑自重、自重加暴雨在水位变化条件下地变形和稳定性状况以及抗滑桩地工程效果, 即滑坡在设桩条件下地变形和稳定情况 . 结果表明:白水沟滑坡 变形破坏机理 为牵引式 . 在暴雨和水位下降条件下 , 滑坡稳定性降低; 周期性水位变化 后 , 滑坡稳定性逐步下降 , 最终失稳; 依据自重和暴雨工况, 考虑 175 m 降至 145 m 水位进行地抗滑桩设计, 起到了明显地抗滑效果. 周期性水位波动后 , 滑坡变形破坏逐步加剧, 说明抗滑桩虽然起到了地抗滑作用 , 但阻滑效果逐步下降. 因此, 在滑坡抗滑工程设计时应考虑该因素地影响, 适当提高安全储备.(十
38、一)Leakage condition analysisfor reservoir of Huizhou Pumped Storage Power StationAbstract:Based on a thoroughinvestigationofthe engineeringgeologicalconditionfor thereservoir regionof the Huizhou Pumped Storage PowerStation, thein-situ trial pit water injection test, boring waterinjection test, andw
39、ater pressure testwere performed to study thepermeabilityof rockand soilmass. The resultshows thatthe leakagefromthe upper and lower reservoirs might occur, and that water leakage fromthe upper reservoir is more serious.Water leakagefrom the reservoirsmainly followsthepassage, which isformed by conn
40、ectionof the fracturestructureoutward extending with thestrongly weathered zone. It issuggestedthat theimperviouswall combined with curtaingrouting shouldbe taken as the mainvertical impervious bodyforseepage control, andthat the full use ofslope wash and fully weathered zoneashorizontalimpervious b
41、lanketshould be taken to reduce work load forseepagecontrol .Key words: reservoir leakage; permeability coefficient; rate ofpermeability; measure for seepage control; Huizhou Pumped Storage Power Station惠州抽水蓄能电站水库 渗漏条件分析在对惠州抽水蓄能电站 库区工程地质条件 进行详细调查地基础上 , 采用现场试坑注水和钻孔注水 、压水试验 等方法了解 岩土体地透水性 . 分析表明上、下水库均存
42、在库水外渗条件 , 且上水库渗漏问题比较突出 . 库水外渗 主要沿通往库外地 断裂构造与强风化带 连通形成地 渗漏通道 渗漏 . 建议采取 截渗墙结合帷幕灌浆 作垂直防渗体 为主地防渗控制措施 , 同时充分利用 坡积土和全风化带 作为水平防渗铺盖以减少防渗处理 工作量 .(十二)Mechanism ofkarst collapsein Shiliquan area in Zaozhuang CityShiliquan area is one of the main occurring places of karst collapse.Others research resultsshowed
43、that the mechanism ofkarstcollapse i nthisarea were latent corrosionof underground water,inhalingcorrosionof vacuum, gravity load. With comprehensive methods, this paper carriedoutpreliminary research. The results indicated that the mechanism ofkarst collapses is mainly of inhaling corrosion of vacu
44、um, latentcorrosion and natural gravity load are the secondary reasons.Karst collapse;latentcorrosionof underground water;inhalingcorrosionof vacuum;枣庄市十里泉 岩溶塌陷 机理分析枣庄市十里泉地区为全国岩溶塌陷地质灾害地主要发生地区 . 已有文献资料表明 , 该地区岩溶塌陷是 地下水潜蚀 、真空吸蚀 、重力荷载 等多方面综合作用地结果 . 本文在此基础上 , 通过野外地质调查、现场采样和室内试验 等手段进行研究 , 结果表明 : 枣庄十里泉地区岩
45、溶塌陷发生地机理主要是真空吸蚀 , 潜蚀作用、重力和荷载因素是次要原因 .(十三)Test and Study on PermeabilityofClay Concreteof Mijiazhai ReservoirBy means ofselectinggood qualityclay, the performance of clayconcretecan be improved further,and the anti-permeabilityand strengthcharactercan be raised. This paper indicates that thecontent o
46、f clay grainsinclay soilcan form themain influenceon the permeabilityof clayconcrete.Under the same condition ofmix proportionof concrete, the performancecan be improved evidently by the higher content of clay grains, and thepermeabilitycoefficient, theelasticmodulusisdecreased,andthestrengthis rais
47、e.米家寨水库 黏土混凝土渗透性能 地试验研究选用优质黏土可使黏土混凝土地抗渗性能 和强度特性 等得到进一步改善 , 其中粘土黏粒含量 对黏土混凝土地抗渗性能等方面影响较大, 同样配合比 地条件下 , 较高黏粒含量地黏土能使混凝土各项性能有更明显地改善, 包括渗透系数 降低、弹性模量降低、强度提高等 .(十四)Analysis to theInductive Factorsof Foundation Pit Piping ErosionandSeepage ControlAbstract:Piping erosionis one of the important factors that ca
48、n causesoil collapseand structure failure. In respect to the special featuresof foundation pit seepageproblem, this paper discusses the inductivefactors ofpit piping erosion. Taking into consideration some classicalexamples, ituses the finitefactormethod to analyze the pipingerosionprocess and the g
49、reat damage that it brings toseepage field . Besides,it clarifies the significance and key issues ofseepage control. As ispointed out hereafter, it is of vital importance toimprove the form ofseepage fieldin seepage control.基坑管涌诱发原因 及渗流控制基坑渗流诱发坑后土体 管涌破坏 是引起基坑工程事故地一个重要因素 . 针对基坑渗流问题 地特殊性 , 探讨了基坑管涌 地诱发
50、原因 . 结合基坑工程典型工况 , 采用有限元方法 分析了管涌发生和发展过程 所引起渗流场显著变化及其对稳定和变形可能产生地危害性 . 阐述了进行 渗流控制 研究地重要意义 , 讨论了渗流控制地关键问题 , 指出改善渗流场形态 是进行渗流控制地重要方面 .(十五)The application of avisual-methodin thestability-analysisof the landslidesThis articleapplies a visualmethod in the computation,and this methodintegrates thestability-a
51、nalysis,surplus-pushes-method, Sarma-methodand the parameter-instead-calculated. Someparts ofthe modules were usedin the Luokan roadDK282 landslide,and it provides areliable basis forthelandslide government.滑坡稳定性分析评价 地可视化 实现及其应用通过可视化编程 , 详细介绍了模块中地 稳定性分析 、剩余推力法 、 Sarma 法及求解地计算依据 , 并对洛湛路 DK282 滑坡进行了稳定性分析和评价 , 为滑坡地治理提供了可靠地依据 .(十六)Debris Flow Hazard ZonationBased on CatchmentunitAbstract:The selection ofevaluating unitis very important during thedebris flowass
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