




1、No, no, no. Oh, no. Oh, no rm lost! Wheres the line It just went away. What do I do What do I do -Help! - Well be stuck here forever! Do not panic. Do not panic! We are trained professi on als. Now, stay calm. We are going arou nd the leaf. A-Arou nd the leaf L-I dont think we can do that. Oh, nonse
2、n se. This is nothing compared to the twig of. Thats it. Thats it. Good! Youre doing great! There you go. There you go! Watch my eyes. Dont look away. -And heres the line aga in. - Thank you. Thank you, Mr Soil. Good job, everybody! Oh, my. Theres quite a gap, Mr Soil. -Should nt we tell the queen -
3、 I dont think we need to involve the quee n in this. Shes got en ough on her plate already, tra ining her daughter. Oh, yes. Prin cess Atta, the poor dear. Oh, win ds died dow n. Theyll be here soon. -Just be con fide nt, dear. Youll be fine. - Theres a gap. Theres a gap in the line. What are we gon
4、na do Its okay, Your High ness. Gaps happe n. We just lost a few in ches, thats all. Oh. Right. Your High ness, I cant cou nt whe n you hover like that. Oh, of course. Im sorry. Go ahead. Guys, go shade some one else for a while. Okay, Atta. Now what do we do Uh. Oh! Dont tell me. I know it. I kn ow
5、 it. What is it -We relax. - Right. Oh, itll be fin e. Its the same, year after year. They come, they eat, they leave. Thats our lot in life. Its not a lot, but its our life. Isnt that right, Aphie Oh, youre such a cute little aphid. -Ditch Dot! - Yeah, yeah! Hey, come back here! -Dot! - Yes, Mother
6、. What did I tell you about trying to fly Not un til my wings grow in. -Right. - But, Mom. Dot, youre a you ng quee n ant, and your wings are too little to be. I was talki ng to Mother. Youre not the quee n yet, Atta. Now, Dot, be nice to your sister. Its not my fault shes so stressed out. I kno w,
7、I know. -Im always act ing like the sky is falli ng. - Look out! -Atta! - Prin cess Atta! Prin cess Atta! - Prin cess Atta! -Oh! - Hey! -Stop that! - What do you thi nk youre doing -You could have killed somebody over here. - Im sorry! -Im sorry! - Oh, its Flik. - Oh. Im sorry, Im sorry, Im sorry, I
8、m so sorry! Please forgive me. Im sorry! -Prin cess Atta! - Flik, what are you doing Oh! Oh, this! This is my new idea for harvest ing gra in. No more pick ing in dividual kern els. You can just cut dow n the en tire stalk! -Flik, we dont have time for this. - Exactly! We n ever have time to collect
9、 food for ourselves. Because we spe nd all summer harvesti ng for the offeri ng. -But my inven ti on will speed up producti on. - Oh, ano ther inven ti on -Yeah, and Ive got somethi ng for you too. - Flik! Since youre gonna be quee n, you could use this to oversee producti on. -Dr Flora, if I may. -
10、 This is all very ni ce, but. - What -Just an ordinary blade of grass and a bead of dew, right - Flik, please. Wron g! It is, in fact, a telescope. -Its very clever, Flik, but. - Hello, Pri ncess! My, arent you look ing lovely this morni ng! Not, of course, that you would n eed a telescope to see th
11、at. All right, liste n! The prin cess does nt have time for this! You wanna help us fill this thing Then get rid of that mach in e. get back in line and pick gra in like everybody else! -Like everybody else! - Please, Flik. Just go. Im sorry, l-I was. I was really just tryi ng. tryi ng to help. Harv
12、ester. Why, we harvested the same way ever since I was a pupa. Where were we -The food pile, Your High ness. - Oh, yes, yes. Hey, Flik! Flik! Wait up! -Oh. Hello, Pr in cess. - You can call me Dot. Here, you forgot this. Than ks. You can keep it. I can make ano ther one. -I like your inven ti ons. -
