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1、电大外贸英语复习题目:第一部分 .词汇与术语 (共计 40 分)1. mode of transportA. 外贸部2. market researchB. 原材料3. Ministries of Foreign TradeC. 海外市场4. Pilot ModelD. 市场调查5. product presentationE. 品牌形象6. raw materialsF. 产品展示36. document against payment (DP)F. 即期汇票37. docume nt aga inst accepta nce(DA)G承兑交单38. bill of ladi ng (B/L

2、) H 现金支付,现付39. documentary creditI. 提货单,提单20 分)40. cash paymenJ跟单信用证第二部分.词汇与结构(共计41. The husband was viewed_ a“ model husband13 / 14A. forB. intoC. ofD. as7. consumer goods8. brand image9. home market (domestic market)10. overseas market11. terms of payment12. registration number13. vendee15. labor-

3、intensive industries16. inquiry17. make an offer18. end user19. marketing channel20. price list21. mass media22. annual budgets23. sales volume24. purchasing power25. property tax26. fixed cost27. variable cost28. issuing bank29. remitting bank30. collecting bank31. short-term32. bill of exchange33.

4、 letter of credit34. time draft35. sight draft (SD G.运输方式H. 国内市场I. 生活消费品J. 试选样品A. 价目表B. 销售渠道C. 劳动密集型产业D. 询盘E. 最终用户F. 人均收入G. 注册号H. 头主,头方I支付条款J报盘A. 可变成本B. 开证银行C. 代收行D. 大众媒体E. 固定成本F. 购买力G. 销售量H. 年度预算I. 委托行J. 财产税A. 付款交单B汇票C短期的D. 远期汇票,定期汇票E. 信用证42. To begin a business, the most important thing is , narro

5、wly speaking itismoney,but actually it also includes machinery, equipment, etc.A. bonusB. capitalC. stockD. investment43. Wesell_ortoothersandatthesametimewebuywhatwewantfromothers.A. foods, servicesB. services, necessitiesC. foods, toolsD. goods, services44. miracle, we re certain to lose now.A. Sh

6、ort ofB. ShortC. Short onD. Short for45. This is the newly_producted camera ABC.A. nameB. namelyC. namedD. naming46. The U.S.A. imports raw silk _ Japan every year.A. toB. inC. fromD. on47.Our prices are practical and reasonable. There is not much room bargaing.A. fromB. forC. atD. on48. Labels stam

7、ped, sewn or printed on packages can help customers theproducts.A. identicalB. identificationC. identityD. identify49. We can meet your demand Dabao SOD Milk products.A. toB. onC. forD. at50. The flowers are made plastic.A. out ofB. fromC. ofD. up of51. Please see to it that the packing is suitable

8、_ a long sea voyage.A. forB. withC. inD. on52. To seek a wider market than the limited home market is one of the ofexports.A. objectionsB. objectivesC. objetsD. objectifiesB. public interestsC. profit marginsD. individual account54.How much did you pay that car?A. offB. forC. overD. on55.Supermarket

9、 discounting has spread the country.A. onB. aboveC. acrossD. through56.Avon is one of the typical cosmetics firms that their number ofdiscounting units.A. is increasingB. are increasingC. is increasedD. are increasedA. surprisedB. surprisingC. to surpriseD. surprise58.The exporter should avoid viewi

10、ng the contract merely a documentthat initiatestransaction.A. forB. asC. intoD. ofA. inB. forC. intoD. as60. The excellent reviews given to the TV play its success.A. ensuredB. destroyedC. ledD. lost第三部分 .阅读理解(共计 10 分)Application of the Credita)Opening of a CreditAn L/Cmaybe opened anytime between s

11、igning the sales contract and shipment. It is tothe advantage of the exportertohave the L/C as soon as possible because he can get packingcredit fromhis ownbank.The opening of a creditis a contractinvolvingthe buyer,the sellerandtheopeningbank.Byissuingacredit,thebankobligatesitselftomakepaymenttot

12、hebeneficiary (受益人)at a future time whenever documents are presented. If the strength andintegrity (完整性)of thebuyer are sufficient (充足),the bank canopen a creditwithouthavingtopaytoomuchattentiontothenatureandmarketabilityofthegoods andwithoutrequiringanyspecialcollateral (抵押品) .Otherwise,thebankmay

13、requiresomeformofcollateral such as a cash deposi(t 现 金存款) . If the buyer is not creditworthy, the bank may fixa higherdepositrate uptomore thanhalf of the contract value in order toprevent the buyerfrom opening the credit from the bank.b)Types of CreditRevocable (可撤销的)letter of creditThe credit can

14、 be altered (改变) or revoked (撤销) at any time without prior(事先) notice to the beneficiary, which is not very useful to the exporter.There are many other credits that are used in transactions, but we dontdiscuss them herein detail respectively.Questions:61. What is true in applying for a letter of cre

15、dit?a)The instructions given to the bank must be independent of the contract.b)The instructions can not be in accordance with the contract.c)The instructions offered by the applicant must be specificd)The instructions can be indistinct.62. What should be avoided in the application of the credit?a)Cl

16、ear termsb)l ndist inct (模糊的)termsc)C on tract-based in structi on sd)A general description of the goods to be shipped63. When should an L/C be opened?a)As soon as the contract is signedb)Before the buyer makes the paymentc)After the shipment is maded)Between signing the contract and making the ship

17、ment64. When should a bank make payment, after it has issued a credit?a)Whenever the exporter present the documentsb)Whenever the importer present the documentsc)As soon as the importer gets the goodsd)As soon as the exporter makes the shipment65. Which of the following L/Cs is the most favorable to

18、 the exporter?a)Revocable letter of creditb)Irrevocable letter of creditc)Confirmed irrevocable letter of creditd)Confirmed revocable letter of credit 第四部分 .英译中(共计 10 分)66. This firm specializes in textile.67.It s in our mutual interest to cooperate with each other.68. We should try to gain the most

19、 profit at a minimum cost.69. As long as you quote us a reasonable price, we will immediately place orders with you.70. This shop sold off all the stock at a discount of 15%.第_ 五部分 .填空及判断正误(共计 14 分)将下列内容分类填入空格property tax, , rent, cost of materials, cost of fuel and power,cost of direct labor, execu

20、tive salaries71. fixed cost:72. variable cost:填写出口程序四要素:73. Exporting is the process of providing theright (产品), at the right (价格) , in the right (地点) and at the right (时间) .判断正误( True or False)()74. Competioninternationalmarketsstimulatesexporterstoadapttheirproducts to the needs of the market.()75

21、. The most important goal of export is the earning of profit.()76. Accurate caculation implies right export pricing.()77. Pricing objectives can be divided into two kinds:long term-objective and short-termobjective. Long term-objective is usually specified in annual budgets developed by the firm第六部分.将商品标签内容进行搭 配(共计 6 分)2. What the product will do3. What it is made of (ingredients or analysis)4. How it is made5. How to care for it7. Name of


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