1、外文翻译原文title: brand leadershipmaterial source: newyork the free press author: aaker ,david a brand management is the application of marketing techniques to a specific product, product line, or brand. it seeks to increase the products perceived value to the customer and thereby increase brand franchis
2、e and brand equity. marketers see a brand as an implied promise that the level of quality people have come to expect from a brand will continue with competing products more favorable.it may also enable the manufacturer to charge more for the product. the value of the brand is determined by the amoun
3、t of profit it generates for the manufacture. this can result from a combination of increased sales and increased price, and/or reduced cogs(cost of goods sold), and/or reduced or more efficient marketing investment. all of these enhancements may improve the profitability of a brand, and thus, “bran
4、d managers” often carry line-management accountability for a brands p&l(profit and loss) profitability, in contrast to marketing staff manager roles,which are allocated budgets from above, to manage and execute. in this regard,brand management is often viewed in organizations as a broader and more s
5、trategic role than marketing alone.the annual list of the worlds most valuable brands, pulished by interbrand and business week, indicates that the market value of companies often consists largely of brand equity. research by mckinsey & company, a global consulting firm, in 2000 suggested that stron
6、g, well-leveraged brands produce higher returns to shareholders than weaker, narrower brands seriously impact shareholder value, which ultimately makes branding a ceo responsibility.the discipline of brand management was started at procter& gamble plc as a result of a famous memo by neil h, mcelroy.
7、principles of brand managementa good brand name should: be protected (or at least protectable) udder trademark law. be easy to pronounce be easy to remember. be easy to recognize. be easy to translate into all languages in the markets where the brand will be usedattract attention suggest product ben
8、efits suggest the company or product image distinguish the product “s positioning relative to the competition be attractive.types of brandspremium brandeconomy brandfighting brand corporate branding individual branding family branding functions of brand(for consumers) identification of source of pro
9、duct, assignment of responsibility to product maker, risk reducer, search cost reducer, symbolic device. signal of quality(for manufacture)means of identification to simplify handling or tracing, means of legally protecting unique associations,source of competitive advantage, source of financial ret
10、urns,(“strategic brand management”3 rd edition ,kevin lane keller)brand architecturethe different brands owned by a company are related to each other via brand architecture. in“product its own name and style of expression while the company itself remains invisible to consumers. procter&gamble,consid
11、ered by many to have created product branding,is a choice example with its many unrelated consumer brands such as tide,pampers,abunda,ivory and pantence.with “endorsed brand architcture”,a mother brand is tied to product brands, such as the courtyard hotels(products brand name)by marriott(mother bra
12、nd name).endorsed brands benefit from the standing of their mother brand and thus save a company some marking expense by virtue promoting all the linked brands whenever the mother brand is advertised.the third model of brand architecture is most commonly referred to as “corporate branding”.the mothe
13、r brand is used and all products carry this name and all advertising speaks with the same voice. a good example of this brand architecture is the uk-based conglomerate virgin.virgin brands all ite business with its nametechniquescompanies somethings want to reduce the number of brands that they mark
14、et. this process is known as “brand rationalization” some companies tend to create more brands ans product variations within a brand than economies of scale would indicate, sometimes, they will create a specific service or product brand for each market that they target.in the case of product brandin
15、g.this may be to gain retail shelf space(and reduce the amount of shelf space allocated to competing brands).a company may decide to rationalize their portfolio of brands from time to time to gain production and marketing efficiency, or to rationalize a brand portfolio as part of corporate restructu
16、ring.a recurring challenge for brand managers is to build a consistent brand while keeping its message fresh and relevant. an older brand identity may be misaligned to a redefined target market, a restated corporate vision statement, revisited mission statement or values of a company. brand identiti
