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Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained三言两语1.With space technology developing so rapidly,we are sure to pay a visit to the moon some day.2Only by reading widely can we gain more knowledge and broaden our horizons.3My hobby offers me an opportunity to do something interesting and creative.Meanwhile,it provides me with a source of pleasure.1.我深信,我人生的10%是我身上发生了什么,而另外90%是我对此如何反应。Im convinced that 10% of my life is what_happens_to_me and 90% is how_I_react_to_it.2这次经历也让我懂得:只要我永不放弃并努力尝试,我就会成功。This experience has also taught me that as_long_as_I_never_give_up_and_keep_trying,I will succeed.单词拼写应用核心单词1occur vi.发生2assume vt.假定;认为3link vt.& n联系,关联4attack vt.& vi.& n攻击;进攻5detective n侦探6case n案件;具体情况,实例7award n奖,奖品,奖金 vt.授予,奖励8witness n目击者,证人 vt.目击,见证9base n基地,大本营;底部;基础 vt.以为基础10aboard adv.& prep.在(轮船、飞机、火车等)上;上(轮船、飞机、火车等)语境运用用所给词的适当形式填空1(2019天津卷) Most food webs,for instance,consist of many weak links (link) rather than a few strong ones.2(2019北京卷) A lot of business is still done over the phone,and much of it is_based (base) on trust and existing relationships.3(2018全国卷)He was unconscious and as I looked at his face,something occurred(occur) to me.4(2017浙江卷)Italy,which has a much weaker tradition of immigration,has_witnessed (witness) a sharp increase in immigration in recent years.5(2017北京卷)Already this year,115 measles(麻疹) cases (case) have been reported in the USA,compared with 189 for all of last year.6Like her mother,Irene was_awarded(award) a Nobel Prize,along with her husband,in 1935.7He doesnt seek advice,since he assumes(assume) nothing can be done.拓展单词1exist vi.存在existence n存在2organize vt.组织,筹备;安排,处理organization n组织;机构organizer n组织者3survive vi.& vt.生存;挺过(难关)survival n幸存,生存survivor n幸存者4construct vt.建筑constructor n建造者construction n施工;建筑物5puzzle vt.使困惑,使难解 n谜,令人费解的事puzzled adj.困惑的,茫然的puzzling adj.令人困惑不解的6convince vt.使确信,使相信convincing adj.令人信服的convinced adj.确信的,感到信服的7amaze vt.使惊异/惊奇amazing adj.令人惊奇(惊叹)的amazed adj.吃惊的,感到惊奇的amazement n惊异,惊奇8possible adj.可能的possibly adv.可能地possibility n可能性9strong adj.强壮的,有力的strength n力量,力气strengthen vt.加强,巩固10agree v同意agreement n同意disagree vi.不同意disagreement n意见不一;分歧语境运用用所给词的适当形式填空1Its a convincing speech and Im convinced that many people will benefit from it.(convince)2Luckily,I survived the terrible car crash last week and I was the only survivor of the accident.(survive)3The puzzled look on her face shows that she is puzzled about the puzzling question.(puzzle)4Many early history scholars tried to study the pyramids and tell how the construction was constructed.(construct)5We wonder if there is any possibility of the statistics to be analyzed as soon as possible.(possible)6We were amazed by the amazing news that an eightyearold child went to college.(amaze)7If God doesnt exist,why did the concept of his existence become almost universal? (exist)8To make yourself strong or increase your strength,you should get more exercise to strengthen your muscles.(strong)9A few people agreed to the plan of a lab building,while most people disagreed;as a result,no agreement was made finally.(agree)10Smith doesnt want to be involved in the organization of the conference,although his wife wishes him to be the organizer.