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1、高考英语试卷分类汇编英语阅读理解( 时文广告 )( 及答案 )(1)一、高中英语阅读理解时文广告类1阅读理解 admission and school policiestheenrollment( 注册 )of a pupiltotheschool is subject to theschool s admission feesand entrypolicies and other policiesand schoolfees are listed on the fee schedule andprocedures revised by the school fromtime vary fro

2、m time to time. a full termstuition musttotime.be paid for any term during which the pupil is in withdrawal by parent/guardianattendanceregardless of thenumberof daysifa parent/guardian desires to withdraw aattended. if tuition fees have not been paid,thechild for any reason from the school,that ref

3、undabledeposit shall be used topay theparent/ guardian shall give a minimum of six tuitionfees and the parents/guardiansremainweekswrittenwithdrawalnoticetothe responsiblefor the rest. the school reserves theschool. notice received during aschool right toexclude(开除 ) a pupil iftuitionor otherholiday

4、 willbeconsideredto have been fees are not paid in full by the due date.received on the first day of the followingterm. refundable deposit( 押金 ) termination by the schoolwhena pupil is offered a place the parent/school may terminate(终止 ) this agreementguardian shall immediately pay thetherequiredper

5、manent exclusion or removal isrefundabledeposit.thisistowhensecurethe school shallnottake suchactionenrollment at the school untilrequired.the termly orgood cause and fullconsultationwithwithoutannual fees have been paid. the refundableguardians andthepupil. parents/deposit is refundable,parents/and

6、 shall be withoutinterestandwithouttakingintoguardians have the right to appeal on a decisionaccountchanges in exchange rates.to permanently exclude a pupil.( 1) how long in advance should a written withdrawal notice be given?a.a whole holiday. b.at least six weeks. c.a whole term. d.at least one da

7、y.( 2) what do we know about tuition fees?( 3) in which section of a schools brochure might the text appear? a.study tips.b.application procedures.c.terms and conditions.d.frequently asked questions.【答案】 ( 1) b( 2) a( 3) c【解析】 【分析】本文是一篇 用文,介 了一所学校的入学及学校政策、退学、押金和学 等 条款。( 1)考 理解。根据2. withdrawalby pare

8、nt/guardian 部分中的 “ ifa parent/guardiandesires to withdrawa child for any reason from the school, that parent/guardian shall give aminimum of six weeks written withdrawal notice to the school.如家 / 人因”任何原因欲将子女退学, 最少提前六星期向学校 出 面退学通知,可知退学通知 至少提前六周 出。故 b。( 2)考 理解。根据 4. fees 部分中的 “ afull terms tuition mus

9、t be paid for any termduring which the pupil is in attendance re gardless of the number of days attended. 无 学生上 ” 的天数多少,在任何学期,都必 支付一个学期的学 ,可知学 必 全 支付。故 a。( 3)考 推理判断。 全文可知,本文介 了一所学校的入学及学校政策、退学、押金和学 等 条款。可知文章最有可能出 在学校宣 册的条款及 部分。故 c。【点 】本 考点涉及 理解和推理判断两个 型的考 ,是一篇介 ,考生需要准确捕捉 信息。并根据上下文 行 推理,从而 出正确答案。2 理解m

10、iddle school academic summer camp courses enrichment theme: creative mindsaugust 15- august 27a wide variety of enrichmentcourses await you at r-mas summer academic camp in thenorthernshenandoah valley of virginia.come and explore the galaxy, master technology,broaden your reading base .its a summer

11、 that youll never forget!science explorer:students will uses simple machines to invent rube goldberg challenges. weekly creations will provide students chances to work together and think creativity with others. this course is our most popular, apply early to reserve your space!reading & writing:get

12、occupied with non-fictional text that describes some of the greatest inventors of all time.create digital text that is both interactive and animated (交互的和 的).history in action:recreate some of the most influential architectural features from the early civilizations by using everyday materials. let y

13、our imagination head to another world with hands-on activities on a daily basis.music:you can use our digital keyboarding software to make a variety of music are there chances to play instruments in space? how does it sound and what are the challenges? learn about how music plays a role in space.mid

14、dle school academic enrichment. camp feestuition (学费 ): for one two-week session:$ 645for both two-week sessions: $1180personal account: $565notes:there are four periods each day and each course runs for two periods. students can only choose one or two topics for the summer.all courses are for enric

