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DreamhomesWelcometotheunit Differentplacesofinterest 名胜 manypalaces 宫殿 thePalaceMuseum故宫 Beijing oneofthebiggestcitiesinChina capital BeijingisthecapitalofChina oneofthebiggestcitiesinChina Russia Japan theUSA Canada theUK ThebiggestcountryisRussia France differentcountries Whichcountrydoyouwanttovisitmost Canada加拿大 theCNTower 加拿大国家电视塔 Canadaisfamousfor mapleleaves e ThecapitalofCanadais Ottawa What sthecapitalof Canada t w t w France法国 theEiffelTower 埃菲尔铁塔 Franceisfamousfor fashion ThecapitalofFranceis Paris What sthecapitalof France Japan日本 MountFuji 富士山 ma nt fu d i Japanisfamousfor cartoons ThecapitalofJapanis Tokyo What sthecapitalof Japan t kj Russia俄罗斯 RedSquare 红场 skwe Russiaisfamousfor thepresident ThecapitalofRussiais Moscow What sthecapitalof Russia m sk theUK England BigBen ThecapitaloftheUKis London What sthecapitalof theUK l nd n theUSA America theWhiteHouse 白宫 TheUSAisfamousfor NBA ThecapitaloftheUSAis WashingtonD C What sthecapitalof theUSA Japan日本Tokyo东京 theUSA美国WashingtonDC华盛顿 France法国Paris巴黎 Canada加拿大Ottawa渥太华 theUK英国London伦敦 Russia俄罗斯Moscow莫斯科 Countriesandcapitals 1 组内互读纠错 2 小组4人齐读展示 Countries 国家 Capitals 首都 theUSATokyotheUKOttawaFranceMoscowJapanWashingtonDCRussiaLondonCanadaParisThecapitalof is Countries 国家 Capitals 首都 theUSAtheUKFranceJapanRussiaCanada 两人一组 一问一答 A What sthecapitalof B Thecapitalof is 1 6 5 4 3 2 Japan Russia France theUK theUSA Canada 6 5 A Whichcountryisthisphotofrom B Oh it sfrom Askandanswer 1 What sinthephoto 2 Whereisit Listenandanswer MountFuji It snearTokyo 先独立思考 再两人一组 一问一答 pairwork A Whichcountryisthisphotofrom B Oh it sfrom Thisis A Isee Whereisit B It s A Is thecapitalof B Yes itis Fillintheblanks TalkaboutEddie sdreamhome Eddiedoesn tliketoliveina Hewouldliketolive toarestaurant Therearemany inBeijing Hisfavouriterestaurantisthe one Heisa dog palace next restaurants biggest lazy IfyouareinBeijing wouldyouliketoliveinapalaceorlivenexttoarestaurant Nowlet slistenforEddie sanswer 1 WherewouldEddieliketolive 2 Howmanyrestaurantsarethereintown 3 WhichisEddie sfavouriterestaurant Listenandanswer Nexttoarestaurant ThebiggestoneinFifthStreet Twenty 先独立思考 再两人一组 一问一答 Palace theSummer 颐和园 Wouldlike some 你想要游览中国首都吗 肯定 再来些茶怎么样 肯 否 WouldyouliketovisitthecapitalofChina Yes I dliketo loveto Wouldyoulikesomemoretea Yes please No thanks todo nextto beside在 旁边 隔壁 我学校隔壁的购物中心他现在正坐在我旁边 theshoppingmallnexttomyschool Heissittingnexttomenow Thereis are Whichisyourfavourite Whichdoyoulikebest town big 原级bigger 比较级thebiggest 最高级 三者或三者以上 形容词最高级和the连用 in of Bill是我们班最高的 在我们之中 Peter是最胖的 Billisthetallestinourclass Peteristhefattestofus inFifthStreet Groupwork A Whichcountrywouldyouliketolivein B I dliketoliveinChina A Doyouknowitscapital B Ofcourse ItscapitalisBeijing A Whydoyouwanttolivethere B Becauseit sfamousfortheGreatWall AndIenjoydeliciousChinesefoodverymuch Whataboutyou A I dliketochoose because Groupwork A Whichcountrywouldyouliketolivein B I dliketolivein A Doyouknowitscapital B Ofcourse Itscapitalis A Whydoyouwanttolivethere B Because Whataboutyou A I dlike because 根据中文完成句子 1 你想住在宫殿里吗 是的 我想要 you liveina Yes 2 那个老人想住在饭馆的隔壁 Theoldman live a 3 你最喜欢的城市是哪一个 2种 Whichisyour Whichcity 4 最大的那个是我的 The oneis 5 我的理想家园是巴黎 法国的首都 My isParis the of 6 纽约有许多中餐馆 inNewYork Would Liketo palace wouldliketo next to restaurant
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