【全国通用】2014届高考英语一轮复习 课时作业(五) Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab 外研版必修1_第1页
【全国通用】2014届高考英语一轮复习 课时作业(五) Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab 外研版必修1_第2页
【全国通用】2014届高考英语一轮复习 课时作业(五) Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab 外研版必修1_第3页
【全国通用】2014届高考英语一轮复习 课时作业(五) Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab 外研版必修1_第4页
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1 课时作业课时作业 五五 必修必修 1 1 ModuleModule 5 5 A A LessonLesson inin a a Lab Lab 限时 35 分钟 单项填空 1 You this Mother It s no concern of yours A keep to B keep out of C keep off D keep up 2 I probably shouldn t have any more cake Oh It won t kill you A go ahead B hold on please C you re welcome D that ll do 3 We all eat with plates on our knees A to be balanced B balanced C balancing D to balance 4 In my opinion life in the twenty first century is much easier than A that used to be B it is used to C it was used to D it used to be 5 In my view London s not as expensive in price as Tokyo but Tokyo is in traffic A the most organized B more organized C so organized as D as organized as 6 They are such people that they will to get exactly what they want whatever the cost is A go for B go all out C go against D go on 7 My life has been blessed with many important occasions and achievements I am proud A of which B in which C for that D in that 8 The train arrive at 11 30 but it was an hour late A was about to B was likely to C was supposed to D was certain to 9 Whenever I see Sally I always her mother A think about B think for C think out D think of 10 Either the ways or the time yet but you may ask the headmaster for some information 2 A isn t decided B hasn t decided C aren t decided D haven t decided 11 The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather the helplessness of the crew at sea A added to B resulted from C turned out D made up 12 English is hard for me and Physics is harder A a little a lot B a lot a little C a bit more D rather a great deal of 13 In my opinion learning is lifelong and the more knowledge you get A the more for life are you equipped B the more equipment for life you have C the more life you are equipped for D you are equipped the more life 14 In my opinion life is a of good times and bad times happy moments and unhappy moments A comparison B reflection C reaction D mixture 15 Would you please I can t concentrate Sorry I will A mind your own business B keep the noise down C hold on D go ahead 完形填空 I will never forget the year I was about twelve years old My mother told us that we would not be 16 Christmas gifts because there was not enough money I felt sad and thought What would I say when the other kids asked what I d 17 Just when I started to 18 that there would not be a Christmas that year three women 19 at our house with gifts for all of us For me they brought a doll I felt such a sense of 20 that I would no longer have to be embarrassed when I returned to school I wasn t 21 Somebody had thought 22 of me to bring me a gift Years later when I stood in the kitchen of my new house thinking how I wanted to make my 23 Christmas there special and memorable I 24 remembered the women s visit I decided that I wanted to create that same feeling of 25 for as many children as I could possibly reach So I 26 a plan and gathered forty people from my company to help We gathered about 125 orphans 孤儿 at the Christmas party For every child we wrapped colorful packages filled with toys clothes and school supplies 27 with a child s name We wanted all of them to know they were 28 Before I called out their names and handed them their gifts I 29 them that they couldn t open their presents 30 every child had come forward Finally 3 the 31 they had been waiting for came as I called out One two three Open your presents As the children opened their packages their faces beamed and their bright smiles 32 up the room The 33 in the room was obvious and 34 wasn t just about toys It was a feeling the feeling I knew 35 that Christmas so long ago when the women came to visit I wasn t forgotten Somebody thought of me I matter 16 A sending B receiving C making D exchanging 17 A found B prepared C got D expected 18 A doubt B hope C suggest D accept 19 A broke in B settled down C turned up D showed off 20 A relief B loss C achievement D justice 21 A blamed B loved C forgotten D affected 22 A highly B little C poorly D enough 23 A present B first C recent D previous 24 A hardly B instantly C regularly D occasionally 25 A strength B independence C importance D safety 26 A kept up with B caught up with C came up with D put up with 27 A