



XXXX教育学科教师辅导讲义讲义编号 学员编号: 年 级: 高三 课时数: 学员姓名: 辅导科目: 英语 学科教师: 学科组长/带头人签名及日期 学员家长签名及日期课 题任务型写作Summary专练授课时间: 备课时间: 教学目标1. 摘要写作技巧掌握;2. 句子翻译,积累写作表达;重点、难点1. 摘要写作;2. 句子翻译技巧,为写作积累表达。考点及考试要求摘要写作难度很大,考查概括性和文字重组能力。翻译技巧的掌握,以及写作句型的积累。教学内容Part I: Checking and revision1. 作业完成情况点评: 2. 上次课知识回顾; 3.词汇记忆检测Part II. 任务型写作技巧专练 Summary写作专练概念: A summary is a short account giving the main points of something longer or detailed.一、Task 1: find out how to compress精炼(Choose the proper skill)Skill1: Skill2: Skill3: Skill4: Skill5:Skill6:Example: Then, you can think of a way to make both sides happy. Here are some tips:1. Make time to talk. You could talk about your school life and your plans for the future.2. Keep a diary. It can help you understand more about yourself and your feelings.3. Show your parents you are growing up. Wash your own clothes and help around the house. There are some tips for children to follow so that they can get on well with their parents.Skill: _ Its your turn.1. Eg: Sometimes, kids dont think their parents are fair to them. When you want to dress in a modern way, your mum doesnt like you wearing a mini-skirt. When you are making phone calls to friends, they ask whether youre speaking to a boy or a girl. _Skill_ 2. Eg: Kate looked at Paul disapprovingly, “You use too much salt on your food, Paul. Its not at all good for you!” Paul put down his knife and frowned, “Why on earth not! If you didnt have salt on your food it would taste awfullike eating card board or sandjust imagine bread without salt in it!” _Skill _ 3. Eg: She brought home several Chinese and English novels, a few copies of Time and Newsweek, and some textbooks. She intended to read all of them during the winter vacation._Skill _ 练习:On the morning of June 7,Lihua is taking a bus on his way to take the entrance examination. Unfortunately, he is caught in a traffic jam because of an accident.关键点1: _关键点2:_写出Summary:二、Task2: find out how to summarize the whole passage(Match the proper skill)Example: So what is the future of letters? Now we have many ways to keep in touch with people that are quicker than waiting for the postman to arrive. However, for many people, going out to the mailbox and finding an unexpected letter from a friend is perhaps one of the great and simple pleasures of life. In the past, faxing was the quickest way to contact people. Now, it is slow. In the last 10 years, new technology has made keeping in touch much easier. We can use mobile phones to send text messages. We can send emails to people all over the world without delay. So will people stop writing letters?任务说明:请以 “Will people Stop Writing letters?”为题,写一篇短文。_Skill: _ Its your turn. 1. It must have been about two in the morning when I returned home. I tried to wake up my wife by ringing the doorbell, but she was fast asleep, so I got a ladder from the shed in the garden, put it against the wall, and began climbing towards the bedroom window. I was almost there when a sarcastic voice below said, “I dont think the windows need cleaning at this time of the night.” I looked down and nearly fell off the ladder when I saw a policeman. I immediately regretted answering in the way I did, but I said, “ I enjoy cleaning windows at night.” “So do I,” answered the policeman in the same tone. “Excuse my interrupting you. I hate to interrupt a man when hes busy working, but would you mind coming with me to the station?” “Well, Id prefer to stay here,” I said. “ You see, Ive forgotten my key.” “Your what?” he called. “My key,” I shouted.Fortunately, the shouting woke up my wife who opened the window just as the policeman had started to climb towards me.Summary: On arriving home _ in the morning, the writer failed to wake up_ by the doorbell. He tried to_, but was found by_. Soon his shouting woke his wife.