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1、频率副词频率副词 always意为意为 “总是总是”, 表示动作的重复或状态的表示动作的重复或状态的 延续。延续。 usually意为意为 “通常通常”, 表示很少有例外。表示很少有例外。 often意为意为 “经常经常”, 表示动作的重复表示动作的重复, 但不如但不如 usually那么频繁那么频繁, 中间有间断。中间有间断。 sometimes意为意为 “有时有时”, 表示动作偶尔发生。表示动作偶尔发生。 hardly意为意为 “几乎不几乎不”, 常和常和ever连用表示强调。连用表示强调。 never意为意为 “从未从未”。 1基础教学 频率副词在句中通常放在实义频率副词在句中通常放在实

2、义动词动词之前之前, be 动词或助动词动词或助动词之后之后,多用于一般现在时态。多用于一般现在时态。 频率副词频率副词 e.g. He never watches TV. I am always busy. 2基础教学 never hardly ever sometimes often usually always play basketball play badminton skate dance swim play football What do you do on weekends? 3基础教学 100 % always usuallyoften sometimes hardly e

3、ver 80% never 0% 60% 20% 5% 提示:频率副词在句中的位置是:提示:频率副词在句中的位置是:实义实义 动词之前动词之前, be动词或助动词之后。动词或助动词之后。 4基础教学 I plays the guitar on weekends. I plays the guitar on weekends. I plays the guitar on weekends. 比一比,看谁说得又快又好?比一比,看谁说得又快又好? 100% 80% 20% always usually sometimes 5基础教学 I usually does my homework on wee

4、kends. I often do my homework on weekends. I sometimes do my homework on weekends. 80% 60% 20% 6基础教学 I exercise on weekends. I exercise on weekends. I exercise on weekends. 20% 0% 5% sometimes hardly ever never 7基础教学 100 % always usuallyoften sometimes hardly ever 80% never 0% 60% 20% 5% 提示:频率副词在句中的

5、位置是:提示:频率副词在句中的位置是:实义实义 动词之前动词之前, be动词或助动词之后。动词或助动词之后。 8基础教学 选择题选择题 1. -I didnt know you take a bus to school. -Oh, I _ take a bus, but it is snowing today. A. hardly B. never C. sometimes D. usually 2. -Were you often late for school last term, Tom? -No, _. I got to school early every day. A. Alway

6、s B. Usually C. Sometimes D. Never D D 9基础教学 3. -How often do you go to a concert? -_ ever. Im not interested in that at all. A. Usually B. Hardly C. often D. sometimes 4. -Miss Gao is very popular with her students. -Yes. Her classes are _ lively and interesting. A. hardly ever B. never C. sometime

7、s D. always B D 10基础教学 Once a day 一天一次一天一次 Twice a day 一天两次一天两次 Three times a day 一天三次一天三次 Four times a day 一天四次一天四次 How often do you wash your teeth? 11基础教学 Once a week 一天一次一天一次 Twice a week 一天两次一天两次 Three times a week 一天三次一天三次 Four times a day 一天四次一天四次 How often do you exercise ? 12基础教学 2. once ,

8、twice, three times 等次数的表达等次数的表达 法。法。 1) 这三个词都表示这三个词都表示_,once是是 _,twice是是_,除了一次,除了一次, 两次,其他的次数都表达成两次,其他的次数都表达成 _。 如:三次是如:三次是_ ,五次是五次是 _。 一次一次 次数次数 两次两次 three times 数字数字 + times five times 13基础教学 2) 这些表次数的词后与一段时间连用,这些表次数的词后与一段时间连用, 表示动作多长时间发生几次,即动作表示动作多长时间发生几次,即动作 的的_. 3) 翻译:翻译: 两周一次两周一次 _ 一年两次一年两次 _

9、一一个月个月两次两次 _ once two weeks 频率频率 once a year twice a month 14基础教学 Make conversations with your partner. How often do you do these activities? 15基础教学 do housework every day A: How often do you do housework? B: Every day. 16基础教学 exercise three times a week A: How often do you exercise? B: Three times

10、a week. 17基础教学 play football twice a week A: How often do you .? B: I . twice a week. 18基础教学 read books three times a week A: How often does he .? B: He reads . three times a week. he 19基础教学 go swimming once a month A: How often does he .? B: He goes . once a month. he 20基础教学 help with housework twi

11、ce a month A: How often does she .? B: She helps . twice a month. she 21基础教学 go shopping once a month A: How often does she .? B:She goes . once a month. she 22基础教学 go shopping once a month A: How often do they.? B:They . once a month. they 23基础教学 如果句中出现如果句中出现always usually sometimes hardly ever nev

12、er every day once a week twice a week three times a day once a month 表示频度,频率的副词、短语表示频度,频率的副词、短语 常用常用 how often 提问提问 如果要回答由如果要回答由how often提问的句子,我们通常提问的句子,我们通常 要用频度副词或诸如要用频度副词或诸如every day, each week, once a week, twice a day, four times a month等来回答。等来回答。 24基础教学 2. once , twice, three times 等次数的表达等次数的表

