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Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.听说课 Section B 1a-1e 第四课时Teaching and learning goals:一、 功能:能正确听懂某一志愿活动的顺序及细节并运用部分短语动词叙述某一志愿活动。二、词汇和常用表达:能正确使用repair, fix, fix up , give away, take after, broken, wheel三、学习策略:能通过听说活动掌握按事情发展顺序描述志愿活动。四、文化知识: Learn from the wonderful Bike Boy Jimmy. Hes always helping people.Step1. Pre-listening activities: I. PreviewTask1 Do you know the following phrasal verbs? Look at p13, put them into English orally, then write them down without looking at your books. 1.用尽;耗尽 _ 2. (外貌或行为)像 _ 3.修理 _ 4. 与相似 _5.赠送 _ 6.儿童之家 _7.破损自行车零件_ 8.像车轮 _9.单车男孩 _ 10.自愿帮助人们 _Task2 Can you make sentences with the phrases above? Lets have a try, put the following sentences into English orally, then try writing them down without looking at your books.1.我已经用完它了。 _2.吉米已经花光了钱。 _3. 我像我妈妈。 _4. 吉米像他爸爸。 _5. 我和她相似。 _6. 我把我的自行车捐给了儿童之家。 _7. 我把它修好了。 _8.单车男孩自愿修理破损的自行车零件,像车轮。 _【设计意图】预习体现了以学生为中心的思想,便于教师以学定教。通过预习展示和学习短语动词,不仅检查了学生的预习情况,更明确了本单元的语法重点;在掌握短语的基础上设计一些翻译练习,既能展示学生的预习质量,又能提高他们的翻译能力,同时也为下步听力做了知识基础。.II. Warming up and leading inTask1 Fill in the blanks.T: Boys and girls, look at the following pictures , please. Can you complete the sentences according to the pictures with phrasal verbs? Ss: Yeah! Ive _ _ _ it. The girl _ _ her mother. Yesterday he _ _ the broken TV. She _ _ some old clothes.Ss work in pairs, then check the answers together, pay attention to the right forms of the phrasal verbs.Task2 Match the sentences with similar meanings.T:Great! Can you match the sentences with the similar meanings? Do it quickly.Check the answers together and make sure that the Ss understand them clearly.Task3 Match the phrasal verbs with the nouns. Then make sentences with the phrases.T:Boys and girls, can you match the phrasal verbs with the nouns? Then make sentences with them.Have a few Ss share their answers and sentences with the whole class.T: Youve done very good job. Now look at the pictures on P13. Do you know the boy?Ss: Yes. He is Jimmy, the Bike Boy.T: Do you want to know more about him?Ss: Yes.T: Lets come to 1c and 1d.【设计意图】紧扣预习及所学内容,使学生自然而然地进入新课的学习。Step3 While-listening ActivitiesTask1 Listening for the general idea of 1cT: Now lets work on 1c.Next well listen to a conversation between a man and a boy. First lets listen for the general idea.The general idea of the conversation is about _.A. Jimmy, the Bike Boy B. Jimmys bike C. how Jimmy helped others(Students listen and give their answers.)【设计意图】通过听取大意,让学生对听力材料有个基本的了解。Task2 Listening for the specific ideas.1. Listen and number the pictures 1-4 in the correct order.T:Look at the four pictures in 1c. Can you describe them with phrasal verbs?Ss: Yes.T:What happened to the Bike Boy, Jimmy in Picture a?S1:He has run out of his money.T:How about Picture B?S2:.Check the answers together.2. Listen again and circle “T” or “F”. T:Youve done very well. Now read the sentences in 1d and pay attention to the phrasal verbs and make sure to understand them. Listen and circle. OK?After listening, have one or two Ss share their answers.3. Listen and fill in the blanks.Man: This morning Im _with a very wonderful young man, Jimmy the _Boy. Good morning, Jimmy.Jimmy: Good morning. Man: So, Jimmy tell our listeners what you do.Jimmy: Well, I find or buy old _ that nobody wants. Then I _ _ the bikes and _ them _ to kids who dont have _ money to buy their own bikes.Man: Thats fantastic. What _ you the idea?Jimmy: I guess I _ _ my father. He loves to _ people. He always _ to help people in need.Man: Wow!Your parents _ be proud of you.Jimmy: I guess so. But now Ive _ _ _ money so I _ buy any more old bikes.Man: Oh, thats too bad.Jimmy: Yeah. I need to come up with some way of _ money or Ill have to _.