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A1. able adj. 有能力的 句型:be able to do(可以变换时态,不能跟can共用)变形:unable adj. 没有能力的 disabled adj. 残疾的ability n. 能力 disability n. 残疾,缺陷2. above prep. 在的上面,表示楼层上方例句: I live above you. 我住在你家楼上。也可以表示温度上的超过 above zero 反义词:below辨析:over 正上方 on 在上面(接触)3. abroad adv. 国外 go abroad 去国外 be abroad 在国外 home and abroad国内外4. absent adj. 缺席的 短语:be absent from 缺席5. accept vt. 接受 辨析:receive vt. 收到6. accident n. 事故,意外 短语:car accidents 交通事故 do sth. by accident 碰巧做某事7. according to 根据(to是介词) according to sth./doing sth.8. achieve vt. 获得短语:achieve a balance between A and B 在A和B之间获得一个平衡 achieve success取得成功变形:achievement n. 成就(可数)9. act vi. 行动 变形:action n. 行动 active adj. 活跃的 inactive adj. 不活跃的actively adv. 活跃地 inactively adv. 不活跃地vt. 表演 变形:actor n. 男演员 actress n. 女演员短语:take action to do 采取行动做某事 act to do 行动起来做某事10. admire vt. 敬佩,仰慕 admire sb. for sth. 因敬佩某人11.advantage n. 优势(可数) 变形:disadvantage n. 劣势12. advise vt. 建议 advise sb. to do sth. 变形:advice n. 建议(不可数) some advice on sth.辨析:suggest vt. 建议 suggest doing suggestion n. 建议(可数)13. afford vt. 承担得起,买得起短语:afford sth. 买得起某物 afford to do sth. 做得起某事 一般与cant或couldnt连用14. against prep. 反对,靠着 短语:do sth. against the law 做违反法律的事情 stand against the wall 靠墙站着 be against doing sth. 反对做某事15. age n. 年龄at the age of 12 在12岁(注意12后面就不能再加years old)表达年龄的方式:in ones twenties/thirties.在某人几十多岁 at the age of +数字 when sb. be XX years old16. agree vi. 同意 短语:agree to do 同意做某事 agree with sb. 赞同某人变形:agreement n. 一致 agree= be in agreement reach an agreement达成一致17.alive adj. 活着的(表语形容词,只能放系动词后)辨析:lively adj. 活泼的,生动的 变形:livelier liveliest live adj. & adv. 现场的 a live show be covered live被现场直播 living n. 生存,生活 make a living 18.all的短语总结:all over 遍及 all day long 一整天 all year round 一整年 all the time 一直 at all times 总是 all right 好吧 above all 首要的是 first of all 首先 after all 毕竟19. allow vt. 允许短语:allow sb. to do sth. (注意被动:sb. be allowed to do 被允许做某事)20.already adv. 已经 (现在完成时)辨析:already用于肯定句,置于have和done中间或者句末yet用于否定句或者疑问句,置于句末21. amazing adj. 令人吃惊的 变形:amazed adj. 感到吃惊的 amazement n. 吃惊22.ancient adj. 古代的23. another pron. 另一个,表泛指 another + 可数名词单数考点:another + 数字=数字+more 表示再来XX个辨析:other 泛指,其他的,加名词复数或者不可数名词 others 泛指,指其他的东西或者别人,本身表示复数,后面不能加任何词 the other 特指两个中的另一个,或后加名词复数表示范围内剩下的所有。 the others 特指一个范围内剩下的所有,后面不能再加名词,本身表复数。24. anything 任何事 anyone 任何人 anybody 任何人 anywhere 任何地方复合不定代词:1) 看做三单 2) 形容词放在后面 3) 可以把else放在后面表示其他用于肯定句表示任何:Anyone can borrow books from here. 任何人都可以从这儿借书。I can go anywhere. 我可以去任何地方。用于否定句和疑问句代词some: Is there anything wrong with your computer?25. appear vi. 出现(没有被动语态)变形:disappear vi. 消失 appearance n. 出现,露面,外貌26.arrive vi. 到达 arrive in + 大地点 arrive at +小地点 arrive here/there/home同义短语:reach +地点 get to +地点 (get here/there/home)区别:没有地点,只能用arrive I have arrived.27. artist n. 艺术家 变形:art n. 艺术-ist后缀:tourist 旅行家 pianist 钢琴家 dentist 牙医 scientist 科学家28. as prep. 作为 短语:be famous as 作为著名 Lu Xun is famous as a writer. 辨析:be famous for 因为出名 Lu Xun is famous for his books. conj. 随着(引导时间状语从句)As time goes by, he realizes his growth. 既然,由于(引导原因状语从句) Come and play, as you are here.