(organize)阅读单词1evidence n证据2incident n发生的事情(尤指不寻常的或讨厌的) 3creature n动物;(具有某种特征的)人4enthusiastic adj.热情的;热烈的;满腔热忱的5astronomer n天文学家6appropriate adj.适当的7ancestor n祖先,祖宗8discount n折扣9reserve n(动植物)保护区;储备_ vt.预订;保留;储备1(2019全国卷)When a student attacks a professor on the social media,the language used actually says more about the student.vt.抨击;批评2(2019全国卷)First,you need to evaluate yourself,your values,your strengths,your weaknesses,your achievements,your desires,etc.n.优势;长处短语多维应用高频短语1.show_up 出现,现身2step_up 加紧,加强,促进3make_ones_way_to 前往,到去 4.run_into 偶遇,无意中碰见语境运用(填入一个适当的词)The other day our class made our way to a nearby park for relaxation.Entering the park,I ran into an old neighbour.He said he made an appointment with his friends to meet there,but they didnt show up.5.pick_up 拾起;(偶然)学会;接收;用车接6so_far迄今为止7in_return 作为回报,作为报答8be_based_on 以为基础语境运用(填入一个适当的词)Its reported that the eightyearold boy has picked up five languages so far.He said his study was based on practice.We should make full use of every minute to practice and apply our language.Then we can master it in the shortest time in return.9.due_to 由于,因为10take_charge_of 负责,掌管11make_up 编造,杜撰;构成12look_into 调查语境运用(填入一个适当的词)Last week,due to the heavy rain,Li Leis car knocked into a tree.When the police who took charge of the case looked into what happened then,Li Lei made up a story that there was a flash of light around his car when the accident occurred.句式结构仿写教材原句背诵句式仿写应用1.“表语be主语”的完全倒装结构Standing inside were lots of strange creatures with white skin and large black eyes.出席会议的是有着丰富教学经验的老师。Present_at_the_meeting_are_teachers with a lot of teaching experience.2.状语从句的省略When asked about the possibility that Justin was taken by aliens,Detective Sam Peterson.(2019浙江卷)过多的表扬可能适得其反,而且,如果以一种不真诚的方式对孩子们给予表扬,会让他们害怕尝试新事物或不敢冒险Too much praise can backfire and,when/while_given_in_a_way thats insincere,make kids afraid to try new things or take a risk.3.Sb./Sth.be said to do sth.“据说”The Yeti is said to be a large,hairy animal that walks on two feet like a human being.(2017全国卷满分作文)据说一些世界著名的队员将被邀请来讲课。Some famous players from the world are_said_to_be_invited to give lessons.1puzzled adj.困惑的,茫然的(1)puzzle n. 谜,令人费解的事 vt.使迷惑,使困惑be a puzzle to.对是个谜或难题be in a puzzle about/over 对迷惑不解puzzle about/over sth.苦苦思索某事(2)be puzzled about/over 对感到困惑begin to get a bit puzzled 开始变得有点困惑be puzzled how to do it不知如何做此事be puzzled over the problem for hours长时间苦思这个问题be in a puzzle as to what to do next不知道下一步该做什么基础练习单句语法填空What puzzles you is actually a puzzle to many parents in China.These scientists have been puzzling about/over how to solve the environmental problem.能力提升一句多译消防员对这场火灾的起因困惑不解。The firemen were_puzzled_about the cause of the fire.(puzzled)The firemen were_in_a_puzzle_about the cause of the fire.(puzzle n)What_puzzled_the_firemen was the cause of the fire.(puzzle v)名师点津过去分词形式的形容词,如puzzled,confused,frightened,excited,surprised等,除了可以用来描述人的心理活动以外,还可以用来修饰与人有关的一些名词,如look,voice,smile,expression,face等。2witness n目击者,证人 vt.目击,见证(1)witness sth.目击/亲眼看到/见证某事witness to (doing) sth.作证证明(做)某事(2)be a witness to sth.是某事的目击者bear/give witness to 为作证a material witness in the case本案的重要目击证人bear witness to his innocence 为他的清白作证witness to her trustworthiness证明她是可以信赖的基础练习单句语法填空She witnessed to having seen the man near the scene of the crime.His good health is a witness to the success of the treatment.