13、 Really Well, youre the first. -Im beg inning to thi nk no thi ng I do works. - This works. Great. One success. -Im n ever gonna make a differe nee. - Me, n either. Im a royal ant, and I cant eve n fly yet. Im too little. -Oh, being littles not such a bad thi ng. - Yes, it is. -No, its not. - Is too
14、! -Is not. - Is too. - Is not. - Is too. -Is no t. Is no t. Is not. Oh! - Is too. Is too. Is too. A seed. I n eed. I n eed a seed. Ahh. Ohh! Ah, here, here. Prete nd. prete nd that thats a seed. -Its a rock. - Oh, I know its a rock. I know. But lets just prete nd for a min ute that its a seed, all r
15、ight Well just use our imagi nati ons. Now. Now, do you see our tree Everyth ing that made that gia nt tree. is already contained in side this tiny little seed. All it n eeds is some time, a little bit of sun shi ne and rain, an d. voil !a This rock will be a tree Seed to tree. Youve gotta work with
16、 me, all right Okay. You might not feel like you can do much no w. but thats just because, well, youre not a tree yet. You just have to give yourself some time. Youre still a seed. -But its a rock. - I know its a rock! Dont ya thi nk I know a rock whe n I see a rock Ive spe nt a lot of time arou nd
17、rocks! Youre weird, but I like you. Theyre here. Theyre here! Mom! Where are you -Theyre coming! - Run! -Dot! Dot! - Mom! - Sin gle file! -Mom! - Thank heave ns! -Food to the offeri ng stone. - Okay, every one, sin gle file. Food to the offer ing stone and into the an thill. Now lets go! Go, go, go,
18、 go! Come on. Keep mov in, keep movi n! Good. Okay. Thats every one. Hey! Hey, wait for me! Get the food to the offeri ng stone, the n into the an thill. No! No, no, n o, no, no! Oh, oh! Oh, no. Pr in cess Atta! Pr in cess Atta! Pr in cess Atta! They come, they eat, they leave. They come, they eat,
19、they leave. Excuse me, pard on me. Pard on me, excuse me. Comi ng through. Excuse me. Excuse me. Sorry, sorry. Coming through. Prin cess Atta, theres somethi ng I n eed to tell you. -Not now, Flik. - But, Your High ness, its about the offeri ng! -Hey, whats goin on - Yeah, wheres the food -What did
20、you do - It was an accide nt Boo! Wheres the food Huh Hopper. So, where is it Wheres my food -L-l-Is nt it up there - What -The food was in a leaf sitt ing on top. - Excuse me. Are you sure its not up there -Are you say ing Im stupid - No. Do I look stupid to you Lets just think about the logic, sha
21、ll we Lets just think about it for a second. If it was up there, would I be coming dow n here. to your level, look ing for it -Uh, l. - Why am I eve n talk ing to you Youre not the quee n. You dont smell like the quee n. Sh-Shes lear ning to take over for me, Hopper. Oh, I see. Un der new man ageme
22、nt. So its your fault. No, it was nt me. It was. Uh-uh-uh. First rule of leadership: Everyth ing is your fault. -But-But l. - Its a bug-eat-bug world out there, Prin cess. one of those circle-of-life kind of thi ngs. Now, let me tell you how things are supposed to work. The sun grows the food. The a
23、nts pick the food. -The grasshoppers eat the food. - And the birds eat the grasshoppers. Hey, like the one that n early ate you, you remember You remember -Oh, you shouldve seen it. - Molt. This blue jay. He has him halfway dow n his throat, okay And Hopper. Hoppers kick in and scream in, okay And I
24、m scared, okay Im not goin any where n ear, okay Aw, come on .Its a great story. Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. I swear, if I had nt promised Mother on her deathbed. that I would nt kill you, I would kill you. -And believe me, no one appreciates that more tha n I do. - Shut up! I dont want to hear ano ther