短语和句型:as a result 结果是; as.as.和一样;not as .as. 不如 as.as possible 尽可能as good as 简直,和一样 as well as 并且,和 as soon as 一就(时态规则主将从现,或者主过从过)29.asleep adj. 睡着的 短语:fall asleep (对应延续性动词be asleep)辨析:sleepy adj. 困倦的 feel sleepy30. attend vt. 参加,出席,经常去=go to(任务型经常考查)attend meetings attend school attend the lesson辨析:join + 组织/人 加入 take part in +活动/比赛 参加31.attention n. 注意力短语:pay attention to (to是介词,后加sth.或者doing sth.) catch/attract ones attention 引起某人的注意 bring sb. to the attention of 使引起了的注意32. attract vt. 吸引 变形:attractive adj. 有吸引力的 attraction n. 吸引力,景点辨析:attack vt. 攻击33.Australia n. 澳大利亚 变形:Australian adj. 澳大利亚n. 澳大利亚人34. avoid vt. 避免 avoid doing 如:avoid making mistakes避免犯错误 =avoid mistakes避免错误35.awake adj. 醒着的 stay awake保持清醒 变形:wake vt. 叫醒 wake-woke-wokenB1. basic adj. 基础的 basic education基础教育2.be短语总结:about: be crazy about be worried about be excited about be curious aboutof: be tired of be proud of be afraid of be full of be guilty of be aware of with: be satisfied with be bored with be pleased with be happy with be filled withat: be surprised at be amazed at be good atfor: be late for be famous for in: be interested in对-感兴趣 be used to doing 习惯于做某事 3.because of 由于辨析: because of +名词短语 because +从句4.beat vi. 跳动 beat-beat-beaten vt. 打败 beat sb.辨析:win win+比赛 赢得比赛 beat+人 打败人 5. before adv. 以前,过去(放在句末,现在完成时的标志词)如:He has never been there before. conj. 在之前(引导时间状语从句:主将从现或主过从过) 如:I will finish homework before I watch TV.句型:It will be XX years before +从句 表达某件事情要达成还需要多长时间 如:It will be 5 years before the subway is in use in Changzhou.prep. 在之前before doing如:You must finish homework before watching TV.6. beginning n. 开始,起初in the beginning=at first 一开始 at the beginning of 在的开始 mark the beginning of 7. below prep. 在的下面,表示楼层下方I live below you. 我住在你家楼下。也可以表示温度上的低于 blow zero 反义词:above 辨析:under 正下方 8.best adj. 最好的 the best place/time to do adv. 最like.best 最喜欢be best known for 因-最为人所知 all the best万事如意9.beyond prep. 超出范围短语:beyond my control beyond my ability beyond the visiting hour go far beyond 远远超过。辨析:over表示数量,年龄上的超过 above常用于温度上或楼层的超过10. bored adj. 感到无聊的 feel/be bored with 对厌烦了变形:boring adj. 乏味的,令人无聊的 bore vt. 使无聊11. born adj. 天生的 短语:a born artist be born 出生 (一般用过去时)12.borrow vt. 借来 borrow sth. from sb. 辨析:lend vt. 借给 lend sth. to sb.= lend sb. Sth.终止性动词,在since-, for-连用时,需要改成延续性的表达 keepI borrowed the book two weeks ago. 两周前我借了这本书。I have kept the book for two weeks. 这本书我已经借了两周了。(这两周实际上是“保管keep”这本书)13. both conj.&pron. 两个(都) 短语和句型:both + 复数:There are many trees on both sides of the road. both+of: Both of the twins like flying kites. both A and B: Both Tom and Jerry like flying kites.辨析:all 三者及以上都 neither 两者都不 either 两者中任取一个 none 三者及以上都不 14. break vt. 打破短语:break into 闯入(有被动) break down 坏了,抛锚(没有被动) break out 爆发(没有被动) 变形:broken adj. 坏了的15.breath n. 呼吸 短语:out of breath 上气不接下气 take a deep breath变形:breathe vi. 呼吸 breathe heavily16. British adj. 英国的 British English英式英语 n. 英国人 变形:Britain n. 英国17.but conj. 但是;表示转折关系。Xiaoming was ill, but he didnt stop working.(任务型中与although/though转换)=Although Xiaoming was ill, he didnt stop working.prep. 