



1、玉El中“STT”问题导学型学习模式Unit 5 First aid单元回归评价单设计人:彭春玲班级: 组名: 姓名: 时间:知识网络建构1. 掌握基本的省略类型和规则2. so和not的替代功能3. 识记一些固定搭配重点知识的生成在英文写作中,节约用词是一条重要的修辞原则,只要不损害语法结构或产生歧 义,能省略就应省略。有谚语为证:Brevity is the soul of wit.(言以简为贵)”可 以省略句子的一个或儿个成份。例如:1 (I) beg your pardon(It) sounds like a good idea2. (Is) anyone here?3. Where

2、has Mr. Smith gone? 一-Sorry, I dorf t know (where he has gone).4. -一What do you want? 一-(I want) orange juice, please5. Would you like to go with me? -一Yes, Fd like to (go with you).6. He would be happy once (he is) invited7. What made her so upset?Losing her valuable necklace (made her soupset).8.

3、Where did you meet her father?一It was in the office where he worked (that I met him).经常考查的省略现象和原则如下:考点1 不定式符号to的省略在 see, watch, hear, feel, observe, notice, listen to 等感官动词或短语及 make, have, let等使役动词之后的“宾语+不定式作宾语补足语”结构中,不定式前省略to,若变 被动还原tOo1. The boss always makes his workers do much work.被动句2. The wit

4、ness saw the suspect come into the building.被动句考点2不定式后动词的省略动词 love, like, mean, want, expect, hope, intend, plan, refuse, tell, ask, advise, wish, 以及be happy/glad/eager/ready/wi 1 ling等后面接不定式时,为了避免重复,常省 略与上文表达相同意思的动词,只保留不定式符号to,但to后有be或have (完 成时)则不可省。玉D中“STT”问题导学型学习模式1. I didnt want to go there, bu

5、t I had to (go there).2. He hasnt finished the task yet.-Well, he ought to have (finished the task).3. 一Aw you fond of classical music? 一No, but I used to be.链接:1. As yoifve never been there before, Fll have someoneyou the way.A. to showB showC showingD showed2. Fll be away on a business trip. Would

6、 you mind looking after my cat?Not at all,A. I have no time B. Id rather notC. Id like itD. Fd be happy to3. Does your brother intend to study German?Yes, he intendsA. /B. toC. soD. that4. Would you like to go to the Grand Theatre with me tonight? A. Yes, Fd like to go to the Grand Theatre B Id like

7、 to, but I have an exam tomorrowC. No, I wontD. Thats right5. You should have thanked her before you leftI meant, but when I was leaving I couldnt find her anywhereA. to doB. toC. doing D. doing to考点3宾语从句中的替代在 Fm afiaid, I think, I believe, I hope, I guess 等开头的作答句中,后面跟 so 与 not 分别代替前面所说的肯定或否定内容。Do y

8、ou think it will rain?I hope not (that it will not rain).注:否定时hope/ guess只用I hope not和I guess not而其它动词可用I think not 或 I dont think so.考点4.状语从句中的省略ill when, while, as, once, whenever, if unless, though, although even if , even though, as though, as if, wherever引导的状语从句,若从句的主语是it is +adj., 常省略it is保留ad

9、j.;或者主从句的主语一致,省略从句的主语和系动词,保留 分词,不定式,形容词,介词短语等。1) Though (he is) young, he knows a lot.2) He looked around as if (he was) in search of something.3) While (I was) walking along the street, I heard my name called4) Please come as soon as (it is) possible在此类型中,if条件句的省略有就儿个固定短语:1)如果可能的话if possible, 2)如果有

10、必要的话if necessary, 3)如果这样的话if SO, 4)如果曾经有的话if ever, 5)如果不的话If not, 6)如果有的话if any。让问题点亮智艺之光,让思维开启创新之门玉D中“STT”问题导学型学习模式1) Please correct your mistakes on the paper, if any2) She seldom, if ever, goes to the cinema.3) Do you love animals? If so, protect them in your daily life4) I bet he must win in the

11、 game this afternoon If not, Pll treat you to a meal. 重点知识的破疑1) 状语从句的省略2) 不定式的省略拓展训练1 When firstto the market, these products enjoyed great successA. introducingB introducedC introduceD beingintroduced2. Unlessto speak, you should remain silent at the conferenceA. invitedB invitingC being invitedD h

12、avinginvited3. The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as ifwhether he wasgoing in the right directionA. seeingB having seenC to have seenD. to see4. Thoughmoney, his parents man-aged to send him to university.A. lackedB. lacking ofC lackingD lacked in5. The research is so designed that once

13、nothing can be done to change it.A. beginsB having begunC beginningD begun考点5:相同成分的省略如果下文中再次提到相同的成分要省略,这种省略叫做承前省略。链接:1 One side of the board should be painted yellow, andA.the other is white B.another white C.the other white D.another is white2. It was very difficult to rescue the drowning boy in th

14、e sea. One moment the rescue workershim but the next moment theyA. caught sight of, lost B. caught the sight of, lost his sightC. caught sight of, lost sight of him D. caught the sight of, lost their sight of him 【自测】1 The boys are not doing a good job at all, are they?A I guess not soB I dont soC I

15、 dont guess soD I guess not2 Whenabout the accident, he told us about it.A askingB having asked C you askedD asked3 If, you ought to contribute to the poverty- stricken areas玉D中“STT”问题导学型学习模式A it necessaryB is necessary C you are necessary D necessary4Are you a student?No, but IC used to beD was use

16、d to beingA used toB was used to5 一He hasnt finished the workWell, heA ought to doB should doC ought to D ought to have6 we cant finish so much work in such a short timeIf, you will not escape being punishedA notB soC you are notD is so7 was it two months ago you luckily got an opportunity to spend yourholiday in Canada?-一.John was the lu


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