(40 words)Skill: 2. Some time ago, an interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean island of Kea. An American team explored a temple which stands in an ancient city on promontory of Ayia Irini. The temple which the archaeologists explored was used as a place of worship from the fifteenth century B.C. until Roman times. In the most sacred room of the temple, clay fragments of fifteen statues were found. Each of these represented a goddess and had, at one time, been painted. The body of one statue was found among remains dating from the fifteenth century B.C. Its missing head happened to be among remains of the fifth century B.C. This head must have been found in Classical times and carefully preserved. It was very old and precious even then. When the archaeologists reconstructed the fragments, they were amazed to find that the goddess turned out to be a very modern-looking woman. She stood three feet high and her hands rested on her hips. She was wearing a full-length skirt which swept the ground. Despite her great age, she was very graceful indeed, but, so far, the archaeologists have been unable to discover her identity.(#B3 lesson3)Try to answer the questions before the summary:1.Where did the archaeologists(考古学家) find clay fragments(碎片)?2.What did they represent?3.Were the fragments reconstructed or not?4.What did the goddess turn out to be?Summary: Archaeologists found clay fragments_, which represented _ once painted. When the fragments of a statue were reconstructed, the goddess turned out_.(30 words)Skill:3. Advertising can be a service to customers. This is true when advertisements give reliable information about the goods advertised. Such information is needed if the customer is to make a sensible choice when he buys something. It is useful in that it lets him know of the kinds of goods in the shops. Printed advertisements do this job best. Customers can collect them and compare them. They can be taken along to the shops and their statements can be checked against and actual goods in the shops. Some advertisements are not very useful to the customers. Instead of helping the customer to satisfy his real needs, they set out to make him want things. They set out to make us believe that what they advertise will make us cleverer, prettier, more handsome, if only we use it. The voice on TV says, “ Getaway people use XYZ petrol.” The screen shows a picture of petrol pump for a fast expensive car owned by a boy with a pretty girlfriend. They drive off to the wonderful country or a lovely beach. Some people may feel that clever, successful people use XYZ petrol. Some might choose that petrol every time they fill up their cars.Summary: Advertising can be useful when it provides customers with _,_ some advertisements are not the case as they are produced only to persuade customers to buy _.