1、TPO30口语部分 sectio n1 独立任务解析参考答案Task 1:A frie nd of yours is look ing for a new place to live and has asked for youradvice. What do you thi nk is the most importa nt characteristic of a goodneighborhood? Use details and examples to explain your answer.Being quietBeing quiet cuz homeis the place to rel
2、ax our nerves and enjoy peace with families so the apartme nt shouldSuggesti on notinnot be around CBD where there are crowded traffic and aCBD, in the middle of ahigh flow of people which would be no isy.reside neeConvenient cuz in a capital city likeConvenientBeijing ,taking public transportation
3、is more efficientSuggesti on get tothan drivingprivate cars so living in a block where youbus stop/subway stati oncan walk to the bus stop or supermarket within 10 minuteswithi n 10minu teswould be admirable. Although the ren t/price is higher,it s worthwhile.Task 2:Do you agree or disagree with the
4、 follow ing stateme nt?Parents should be involved in the process of helping their children to choosea career.Use specific examples and details to support your opinion.A: should bePare nts are people who know their kids more tha n others. Since they have experieneed the situation ofin volvedmaking a
5、career decisi on and are more realistic withParents are mature &kno wledge about work ing &socializ ing in a compa ny, theexperie need sameadvice from them is usually practical, like they knowsituati on, advice iswhich field is less competitive and suitable for theirpracticalpure kids. Most people a
6、t the age of choos ing a careerChildre n areare not truly clear about their future, like it s suchcon fuseda pain in the n eck for my cous in and his classmates.B: should not beChildre n are all in dividuals with their own dreamsin volvedand plans for their future .they have the right to decideKids
7、arewhether to be a doctor or a clea ner. If pare nts are tooin dividuals with ownauthoritaria n and push their ideas to kids, thedreams, shouldn t pushrelati on ship betwee n them will be deadlocked and eve n/forcecause hurt to the tee nagers.Pare nts situati onAlthough parents might have experienee
8、 based on theirwas differe nt ,k ind ofsituation, yet their sons or daughtes problems areout of touch withtotally differe nt. So their advice are somewhatcurre nt worldin appropriate cuz they re kind of out of touch withcurrent world s development.TPO30 口语部分sectio n2综合任务题目大意参考答案3建议:uni versity shoul
9、d schedule con structi on projects to take place duri ng the summer break1) con struct ion projects are disruptive & they create inconveniences2) be completed quickly in summe when the weather is usually good.女同意All for it1) Woma n drive, last Decemberrepairingparking lots,students whcdrive to schoo
10、l need to circle around and park on street and walk to classroom, late; eve n professor late2) Took long cuz snow storms, keep stopp ing for a week or twoEric proposes that universityshouldschedule con struct ion projects to take place duri ng the summer break as they create inconveniences and could
11、 be completed quickly in summer whe n the weather is usually good. The womanin the con versati on totally supports it. Cuz last December whe n the park ing lot was repaired, park ing were really inconvenien t ,like most stude nts in cludi ng her and teachers who drive to campus needed to park cars o
12、n streets anc walk to classes which made them late for class. Also the reas on why the lots repair ing took too long was there were bun ches of snow storms which caused the projects kept stopping from time to time.5问题:Supposed to start driving to see movie in town with Amy15mins ago, amy has n t sho
13、w up,worried may miss begi nning解决方案1:Go by herself, leave a voice mail 解决方案2:Wait another 10 mins since Amy s ofte n late负面评价:Miss the begi nningThe woma n has waited amy for 15minutes to see a movie in town , but she hasn t shown up even didn t response any of the calls or voice messages.The first
14、solutionis that she couldshe can go by herself and leave a voice to her.The sec ond soluti on is to wait another 10 min since Amy s often late.I pers on ally prefer the first solution. Because firstly,there is onlycha nce that she sees the movie before it s discussed on class and she has other work
15、to do and it s amy s faultnot arriving on time . Even if amy would miss it, she still has another chance the sec ond day and she will un dersta nd the speaker.4抽象概念:Emotional intelligence helps people to behave appropriately in social situations,which allows themto maintain good relati on ships with
16、Emotional intelligencehelps peopleto behave appropriately in social situati ons, which allows them to maintain good relati on shipswith others.The professor told an example of his题,_一 others例子:His daughter Watch a movie with a frie nd, the n argue what to watch, she upset realize not appropriate not
17、 upset about friend but the summe job with kids cuz no work with them and wanna do well apologyze, expla in -frie nden courage relax,fundaughter who was watchi ng a movie with her frie nd. They argued about what to watch got upset. The she realized that her react ion was not appropriate and also she
18、 was not really upset about her friend but her summer job with kids cuz she had n t worked with them before and wan ted to do well. The n she apologized to her and expla ined her reas on. Her fiend encouraged her which madeher relaxed anc the n had fun together.6总括:Subsurface locomotion- animalsmove
19、 ben eath earth, ben efits观点1:Enable animals minimize exposure to extreme temperature, avoid harsh climate.例子1:Sahara n desert lizard, quickly, not on surface with high tempet观点2:Capture prey,cuz ani mals on surface can t see them例子2:Sahara n Lizard ,in sect walk and produce vibrati on ,lizard sense
20、 ,move quickly, catch by surpriseSubsurface locomoti on is the ability than ani mals can move ben eath earth and it has two ben efits .one ben efit is that it en ables ani mals to mini mize exposure to extreme temperature, avoid harsh climate. Like the Sahara n desert lizard because it could move qu
21、ickly and doesn t w alk onsurface it avoided the high temperature. The other ben efit is it helps ani mals capture prey cuz animals on surface can t see them. Still like Saharan Lizard sense vibration produced by in sects walk ing in sand, the lizard could move quickly to thWhe n you are old and gre
22、y and full of sleep,And no ddi ng by the fire, take dow n this book,And slowly read, and dream of the soft lookYour eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;How many loved your mome nts of glad grace,And loved your beauty with love false or true,But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you.And loved the sorrows of your cha nging face;And bending dow n beside the glow ing bars,Mur
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