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1、发表论文序号论文名称 发表刊物 主要作者41Synthesis and Characterization of Journal of Applied Polymer jingfen Han, , GereltuStarch Piperinic Ester and Its Science,11July 2007 BorjihanSelf-assembly of Nanospheres40荜茇宁对家兔实验性动脉粥样中国中药杂志社, 2008 年 2 月, 麻春杰 ,博格日勒图硬化的影响编号 700-851G39荜茇宁对动脉粥样硬化家兔抗中国药科大学学报, 2008 年第一 麻春杰, 博格日勒图氧化

2、酶类活性的影响期, 编号 20070711138荜茇宁对动脉粥样硬化家兔主 中国药学杂志, 2008 年 2 月, 麻春杰 ,博格日勒图 动脉 LOX-1和 VCAM-1 基因表达 T07-0282的影响37荜茇宁降血脂和急性毒性实验 中华中医药杂志, 2008 年 2 月, 麻春杰 博日吉汗格日 研究 编号 0707057 勒图36荜茇宁对高脂血症大鼠血脂代 中草药, 2008年 2月麻春杰 ,博格日勒图谢及其相关基因表达的影响35蒙药好必斯清糖片质量标准的 内蒙古大学学报(自然科学版) , 萨仁高娃、娜日苏、昭 研究2007年 3月第 38卷第 2 期。日格图、博格日勒图34Synthes

3、is and anti-hyperlipidemic Carbohydrate Polymers , 11July Jingfen Han , Gereltu activity of a novel starch piperinic 2007 No.of Pages 7,Model 5+.Borjihanester33高效液相色谱法对黄精多糖相色谱,2005年 7月,第 23卷,第4期. 张小红,博格日勒图对分子质量及组成的测定32手掌参多糖的分子量及组成的 内 蒙 古 大 学 学 报 ( 自 然 科 学 博格日勒图 ,张小红 测定版),2005 年 1 月第 36 卷第 1 期.31手掌参多

4、糖的结构分析 内 蒙 古 大 学 学 报 ( 自 然 科 学 博格日勒图 ,张小红 版),2005 年 3 月第 36 卷第 2 期.30黄芪多糖的研究进展之一北方药学, 2004.第一卷,第二期。 韩景芬、博格日勒图(文章编号: 1672-8351,)( 2004) 02-0019-03,( 19-22)29 黄芪多糖的研究进展之二北方药学, 2004.第一卷,第三期。 韩景芬、博格日勒图(文章编号: 1672-8351,)( 2004)03-00-04,(11-12)28 胡椒减浆血脂作用的实验研究 中国民族医药杂志 ,2004 年第 包兰兰、博格日勒图1 期。27两种胡椒酸脂的合成及其降

5、血中国民族医药杂志 ,2004 年第 吴勇、博格日勒图脂作用的研究 2 期。26高纯金雀花减的提取方法研究内蒙古师法大学学报 ,2004 年 吴勇、博格日勒图第2 期。25Synthesis and Anti-HIV Activity of Polymers For Advanced Zhong-GY Borjihan-G6-Amino-6-Deoxy-(1-3)-Beta-D-C Technologies, 2003 , 14 ,( 3-5) , urdlan Sulfate 326-329. (SCI 收录 )24Synthesis and Anti-HIV Activity of Pol

6、ymers For Advanced GuoGuang Liu,Sulfated Astragalous Technologies, 2003 , 14 ( 7 ), Borjihan-G Polysaccharides 471-476. (SCI 收录 )23 生物活性多糖的研究 2003 年度内蒙古自然科学年会特 博格日勒图 ,韩淑琴 邀报告,论文一等奖 ,2003.22Syntheses of Water-Solublepolysaccharides and Their Sulfates,GereltuAcetyl Group-ContainingAbstracts of ASOMPS

7、XI 2003。Borijihan,Shu-Qin Han21蒙药硫化汞制剂的急性毒性实蒙医药杂志 , 2002,金庄、博 .格日勒图验研究206-叠氮 -6- 脱氧凝聚多糖的选择高等学校化学学报 , 2001, 22,博 .格日勒图、胡日查性一步合成706-708。 (SCI 收录 )19蒙药爱克泻( Aixi)的药效学研中国民族医药杂志 , 国际会议专那生桑、博格日勒图究刊, 2001, 181.18Ring-Opening Polymerization ofSen-I Gakaishi, JournaloftheGereltuBorjihan,1,4-Anhydro-Society of