(31 words)Skill:三、Task3: Try to summarize the following passage in about 30 words(o remember to use the proper skills)Internet shopping is a new way of shopping. You no longer need to walk round hundreds of shops looking for the items you need. Nowadays, you can shop for just almost anything from your armchair. All you need is a computer which is linked to the Internet. Shopping on the Internet is becoming increasingly popular. In the United States, 50 percent of families have computers at home and almost one third are linked to the Internet. Americans spent over US$2.5 billion on Internet shopping in 1998. This figure is expected to increase.People can shop for a variety of things on the Internet. Books, CDs, clothes and food are the most common products through the Internet. You can also buy information products such as on-line news or magazine stories, or you can download computer software through the Internet. Services such as booking airline tickets, reserving hotels or renting cars are also available on the Internet. 任务说明你要参加一场英语辩论赛,主题是 “Is it a good way to shop on the Internet?”。在参赛之前,你要查阅相关资料,并准备你的辩论发言。请概况短文的内容要点,词数大约30。评价标准 概括的准确性、语言的规范性、以及文句的连贯性。解题思路:Considering the following information before writing:1.the type of the passage:2.the skills:3.topic sentences or key words? If any, please underline them.4.Change the topic sentences into your own words.Type of the passage: Skill: _ l Topic sentence: Internet shopping is a new way of shopping.l People can shop for a variety of things on the Internet.l Internet shopping is a new life style shopping. l It changed our life style. It cost people a lot of money to shop on the internet.l People can buy different kinds of things on it.Summary: Internet shopping has changed _ of people, who have spent more and more money on it because of _. They can buy anything including _, _.(33 words)口诀1:简括为:缩长见短,省却细腻。(括:概括性。见:间接引语。短:短的连词。细腻:细节和例子)口诀2:要问段标反思:1 要充分利用手中资料,包括备考指南、英语周报、新概念等。2 利用不同题型的材料进行练习,本课归纳技巧也可应用其中,例如:语法填空、完型填空、阅读理解等。3 打好基础,狠抓句型转换。4 学以致用,不断总结。Part IV. 高三后期备考重点以及考前的话送给谷玉的话:高考临近了,怎样在高考中以最佳状态取得理想的成绩呢?就考前冲刺复习提几点建议,供你参考。一.正确认识复习的重难点,重视单词的记忆和存储.要反复地告诫自己,英语复习的根本目的是强化对高考要求词汇的记忆和运用,使自己形成对这些词汇的熟练运用技能。重难点并非是指艰深晦涩的知识,而是回归课本、强化基础、提高运用语言的能力。对于词汇的记忆,我们应该给予特别的重视,词汇掌握得好不好,直接影响到学生的能力的提高,所以虽然处于最后这一阶段了,对记忆词汇情况的掌握不能放松,所以,考前再对照考纲,把词汇过目一遍,回想一下自己对每一个词(语)的掌握情况,强化记忆一些常见的词语搭配,如名词短语、动词短语、形容词短语、介词短语和一些词的习惯用法等,是非常必要的。记单词从音(音标)、形(书写)、类(词性)、义(意义)四方面,做到“四动”即:眼动,嘴动,手动和心动, 并运用归纳、对比、联想等方式记忆单词。如:customer(顾客)custom(习俗)customs(关税、海关)。也可将同音词、近义词、反义词及习惯搭配等联系起来,以达到准确、全面记忆单词的目的。要求他们理清像go, make, put, give, get, keep, take, come 等常用动词的用法。常用不规则动词的过去式和过去分词要牢记。我们目前复习的基本做法就是按照一本资料为主,对照考试大纲,划出一定量的词,词组和它们的用法,要求学生记忆,以最大限度限度地解决一些基础知识.课堂上完成一定里的练习,当堂讲解,以求巩固.二.告诫自己保持一颗平常心,定期过滤错题。提醒自己,良好的心态对于提高高三复习效率和赢取高考成功是非常重要的因素。不能因为高考临近而过于紧张,吓得不知从哪儿入手了,也不要认为平时已复习得很好而掉以轻心。这段时间里,要像平常一样继续复习,可以将已做过的练习题再过一遍。回头看错题档案,找出其中经常出错的地方,分析原因后,再加以强化训练达到熟能生巧。把基础题、中档题弄懂,不要纠缠资料中的怪题、难题和偏题。高考中即使遇到难题,也要有信心,因为万变不理其宗。三.开拓思路,避免思维定势. 精做题目,解题时要开拓答题的思路,总结命题的立意和抓住题目的切入点,多注意语言知识在情景中的灵活运用,巩固已养成的良好的答题习惯,以提高答题的准确率。语法复习以归纳为主,抓住基本用法,从而找到英语表达的规律。 做完一套题,要揣摩体会一番。例如,做完形填空题时应该用哪几个步骤?怎样正确理解完形填空题中文章的大意?怎样把握文章中的语境?英语阅读理解题中有哪些题材的文章?试题上常有的题型有哪些?如何获取阅读文章里的隐含信息?如何对付阅读中的生词?阅读时如何思考才能较快地选出最佳答案?等等。阅读理解工作应该运用到解每一道题中,不光是阅读理解题和完形填空题中有阅读理解的问题,在听力.语法填空和任务型阅读上都需要阅读和理解. 如对于语法填空题,要注意的答题原则,注意对整个句子语义、语境或上下文的理解,避免看到空就盲目地填,从而陷入思维定势。四.加强书面表达练习,争取得高分。英语书面表达能够考查的适合中学生的体裁和内容是很有限的.1.考前着重复习以往做过的有关作文,要求学生准确记忆一些常用表达格式和语句,这样做,对提高在本题中的得分是十分有效的。与自己日常生活有关的单词要反复地记忆,如destroy, government, examine, explanation, environment, pollution , convenient等,以减少无谓的失误。2.多看范文,适当背诵有好处。在最后的两个月每天背一篇范文,特别是里面的经典句型,我觉得这是短期内提高书面


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