17、es may also lose resonance with their target market throngh demographic evolution. repositioning a brand(sometimes called rebranding),may cost some brand equity,and can confuse thetarget market, but ideally,a brand can be repositioned while retaining existing brand equity fou leverage.brand orientat
18、ion is a deliberate approach to working with brands, both internally and externally. the most important driving force behind this increased in strong brands is the accelerating pace of globalization.this has resulted in an ever-tougher competitive situation on many markets. a products superiority is
19、 in itself no longer sufficient to guarantee its success. the fast pace of technological development and the increased speed with which imitations tnru up on market have dramatically shortened product lifecycles. the consequence is that product-related competitive advantages soon risk being transfor
20、med into competitive prerequisites. for this reason, increasing numbers of companies are looking for other, more enduring, competitive tools-such as brands. brand orientation refers to“the degree to which the organization values brands and its practices are oriented towards building brand capabiliti
21、es”(brdson&evans.2004).challengesthere are several challenges associated with setting objectives for a category. brand managers somethings limit themselves to setting financial and market performance objectives.they mat not question strategic objectives if they feel this is the responsibility of sen
22、ior management most product leval or brand managers limit themselves to setting short-term objectives bacause their compensation packages are designed to reward shore-term behavior. short-term objectives should be seen as milestones towards long-term objectives. often product leval managers are not
23、given enough information to construct strategic objectives. it is sometimes difficult to translate corporate leval objectives into brand-or product-level category in a diversified company, the objectives of some brands may conflict with those of other brands. or worse. corporate may conflict with th
24、e specific needs of your brand, this is particularly true in regard to the trade-off between stability and riskiness. corporate objectives must be broad. enough that brands with high-risks products are not constrained by objectives set with cash cows in mind( see b,c,g,analysis), the brand manager a
25、lso needs to know senior managements harvesting strategy. brand managers somethings set objectives that optimize the performance of their unti rather than optimize overall corporate performance. this is particularly true where compensation is based primarily on unit performance. managers tend to ign
26、ore potential synergies and inter-unit joint processes overall organisation alignment behind the brand to achieve integrated marketing is complex. brands are sometimes criticized within social media web sites and this must be monitored and managed. also because of the development of such social tech
27、nologies, developing a social strategy to develop or increase social currency becomes increasingly importantonline brand managementcompanies are embracing brand reputation management as a strategic imperative and are increasingly turning to online monitoring in their efforts to prevent their public
28、image from becoming tarnished,online brand reputation protection can mean monitoring for the misappropriation of a brand trademark by fraudsters intent on confusing consumers for monetary gain.it can also mean monitoring for less malicious,although perhaps equally damaging, infractions, such as the
29、unauthorized use of a brand logo or even for negative brand information(and misinformation)from online consumers that appears in online communities and other social media platforms. the red flag can be something as benign as a blog rant about a bad hotel experience or an electronic gadget that funct
30、ions below expectations.译文标题: 品牌营销战略资料来源:纽约:自由出版社 作者:阿克,大卫 品牌管理是营销技术应用到具体产品,产品线或品牌。它旨在提高产品的认知价值,从而提升品牌特许经营和品牌资产,营销人员认为一个品牌是一个隐含的承诺。从一个品牌可以预期未来将继续与购买相同产品。品牌可能会增加决策,与竞争产品相比更有利的销售,它也可能使制造商制造更多的产品。品牌的价值是取决于它为制造商产生利润总额。增加的销售和价格上涨,或降低销售成本,或更有效的营销投资。这些增强功能全部可以提高一个品牌的盈利能力,因此,“品牌经理”往往携带一个品牌的p和l的盈利能力,相比之下,市场营
31、销人员经理的角色,着手分配给上述预算,管理和执行。在这方面,品牌管理通常是在组织视为一个比市场更广泛和更战略性的作用。 由interbrand和business week公布的每年最具价值的品牌名当中可以发现公司的市场价值通常是品牌决定。麦肯锡公司是一家全球性咨询公司,在2000年的研究表明,相对比较弱的品牌,实力雄厚的品牌则产生更高的回报。两者合计,这意味着,品牌严重影响股东价值,最终品牌的首席执行官需要对其负责任。 品牌管理原则 一个好的品牌名称应: 受商标法保护。 朗朗上口。 容易被记住。 容易被识别。 在该品牌可以使用的范围内很容易被翻译成当地语言。 吸引眼球。 引出产品的优点 提升公司或产品的形象。 竞争环境下区分产品的定位。 有一个突出的品牌集团。 品牌的种类: 优质品牌 经济品牌 个人品牌 系列品牌 企业 品牌的功能让消费者对产品来源的鉴定,责任分配到产品制造商,风险减速器,搜寻成本减速器,象征设备,质量信号。识别手段,以简化处理或追踪,法律上保护独特的功能,信号的质量水平,以满足客户的手段,赋予独特的团体,竞争优势,经济回报源代码产品的手段。品牌架构由一个公司拥有相互关联的不同的品牌是品牌架构。该公司产品品牌支持许多各有自己的名称和表现形式,而公司本身仍然不被消
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