1、复习导入,导读,阅读中,阅读后,看图回答问题,1,快速阅读,2,语篇体裁分析,3,细读,4,语言知识学习,分组讨论完成任务,I,完成表格任务,II,完成写作任务,依据表格信息,输出,15,分钟,语言输入,20,分钟,引入新课,5,分钟,组织教学,4,分钟,布置作业,布置作业,1,分钟,检查作业,教,学,流,程,图,Post,reading,Check the students,homework,by asking the following,questions,Revision,Independent State of Papua New Guinea,巴布亚新几内亚独立国,What does
2、 PNG,stand for,Where is it located,It is located to the,north of Australia,Who can tell us something,about its economy,A poor country with most,people living in tribal,villages and depending on,farming to make a living,What about its education,Not,all,children,go,to,school,Around,85,of,children,star
3、t,school,but,only,about,60,of,these,reach,Year,5.Only,a,small,percentage,of,children,go,to,high,school,and,only,about,2.3,of,students,enrol,in,a,tertiary,institution,Pre-reading,Look at the photos and answer,the questions,Pre-reading,1. What was Jos job in PNG,Jo was a teacher in PNG,2. What kind of
4、 students were,in her class,Boys who were as young as,we are,3. What were the classrooms,like,The classrooms are very poor,made from bamboo and grass,4. What can you say about the,village,The village was a place full of,natural beauties. There are,more trees and bamboos,5. What can you say about lif
5、e in,the village,People in the village lived a,simple life,Scan and try to divide it into,four parts, and summarize what,each part is about,Reading,Reading,Opening of the,letter and,introduction to,what will be,talked about in,the passage,Part 1(Paragraph 1),Part 2(Paragraph 2-3,The school where,Jo
6、worked and,Jos work at school,Jo and Jenny visited Tombes,home in the village,Part 3 (Paragraph 4-7,Part 4 (Paragraph,8,Closing of the letter,I have to,prepare,tomorrows,lessons,contents,opening,closing,a general introduction,the places the writer talked,about,the events happened,opening,the persons
7、 the writer met,closing,contents,Read paragraphs 2-7 and then do,the exercises,Careful reading,Part 4,closing of,the letter,the visit to Tombes home,Part.2:Jos,school and her work,conditions,classrooms,students future,electricity and water,textbook,Chemistry,experiments,Part.3,1.type of houses,famil
8、y relationships,cooking methods,sleeping arrangements,diet,possessions,agriculture,beliefs,Part,1:opening of,the letter,Fill in the diagram,1,2._,3._,4._,5._,6._,_,2._,3._,4._,5._,6._,7._,8._,No,Find words in the passage that,have the following meaning,Learning about language,1.to change slightly to
9、 make,something work better,2. a metal shelf for cooking,meat, toasting bread,etc,3.connected with what is,being done or discussed,4. opening to a room,building, etc,5. an honour,6. How something is,organized,adjust,grill,relevant,doorway,privilege,arrangement,Learn the following words or phrases by
10、,heart and complete the paragraph,stick out,come across,hear from,platform,be) dying to,in need,伸出,偶然发现或遇到;碰见,接到,的信,平台;(火车站的)月台,极想;渴望,在困难中,Sharon looked at herself in the mirror and,sighed. Her hair was,1,_all over,the place. She smoothed it down with a wet,comb. She thought about the time when she,
11、had met him three months before. He was the,nicest boy she had ever,2,_. He,had rung her often but now she hadnt,3,_him for two weeks. Why not,She decided to find out. She walked down to,the,4,_to catch the train. She felt,both excited and nervous. She was,5)_,see him again but what if he didnt want
12、 to see her,sticking out,come across,heard from,platform,dying to,What do you think are the,positive and negative things,about living in a village in,Papua New Guinea,Ask the students to debate and seen,who is the winner,The first one is done,for you.,Developing,I. discussion task,Positive aspects,N
13、egative aspects,1.Boys value,education,2,3,4,1.No running water,or electricity,2,3,4,Negative) (Positive,Groups: 1 2 3 4,5 6 7 8,Positive aspects,1.Boys value education,2.Everyone would know each other,3. The village does not have to rely,on outside sources for food,4.People can live without many,po
14、ssessions,Negative aspects,1.No running water or electricity,2.The village might be cut off from,the outside world and might not,have roads to and from it,3.The village might not have a,school so students might have to,walk a long way to the closest,school,4.There might not be any medical,services close by,Developing,II .writing task,Write a letter to your friend expecting to,work as a volunteer teacher in Papua,New Guinea and tell him / her the,positive
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