【设计意图】通过听取细节对听力材料有了进一步的理解,利用听的技能来获取和处理所需信息,再次体现了本单元的语法重点,使之贯穿整个课堂。Step4 Post-listening activitiesTask1 Practice the conversation between Jimmy and the reporter. Use the information from 1c and 1d like this: A: What do you do , Jimmy? B: I fix up. T: Now do an interview with your partner, Student A is a reporter from the radio station, Student B is Jimmy. Are you clear?Ss: Yeah!After about three minutes, ask some pairs to act out. For example:【设计意图】通过角色表演既了解了学生对听力材料的掌握情况,又培养和锻炼了他们用英语思维、交流与合作的能力。Task2 ReportT: Suppose you are a reporter from the radio station, please report Jimmy to your listeners. You can report like this:【设计意图】语言活动要有个循序渐进的过程,此项活动是在前几项活动的基础上培养和锻炼学生英语语言的表达能力及灵活能力。Step5 Inquiry into knowledge by translation and explanation1. Ive run out of money it. _1) run out of 是一个“ _+_+_”构成的词组,意思是“”。是个及物动词短语,主语通常是 _.2)run out是一个“_+_”构成的短语,是不及物动词,表示_;(人)把东西用完(或花光),其主语通常是_.例如: Food_(吃完了) at last. They are _( 消耗尽) oil and the plane has to land.2.Jimmy takes after his father. _ take after 是一个“_+_”结构的词组,意思是“”,和look like 意思相近。不同的是,_ 多指外貌与性格方面的相近,而 _可以指外貌,也可以描述其他方面的视觉上的相似。例如:1) 她像她的妈妈。 _2) 这只猫看起来像一顶帽子。 _【设计意图】利用本课中的两句话探究了短语动词的三种主要形式。通过学生的讨论和讲解,培养学生观察、发现、理解、掌握语言规律,不需要老师直接告诉,而是在学生不会或漏讲的地方进行精讲或补充,以便以学定教。Step6 Teachers words T:Boys and girls, as you know: Helping others is helping ourselves. So we should learn from the wonderful young man Jimmy. Look at saying:If everyone gives his or her love, the world will become more and more beautiful. 【设计意图】 培养学生主动帮助别人、服务社会的意识。Step7 The end-of class test一、 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1. Her father f_ up his car by himself last night.2. The car has four w_ and it can run very fast.3. Who _ Alan _(take) after?4. The boy is r_ an old bike that nobody wants.5. Jimmy fixes up b_ bicycle parts.二请翻译下列句子。1. 我和她相似。 _ 2. 我把我的自行车捐给了儿童之家。 _3. 我已经用完了买旧自行车的钱。 _4. 吉米修理破损自行车零件,像车轮。 _5. 我需要想出某个弄钱的方法。 _【设计意图】当堂检测紧扣本节课重难点,检测学生对本课时所学目标语言的达标情况,促使学生巩固所学内容。Step8. Homework. 1.Read 1c after the recording and recite them.() 2.Review the article of Self-check 2 () 3.Preview 2a-2b. (To preview the ne words and expressions and to know about some opinions about agreement and disagreements.)()【设计意图】分层设计作业,让多数学生兼顾基础知识,让有余力的学生有机会拓展语言技能,进行综合写作技能的强化训练,并准备下节课课前汇报。布置预习作业,为下一节课提前做好准备。对于听力原文,可让生课下反复听磁带,能英汉互译,进一步形成良好的英语语调和语感。本课亮点:1. 本课的导入。运用与新短语动词有关的图片来导入新课,避免了枯燥乏味的说教,通过对短语动词的练习,为下步的听力训练做了必要的必需的知识准备。2.听后活动的设计凸显层次性,特别是听力短文填空及采访中的汇报,既巩固了本课所学的目标语言,又开拓了学生的思维,使学生的思维跳出了课本。4.在对学生进行知识教育的同时,渗透着情感教育,使学生真正了解帮助他人,服务社会的重要性。不足之处: 听后活动中Role-play”环节中,由于学生程度参差不齐,有部分学生不会用语言进行表述。在今后的教学过程中要多关注后进生和中间生,特别关注差生的思考、发言,引导、帮助他们对新知识的理解和掌握,倾听他们对知识的理解和想法。使用建议:听力训练中的任务设计较为详细、全面,教师可根据实际合理选择地使用。参考答案:Step1. Pre-listening activities: Task1 1.run out of 2.take after 3.fix up 4.be similar to 5.give away 6.a childrens home 7.broken bicycle parts 8.like wheels 9.the Bike Boy 10.volunteer to help othersTask2 1.Ive out of it. 2.Jimmy has run out of money. 3.I take after my mother. 4.Jimmy takes after his father. 5.Im similar to her. 6.I gave away my bike to a childrens home. 7.I fixed it up. 8.The Bike Boy volunteers to fix up broken bicycle parts, like wheels.II. Warming up and leading inTask1 Fill in the blanks. run out of, takes after, fixed up, gave awayTask2Step3 While-listening ActivitiesTask1 CTask2 12.Task3 talking, Bike, bikes, fix up, give, away, enough, gives, takes after,


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