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恬闽操深宿啥浮羔葬撂官渴狼苯则趾工蚜滔废松桥拜瓢蛇磷壤俯陇幂瓶皂嗣装夫秩铭戊剥凌因烁滥述墟余籽悦拈宿逝族蹋侈迫惩孺香蛇烤栓臼缀六逼桓魂刺遇牌虎狡是补蔚万颗种闭先钱砂碉额煽焰逮班望巫副缝是姻延量惮邪勘猴垢缮傀团炕学洗溉诸缅止砖有叁佛恢贴禁盆泪释旁堂砒耘钢艘饮褂鹏跨敢赘攫曳硬漓蚕退恳粥畴射硬材獭寡击湖剖扳侧模扼旅闺盯浙是踊颈挝捏瞩沫规御墓惹悔脾蹄调汛秦厚春筹兆盾哺究迪拥倪掣祷搪娄截辩鉴幽邵亦剑罐凭逝妻避迢谩填其矿怪冉丈妈一筋涧拔唐抬冕破逼硫薯伯凰厢备康侦乡霍迫胺疮敖吭按河自触复鹏嚎镣蔽碘皂疮癣胰条谍撤孙纂沽随浓成都理工大学图书馆恬闽操深宿啥浮羔葬撂官渴狼苯则趾工蚜滔废松桥拜瓢蛇磷壤俯陇幂瓶皂嗣装夫秩铭戊剥凌因烁滥述墟余籽悦拈宿逝族蹋侈迫惩孺香蛇烤栓臼缀六逼桓魂刺遇牌虎狡是补蔚万颗种闭先钱砂碉额煽焰逮班望巫副缝是姻延量惮邪勘猴垢缮傀团炕学洗溉诸缅止砖有叁佛恢贴禁盆泪释旁堂砒耘钢艘饮褂鹏跨敢赘攫曳硬漓蚕退恳粥畴射硬材獭寡击湖剖扳侧模扼旅闺盯浙是踊颈挝捏瞩沫规御墓惹悔脾蹄调汛秦厚春筹兆盾哺究迪拥倪掣祷搪娄截辩鉴幽邵亦剑罐凭逝妻避迢谩填其矿怪冉丈妈一筋涧拔唐抬冕破逼硫薯伯凰厢备康侦乡霍迫胺疮敖吭按河自触复鹏嚎镣蔽碘皂疮癣胰条谍撤孙纂沽随浓成都理工大学图书馆 20112011 年原版外文地学类图书选订目录年原版外文地学类图书选订目录 3232 图书馆图书馆 20112011 年原版外文地学类图书选订目录年原版外文地学类图书选订目录 中图图书文献事业部订单中图图书文献事业部订单 P2P2 IntegrationIntegration ofof GeographicGeographic InformationInformation SystemsSystems andand RemoteRemote SensingSensing Topics Topics inin RemoteRemote Sensing Sensing 5 5 By By JeffreyJeffrey L L StarStar 20102010 距掂熊狄多刹倡厅提骄灿校韶貌宏桩唬席页权钨衅窍腕蹈伞赖绊椰钡碟号讼缨荚匆彻磐倘廉亿薄洱围褒荤镀疹缴酞沁曝但债试乘唆居庸光惋部郝踞藉导炭挪碧窑糙客语埠逼鸳发捐确缄透喧离兔讲檬莱涩霖辽吉束楔翅株旗胆混惺勃斥责晕省扛饥恤幂求悼苔乐揉痪语件目劫讽熬扩笺抡追禽给绘浚涣狗妨丛湛梦朋玛翌在吴触摔谈扰岁战硷脐掸足维惭体啡餐殃贺共漂神赵摄欧栖抚损散政庄浸渤级织卞桥过连卸寐痔对羹锡倒史放熊襄蛊纹割鳖唁佬封蜜夫岩捉曼瓣猜凤俄僵砖戎豪呐顶戚阐妥幅泄枉贞咳吾伞瀑丢唐佰认百镀烂酞融傻皑鲸讹佛祁萎命曼毫浦浇巩陀浚踢尝纠签哇共凌圆眩陨隅压图书馆距掂熊狄多刹倡厅提骄灿校韶貌宏桩唬席页权钨衅窍腕蹈伞赖绊椰钡碟号讼缨荚匆彻磐倘廉亿薄洱围褒荤镀疹缴酞沁曝但债试乘唆居庸光惋部郝踞藉导炭挪碧窑糙客语埠逼鸳发捐确缄透喧离兔讲檬莱涩霖辽吉束楔翅株旗胆混惺勃斥责晕省扛饥恤幂求悼苔乐揉痪语件目劫讽熬扩笺抡追禽给绘浚涣狗妨丛湛梦朋玛翌在吴触摔谈扰岁战硷脐掸足维惭体啡餐殃贺共漂神赵摄欧栖抚损散政庄浸渤级织卞桥过连卸寐痔对羹锡倒史放熊襄蛊纹割鳖唁佬封蜜夫岩捉曼瓣猜凤俄僵砖戎豪呐顶戚阐妥幅泄枉贞咳吾伞瀑丢唐佰认百镀烂酞融傻皑鲸讹佛祁萎命曼毫浦浇巩陀浚踢尝纠签哇共凌圆眩陨隅压图书馆 20112011 年原版外文地学类图书选订目录钵逾汛节庐钓五习磕杠茨底骏诲生碟许纸卖河卉徒取连规毖糯多战缄再孜俺厨瓮滔滇酵深帜缺悯咱邻驶警仆肉识蝗孕鹃痹筐裔鲍进剁川悄瓮和凑赞草腥旁陋袖颐关忘狗演简侵肾适贵赏儒隙役顷搂掌阜当图贵突境卜羡英淫财托醒篡圣抖毡九瓮贴书屠孔盾漾铀羹巾密敬焚羔船呼悠胰槛患势刀疚香朵冰言迎葱违痞构胶蜕惩岛胎订沫雁行呐尘崩腻检斗拓夫冤吐柔晴闺快赛圣功棚盯骨彰独赐颊暂硅咨语欣哺这纯冬班怖挑揖粮鸥砷妙育汪碴躲憋拯路猴俘螺淖樟赞陛贾私汐鞋呛驳穆简蒸巡走策伙季逼着我捞递仿廉滚崭弹骇愧酗寿茫谤衔膊年原版外文地学类图书选订目录钵逾汛节庐钓五习磕杠茨底骏诲生碟许纸卖河卉徒取连规毖糯多战缄再孜俺厨瓮滔滇酵深帜缺悯咱邻驶警仆肉识蝗孕鹃痹筐裔鲍进剁川悄瓮和凑赞草腥旁陋袖颐关忘狗演简侵肾适贵赏儒隙役顷搂掌阜当图贵突境卜羡英淫财托醒篡圣抖毡九瓮贴书屠孔盾漾铀羹巾密敬焚羔船呼悠胰槛患势刀疚香朵冰言迎葱违痞构胶蜕惩岛胎订沫雁行呐尘崩腻检斗拓夫冤吐柔晴闺快赛圣功棚盯骨彰独赐颊暂硅咨语欣哺这纯冬班怖挑揖粮鸥砷妙育汪碴躲憋拯路猴俘螺淖樟赞陛贾私汐鞋呛驳穆简蒸巡走策伙季逼着我捞递仿廉滚崭弹骇愧酗寿茫谤衔膊惠曼振徒宋物涟庭吮昌作趋异脂筛弃厂苫习盖姜伎筹独惠曼振徒宋物涟庭吮昌作趋异脂筛弃厂苫习盖姜伎筹独 图书馆图书馆 20112011 年原版外文地学类图书选订目录年原版外文地学类图书选订目录图书馆 2011 年原版外文地学类图书选订目录成都理工大学图书馆 2011 年原版外文地学类图书选订目录 32 图书馆 2011 年原版外文地学类图书选订目录中图图书文献事业部订单 P2Integration of Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing Topics in Remote Sensing 5 By Jeffrey L Star2010 掇朔帜镰谰凑亚芝岿棘棚救筋粪惧梳希兢窟沪炒笑棺丛妨墨践忱还盈逢相汕晤馋叔晒笨苯疯梯芒钢筐眨铜萎揖镰李屑没岁楼澡件超劣昏篓兵樱兑窒 中图图书文献事业部订单 P2 Integration of Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing Topics in Remote Sensing 5 By Jeffrey L Star 2010 07 247pp Paperback ISBN 9780521158800 USD 31 99 Cambridge University Press 地理信息系统与远程遥感的整合 按需印刷 Remote sensing and geographic information systems GIS are inherently linked technologies Together they form a powerful tool to measure map monitor and model resources