1、 Do you know the pictures?Do you know the pictures? What are they? What are they? Lets say something Lets say something about them.about them. 1 1 2 2 3 3 The Sydney Opera HouseThe Sydney Opera House / / s sdndn/ /p(p()r)r/ (悉尼歌剧院)(悉尼歌剧院) is likeis like _ _ with water with water on three sides.on th
2、ree sides. a hugea huge sailingsailing boatboat / /ri rif f/ / /bri/ The Great Barrier ReefThe Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁大堡礁 lies off lies off thethe _ _ Ausralia. Its Ausralia. Its _ long. Its a long. Its a great great _._. northeast coast ofnortheast coast of over 2,600 kilometresover 2,600 kilometres
3、 natural wondernatural wonder Ayers RockAyers Rock / / z/z/ /r /rk/k/ 埃尔斯岩石埃尔斯岩石 is a huge rock is a huge rock in thein the _ _._. Its_Its_ high.high. _ the local the local people, its a people, its a special and special and _place._place. centre of centre of AustraliaAustralia 348 metres348 metres
4、According toAccording to magicalmagical 1 1 2 23 3 The Sydney Opera House , The Sydney Opera House , Ayers Rock and the Great Ayers Rock and the Great Barrier Reef are all in Australia. Barrier Reef are all in Australia. Australia is_ Australia is_ English-speaking country in the English-speaking co
5、untry in the _the world. We _the world. We know Australia is famous for know Australia is famous for _ thethe larg largestest southsouthernern part of part of thethe Oly Olympmpic Gameic Games s in 2000. in 2000. Now, open your books Now, open your books and turn to P80.and turn to P80. Look at A2.
6、, listen and Look at A2. , listen and complete the sentences complete the sentences about Australia.about Australia. Listening and writingListening and writing 1. The country that Tony would 1. The country that Tony would like to visit is _.like to visit is _. 2. In Tonys opinion, Australia 2. In To
7、nys opinion, Australia is famous foris famous for _._. 3. Ayers Rock is a huge rock in 3. Ayers Rock is a huge rock in the _ of Australia.the _ of Australia. 4. Australia is _ 4. Australia is _ English-speaking country in English-speaking country in the the southern partsouthern part of the of the w
8、orld.world. AustraliaAustralia centrecentre the Olympic Games in 2000the Olympic Games in 2000 Listen again and complete the sentences. the largestthe largest magical magical adjadj. . 神奇的神奇的; ; 迷人的迷人的 h height eight n.n. 高度高度; ; 身高身高 sailsailinging boat boat 帆船帆船 sailsailinging n. n. 航海航海; ; 航行航行 a
9、/twoa/two sheep sheepn n. . 羊羊; ; 绵羊绵羊 fly fly n. n. 苍蝇苍蝇 fl flies ies (复)(复) woolwool 不不n.n. 羊毛羊毛 anan ant ant n. n. 蚂蚁蚂蚁 sheep单复相同单复相同 a hat a hat n. n. 帽子帽子 scissorscissors s n. n. 复数复数 剪刀剪刀 a pair of scissora pair of scissors s 一把剪刀一把剪刀 diary diary n. n. 日记日记; ; 日记薄日记薄 diariesdiaries (复)(复) keep
10、keep a diary a diary 写写日记日记 Turn to Turn to Page80 A3Page80 A3 Listen to the dialogue and complete the table.Listen to the dialogue and complete the table. FactFacts s about Australia about Australia Name Name Sydney Sydney Opera Opera HouseHouse Great Great Barrier ReefBarrier Reef Location Locatio
11、n SydneySydney Details Details a a special special huge huge rockrock Ayers Ayers RockRock central central AustraliaAustralia like a huge like a huge sailing boatsailing boat off the northeast off the northeast coast of Australiacoast of Australia over 2,600 km s over 2,600 km s longlong Tony is goi
12、ng to write a letter Tony is going to write a letter about Australia. His dad helps him. about Australia. His dad helps him. He shows Tony some photos. Tony He shows Tony some photos. Tony sees a photo of Ayers Rock in sees a photo of Ayers Rock in _ Australia. Ayers Rock has _ Australia. Ayers Rock
