2019---2020学年九年级上册英语 Module 12 基础练习题(无答案)_第1页
2019---2020学年九年级上册英语 Module 12 基础练习题(无答案)_第2页
2019---2020学年九年级上册英语 Module 12 基础练习题(无答案)_第3页
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1、知识像烛光,能照亮一个人,也能照亮无数的人。-培根module 12 unit 11. 很多东西污染水, 例如轮胎、垃圾和塑料袋。 many things_ _, such as tyres, rubbish and plastic bags.2. the factory has poured its waste into that river. as a result, the river has_(pollute).3. 在那个活动中你们回收了什么东西? what things do you_in that activity?4. you should eat healthy food a

2、nd get a lot of rest so your body can be strong enough to_ your cold.a. fight b. keep c. have d. get5. he was advised to smoke_cigarettes and drink_better.a. fewer; fewer b. less; less c. fewer; less d. less; fewer6. -bob is a smart boss! -yes, so he is. he knows how to cut the cost of the project.

3、and he always does the work with_money and_people.a. less; less b. fewer; less c. less; fewer d. fewer; fewer 7. now the situation is_(无望的).8. do you think it will rain? -i_not. a. hope b. hopeful c. hopeless d. hopefully9. 用for example, such as或like填空。 i like drinks, _tea and soda. noise, _is a kin

4、d of pollution.10. the fish realised that they were_, and said they had to find a way to leave there as fast aspossible.a. in safety b. in doubt c. in danger d. in peace11. a lot of people think singing english songs is the best way_english.a. learn b. learning c. to learn d. of learn12. a quarter t

5、o four is another way of_three forty-five.a. saying b. say c. to say d. said13. its no use_over spilt milk.a. cry b. crying c. to cry d. cried14. -do you like the cinema_your father bought for you? -yes, i do.a. who b. which c. where15. in some parts of london, missing a bus means_for another hour.a

6、. waiting b. to wait c. wait d. to be waiting16. 这些会议完全是白费时间。these meetings are a complete_ _ _.module 12 unit 21. scientists_animals, plants and minerals into classes.a. divide b. decide c. cut d. join2. 用divide或separate的正确形式填空。 they_the city into sections. _the white clothes from the dark clothes

7、before washing.3. can you think of other things you can_(再次使用) ?4. he asked a high price for his_(use) car.5. ill_(重复) the question once more.6. history will not repeat itself. (翻译句子) _7. 即使最简单的日常活动也能减少污染。 even the simplest everyday activities can_pollution.8. the recent years have witnessed the_(快速

8、的) development of the internet.9. being honest is the first_if you want to make friends with others.a. step b. time c. job d. hand10. 扔掉纸和金属是浪费的。 its wasteful to_ _ paper and mental.11. -what smells terrible, ted? -im sorry. ill_my shoes and wash them at once.a. take away b. put away c. move away d.

9、 get away12. he did no harm_her.a. on b. for c. at d. to13. reading in the sun will_our eyes.a. be harmful to b. be harmful for c. do harm for d. do harm in14. she wears_(ton) of jewelry.15. he has tons of money. (翻译句子) _16. it was he who_the work plan.a. drew up b. looked up c. took up d. picked up

10、17. -simon, what do i need to take for the hiking? -youd better_more water than usual. its hot today.a. to take b. take c. taking d. took18. how are you going to do with the five-hundred-dollar prize? (改错) _19. i showed her what to do with the rubbish. (翻译句子) _20. would you like something_?a. drink

11、b. drinking c. to drink d. drinks21. he is not an easy man_. a. get on b. to get on c. get on with d. to get on with22. -do you know_? -sorry, i dont know. a. if she will come to the concert or not b. whether she will come to the concert or not c. if will she come to the concert or not d. whether wi

12、ll she come to the concert or not23. ive been so bored for a long time. i hope to have_(有趣的事儿) to do.24. 你要尽可能早到门口。 you should arrive at the gate_ _ _ _.25.-have you got any particular plans for the coming holiday? -yes,_, im going to visit some homes for the old in the city.a. if possible b. if eve

13、r c. if busy d. if anything26. one important aim of our school is to prepare us for the future_we can face all the challenges with confidence.a. so far b. so that c. even if d. if onlymodule 12 unit 31. -daisy, look at your bedroom. what a mess! -sorry, ill_right now!a. put up it b. clean up it c. p

14、ut it up d. clean it up2. is the coastal plain good_growing crops?a. for b. at c. to d. with3. are the effects good or bad for their study? (翻译句子) _4. when are you_beijing?a. leave for b. off to c. set off d. get to5. leave the window_. the air in the room is too dirty.a. open b. opening c. opened d

15、. opens6. 不要让她在外面雨里等着。 dont_her waiting outside in the rain.7. if there is operation failure, please turn off the power. (改为同义句) if there is operation failure, please_ _the power.8. jenny, you should practise as often as you can_the piano competition.a. fail b. to fail c. win d. to win9. im sorry to

16、 keep you_for so long.a. wait b. waiting c. waited d. to wait10. yesterday li ming went to the village_his family lived ten years ago.a. when b. which c. where d. that11. 这就是我两年前工作的那家工厂。 this is the factory_i worked two years ago.12. try your best_with your parents and they will understand your deci

17、sion.a. to talk b. talk c. to play d. play语法练习题:一、将a中的单词和b中的单词配对,组成五个合成词。a: super, world, house, over, goodb: looking, do, market, wife, famous_二、根据括号内的汉语填写正确的单词。 1. canada is mainly an _ (说英语的) country.2. lets have a _ (游泳).3. she _ (看护) her husband back to health.4.you should be dressed in _ (黑色)

18、at the funeral.三、根据语境用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. its _(usual) for a four-year-old boy to write poems so well. (2018吉林长春)2. mary got hurt in p.e. class. we sent her to the hospital_(quick). (2018吉林长春)3. as a volunteer, its the _(six) time for him to help the kids inafrica. (2018吉林长春)4. lao she was a great_ (w

19、rite) and hes especially famous for his play,teahouse. (2018甘肃兰州)5. many people enjoy reading e-books, but i _ (like) it as its bad for the eyes.6. how _ (care) you are! youve knocked the cup off the table again!7. which team do you think will be the _ (win) of the 20th fifa world cup?8. nick went h

20、ome quite late and his mother looked at him _ (happy).9. joan was happy because she was given some _ (use) gifts last week.10. li na is a famous tennis _ (play).11. he cant even move because of his _ (ill).12. some wild animals may_(appear)forever if we dont stop hunting them.13. it often rains_(hea

21、vy)in this season every year.14. nanjing looks much more beautiful on_(snow) days.15. larry has put on too much weight because of his_(healthy) diet.16. its cool and_(sun) in autumn in our home town.17. the plane landed_(safe) yesterday.18. chen long is a famous badminton_(play).19. its a(n)_(usual)

22、 experience. few people have chances to do it. 20. he answered few questions_(correct), so he got a high grade in the final exam. 21. anna had a fever yesterday, so she was_(able) to go to school. 22. most people prefer _(sun) days because they can enjoy themselves outside. 23. shenzhen is in the_(s

23、outh) part of china. 24. to improve your writing skills, youd better_(development) a habit of reading. 25. i think this dictionary is _(help) to your study. 26. dont tell lies. nobody likes those_(honest) people. 27. playing too many computer games is_(harm) to you. 28. we should speak to the old man_(polite).四、单项选择。 1. last year, one hundred english teachers took part in the_english summer training. a. two-month b. two-months c. two months 2. the museu


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