能力提升一句多译警方希望任何目击这起事故的人都能给他们打电话。The police would like anyone who_witnessed_the_accident to call them. (witness v)The police would like anyone who_was_a_witness_to_the_accident to call them.(witness n)The police would like anyone witnessing_the_accident to call them.(用现在分词作定语)名师点津see,witness,find等一些动词,可以用地点或时间名词作主语,表示某地或某时“经历、发生、目睹”了某事 。这是一种拟人修辞法。3assume vt.假定;认为(1)assume that.设想/认为assume sb./sth.to be.认为某人/某物是its assumed that.人们普遍认为(2)assuming that.假设/假定(3)assumption n. 假定,设想on the assumption that.假定assume this to be true 假定这是真的assume that this situation will continue认为这种情况将持续下去assume an expression of regret装出后悔的样子基础练习单句语法填空It is_assumed(assume) that stress is caused by too much work.(2019江苏卷)A thoughtful official passed on some of the copies to the park authorities on the assumption(assume) that they might make a nice blowup for one of the visitors centers.能力提升句式升级(普通表达)If you are interested in it,please send an email to 123456 .(高级表达)Assuming_(that)_you_are_interested_in_it,please send an email to 123456.(普通表达) We assume that he is an honest boy.(高级表达)We assume him_to_be an honest boy.名师点津有些词看上去是现在分词或过去分词,其实用作介词或连词。常见的有:supposing conj.假设;如果;provided/providing conj.假设;如果;given prep.鉴于;考虑到;considering prep.& conj.鉴于;考虑到;concerning prep.关于。4occur vi.发生(1)sth.occur(s) to sb.某人突然想起某事it occurs to sb.that.某人突然想起it occurs to sb.to do sth.某人想到要做某事(2)occurrence n发生;事件;出现if anything should occur如果发生什么事情的话occur at about 3:30 pm.发生在下午3点30分左右be of frequent/rare occurrence是常/少有的基础练习单句语法填空A good idea occurred to me when I woke up this morning.It never occurred to her to_ask(ask) for help when she was in trouble.能力提升句式升级(普通表达)When I got home,I suddenly remembered that I had left my book in the classroom.(高级表达)When I got home,it_occurred_to_me_that I had left my book in the classroom.(occur)(高级表达)When I got home,it_struck/hit_me_that I had left my book in the classroom.(strike/hit)名师点津表示“某人想起”的短语还有:sth.strike/hit sb.sb.hit/strike on e to e into ones mind等。5base n基地,大本营;底部;基础 vt.以为基础(1)base.on/upon.把建立在基础之上be based on/upon.以为基础;依据(2)basis n基础;基准,准则(3)basic adj.基本的;基础的have a broad base of support得到广泛支持set up a new base in the north在北方设立新的基地be based on solid facts基于确凿的事实基础练习单句语法填空(2019北京卷)Stars apparently do not follow this basic(base) principle of sportsmanship.Basing(base) an important decision more on emotion than on reason,you will regret it sooner or later.能力提升句式升级(普通表达)The restaurant is based on trust,and it is working all right.(高级表达)Based_on_trust,the restaurant is working all right.(用过去分词作状语)6award n奖,奖品,奖金 vt.授予,奖励(1)award sth.to sb.award sb.sth.把某物颁发给/判给某人award sb.sth.for.因而奖励某人某物(2)win/receive/get an award for.因而赢得/得到/获得奖项give an award of $900 to each of the winners给予每位获胜者900美元奖励award John the first prize授予约翰一等奖receive an award for his lifetime of work as a director 获得导演终生成就奖基础练习单句语法填空The Nobel Prize is awarded to those who make great contributions in many fields every year.She won an award for her outstanding performance.She was_awarded(award) a gold medal for her outstanding service to the public.能力提升一句多译主席给她颁发了金牌。The chairman awarded_her_the_gold_medal.The chairman awarded_the_gold_medal_to her.名师点津要表示多少奖金,通常用“an award of钱数”。7convince vt.使确信,使相信(1)convince sb.that.使某人相信convince sb.to do sth.说服某人做某事convince sb.of sth.使某人相信某事(2)be convinced of.