除了 句型:have no choice but to do 别无选择只能做 not.but. 不是而是 He is not a teacher but a doctor.注意:but/except/as well as/together with/with放在主语后,谓语动词要用就远原则,也就是只看前面的名词或代词的单复数。如:Nobody but the twins is going to Nanjing tomorrow.18.by prep. 用(强调方式,后只能加名词单数) by car by e-mailprep. 在旁边 by the river prep. 被,由 be made by an article by Lu Xun 鲁迅写的文章prep. 到为止 by +将来时间点 (一般将来时) By+过去时间点 (过去完成时)adv. 经过 pass by 经过 短语:by the way 顺便问一下 by oneself 独自 by accident/chance 碰巧 by mistake 错误地C1.call vt. 称呼 call sb. sth. What do you call him? (疑问词不能用how) a boy called Tom 一个叫Tom的男孩vt. 打电话 call sb. back 给某人回电话 n. 电话 give you a call 给你打一个电话2.cancel vt. 取消,终止(注意过去式和分词要双写l+ed)3. capital n. 首都 短语: the capital of .4.care vi. 关心,关注 care about 关心,在意 care for 照顾/喜欢 n. 关心 take care of 照顾词性转换:careful adj. 小心的,认真的 (be careful of/ about/ with) carefully adv. 认真地,仔细地careless adj. 粗心的 carelessly adv. 粗心地 carelessness n. 粗心5.catch vt. 抓获,抓住 短语: catch up with 追上 catch a cold 患感冒 catch ones attention吸引某人的注意6. carry vt.搬运,携带,背,拎 短语:carry on(with) 继续开展 carry out 开展,执行7. cause n. 原因 短语:the cause of=the reason for 的原因/起因 vt. 引起,导致=lead to8. centre n. 中央 in the centre of 变形:central adj. 中央的 central Nanjing 南京中部9. certain adj. 确定的,有把握的(既可以修饰人也可以修饰物)句型:It is certain that. 变形:certainly uncertain uncertainly10. chance n.机会 have a chance to do sth 有干某事的机会 by chance 偶然11. change vt. 改变 句型:change a lot 改变很多:Changzhou has changed a lot over the years.change -into=turn-into把-变成-n. 改变(可数) changes in numbers 数量上的变化 n. 零钱(不可数) Heres your change.12. check v/n 检查,核实13.cheer vi. 欢呼短语:cheer for 为加油 cheer up 使振奋 变形:cheerful adj. 兴高采烈的14.choose vt. 选择 变形:choose-chose-chosen choose to do 选择做某 choose sb. as 选择某人担当名词 choice 选择(可数) make a choice 做出选择 have no choice but to do别无选择只能做某事15.clear adj. 清楚的,清晰的,明亮的 变形:clearly清楚地,清晰地 vt. 除去,消除 clear the snow on the road 除掉路上的积雪16. close vt. 关闭 变形:closed adj. 关着的 adj. 近的,亲密的 be close to take a close look at 近距离地看-adv. 近的(形象的)sit close to 靠近-坐 closely adv. 密切地,亲密地(抽象的) work closely17.collect vt. 收集,搜集 变形:collection n. 收集物18.come on 得了吧,快点,加油(表鼓励,催促等语气)其他短语总结:come up with 想出,提起 come down 崩塌 come out 出版 come true 实现变形:coming adj. 即将到来的(用于一般将来时态)19.comfortable adj. 舒服的 变形:uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的 comfortably adv. 舒服地20. common adj. 普通的,常见的 uncommon21. compare vt. 比较 短语:compare A to B 把A比作B compare A with B 把A与B做比较句型:Compared with A, B . 与A相比,B22.complain vi. 抱怨短语:complain about sth. to sb. 向某人抱怨某事 变形:complaint n. 抱怨,投诉 complaint letter 投诉信23. complete vt. 完成 complete doing adj. 完全的,彻底的 变形:incomplete 不完全的 completely adv. 完全地,彻底地24.communicate vt. 交流,交际 communicate with sb. 与某人交流变形:communication n. 交流,交际25.condition n. 状态,条件 短语: living conditions26.confident adj. 有信心的 变形:confidence n. 信心 give me confidence=make me confident27.connect vt. 连接短语:connect sth. to/with sth. 把连接到/把与连接起来动词填空注意谓语非谓语,主动与被动:The computer is connected to the Internet. (谓语被动)The railway connects Shanghai to Nanjing. (谓语主动)The railway connecting Shanghai to Nanjing has been in use. (非谓语主动)The computer connected to the Internet is Jims. (非谓语被动)28. consider vt. 