15、hment only. this is a learning enrichment camp, not a summer school program. students cannot take these courses to make up for courses failed during the normal school year.tuition does not include the cost of meals or uniforms. personal account covers board, uniforms and trips.( 1) what do the cours

16、es focus on for students?( 2) how much will steven pay for both history in action and music in total?a.$1180.b.$1210.c.$1290.d.$1745.( 3) what will students have the chance to do at the summer camp?a.play various musical instruments.b.turn ancient materials into products.c.invent some stories about

17、great scientists.d.explore some simple machines for challenges.【答案】 ( 1) b( 2) d( 3) d【解析】 【分析】本文是一篇应用文,介绍了中学学术夏令营的课程时间,课程安排以及收费等。( 1)考查细节理解。根据倒数第二段中的课程只是为了丰富生活。第一段enrichment“ allcourses are for enrichment only. 可”知所有的 theme: creative minds 可知夏令营的主题是培养创造性思维。所以这里的课程关注的是学生的创造力。故选b。( 2)考查数字计算。根据 “ for

18、both two-week sessions: $1180 ”和 “ personal account: $565可 ” 知两周课程 $1180,个人账户: $565 。根据最后一段 “tuition does not include the cost ofmeals or uniforms. personal account covers board, uniforms and trips.可知学费不包括膳食”或制服费用。个人账户包括食宿、制服和旅行费用。因此,如果史蒂芬报名了historyinaction 和 music ,他应该付费为1180+565 1745,故选 d。( 3)考查细节

19、理解。根据 science explorer 部分中的 “ studentswill uses simple machines toinvent rube goldberg challenges. 可知学生”们将使用简单的机器来发明rube goldberg 挑战。因此,参加该夏令营的话,学生有机会发明一些简单的机器来应对挑战,故选d。【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解和数字计算两个题型的考查,是一篇介绍类阅读,考生需要准确捕捉细节信息,并根据上下文进行逻辑推理,从而选出正确答案。3阅读理解a christmas carol was written by charles dickens. the f

20、irst 6,000 copies of the book were soldout in a week. and the book has inspired many plays and movies. the first play was put on in 1844. the first two movies were silent films made in 1901 and 1908. since then, the story has been remade more than 60 times for television and cinema. what makes such

21、a tale so attractive? audiences have always loved a good plot, a villain( 反面人物 ) who harms other people or breaks the law, and the ending of right over wrong. the book offers all three.the book tells the story of a man named ebenezer scrooge. he is mean and cruel(残忍的 ) tohis clerk and turns away his

22、 only living relative. one night, scrooge is visited by three spirits. the first shows scenes from scrooges youth that led to this present state. the second takes him to the homes of his clerk and his nephew. here scrooge sees that people can be happy without lots of money. the spirit also shows him

23、 the desperate poor people of london. the third spirit shows scrooge will die alone, and no one will care if he continues to live as he has. at last the message is understood, and scrooge repents. he becomes generous and caring to all around him, especiallyto his clerks sick son, tiny tim.every year

24、, thousands of people watcha christmas carol. why? they may be touched by itslessons on the true meanings of wealth and happiness. they may enjoy the special effects and feelings or watching every year may be just a habit. viewers never seem to grow tired of the old miser(守财奴 ), scrooge, and his dra

25、matic message of hope and change.(1) what do we know about the booka christmas carol?thb.dickens completed the book in a week.c.it has been adapted for cinema and television.d.it didnt attract readers when published for the first time.(2) the third spirit shows scrooge.a.where he will die and who wi

26、ll care about himb.how others care about his present lifec.when and how he will die aloned.what his future life will be like(3) the underlined part scrooge repents probably meansa.scrooge feels sorry for what he has doneb.scrooge does things as he did beforec.scrooge is angry with the three spiritsd

27、.scrooge gives the three spirits a hand【答案】 ( 1) c.(2) d(3) a【解析】 【分析】本文是一篇应用文,叙述了狄更斯的出名作品圣诞颂歌,介绍了它的主要内容。这本书被改变成多部电视剧和电影,很受人们的欢迎。( 1)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“ sincethen, thestory has been remade more than 60times for television and cinema.可知,它被”改编成电视剧和电影。故选c。( 2)考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“ the third spirit shows scrooge