8、 FiberScienceandKunihiro Matsumura3-azido-2-O-(p-substitutedTechnology, Japan,1999,55(5),benzyl)-D-Ribopyranos es.208. (SCI收录 )17 Synthesis of Sulfated Acetamido Journal of the Society of Fiber Gereltu Borjihan, Group-Containing Copolyribose Science and Technology, Japan, Kaname Katsuraya by Ring-Op

9、ening Polymerization 1999, 55(4),172. (SCI收录 )and Chemical Modifications. Sen-iGakaishiGereltu Borjihan,Kohsaku Okuyama16 Synthesis of Polymer Journal, 1999, 31 (2), 167.3-Acetamido-3-deoxy-(1 5)- (SCI收录 ) -D-ribofuranan by Ring- Opening Polymerization of 1,4-Anhydro-3-azido-a-D-ribopyra nose Deriva

10、tive.15Toshiyuki Uryu, Synthesis andJournal of the Society of FiberAnti-HIV Activity of SulfatedPolysaccharides ContainingScience and Technology, Japan,1999, 55 (7), 323. (SCI收录 )Gereltu Borjihan,Kaname KatsurayaAcetamido Groups, Sen-iGakaisshi14SynthesisofMacromolecules, 1998, 31 (7)3-Acetamido-3-d

11、eoxy-(1 5)-5572. (SCI收录 )-D-xylofurananbyRing-OpeningPolymerizationofGereltu Borjihan andToshiyuki Uryu1,4-Anhydro-3-azido-a-D-xylopyranoseDerivatives.13 含苯环亲水共聚物形态及溶液荧磷光高等学校化学学报 , 1997,3( 4)、492。(SCI收录)12Study on Fluorescence Quenching 内蒙古大学学报 (英文),1996, 27Method for Determination of ( 4 ), 496.Tra

12、ce Amount of Copper withSalicylfluorone-CTMAB乌云其木格、吴红英、博格日勒图Aodeng Gaowa, GereltuBorjihan11Synthesis of Characterization of PolymersforAdvancedMercuriated Copolymers of N-Vinyl Carbazole and AcrylicTechnologies, 1996,7, (2) 112。(SCI 收录)Geraltu Borjihan andOranchechigAcid.10 汞代乙烯基咔唑 -丙稀酸共聚物1995, 16 (

13、4)、648。(SCI收录 )的合成与研究9 可溶性苯乙烯 -丙稀酸甲酯聚物高分子学报 , 1995、1、 65的合成8 水溶性荧光高分子乙烯基咔唑 - 应用化学 , 1994, 11(2)、 110 丙稀酸共聚物的合成及荧光测博格日勒图博格日勒图博格日勒图、 敖登高 娃含咔唑高分子水溶的室温磷光高等学校化学学报、 1994, 8、1259。 博格日勒图、印杰 (SCI 收录 )Mercuriation and Iodination ofJournal of Macromolecule Science, Gereltu Borjihan andLinear Copolymers of Meth

14、ylPure and Applied Chemistry, 1994, Gordon F. Thorpe.Acrylate and N-Vinyl CarbazoleA31 (1-2), 127. (SCI 收录 )Preparation of Copolymers ofPolymer Preprints, ,Divition of Gereltu Borjihan andMethyl Acrylate and N-VinylPolymer Chemistry, American Gordon F. Thorpe.Carbazole Loading Mercury(II)Chemical So

15、ciety, 1993, 34 (2),334. (SCI 收录 )苯乙烯 -马来酸共聚物的制备及 其水溶液的荧光测试内蒙古师范大学学报(自然科学 版) ISSN 1001-8735 1994.2博格日勒图、白青春N-乙烯基咔唑 -丙烯酸共聚物的内蒙古大学学报(自然科学版)分析应用敖登高娃 博格日勒图自由基聚合微观动力学方程的偏离内蒙古师范大学学报(自然科学版) ISSN 1994.8博格日勒图生物材料 -聚乙酰胺的血液相溶 性评价内蒙古师范大学学报(蒙文版)博格日勒图1988.1会议论文序号论文名称发表刊物主要作者26Study on Anti-Hyperlipidemic The 9th

16、International Symposium Geriletu Borijihan , MaActive New Pro-Drug GB-A.on Biotechnology Metal Complexes chun-jieand Catalysis Xilinhot, China, July26-29 , 2007,25Antihyperlipidemia of Effective International Symposium of Zhuangjin,geriletu-boriji Constituents of Mongolian medical Sience, Ulannbaata