25、 word out of you while were on this isla nd. Do you un dersta nd me -I said, do you un dersta nd me - Well, how can I an swer You said I could nt say ano ther word. Remember Ma! Hey, Im a compassi on ate in sect. Theres still a few mon ths till the rai ns come. so you can all just try aga in. But, H
26、opper, since its almost the rainy seas on. we n eed this time to gather food for ourselves. Liste n, if you dont keep your end of the barga in, the n I cant guara ntee your safety. And there are in sects out there that will take adva ntage of you. Some one could get hurt. Whats the matter You scared
27、 of grasshoppers -Dot! - You dont like Thumper Leave her alone! You want her Go ahead. Take her. No The n get back in line. It seems to me that you ants are forgett ing your place. So lets double the order of food. -Huh - No! But-But-But. Well be back at the end of the seas on when the last leaf fal
28、ls. You ants have a nice summer. Lets ride! Flik, what do you have to say for yourself Sorry. L. Im sorry for the way I am. I did nt mean for thi ngs to go so wrong. I especially did nt want to make you look bad, Pr in cess. -Well, Flik, ya did. - I was just trying to help. The n help us. dont help
29、us. -Help Help Help - Flik, you are senten ced to one month digg ing in the tunn els. Excuse me, Your High ness. Need I rem ind you of Fliks tunn el-withi n-a-tu nnel project -Helpers to help us. That could. Thats it! Thats. We could.- It took the whole engin eeri ng departme nt. two days to dig him
30、 out. -Send him to Health and Ant Services. - Heave ns, no! We could leave the isla nd. The river beds dry right now. Wed just walk right across the river bed. We could go get helpers. We could! We could leave. Sure. We could go find helpers to help us. -Its perfect! - Perfect Whats so perfect Your
31、High ness, dont you see We could send some one to get help! Leave the isla nd Now, why did nt I thi nk of that Oh! Because its suicide! -Shes right! We n ever leave the isla nd. - Never leave! Theres sn akes and birds and bigger bugs out there! Exactly! Bigger bugs! We could find bigger bugs to come
32、 here and fight. and forever rid us of Hopper and his gang! -Ludicrous! - Who would do a crazy thi ng like that Ill volu nteer. Id be very happy to volu nteer. You got a lot of spu nk, kid, but no on es gonna help a bunch of an ts. At least we could try. Oh, l-I could. I could travel to the city! I
33、could search there! If you went, youd be on that silly search for weeks. -Royal huddle. - Great idea, Pri ncess. Its perfect. -Exactly. - Wait a min ute. -What did we just decide here - To let Flik leave. While we keep harvest ing to meet Hoppers dema nds. -You see, with Flik gone, he cant. - He can
34、t mess any thi ng up! Flik, after much deliberati on, we have decided to gra nt you your request. -Really - Really - Uh, really. Oh, tha nk you, Prin cess. Thank you so much for this cha nee. -L-l-I wont let you dow n, I promise, I promise, I promise. - Yeah, thats fine. Thats fine. No, forget it. F
35、orget it. -Oh, but I should probably help repair the damage before I go, dont you thi nk - No! No, no! Just go. -Just go. - Just leave! Hey. Dont worry! The colony is in good han ds! Bye, now. All right. Hey, fellas. Beautiful mornin, huh -My dad says he gives you hour before you come back to the is
36、la nd crying. - Does he, now -My dad does nt think that. - He does nt, huh -Naw, hes bett in youre gonna die. - Oh. -Yeah, he says if the heat does nt get ya, the birds will. - Well, I thi nk hes gonna make it. -Nobody asked you, Your Royal Short ness. - Yeah, Dot. What do you know Hey, hey, hey. Ea