28、will die alone.第三个精灵向他展示他将孤独地死去。由此可以推断出,第三个精灵把他带入了一个未来可知,”的世界,让他看到未来自己的结局。故选d。( 3)考查词义猜测。根据第二段中的“ hebecomes generous and caring to all around him,especially to his clerks sick son, tiny tim.吝啬鬼改变了以前”的做法,他感觉以前的做法对不住人,后悔以前所做的一切。故选a。【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解,词义猜测和推理判断三个题型的考查,是一篇介绍类阅读,考生需要准确捕捉细节信息,同时根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分

29、析,推理,从而选出正确答案。4阅读理解as the most wonderful tools for learning and teaching english, ipads appeal to more and more students who use them to access online resources in their classrooms. with the help of the thousands of education and language apps available in apples app store, students make effective u

30、se of the ipad to learn in an interactive environment. given below is a list of some of the best ipad apps for learning and teaching english.grammar upgrammar is the heart of any language and, thus, the grammar up app is one of the most highly recommended apps for english learners. this app is speci

31、fically designed for people who want to improve their grammar, vocabulary and word selection. it consists of more than 1800 multiple-choice questions grouped under twenty different grammar categories.learn english the fun waylearn english the fun way is an amazing app for grammar and matching lesson

32、s in which english learners get to do simple exercises such as matching an animal or a short description of something to its picture.speakingpalrecommended as one of the best apps for english educators and learners, speakingpal allowsusers to record and compare their speech with a native english spe

33、aker. this amazing app combines video with automatic speech recognition software that tests your english speaking skills. you just have to speak with a video character and get immediate response on how well you said and pronounced all your english words. in short, this app basically understands and

34、rates your speech.wordflex touch dictionarturn your word-meanings search into a fun experience with the wordflex touch dictionary app!developed exclusively for ipad in association with the oxford university press, the wordflex touchdictionary app converts your word entries into attractive trees whic

35、h you can move, drag, shareand reorganize using touch gestures. this app is among the best as it also contains audiopronunciations both in uk and us english, which is a great benefit for english learners.ibooksibooks is a complete book library for the ipad users. it includes the ibookstore and allow

36、s users to download and read books for free. it also allows users to save their favorite classics for free. the app features a beautiful bookshelf on which you can browse various books; tap a book to open and read it, and add notes to your favorite paragraphs in the book. you can also create your ow

37、n texts and upload them into the app.( 1) which app might be the best choice for a kid who is beginning to learn grammar? a.grammar upb.wordflex touch dictionary c.learn english the fun way( 2) which of the following is right according to the passage?a.the grammar up app is the best recommended app

38、for english learners.b.wordflex touch dictionary provides pronunciation in british and american english.c.speakingpal allows users to compete with a native english speaker.d.ibooks is a free book library for english learners and teachers.( 3) whats the purpose of the text?a.to advertise apples app s

39、tore.b.to attract users to ipad.c.to distinguish some apps for english learning.d.to introduce some apps for english learners and educators.【答案】 ( 1) c( 2) b( 3) d【解析】 【分析】本文是一篇应用文。介绍了一些最好的ipad 英语学习和教学应用程序。( 1)考查推理判断。根据learn english the fun way 部分中的 learn english the fun way is an amazing app for gr

40、ammar and matching lessons in which english learners get to do simple exercises such as matching an animal or a short description of something to its picture. 有趣学”“英语 ”是一个很棒的语法和搭配课程的应用程序,英语学习者可以做一些简单的练习,比如把动物或对某物的简短描述与图片搭配起来。可知一个初学语法的孩子会被其趣味性吸引,故选c。( 2)考查细节理解。根据wordflex touch dictionar部分中的 “ this ap

41、p is among the best asit also contains audio pronunciationsboth in uk and us english, which is a great benefit forenglish learners. 这个应”用程序包含了英国英语和美国英语的发音,故选b。( 3)考查推理判断。根据第一段中的“ given below is a list of some of the best ipad apps forlearningand teaching english. 可”知本文介绍了一些最好的ipad 英语学习和教学应用程序,下文是对每个

