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1、Unit 4 综合水平测试听力部分 (25 分 )一、听小对话,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。 听力材料: 1.W: Hello , Tom!Wheres your baseball?M: Its under the bed.(5 分 )( B)1.Wheres Toms baseball?AOn the bed.B Under the bed.COn the table.听力材料: 2.M: Are your books in your schoolbag, Helen?W: No,they arent.They are on the desk.( C)2.Where

2、are Helens books?A In her schoolbag.B In the desk.C On the desk.听力材料: 3.W: Whats under the table? M: Its a Chinese book.( A)3.Whats under the table? A A Chinese book.C A notebook.听力材料: 4.M: Is this your pen W: No.My pen is in my pencil box.( C)4.Wheres Ginas pen?A On the bookcase.B An English book.,

3、 Gina?B On the desk.C In the pencil box.听力材料: 5.M: Mom, where is the map?W: I think its in your grandparents room.M: Oh, yes , thanks.( B)5.Is the map in his parents room?A Yes, it is. B No, it isnt. CI dont know.二、听长对话,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。 听下面一段较长对话,回答67两个问题。听力材料: W:Where is the clock , Mike?

4、M: Its on the table, I think.W: No, its not there.M: Oh, look , its in the bookcase.( B)6.Where are the speakers (说话者 ) probably ( 可能 )?AOn the playground (操场).BAt home.CIn a hospital (医院 ) ( B)7.Where is the clock?A On the table. B In the bookcase. C We dont know.(10 分 )听下面一段较长对话,回答 810三个问题。听力材料:W

5、Hi, Jack! Whats this?M Its a photo of Anns room.Ann is my sister.W Is this her hat on the bed?M Yes, it is.W Whats that on the desk?M Its a clock.W Well, where is her model plane?M Look! Its on the chair.W Whats that un der the chair?M Its her dog .Its n ame is Beibei.W And what are those on the tab

6、le?M Theyre her books.(A) 8.Where is Anns hat?A. On the bed. B . On the table. C . On the chair.(A) 9.Whats that on the chair?A. A model plane. B . A clock. C . A book.(E)10.There is aunder the chair.A. photo B . dog C . hat三、 听下面一段独白,从A、B C三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答问题。(10分)听力材料:I am Sally.Thisis my room.It is

7、yellow .A bed,a desk, a chair and a table arein it.Whats on the desk ? A computer,a radio and some books are on it.Where is my bag ? It isnt on the desk.Oh ! Its on the bed.My pencil box is in my bag.And my ruler, pen and pencil are init.Look at the baseball .I ts un der the chair.My clock and my ke

8、ys are on the table.(C) 11.This isroom.A. Sams B . Cindys C . Sallys(C) 12.What color is the room?A. White. B . Blue. C . Yellow.(B) 13.What is NOT on the desk?A. A computer. B . A clock. C . A radio.(A) 14.Where is the bag?A. On the bed.B. On the table.C. Under the chair.(B) 15.Whats on the table?A

9、. A clock and a baseball.B. Keys and a clock.C. A baseball and keys.笔试部分(95分)四、 完形填空。(15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C D四个选项中选出最佳选项。This is my desk. _16_notebooks are on it.One is red and the other (另外的)two are blue.Youcan see a _17_ on the desk , too.The clock is red.My pencil box is_18_ the desk , t

10、oo.A pen ,_19_ eraser and a ruler_20_ in it.The pen is black.The_21_ is yellow , and the ruler iswhite. _22_ is my pencil ? Well , _23_ under the desk.A baseball is under the24_, too.Butthe baseball isnt25 . Its_26_ brothers .Is my computer_27一 un der the desk, too ?No,28isn t.Where29 it ? 1 cant30i

11、t in the room.(B)16.A.TwoB. ThreeC . FourD. Five(D)17.A.key B .tape C . radio D.clock(B)18.A.in B .on C . of D . to(A)19.A.an B .a C . the D . /(C)20.A.am B .is C . are D . be(A)21.A.eraser B.map C. pencilD . hat(D)22 .A. What B.Who C . How D .Where(C)23.A.it B.they C . its D .theyre(C)24.A.chair B.