考虑短语:consider sb. as . 认为某人是(注意被动 sb. be considered as .) consider doing sth. 考虑做某事=think about doing29. continue vt. 继续continue to do 继续做另一件事 continue doing 继续做刚中断的事情30.control n. 控制短语:out of control 失控 beyond my control 超出我的控制 be under control 处于控制之下 vt. 控制 (注意过去式,过去分词,现在分词要双写尾字母)31.conversation n. (非正式)谈话,交流32. correct adj. 正确的 (近义词:right;proper) 变形:correctly incorrect incorrectly33. cost vt. 花费(cost-cost-cost)辨析:take 句型:sth./Doing sth. take sb. some time. It take sb. some time to do sth. (主语必须是事情或者物,只能花时间)spend 句型 sb. spend some time/money (in) doing sth.=sb. spend some time/money on sth. (主语必须是人,既能花钱又能花时间)cost 句型:sth./Doing sth. take sb. some money. It cost sb. some money to do sth. (主语必须是事情或者物,只能花钱)(cost 可以跟much,a lot或little)pay 句型:sb. pay some money for sth. (主语必须是人,只能花钱) n. 费用,成本 the cost of 的费用(费用可以用high, low修饰)34. could 情态动词表示能力,是can的过去时:I could swim at the age of 12.表示请求,是委婉语气,不是过去时:Could you tell me +宾语从句(从句时态不降级)表猜测,可能性小:It could be Mr. Green.35.couple n. 几个,一对,夫妻 短语:a couple of + 可数名词复数注意:couple做主语表示一对夫妻,是复数概念。 如:The couple are doing housework now.36. courage n. 勇气(不可数名词) 变形:encourage vt. 鼓励 encourage sb. to do sth.37. course n. 课程,进程38. cover n. 封面,盖子(可数) 庇护所(不可数) vt. 覆盖 cover . with be covered in/with vt. 报道 cover.live 现场直播 be covered live vt. 包含,涉及 The topic covers three parts. 这个话题涉及三个部分。39. create vt. 创造 变形:creative adj. 有创造力的 creation n. 创造物40. cross vt. 穿过,从表面横穿 cross=go across变形:crossing n. 十字路口, across prep. 横穿,在-对面41. cut vt. 剪下,切下 cut-cut-cut短语:cut down 砍树 cut out 剪下 cut in 打断,插嘴 cut.short 缩短D1. daily adj. 日常的 daily life 日常生活 China Daily 中国日报同类单词:weekly yearly monthly2.danger n. 危险 短语:in danger 陷入危险 out of danger脱离危险 变形:dangerous adj. 危险的3.dead adj. 死亡的,无生命的 dying adj. 垂死的 death n. 死亡 living adj. 活着的4.deal n. 很多 短语:a great deal of 大量的,只能加不可数名词 辨析:a great number of 大量的,只能加可数名词 vi. 处理 短语:deal with 处理 句型:how to deal with sth.=what to do with sth.5.decide vt. 决定 短语:decide to do 决定做某事=make up ones mind to do变形:decision n. 决定(可数)make a decision下决定6. deep adj. 深的adv. 深地(形象的,看得出的深) walk deep into the city辨析:deeply adv. 深深地(程度上的) influence sb. deeply7. depend on 依靠,取决于(注意没有被动语态)如:The result depends on your attitude.句型:It depends. 看吧,待决定。如:-Will you come tonight.-It depends. If he comes, I will come to.8. detail n. 细节 pay attention to every detail 注意每个细节9. develop vt. 发展,形成 短语:develop a habit 养成一种习惯 development n. 发展 10. dictionary n. 字典 dictionaries 复数 短语:look up the word in the dictionary在字典里查这个单词11.die vi. 死短语:die of 死于(疾病) die from 死于(天灾人祸) 延续性状态 be dead变形:dead adj. death n. dying adj. 奄奄一息的12. different adj. 不同的 句型:be different from 与不同 变形:differently adv. 不同地 difference n. 不同点(可数) some differences between A and B A和B之间的差别make a difference to 对有影响,有作用13.difficulty n. 困难句型:have difficulty/trouble/problems (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难 have difficulty/trouble/problems with sth. 在方面有困难。注意感叹句:What difficulty I have +doing 变形:difficult adj. 困难的14. direct adj. 直接的 take a direct flight 变形:indirect adj. 间接的 directly adv. 直接地 vt. 