确信;相信be convinced that.确信;相信it is convinced that.人们相信convince sb.by sound arguments以理服人convince him that he is nothing 使他相信自己并非什么大人物convince the students of the need for wider reading 让学生们认识到广泛阅读的必要性be convinced of her innocence确信她是无辜的基础练习单句语法填空I wanted to know what convinced you to_vote(vote) for him?But we failed to convince him of his mistake.能力提升句式升级(普通表达) He is convinced of the truth of the report.(高级表达)He is convinced that the_report_is_true.(普通表达)He was convinced of its truth,and he felt pleased.(高级表达)Convinced_of_its_truth,he felt pleased.(用过去分词作状语)8survive vi.& vt.生存,挺过(难关)survive sth.幸免于,在中幸存下来survive on 靠生存下来survive from 从留存下来;流传下来A survive B (by.) A比B活得长(几年)survive through two world wars经历了两次世界大战而幸存survive on roots and berries 靠吃树根和浆果维持生命poor people struggling to survive 为生存而挣扎着的穷人基础练习单句语法填空Some strange customs have survived from earlier times.I dont know how you all manage to survive on Jeremys salary.能力提升完成句子据说这位女士比她的丈夫多活了10年。Its said that the woman survived_her_husband_by 10 years.9show up 出现,现身(1)show off 炫耀,卖弄show sb.in/out 领某人进来/出去show sb.around/round 领某人参观(2)be on show 在展览,陈列show up his weak points in physics显现出他在物理方面的弱点show his parents up rather badly 给他父母丢尽了脸show off his abilities 卖弄他的才能基础练习单句语法填空Mike has only driven to the pub to show off his new carhe usually walks.Mr.Green is on his way here.Please show him in as soon as he arrives.能力提升完成句子我们商量好在体育馆见面,但Larry没有来。We had agreed to meet at the gym,but Larry didnt_show_up.10make up 编造,杜撰;构成make up for (用其他方式)弥补;补偿be made up of(consist ofbe composed of) 由组成/构成make out 辨认出;理解,明白;开(写)支票make way for 为让路make it 成功;约定时间make up stories to amuse his little brother 编故事逗他的小弟弟make up what you lack in your diet 补充你食物中所缺乏的营养make up to you for what youve suffered 补偿你所遭受的损害make out what he is saying 理解他在说什么基础练习写出下列句中make up的含义He made up an excuse to explain why he was late.编造As far as I know,boys make up 40% of your class.组成;占据Now many girls like making up when they are still quite young.化妆After they quarreled many times,its hard for them to make up.和好Can I leave early this afternoon and make up the time tomorrow?补上能力提升完成句子五个人组成了这个团队。换句话说,这个团队是由五个人组成的。Five people make_up the team; in other words,the team is_made_up_of/consists _of/is_composed_of five people.11look into调查look to 照管;留心;指望look on 旁观;观看look out 留神;朝外看look after 照顾;照看look back (on) 回顾;追忆Look into the box朝箱子里面看look into the matter till the truth is out 调查那件事直至真相大白look into how to reduce unemployment 研究如何降低失业率look to you to support me in this matter 在这件事上我要靠你支持基础练习单句语法填空She has always looked to her parents for advice.When I look back on my childhood I wonder how I managed to survive at all.能力提升完成句子你的诉讼正在调查之中。如果有事需要通知,我们会给你写信的。Your complaint is_being_looked_into.When we have anything to report,we will write to you.12(教材P2) Standing_inside_were_lots_of_strange_creatures with white skin and large black eyes.里面站着许多白皮肤、眼睛又黑又大的奇怪生物。句型公式该句为完全倒装句,其结构为“现在分词地点状语be主语”。正常语序是:Lots of strange creatures with white skin and large black eyes were standing inside.。(1)当表语是分词、副词、形容词、介词短语,主语比较长且主语是名词时,为了保持平衡或强调表语,常把表语放在句首,引起句子完全倒装。句型结构为“分词/副词/形容词/介词短语be主语”。(2)表示处所、方位等的副词或介词,如here,there,now,then,up,down,in,out,off等放在句首,且主语是名词,谓语通常是be,lie,sit,stand,come,go,exist,live等不及物动词时,句子用完全倒装。