12、sofa C . desk D . bed(C)25.AB .my C . mine D . me(B)26.A.me B .my C . I D.mi ne(A)27 .A. game B.games C.room D .radio(C)28 .A. she B.he C . it 1D . that(B)29.A.am B .is C . areD . /(A)3 O.A.find B.call C .help D .know五、阅读理解。(30 分)阅读下列材料,从每题所给的A、B CD四个选项中选出最佳选项。ALook! Heres a pencil box.1 ts orangets

13、 my pencil box.1 ts on the desk.This is a pen都)in the pencil box.This,too.Its yellow.Its in the,on the sofa.its black.A nd this is an eraserts blue and white.Theyre both ( is a ruler , and its red.Its under the pencil box.That is a ruler drawer (抽屉).Wheres my math ( 数学)book ? Ah, its there(D) 31.The

14、 pencil box is.A. on the sofa B . under the deskC. in the drawer D . on the desk(E) 32.The yellow ruler is.A. in the schoolbag B . in the drawerC. on the pencil box D . under the pencil box(D) 33.in the pencil box.A. A pencil is B . A ruler isC. A key is D . A pen and an eraser areBDear Sally ,Can y

15、ou bring ( 带)some things ( 东西)to school for me ? I need ( 需要)my English book, mynotebook , my pencil box , my hat and my baseball.My English book is on the desk.My notebook is in the bookcase .I ts blue.My pencil box is in my schoolbag and I put my schoolbag o n my chair.My hat is black .I ts on my

16、bed.A nd you can see my baseball un der my bed.Thanks,Tommy(C) 34.Tommy needsthings.A. three B . four C . five D . six(E) 35.Tommysis in the bookcase.A. English book B . notebookC. pencil box D . hat(A)36.画线单词put的汉语意思是“”A.放B .买C .洗D .换(C) 37.What color is Tommys hat?A. Its green. B. Its yellow.C . I

17、ts black. D. Its blue.Crm John.lm a tidy boy.ln my room, the books are always on the desk.My computer game is always there , too.My shoes ( 鞋)are always under the bed.My schoolbag is always on the sofa.Im tidybut Cookie , my dog , is not.Look at my room.Its in a mess now.The books are everywhere on

18、thebed, on the sofa and under the desk.My computer game is on the bed.My shoes are on the sofa.Where is my schoolbag ? Oh, its under the bed.Where is Cookie? Is he under the bed ? Is he under thesofa ? No, he is not in the room now.(C)38.Johns books are always.A. in the bookcase B . under the bedC.

19、on the desk D . in his schoolbag(A)39.画线单词there指代的是“。A. on the desk B . on the sofaC. on the bed D . under the desk(B)40.画线单词 mess的汉语意思是“。A.整洁B .脏乱C .美观D .破旧(D41.You can see Johnson the sofa now.A. computer game B . schoolbagC. jacket D . shoesDThis is Jacks room.I ts a big room.Some pictures and a

20、clock are on the wall.We can see adesk and a chair in the room.A sofa and a bookcase are also in the room.The desk is between(在之间)the bed and the bookcase.Jacks schoolbag and pencil box are on the desk.We can find somepencils , a pen , a ruler in the pencil box.The sofa is next to (挨着)the bookcase.H

21、is shoes andball are un der the bed.His jackets and ID card are on the bed.Jack likes his room very much.(B)42.Jacks room isA. small B . big C . new D . old(D) 43.We can seein Jacks room.A. some desks and chairs B . some desks and a chairC . a desk and some chairs D . a desk and a chair(A)44.Jacks p

22、en cil box isA . on the desk B . in the deskC . un der the bed D . on the bed(E)45.ln Jacks room we cant findA . pictures B . CDsC . his shoes D . his jackets六、 词汇运用。(15分)A)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。bag, be, color , tape , it46 . Where are my keys?47 . Lucy has two tape players.48 . The bags on the des

23、k are ours.49 . Are those your pen cils?Yes, they are.50 . What color is your pen?Its black.B)根据短文内容和所给的汉语提示,写出空白处所缺单词的正确形式。Look! This is my 51. room(房间).The lamp is on the 52. table (桌子).Books are 53. on (在上)the desk near it.54. Where(在哪里)are my CDs ? 55. They (它们)are in the desk.And baseball is 56

24、. under (在下)the chair.Whats on the 57. bed (床)? Is it a bag ? No, its a 58. hat (帽子).A clock is in the 59. bookcase (书柜).It is a red clock.I need(需要)it in the 60. morning(早上).七、 语法填空。(10分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号 中词语的正确形式填空。I have two 61. sisters (sister) , Jane and Gina.These ar

25、e 62. their (they) bedrooms.Janes room is tidy , 63. but Ginas isnt.In Janes room, 64. her (she) books are in the bookcase.Thequilt is on the bed.Her pen cils and pens are 65.in the pencil box.The schoolbag is on thechair.Look at Ginas room.Her 66. books (book) are everywhere on her bed, on the sofa 67. and under the chair.The blue model plane is 68. hers (she) . Its under the desk.Her 69. keys (key) are under the bed.She always 70. says (say) she cant find her things(东西).八、任务型阅读。(5分)请你仔细观察第7175题中的图片信息,然后从 A到E五个选项中选出与图片内容相符的英语描述。( A)71.( D)72.( E)73.( B)74.( C)75.A Look! Here is Tom s


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