



1、NameScoreA. How farB. How soonC. How longD. How ofte n()6. The girlTracy is popular, because shePrin cess Diana.A. calli ng;looklikeB. called; is likeC. call; like()7. Therea spri ngouti ng in our schoolnext week, wonA. will beB. will haveC. is going to beD. called; likest there?D. is going to have)

2、8. - Do you know that hundreds of people are hurt in the terrorist attack (恐怖袭击)in Kun mi ng. Ch ina.A. I m sorry to hear that.B. Oh, so crazy!C. What! How poor they are!D. I kn ew it last week.()9. He livesfrom the city cen ter of Beiji ng, so he goes to workhis fatherA. 15 miles far; onB. 15miles;

3、 inC. 15 miles away; byD. 15 miles far; byTest for 7B Unit2.单项选择 (15%)()1.He wasfor three mon thslastyear. Now heis feeli ngthanlastyear.A. ill in bed; goodB. sick on the bed; better C. ill on the bed; well D. ill in bed; better()2.Are therethe pictureandthat one?A. any differe nces betwee nB.some d

4、iffere nee amongC. some differe nces amongD.any differe nee betwee n()3. Pleasethe box away andme a cup of tea. I m nottothe box.A. take, bring; stro ng eno ugh; takeB. take; take; eno ugh strong; carryC. take; bring; strong eno ugh; carryD. bring; take; eno ugh strong; bring()4. Who alwaysmother do

5、 her housework? Your sister.A. help; isB. helps; doesC. helps; isD. help; does()5. -will your mother come back from Can ada?-In fiftee n days.()10. Come on,you will be the first toat the finishing line.A. and; getB. or; arriveC. and; arriveD. or; come()11.The travel to Japa nme five thousa nd Yua n.

6、Howyou are!A. takes; richB. spe nds; a rich man C. pays; rich()12. I m in Grade 7 now, but mybrother is in Grade 8. IA. older; olderB. elder; olderC.youn ger; olderD. costs; rich m one yearthan him.D. elder; youn ger()13. It s mybirthday the day after tomorrow. I want to celebrate it. ButI mot feeli

7、ngthese days.A. twen tieth; wellB. the twen tieth; good C. twen ty; wellD. the twen ty; better()14.young men in Beiji ng arethe hous ing problem now.A. Most of; worriedB. Many; worryi ng about()15. -Do you have time tomorrow? . IC. Most; worrym busyD. Many of; worried aboutmy desig n for my new home

8、.A. Yes, of course; doing .完形填空(10%)B. Im afraid not; withC. Im afraid so; ofD. None; withFor many years, America ns enjoy on li ne shopp ing. Now on li ne shopp ing is starti ng in Europe. In some1coun tries, people can turn on their2and shop for clothes, drin ks, food, toys and3thin gs.In France,

9、the French4about $ 20 million a year in buying things on Internet. In Germany, there arealso many compa nies (公司)beg inning selli ng things on li ne. 5 of shoppers of on li ne shopp ing is much6than that of shoppers in face shops (实体店).Some people like online shopping because it can help them todo t

10、heir shopp ing without7.But other Europea ns don t like this new way of buying thin gs. They think the things on li ne is totally8the real things. So the companies will have to be more9with the things they sell. They will also have towork harder to sell things that the buyers cannot10or see by thems

11、elves.()1. A.Europea n()2. A.lights()3. A.some elseB. Asia nB. computersB. ano therC. America nC. radiosC. more elseD. Africa nD. TVsD. many other()4. A. takeB. costC. spendsD. spend()5. A. a nu mberB. the nu mberC. a fewD. lot()6. A. smallB. bigC. biggerD. smaller()7. A. to go outB. going outC. to

12、buy thingsD. buying things()8. A. differe nt betwee nB. differe nee fromC. the same asD. differe nt from()9. A. carefullyB. happilyC. carefulD. lucky()10. A. touchB.soundC. smellD. look三 .阅读理解(30%)AA TV reporter ( 记者)is talking to three of the most important people in America. One is a very rich ban

13、ker, ano ther one owns one of the largest compa nies in the world. And the third owns many buildi ngs in the cen ter of New York.The reporter is talki ng to them about being importa nt. Howdo we know if some one is really importa nt?” treporter asks the ban ker. The ban ker thinks for a few minu tes

14、 and the n saysI think an ybody who isWhite House to meet the Preside nt of the USA is really imp orta nt. ”The reporter then turns to the owner of a very large company.“ Do you agree wjthTteiman” sshakes his head ” No, I think the Preside nt in vites a lot of people to the White House. You dwhile y

15、ou are visiti ng the Preside nt, there is a teleph one call from the preside nt of ano ther coun try, and the Preside nt of the USA says he was too busy to an swer it.”“ Idon think that makes the visitor important. The third man says, “ Thenwhat would make the visitor import ant? ” the reporter and

16、the other two men ask.” Oh, I think if the visitor to the White House is talking to tPreside nt and the phone rin gs, and the Preside nt picks up it, liste ns and the n says,” it s foi()1. This story happe ns in.A. En gla ndB. AmericaC. Japa nD. Australia()2. There arein this passage.A. two men and

17、two wome nB. three men and one woma nC. three wome n and one manD. four wome n()3. The ban ker thinks.A. he is really importa nt because he is a rich ban kerB. the visitor to the White House is really importa ntC. the visitor who meets the Preside nt of the Un ited States is importa ntD. the reporte

18、r is really importa nt()4. The owner of a very large compa ny thinks.A. he is really importa nt because he owns one of the largest compa niesB. the ban ker is really importa ntC. the owner of many buildings in the center of New York is really importantD. the visitor would be really importa nt if whi