none B few C some D each 28 A fine B special C helpful D normal 29 A reminded B guaranteed C convinced D promised 30 A after B until C when D since 31 A chance B gift C moment D reward 32 A lit B took C burned D cheered 33 A atmosphere B sympathy C calmness D joy 34 A it B such C something D everybody 4 35 A by B till C for D from 阅读理解 Blogging is helping students to think and write more critically 批评地 said an Australian researcher and can help draw out people who would otherwise not engage in debate These are the preliminary findings of PhD research by Anne Bartlett Bragg a lecturer at the University of Technology Sydney who has been using weblogs or blogs in her own teaching since 2001 The students are thinking more critically she said They are learning to be responsible and they re communicating outside the boundaries of the classroom and the institution and they like that Bartlett Bragg said in conventional teaching students often rely on the lecturer as the main source of ideas and critique 评论 for their work I m a bitover listening to my students giving me back in an essay what I ve told them in class she said I want them to think for themselves and get different perspectives What makes blogs useful is their interactive nature she said These web based forums 论坛 for discussing ideas experiences or opinions allow students to discuss publicly what they are studying with other students and experts outside their own university I really encourage them to put their personal opinion in there provided they are informed and backed up with evidence Bartlett Bragg said because a lot of academics in her field of electronic or e learning now have their own blogs students can engage directly with them She said one of the most powerful facilities in weblogs is pinging which involves a person posting a comment about someone else s work on their own blog They use the Trackback tool to notify the author when they have published the comment basically inviting them to discuss it They get such a buzz when they make a comment onanother person outside the boundaries of the institution and that person responds or even gives them some further reading she said They are getting new perspectives that I can t give them in a normal lecture 36 Bartlett Bragg would like her students to A make comments on her teaching B spend more time on the web C be taught in a conventional way D get new ideas from the web based forums 37 The Trackback tool is used to A exchange views with the author B inform the author of a newly published comment C invite the author to reply D send a comment to the author 38 Bartlett Bragg s attitude towards introducing blogs into teaching is 5 A critic B doubtful C supportive D neutral 39 The fourth paragraph mainly talks about A the special nature of blogs B the popularity of blogs C the advantages of blogs D Bartlett Bragg s teaching styles 课时作业 五 1 B 考查动词短语辨析 句意 妈妈 你不要卷入这件事 这跟你无关 keep out of 不参与 保持在外面 keep to 坚持 保持 不离开 keep off 避开 不接近 keep up 继续 坚持 2 A 考查交际用语 句意 我可能不应该再吃蛋糕了 噢 吃吧 撑不着你 go ahead 吃吧 做吧 继续 hold on 别挂断 you re welcome 不用谢 that ll do 可 以了 行了 尤用以制止某人做或说某事物 3 B 考查 with 的复合结构 即 with 宾语 宾语补足语 句意 我们都把盘子 平衡地放在膝盖上吃饭 根据句意可知 此处 plates 与 balance 之间为被动关系 所以选 B 4 D 考查 used to do 本句意为 在我看来 21 世纪的生活比过去容易多了 used to do 过去曾经 it 代指前面的 生活 5 B 此句是隐含的比较级 句意 在我看来 在价格方面 伦敦没有东京昂贵 但 是在交通方面 东京 比伦敦的交通 更有秩序 6 B 考查动词短语辨析 go all out to do sth 表示 全力以赴做某事 符合语 境 go for sth 表示 努力获取 努力得到 后面不能加不定式 go against 表示 违 背 对 不利 go on 表示 继续 后面加不定式表示 继续做 另一件事 此处不 符合语境 7 A 考查 介词 关系代词 引导的定语从句 根据 be proud of 因为 自豪 可以得知正确答案是 A 8 C 考查动词短语辨析 be about to 立刻 马上做某事 be likely to 有可能 做某事 be supposed to 按理应该做某事 be certain to 的确 一定会 根据语境选 C 项 9 D 考查动词词组辨析 句意 无论何时我只要一见到莎莉 就会想起她的母亲 此题考查固定短语在不同语境中的应用 think about 意为 考虑 思考 think for 意 为 为 考虑 think out 意为 想出 think of 意为 想起 记起 根据句意和它 们之间的用法差别 应选 D 10 A 考查动词的时态和语态及主谓一致 本句的主语由 either or 连接 谓语 动词应该与 or 后面的名词保持一致 使用单数 根据语意可知 应该使用被动语态 11 A 考查动词短语辨析 add to 增加 result from 起因于 turn out 证明为 结果 make up 补足 编造 句意 轮船的发动机出 了故障 而恶劣的天气 使得船员更 加的无助 12 A 四个选项中 a little a bit 和 rather 都可以修饰形容词 但是只有 a lot a little 和 a great deal 可以修饰比较级 13 B 在 the more the more 句型中 the more 后面紧接所修饰名词 再跟句子 的其余部分 14 D 句意 在我看来 人生是美好与痛苦 欢乐时刻与悲伤时刻的结合体 6 mixture 混合物 混合 comparison 比较 reflection 反映 折射 reaction 反应 15 B 考查交际用语 根据语境可知第一个说话者希望另一个人安静一些 A 项意为 别管闲事 C 项意为 等等 坚持 D 项意为 干吧 说吧 用吧 16 B 根据常识 外国的圣诞节里 孩子们是会收到 receive 礼物的 17 C 很明显 作者在想别人在学校会问他在圣诞节时得到 get 什么礼物 18 D 根据上文提示 可知作者开始接受 accept 那个没有圣诞礼物的事实了 19 C 根据下文 the women s visit 的提示可知 三个女性出现 turn up 在作者家 门口 20 A 根据文章 I felt sad and thought 的提示 可知 现在有人送圣诞礼物了 因此作者终于松口气了 relief 回到学校以后如果有人问起不再那


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