42、应用程序的详细介绍,短文的目的是为英语学习者和教育工作者介绍一些应用程序。故选 d。【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解和推理判断两个题型的考查,是一篇介绍类阅读,考生需要准确捕捉细节信息,并根据上下文进行逻辑推理,从而选出正确答案。5阅读理解harvard pre-college programsessioni:sessionii:sessioniii:june23 july 5,july7 july 19,july21 august 2,201920192019our summer program for high school students is designed to pave the w

43、ay for a successfulcollege experience.here you can:learn without limitspursue your interests in courses focusing on physics, law, writing,philosophy, and a dozenother subjects.live at harvardyou will live in a historic undergraduate house near harvard square.your plan covers three meals a day, seven

44、 days a week.have fun outside the classroomyou might enjoy a cirque du sileil performance, a red sox game at fenway park, or a trip to the museum of science.eligibility申(请资格 )students are academically motivated and will graduate in 2020 or 2021.to applycomplete an online application and provide the

45、following materials: the $50 nonrefundable application fee; transcripts ( 成绩单 ) with fall 2018 grades; signed rules and regulations.international studentsparticipants should apply for the b-2 tourist visa. if english is not your native language, submitscores from the toeflor ielts language proficien

46、cy exam.application tipsno fee is required to start your application. you will be asked to pay the application fee only upon submitting the application.the scores of successful applicants are typically above 103 on the toefl with 25 on the written section or at least 7.5 on the ielts with 7 on the w

47、ritten section.use a desktop or laptop. you will be asked to write short essays as part of your application. this may be challenging to do on a mobile phone.you will receive an email informing you of the application status approximately three weeks after you have completed your application.( 1) harv

48、ard organizes such a program to _.( 2) what can we learn about the program?( 3) if you are a native student who wants to apply for the program, you need to provide_.a. a b-2 tourist visab. transcripts with your fall 2018 gradesc. scores from the toefl examd. a recommendation letter from your high sc

49、hool teacher( 4) the applicants can learn from the application tips that _. a. their toefl or ielts scores should meet the requirementsb. the application fee should be paid before they start applying c. it is convenient to use any electronic products to applyd. they can check the application status

50、in a week【答案】 ( 1) d( 2) c( 3) b( 4) a【解析】 【分析】本文是一篇应用文,介绍了哈佛大学帮助学生为大学生活做准备而开设的一个暑期项目的情况。( 1)考查细节理解。根据第一段 ” oursummer program for high school students is designed to pave the way for a successful college experience. 我们的高中生暑期“项目是为成功的大学生活铺平道路的。)可知哈佛大学组织了这样一个项目来帮助学生为他们未来的大学生活做准备。故选 d。( 2)考查细节理解。根据 lear

51、n without limits 部分中的 ” pursueyour interest s in courses focusing on physics, law, writing, philosophy, and a dozen other subjects. 在物“理、法律、写作、哲学和其他十几个学科上追求你的兴趣。可知项目为学生提供不同学科的课程。故选c。( 3)考查细节理解。根据 to apply部分中的 ” completean online application and providethe following materials: the $50 nonrefundable a

52、pplication fee; transcripts (成绩单 ) with fall 2018 grades; signed rules and regulations. 完成“网上申请,并提供以下材料 :50 美元的不可退还的申请费;2018年秋季成绩单;签署规章制度。可知如果你是本地学生,想要申请这个项目,你需要提供2018 年秋季的成绩单。故选b。( 4)考查细节理解。根据 application tips部分中 ” * the scores of successful applicants are typically above 103 on the toefl with 25 o

53、n the written section or at least 7.5 on the ielts with 7on the writtensection. 成“功申请者的托福成绩一般在103 分以上,写作部分25 分,雅思至少 7.5 分,写作部分7 分。可知申请者可以从application tips中了解到他们的托福或雅思成绩应该达到的分数要求。故选a。【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解题型的考查,是一篇介绍类阅读,考生需要准确掌握细节信息,并结合题目要求,从而选出正确答案。6阅读理解dear young poets, time for kids has a challenge for you: write a rhyming poem and enter it inthe tfk poetry contest. it must be a poem that does not copy another poets works.how to enter: this contest will begin 12 pm on april 14, 2019 and will end 12 pm on june 14,2019. to enter online,


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