金句推送(2018全国卷写作佳句)Present at the movie watching were the school headmaster,teachers,students and some of the students parents.观看电影的有校长、老师、学生和一些学生的家长。基础练习单句语法填空Buried(bury) in the earth was a jar with lots of ancient coins in it.Once upon a time there lived(live) a doctor known by the name of Hua Tuo.能力提升句式升级(普通表达)At noon they got to a hill,and a temple,dating back to hundreds of years ago,stood on its top.(高级表达)At noon they got to a hill,on_top_of_which_stood_a_temple,dating back to hundreds of years ago.(用定语从句且倒装)13(教材P3) When_asked_about the possibility that Justin was taken by aliens,Detective Sam Peterson.当被问及贾斯廷被外星人带走的可能性时,侦探萨姆彼得森句型公式句中When asked about.为时间状语从句When he was asked about.的省略形式。其构成形式为“连词名词、形容词、过去分词、现在分词、不定式等 ”。(1)当状语从句的主语和主句的主语一致,且从句中含有动词be时,可将从句的主语和be动词一起省略。(2)当从句中含有itbe时,可将it和be省略。(3)掌握下列短语:if any如果有的话;if so如果是这样的话;if ever如果曾经有的话;if not如果不这样的话。金句推送(2019全国卷) You must keep these points in mind while setting your goals.在设定目标时,你必须牢记这些要点。基础练习单句语法填空Though surprised(surprise) to see us,the professor gave us a warm welcome.I struggle for words when asking(ask) a sudden question.It sounds like something is wrong with the cars engine.If so,wed better take it to the garage immediately.能力提升句式升级(普通表达)You should stay where you are,unless you are asked to leave.(高级表达)You should stay where you are,unless asked_to_leave.(省略形式)14(教材P18) The_Yeti_is_said_to_be_a_large,hairy_animal that walks on two feet like a human being.据说,野人体格高大多毛,像人类一样用两只脚行走。句型公式本句中用了“主语be said to do sth.”句型。该句型可与“It is said that主语.”结构互换,意为“据说,人们说”。(1)be said to do sth.“据说”,可与It is said that./People say that.进行句型转换。(2)有上述用法的动词有:believe,expect,report,consider,know,suppose,judge,agree,prove等,其中不定式根据句子意思可有一般式(to do)、进行式(to be doing)或完成式(to have done)三种形式。金句推送(2018全国卷满分作文)Arriving at your friends home early is believed to be polite in China.在中国,早到朋友的家被认为是有礼貌的。基础练习单句语法填空He is said to_be_studying(study) abroad,but I dont know which country he is studying in.Mo Yans novels are reported to_have_been_translated (translate) into many different languages so far.能力提升句式升级(普通表达)People say that Jack Ma possesses a fortune of more than 30 billion dollars.(高级表达)It_is_said_that Jack Ma possesses a fortune of more than 30 billion dollars.(高级表达)Jack Ma is_said_to_possess a fortune of more than 30 billion dollars.多维训练夯实基础维度1用所给词的正确形式填空1When I asked what she thought of the poem,she said it was indeed puzzling (puzzle)2The old scientist was_awarded(award) for his contributions to his country last week.3Suddenly a good idea occurred(occur) to her,but she didnt know how to speak it out.4Seated(seat) on the ground was a girl playing the guitar.5This allows them to respond more appropriately (appropriate) to the user.6Many a new house is_reported(report) to have been built in the disaster area.7Luckily she was not badly injured (injure) and we sent her to the nearest hospital.8A working party has been set up to_look(look)into the problem.9Marriages based (base) on money rather than love are bound to end in divorce sooner or later.10There was a car crash yesterday,and of the six people injured,only two survived(survive)维度2在空白处填入一个适当的词1It was assumed that all humankind could do was adapt to the rapidly changing conditions.2Let me,as a witness,tell them what happened so that they will not be wrongly


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