37、se up, all right Come on. Shes en titled to her opinion too. Ohh. So go, already. -Hey! - The citys that way. -I know. - Youre supposed to look for bugs, not dan deli ons. You leave him alone. He knows what hes doing. Thats right. Here I go. For the colony, and for oppressed ants everywhere! Whoa-oh
38、. -Wow! - Hey! -Hey, hey, hey! - Bye, Flik! Wow! Wow. Ohh! Whoa! Good luck, Flik! Bye! Whoa-oh! Flik! Im okay! -Your dads right. Hes gonna die. - You just watch. Hes gonna get the bestest, roughest bugs youve ever see n! Get back! Get back! Get back, you horrible beast! I have no fear! -Ooh! - Oh, m
39、y good ness. Oh, no! -Oh, Im so sorry, Dim. An owie - Owie! Owie, owie. Please show Rosie the owie. All right, Dim. Its okay. I have bee n in outhouses that did nt st ink that bad. This is ridiculous. What a disappo in tme nt! -Oh, no! - You! Come here! I want my money back! Uh, no refunds after the
40、 first two min utes. Popcor n! Stale popcor n! Were los in the audie nee! You clow ns get out there now! -I hate performi ng on an empty stomach! - Do your act, Heimlich. -Then you can eat. - ., whats the point -Not now, Slim. - Whats the point of going out there Theyll only laugh at me. -Thats beca
41、use youre a clow n! - No, its because Im a prop! You always cast me as the broom, the pole, the stick, a spli nter. Youre a walk ing stick. Its funny! -Now go! - You parasite. Spri ngs in the air. And rm a flower with no thi ng in teresti ng to say. A bee! I am a cute little bumblebee! Here I come!
42、Slow dow n, you flowers! Candy corn! Here. Here. Let me help you to finish it. Hey, cutie! Wanna polli nate with a real bug Ooh, come to Papa, yeah! So, bein a ladybug automatically makes me a girl, is that it, fly boy Huh -Shes a guy! - Fran cis, leave them alone. -They are poo-poo heads! - Not aga
43、 in. Judg ing by your breath, you must have bee n buzz in arou nd a dung heap all day. Come on, Fra ncis. Youre mak ing the maggots cry. All right, were dyin out there. Gypsy, quick! You and Mann y. Hes in a tran ce. -Well, get him out of it! You and your husba nd are up now.- Manny, were on. Oh Yet
44、 aga in it is up to me to rescue the performa nee. Gypsy, come. -The stage is the other way, dear. - Yes, of course. Any time, pal! Im gonna pick the hairs out of your head one by one! -Take your best shot! - You n ame the place! -Oh, yeah - Yeah, cause whe n you get there, you are dead! -Fran cis,
45、let me han dle this. Thats no way to speak to a lady. - I heard that, you twig. Ladies and gen tleme n, allow me to prese nt Manto the Magn ifice nt. and his lovely assista nt, Gypsy! From the most mysterious regi ons of un charted Asia. I give you the Chin ese Cabin et. of Metamorphosis! Rosie, who
46、le troupe. On stage! Fi nale! Now! -O-Okay, I just need a little time to. - Now! Coming. Coming. Tuck, Roll, lets get moving, guys. Were up next. Dont you un dersta nd We are up! Up-a. -Hey! - Hey! They dont un dersta nd me. I sum mon the voice of Con fucius. Get off the stage, you old hack! I dema
47、nd to know who said that! How dare you! In grates! Manny Manny! I only got hours to live, and I aint gonna waste it here. Come on. Ive just about had it with these losers! Flam ing death! I hold in my hand the match. the match that decides whether two bugs live or die this very eve ning. In a mome n
48、t, I will light this trail of matches. lead ing to a sheet of flypaper dowsed in lighter fluid! Aimed directly at the flypaper are Tuck and Roll. the pill bug cannon balls! The cannon will be triggered by Dim, tra ined to jump at the sou nd of this bell. set to go off insec on ds. Our pill bugs only