13、达 法。法。 1) 这三个词都表示这三个词都表示_,once是是 _,twice是是_,除了一次,除了一次, 两次,其他的次数都表达成两次,其他的次数都表达成 _。 如:三次是如:三次是_ ,五次是五次是 _。 一次一次 次数次数 两次两次 three times 数字数字 + times five times 25基础教学 2) 这些表次数的词后与一段时间连用,这些表次数的词后与一段时间连用, 表示动作多长时间发生几次,即动作表示动作多长时间发生几次,即动作 的的_. 3) 翻译:翻译: 两周一次两周一次 _ 一年两次一年两次 _ 一一个月个月两次两次 _ once two weeks 频率

14、频率 once a year twice a month 26基础教学 对划线部分提问:对划线部分提问: e.g. She usually comes to see her grandpa four times a month. (呼和浩特市中考题)(呼和浩特市中考题) _ _ _ she usually come to see her grandpa? 即时练即时练 解析:解析:How often does。划线部分。划线部分four times a month涉及频率,应用涉及频率,应用How often提问,同提问,同 sometimes、usually、often、always、onc

15、e、 twice、once a week、twice a year等。句中动等。句中动 词词comes为单三式,改为疑为句时应添加助动为单三式,改为疑为句时应添加助动 词词does,动词还原。,动词还原。 How often does 27基础教学 (2012菏泽中考)菏泽中考)- Steve, _ do you play basketball after school? - Twice a week. It can keep me healthy. A. how far B. how soon C. how long D. how often 解析:解析:选选D。考查疑问词辨析。考查疑问词辨

16、析。how far“多多 远远”,问路程;问路程; how soon“多久多久;多久之后多久之后” , 对将来的一段时间之内或之后提问对将来的一段时间之内或之后提问; how long “多长时间多长时间”,问时段问时段;how often“多久一多久一 次次”,问频率。由答语,问频率。由答语“Twice a week.”可知问可知问 频率频率, 故选故选D。 28基础教学 根据提示完成下面问题。根据提示完成下面问题。 1. We drink milk every day. _ do you drink milk? (对划线对划线 部分提问。部分提问。) 2. -How often do yo

17、u play football? - _. (选出正确答案)(选出正确答案) A. Once a week B. In the evening C. Very well D. Twice How often 29基础教学 对划线部分提问。对划线部分提问。 I usually watch TV on weekends. What do you usually do on weekends? I watch TV every day. How often do you watch TV ? 30基础教学 3a Complete the questions with do or does. Then

18、 match the questions and answers. 1. How often _ he play soccer? 2. _ you drink milk? 3. How often _ they stay up late? 4. _ Sue eat a healthy breakfast? 5. How often _ you eat apples? 6. _ your parents play sports? a. Yes. She usually does. b. Hardly ever. I dont like them. c. He plays at least twi

19、ce a week. d. No, they dont. Theyre too busy. e. Never. They always go to bed early. f. Yes, I do. Every day. does Do do Does do Do 31基础教学 32基础教学 33基础教学 Did you enjoy your last weekend? Was it interesting? What did you do on the last weekend? 34基础教学 do homeworkexercise Work in pairs and ask your par

20、tners what they usually do on weekends. 35基础教学 go to the movies play football 36基础教学 read watch TV 37基础教学 shop swimming 38基础教学 1. _ _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ help with housework read a book exercise watch TV go shopping Look at the picture. Make a list of the weekend activities. 1a 39基础教学 What do you do

21、 on weekends? I often play soccer. What does Alice do on weekends? She often helps with housework. 40基础教学 1. always _ 2. usually _ 3. often _ 4. sometimes _ 5. hardly ever _ 6. never _ exercise, read watch TV help with housework go shopping watch TV 1b Listen and write the letters from the picture a

22、bove on the lines below. go shopping 41基础教学 Practice the conversation in the picture above. Then make your own conversations about what you do on weekends. What do you do on weekends? I usually watch TV. Do you go shopping? No, I never go shopping. 1c 42基础教学 What does she do on weekends? She Does sh

23、e go to cinema? No, 43基础教学 What does he do on weekends? He Does he use the Internet? Yes, 44基础教学 What do they do on weekends? They often 45基础教学 Listen. Cheng Tao is talking about how often he does these activities. Number the activities 1-5 in the order you hear them. 2a 46基础教学 Activities _a. go to

24、the movies _b. watch TV _c. shop _d. exercise _e. read 1 3 2 5 4 47基础教学 Listen again. Match the activities in 2a with how often Cheng Tao does them. 2b How often every day once a week twice a week three times a week once a month twice a month Activities a. go to the movies b. watch TV c. shop d. exe

25、rcise e. read 48基础教学 How often do you do these activities? Fill in the chart and then make conversations. 2c ActivitiesHow often watch TV use the Internet read English books go to the movies exercise every day four times a week twice a week every day once a month 49基础教学 How often do you watch TV? I

26、watch TV every day. Whats your favorite program? Animal world. How often do you watch it? Twice a week. 50基础教学 How often do you use the Internet? I use the Internet Whats your favorite website? 51基础教学 How often do you read English books? I read English books Whats your favorite book? . How often do you read it? 52基础教学 How often do you? I . Whats your?. 53基础教学 2c Read the conversation and match the activity with the right time. piano lesson dance lesson play tennis Wednesday and Friday Tuesday Monday 54基础教学 Hi, Claire, Hmm, . 55基础教学 1. hardly 只用作副词,其意思是只用作副词,其意思是“几乎几乎 不不”,表示否定概念,表示


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