17、r, hanMedicine PiperMongolia, Mongolian HealthMinistry ,Monos-15, 2005.10.26.Wu-yong,geriletu-borijihan24 Synthesis and Antilipidic Effect of International Symposium of Piperine Derivatives medical Sience, Ulannbaatar, Mongolia, Mongolian Health Ministry ,Monos-15, 2005.10.26.23YokoShoji, geriletu-b

18、orijihanEffect of Polysaccharide Extracted from Artemisia Sphaerocephala Kresch on Generation of Nitric OxideThe Firs tInternational Symposium on Chemistry of Herbal Medicine and Mongolian Drug CHMMD Hohhot,China,July,2005.Nyamdemberel, geriletu-borijihan22 Some Issues of the Chemical The First Inte

19、rnational Symposium Researchof Artemisia on Chemistry of Herbal Medicine and Mongolian Drug CHMMD Hohhot,China,July,2005.21Zhaorigetu, geriletu-borijihanStudy on Abstraction, PreparationAgent and Pharmacodynamics of Astragalus PolysaccharidesThe FirstInternational Symposium on Chemistry of Herbal Me

20、dicine and Mongolian Drug CHMMD Hohhot,China,July,2005.20 Synthesisand The First International SymposiumAnti-hypercholestolemic Activity ofon Chemistry of Herbal MedicineJingfen Han, geriletu-borijihanPolysaccaride-PipericAcid and Mongolian Drug CHMMDConjugateHohhot,China,July,2005.19 Acute Toxicity

21、 of Piperine Derivative The First International SymposiumA-ester in Ratson Chemistry of Herbal Medicine and Mongolian Drug CHMMD Hohhot,China,July,2005.Chunjie Ma, geriletu-borijihan18A-rong, geriletu-borijihanStudy on Chemical Structure and Bio-activities of Polysaccharides from Artemisia Sphaeroce

22、phalaThe First International Symposium on Chemistry of Herbal Medicine and Mongolian Drug CHMMDKoraschHohhot,China,July,2005.17Aijun, geriletu-borijihanStudy on Bio-activity and Metabolisof Polysaccharide Sulfates-containing AZT in AnimalThe First International Symposium on Chemistry of Herbal Medic

23、ine and Mongolian Drug CHMMDBodyHohhot,China,July,2005.Jingfen Han, geriletu-borijihan16 Molecule Modification Polysaccharides Anticoagulation Activityof The Firs tInternational Symposium and on Chemistry of Herbal Medicine and Mongolian Drug CHMMD Hohhot,China,July,2005.15 Extraction,Isolation,Iden

24、t-The Firs tInternational SymposiumificationofAntihyperlipidemicon Chemistry of Herbal MedicineRuiguo Zhao, geriletu-borijihanComponent from Piper Longum L.and Study on Antihyperlipidemic and Mongolian Drug CHMMD Hohhot,China,July,2005.Effect14 Study on Improving Synthesis The First International Sy

25、mposium Technology and Bio-activity of on Chemistry of Herbal Medicine Anti-HIV Polysaccharide and Mongolian Drug CHMMD Hohhot,China,July,2005.Yongfu Chen, geriletu-borijihan13 A Comparatively Study on New The First International SymposiumAntihyperlipidemicCompoundsPharmic on Chemistry of Herbal Med

26、icineand Mongolian Drug CHMMDHohhot,China,July,2005.Yong-sheng Bao, geriletu-borijihan12 硫酸化乙酰基黄芪多糖的合成第八届全国复合糖生物化学与 分子生物学学术会议 ,04.7.17-19 上海,( 50)韩淑琴、博格日勒图11 STUDY ON EFFECTIVE THE 14th INTERNATIONAL CONSTITUENTS OF MONGOLIAN SYMPOSIUM ON FINE CHEMISTRY MEDICINE PIPER WITH ANTILIPIDIC AND FUNCTIONAL

27、 POLYMER, EFFECT04.8.16-19 ,呼和浩特 .( 89-90)金桩、博格日勒图10Synthesis and Anti-HIV Activity of THE 14th INTERNATIONAL Astragalan Sulfate SYMPOSIUM ON FINE CHEMISTRY AND FUNCTIONAL POLYMER,04.8.16-19 呼 和 浩 特 . (152)刘国光、博格日勒图9STUDY ON IMPROVING SYNTHESIS THE 14th INTERNATIONALTECHNOLOGY AND BIO-ACTIVITY SYMPOSIUM ON FINE CHEMISTRY OF ANTI-HIV POLYSACCHARIDES AND FUNCTIONAL POLYMER , 04.8.16-19 ,呼和浩特 .( 153-154)陈永福、博格日勒图8 Study on Antihyperlipidemic Effect THE 14th INTERNATIONAL of some Components from pi


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