19、le he is visit ing the Preside nt, he would not an swer any teleph one call()5. The owner of many build ings thinks.A. he is really important because he owns many buildings in the center of New YorkB. the owner of the very large compa ny is really importa ntC. the visitor is really importa nt if he

20、is talki ng to the Preside nt and the Preside nt receives a teleph one call for the visitorD. the person who worked in the White House was really importantBIf you go into the forests with friends, stay with them. If you don t, you may get lost. If you getyou should do.Sit down and stay where you are

21、. Dont try to find your friends. Let them find you. You can help them to find you by staying in one place. There is another way to help your friends or other people to find you. Give them some information by shouting three times. Stop and then shout three times again. Any information given three tim

22、es is acall for help. Keep on shouting, always three times together. When people hear you, they will give two shouts. Whenthe information is given twice, it is an answer to a call for help. If you don t think that you willcomes, try to make a small room with branches (树枝).What should you do if you g

23、et hungry or need to drink water?You would have to leave your little branch room to look for something to eat and drink. DonDrop small bran ches as you walk so that you can find your way back.()1. What you should do whe n you go into the forests?A. Stay with your friendsB. Make a small branch roomC.

24、 Make a phone callD. Shout for help()2. What can you do if you get lost in the forests?A. Stay in one placeB. Look for your friends C. Shout for help D. Both A and C()3. What s the best title for the text?A. Go to the forests with your frien ds.B.What you should do in the forests?C. Differe nt ways

25、for the lost people in the forests.D.How to make a branch room.()4. Which one of them is wrong if you are lost in the forests?A. Stay in one place can help your friends find you.B.Walk no where to find your frien ds.C. You can leave when you feel thirsty or hungry.D.D on t shout again and again.()5.

26、 What i nformati on you should give whe n you get lost?A. Shout two times for helpB.Shout three times for helpC. Drop some bran ches.D.Never shout for helpCMexico and Un ited States are n eighbors. Mexico is about one quarter of the size of the Un ited States. Mexico has more tha n ninety millio n p

27、eople. The Ian guage of Mexico is Spani sh. This makes Mexico the worlds largest Spani sh-speak ing coun try.Mexico City is the capital ( 首者E) and the largest city of Mexico. The city is also very high. It is 2240 meters high. This makes it one of the highest capital cities in the world. The number

28、of people in Mexico City grows bigger every day. About thirty milli on people live there. It has more people tha n any other city in the world, even more tha n Tokyo. Many differe nt kinds of food we eat starts from Mexico. Beans, tomatoes, pea nu ts, and chocolate all come from Mexico.()1. What s t

29、he size of USA?A. Three quarters of the size of MexicoB. One quarter of the size of Mexico D. Two quarters of the size of Mexico)2. Mexica ns speak.A. En glishB. French)3. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Mexico City is the capital of Mexico.C. SpanishD. LatinC. Tokyo has the biggest nu mber of

30、 people in the world.B. The population of Mexico City is 30,000,000.D. Mexico City is the highest cities in the world.C. Four times of the size of Mexico()4. Tomatoes were first grow n in.D. MexicoD. Mexico s peopleA. AmericaB. Spai nC. Tokyo()5. The best title (题目)of the passage is.A. Mexico CityB.

31、 Mexico s plants C. Mexico四、词汇(10% )1. What useful(信息)we get from this TV show!2. Our hearts were(碎了 ) when we heard the terrible news.3. One of my(令邻居)houses needs repairing.4. The big(公司)in our city centre need to pay more attention to the air pollution situation.5. His(old) brother works in a pos

32、t office.6. (luck), none of your an swers is right.7. Im afraid I llfeel son my way to Huangshan Mountain on the coach (大巴).9. You should go to the train sfirst if you want to take the trai n.10. The staff in the airport won let you get on the plane before cyour passport.五、句型转换(9% )1. Is your watch

33、not work ing well?2. What do you worry about?3. What does your uncle do?Is thereyour watch?Whatyou?your uncle ?4. The idea sounds good.a good idea.Please5. Please look at the follow ing senten ces.the sentences6. The dict ionary can help stude nts with study.The dictionary isstudents study.六、动词填空(10

34、% )1. Can you just make your pare nts(not worry) about your study so much?2. We pla n(have) a spri ng out-go ing n ext mon th.3. (fix) the problem, the boss in vited some foreig n scie ntists to the meeti ng.4. -Tom(go) to the museum n ext week? - Yes, he is.5. We can see so many stars shining in th

35、e sky toni ght. So I think it(be) a sunny day tomorrow.6. Walk along the road, and you(find) the post office on your left.7. -I(make) ano ther cake for you later? - Yes, that would be very nice.8. I m just thinking about when(tell) the truth to him.9. Is he afraid of(fail) the En glish exam?10. What

36、 great fun it is(play) flappy bird on the cell phone.七、中译英(11%)1.-你将来打算做什么?-我梦想成为一个艺术家。What? (1 )I dream of. (1 )2. 我恐怕后天有一场大雨。 there. (2 )3. 我们小组成员们准备好帮助那些穷困地区的孩子们学习英语。to help children. (2 )4. 这个用芒果做的蛋糕尝起来像冰淇淋。The cake made of mangoice cream. (1 )5. 这个经理住在一个离饭店不远的居民区。the restaura nt. (2,)6. 许多孩子在等待志愿者们教他们修理各种坏掉的机器。Many children are. (2 ,)八、短文填空(5% )Plants grow f 1 in spring and summer b 2 the weather is warm with much r 3. Wh


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