执导 变形:director 导演 direction 方向 in all directions四面八方15.discover vt. 发现,发觉辨析:find 找到(已知的已存在的) find out 查明事情真相 discover 发现(未知的已存在的东西) invent 发明(不存在的东西)如:find my king 找到我的戒指 find out the murderer 查出杀人犯 discover electricity 发现电 invent the lights 发明电灯泡 变形:discovery n. 发现(可数)16.discuss vt. 讨论 discuss sth. with sb. 和某人讨论某事 变形:discussion n. 讨论17.divide vt. 分,分开短语:o. 把分成 (注意被动 sth. be divided into.) 变形:dividing line 分界线18.doubt vt. 怀疑句型:I doubt + 疑问句式的宾语从句。 I never doubt + that从句 There is no doubt + that从句19.dream n. 梦 realize my dream 实现我的梦想 in your dreams 你做梦v. 做梦 短语:dream of/about +V-ing梦想做某事 20.dress vi.&vt. 穿着,穿衣 dress sb. 给某人穿衣服 sb. be dressed in + 衣服 某人穿着(衣服)短语:dress up 乔装打扮 dress up as a ghost 打扮成鬼辨析:dress + 人 (也可以加反身代词) dress myself 我自己穿衣 wear + 衣服= be dressed in=be in 表示穿着 put on +衣服 表示穿上,一般用于祈使句:Put on your coat. It is cold outside.in+衣服 穿着,表示状态 You look nice in blue.= Blue looks nice on you.21.drive vt. 驾驶(drive-drove-driven) drive sb. to sp. 开车送某人去某地 vt. 驱使 drive sb. mad 把某人逼疯(注意被动 sb. be driven mad)22.dry adj. 干的 vt. 弄干 变形:dried adj. dried food 干粮23.during prep. 在期间during ones stay at/in sp. 在某人待在某地期间 during my stay there during the past/last few years 近几年来(现在完成时标志词)E1. each pron. 每个,每件用法:each + 名词单数(作主语看作三单):Each student has a notebook. each of + the 名词复数(作主语看作三单):Each of the students has a notebook. 放在主语后,做同位语(不作三单):The students each have a notebook.辨析:every 区别:1) every 不能放of前,但可以用every one of 2) every一定要表示范围在三者及以上中的每一个,而each可以表示两者中的每一个 There are many trees on each side of the road. (不能用every) 3) each强调个体,every强调整体。 Each of the students works hard on his lessons.2. education n. 教育 短语:basic education基础教育 further education 深造3.effort n. 努力(可数) 精力(不可数)句型:put ones effort into doing 竭尽全力做某事4.either pron. 两者中任意一个 adv. 也不(用于否定句)I cant swim. He cant either. either + 名词单数:either side of the road either of: Either of the twins is going to Nanjing. (谓语用三单) conj. Either.or.(谓语动词就近原则)5. else adv. 另外,其他用法:1) 放在疑问词后面:what else 还有什么 who else 还有谁 2) 放在复合不定代词前:something else 还有别的什么 nothing else 没有别的辨析:other 其他的 other + 名词复数 else 后面不能加名词复数6.empty adj. 空的7.end n. 结尾 in the end=at last=finally at the end of . 在的结尾 vi. 结束 (延续性动词为be over) 变形:endless adj. 无止境的8. energy n. 精力(不可数)变形:energetic adj. 精力充沛的9.enough adj. 足够的 短语:enough + n. adv.足够 adj. + enough (只能用原级)句型:sb+be+ adj. + enough + to do 10. enter vt. 进入 注意:enter和into不能共用 enter the room=go into the room11. especially adv. 尤其 辨析:specially adv. 专门,特地12. Europe n. 欧洲 变形:European n. 欧洲人 (考点:a European)13. everybody 每个人=everyone everything 每个东西,每件事情 everywhere 到处复合不定代词:1) 看做三单 2) 形容词放在后面 3) 可以把else放在后面表示其他强调所有,缺一不可:Everything is ready. 一切都准备好了。 I dont think everyone can answer it. 我不认为所有人都会做。(部分否定) Is everyone here? 大家都到了吗?14. exactly adv. 确切地,精确地 What do you mean exactly?adv. 正是如此 -Is the man under the tree your father? -Exactly.15. excellent adj. 杰出的,出色的16. excited adj. 感到激动的(修饰人) 短语:be excited about 辨析:exciting adj. 令人激动的 (修饰物) excitedly adv. 激动地注意:voice, look, feeling这样的名词虽然不是人,但也是表达人自身的情感,要用excited修饰。如:There is an exc


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