13、 has a(n) _ of 348 metres, and a(n) _ of 348 metres, and _ the local people, it is a _ the local people, it is a magical place.magical place. centralcentral heightheight according toaccording to according to ant brush central diary hat hate height scissors Tony also sees some photos of Tony also see
14、s some photos of sheep farmers with special _ to sheep farmers with special _ to keep away flies. The farmers use keep away flies. The farmers use _ to cut the wool off sheep. _ to cut the wool off sheep. Tonys dad says Tony can read his Tonys dad says Tony can read his _. He also says he _ the _. H
15、e also says he _ the _ that he had to _ off _ that he had to _ off his clothes!his clothes! scissorsscissors diarydiary hateshates antsants brushbrush hatshats according to ant brush central diary hat hate height scissors Share in groups what you know about Australia and then make a presentation to
16、introduce Australia in the class. Check the mind map Check the mind map in groups and then in groups and then retell the text retell the text M10U1思维导图 1. Ayers Rock central Australia 348 metres high a special and magical 2. The Sydney Opera House a huge sailing boat 3. The Great Barrier Reef Off th
17、e northeast coast of Australia Over 2,600 kilometres long a great natural 1. sheep farmers1. sheep farmers 2. special hats that 2. special hats that keeps the flies away keeps the flies away 3. are used to cut the wool 3. are used to cut the wool off the sheep off the sheep 1.1. the ants that were t
18、he ants that were all over the place all over the place Show timeShow time Retelling the text Retelling the text accordingto the accordingto the mind map. mind map. Write a passage Write a passage about a place about a place you have visited.you have visited. SummarySummary 1.1. 我们这就去看看我们这就去看看 2.2.
19、根据根据 3.3. 远离某人远离某人/ /某物某物 4. 4. 被用来做某事被用来做某事. . 5. 5. 从某物身上剪掉从某物身上剪掉 6. 6. 从某物身上刷掉从某物身上刷掉 7. 7. 在附近停泊在附近停泊 8. 8. 定语从句定语从句 1. 1. 人:人:that, whothat, who 物:物:that, whichthat, which 2. 2. 名名+whose+whose+名名 (2(2名夹名夹whosewhose) 3. 3. 人介人介whom, whom, 物介物介whichwhich 4. 4. 必须用必须用that: that: the. , the. , 有人有
20、物,有人有物, Who/WhichWho/Which开头,开头, 有不定代词有不定代词 Here we go.Here we go. according toaccording to keep sb.sth. awaykeep sb.sth. away be used to do sthbe used to do sth cut sth. offcut sth. off brush sth offbrush sth off lie offlie off 1 1 2 23 3 The Sydney Opera House , The Sydney Opera House , Ayers Rock
21、 and the Great Ayers Rock and the Great Barrier Reef are all in Australia. Barrier Reef are all in Australia. Australia is_ Australia is_ English-speaking country in the English-speaking country in the _the world. We _the world. We know Australia is famous for know Australia is famous for _ thethe l
22、arg largestest southsouthernern part of part of thethe Oly Olympmpic Gameic Games s in 2000. in 2000. 1. The country that Tony would 1. The country that Tony would like to visit is _.like to visit is _. 2. In Tonys opinion, Australia 2. In Tonys opinion, Australia is famous foris famous for _._. 3.
23、Ayers Rock is a huge rock in 3. Ayers Rock is a huge rock in the _ of Australia.the _ of Australia. 4. Australia is _ 4. Australia is _ English-speaking country in English-speaking country in the the southern partsouthern part of the of the world.world. AustraliaAustralia centrecentre the Olympic Games in 2000the Olympic Games in 2000 Listen again and complete the sentences. the largestthe largest diary diary n. n. 日记日记; ; 日记薄日记薄 diariesdiaries (复)(复) keepkeep a diary a diary 写写日记日记 Turn to Turn to Page80 A3Page80 A3 Listen to the
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