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1、2015 2016 学年度第一学期四年级英语期末测试卷班级: _姓名 : _分数 _- 出卷人:黄老师Part 1Listening一、 Listen and choose. 听音,选出你所听到的单词,序号写在前面的括号里。(1*10 )1.()A. JanuaryB. JuneC. July2.()A. springB. summerC. season3.()A. twelveB. twentyC. thirty4.()A. whenB. whereC. what5.()A. onB. inC. behind6.()A. bagB. bikeC. boy7.()A. MondayB. Sat

2、urdayC. Sunday8.()A. heB. sheC. it9.()A. coolB. coldC. hot10.()A. computerB. libraryC. playground二:Listen and choose the numbers选出你听到的号码。(10 分)13184030801420125015三: 、Listen and choose. 听录音,选择正确的答案。(10)1、() A. Im from Wuhan.B. Im twelve.C. I m Lisa2、 () A. In December.B. Twelve.C.12P3、 () A. Thank y

3、ou.B. Here you are.C.Youre welcome4、 () A. Its behind the door. B. Yellow.C.Twenty5. ()A. Yes, there areB. Yes, they areC. yes, it is1Part2 Writing一: Read and cross. 在每种水果房子里,都有一个单词宝宝不是该家庭成员,你能找到它们并用 / 划掉吗?) (10 )二: 单项选择(20 分)()1. There _some milk in the bottleA. amB. isC. 2. -_

4、students in your class ?- Forty . Twenty-two girls and eighteen boysA. HowB. How manyC. How muchD. when() 3. -_ ?-It s an orange schoolbagA. What s this ?B. when is your birthdayC. What color is it?D. Is this your schoolbag ?2() 4. - When is your birthday ?- _ Octobor .A. onB.underC. atD .in()5.Ican

5、play _ football , but LI Ming can play_guitar .A. the ,/B./, theC. /D. the ,the() 6.Icant ride a bike , but I _ride a bikeA. canB. amC. cantD, dont() 7.Wecan_in springA. swimB. fly a kiteC. make snowmanD. pick apples()8.-Do you like spring ?-Yes , it is very _A.warmB. hotC. coolD. cold() 9. -Whats y

6、our favorite _- SundayA. dayB. foodC . colorD. season() 10. We can _in the canteenA. playB. have classC. have lunchD. play games三、 Look 、read and write. 根据图片,选择正确的词语完成句.(10 )1 .Can you play_ (football/table tennis)?Yes, I_ (cant/can.)3Look, There _ (is/are) a dog in the box.And there is acat _ ( on/

7、behind)thebox. There _ (are/is) three balls_(under/on) the chair.四: 看图写单词(10)_五、从方框中选出合适的句子完成对话。(10 分)() 1、How many apples in the bag ?A、My parents and me.()2、Who are they?B、No, I cant()3、Does he like English ?C、Fifteen.()4、Can you dance ?D、Orange()5、What color is it ?六、 阅读理解,判断句子的正误,对的写“T”,错的写“ F”。(10 分)Look at my family photo. This is my father. Hes a teacher. Hes tall. He likes sports. This is my mother. Shes a teacher, too. She likes reading. This is my brother.Hes a baseball player. Hes strong. I love my family.()1、My parents are teachers.()2、M


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