49、 hope of survival is. our mistress of the high wire, Rosie! Secured to a web line of exact len gth. Rosie will plummet dow n to these two posts. spinning a web of safety in less tha nsec on ds! Not good en ough, you say Well, what if they were all. bli ndfolded! Ladies and gen tleme n, may I suggest
50、 that those of you. with weak con stituti ons leave the are na. for this act is so dan gerous. that if the slightest thing should go wron g. -No! - Go Okay, through the tunn el. Whoa! -Okay, thats done! - Whoa! -P. T! - Oh, no! Rosie! -We n eed some water! - Water, water, water, water, water! Get me
51、 outta here! Wow! -Its the web. Im sorry. Its. - Youre all fired. -We got the water! - Here we come, P. T! - Well save you. Whoa! Bur n im aga in! No, Harry, no! Dont look at the light! I cant help it! Its so beautiful! Try not to look like a cou ntry bug. Ble nd. ble nd in. Hey, buggy! What do you
52、expect The guys a tick. Wow! The city! Wow! Whoa-whoa-whoa! Hey! Whoa-whoa-whoa! Mak ing all stops to the septic tank, in cludi ng sta nding water. empty bea n can and dead rat. -Watch your sti ngers. All aboard! - Whoa! - Hey, watch it. -Hey! - Get out of the way! - Oh, sorry. -Watch where youre go
53、in! - rm sorry. I did nt mean to do that. I did nt mean. Oh, sorry! Oh. Im really, really sorry. That was an-an-an ac-ac-accide nt. -Hey, let go of me! - Ill show ya whos tough! -And stay out! - Tough bugs! -I knew an old lady who swallowed a fly. - Wow! -Move it! - Whoa! Hey, waiter! Im in my soup!
54、 rve bee n work in out. Feel my wing. Yo! Two Black Flags over here! -All right. - Hair of the dog you bit. Hey, who ordered the poo-poo platter Here ya go, slick. Enjoy. Hey, I said no salt! -Buzz off! - Oh, pard on me, sir. L-I was won deri ng if I could talk to you for a mome nt. I represe nt a c
55、olony of-of an ts, and Im look in g. Im look ing for tough bugs, you know, mean bugs, the sort of bugs. Fired by a flea. how humiliati ng! Lets face it: We sti nk. -You fired! - You fired! - You fired! -Oh, will you shut up - Hey! - You fired! Someday I will be a beautiful butterfly. and the n every
56、th ing will be better. I cant believe the troupe is break ing up. Weve always bee n together. -Farewell, my frie nds. - To the audie nee well n ever have. Fran cis! Your boyfrie nds from the circus are here! There she is. -Hello there, girlie bug. - Shoo, fly. Dont bother me. Say, why dont you tell
57、our pal, Thud. -what you said to us at the circus. - Yeah. Someth in about buzz in arou nd a dung heap Uh, excuse me. Hi. I represe nt an ant colony, and were. Hey, barte nder! Bloody Mary, O-positive. Aha! Sir Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home Not so tough now, are you All right, clow n. Get up and f
58、ight like a girl. -Get ready to do the Robin Hood act. - I want to be Little Joh n! -What part can I play - You see, Im look ing for tough, warrior bugs. Sta nd back, ye flies! We are the greatest warriors in all bugdom! -Warrior bugs! - My sword! Swish, swish. Clang, cla ng. -Little John - What ho,
59、 Rob in Justice is my sword and truth shall be my quiver! Wait, wait! No, no! I want to watch this! Thrust, parry, lu nge! Me thin keth its not work ing! Back to Sherwood Forest! Whats going on in there Help! Help! Get me out! Wow. -Oh, ow-ow-ow-ow. - Youre perfect! Oh, great on es! I have bee n sco
60、uti ng for bugs with your exact tale nts! -A tale nt scout. - My colonys in trouble. Grasshoppers are coming! Weve bee n forced to prepare all this food. -Dinner theatre! - Food Please! Will you help us Where are they -Well take the job! - Really - Yes, yes, yes! You can expla in the details on the
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