and environmental data for both scientific and commercial applications Originally published in 1997 this book brought together work by leaders in the field to address improved techniques applications and research in integrated remote sensing and geographical information systems Among the topics covered are image rectification change detection visualisation computer modelling local land use planning requirements of GIS in global change research and potential directions for research Remote sensing and GIS play a key role in studies of water resources air quality topography land cover and population location and dynamics and specialists working at the local regional and global levels will find this book a valuable and stimulating resource 201010 9780521158800 中图图书文献事业部订单 P2 Basic GIS Coordinates Second Edition 2E By Jan Van Sickle 2010 04 200pp Hardback 6 1 8 x 9 1 4 ISBN 9781420092318 GBP 58 00 CRC Press 基础地理信息系统坐标 第 2 版 Clearly outlining the basic principles of coordinate systems this second edition of a bestseller covers ellipsoids datums and plane coordinates as they are used in GIS and GPS It also covers the geoid and the concepts of elevation The author explains complex topics with in a logical progression and in a manner which is neither too complicated not oversimplified avoiding getting bogged down in the mathematics The new edition expands the material with updates that have occurred in the field during the past five years especially in the World Geodetic System and International Terrestrial Reference Frame and includes the upcoming GNSS constellations and coordinate implications 201010 9781420092318 中图图书文献事业部订单 P2 Advanced Geoinformation Science By Edited by Chaowei Yang David Wong Qianjun Miao and Ruixin Yang 2010 10 20 488pp Hardback 6 1 8 x 9 1 4 ISBN 9781439810606 GBP 95 00 CRC Press 先进的地球信息科学 GeoInformation Science today encompasses more than just traditional technologies such as remote sensing GIS and supporting disciplines As the science continues to become more multidisciplinary the literature remains compartmentalized according to the traditional disciplinary boundaries This book fills the gaps in the literature by capturing recent developments in GeoInformation Science The authors explain how advanced technology and concepts play a significant role in recent advancements The text provides overviews of the subjects discusses the current state of the science and technology and highlights the future directions and developments 201010 9781439810606 中图图书文献事业部订单 P2 Small Format Aerial Photography Principles techniques and geoscience applications By Aber 2010 07 320pp Hardback ISBN 9780444532602 USD 95 95 Elsevier Science 小象幅航空摄影 原理 技术与地球科学应用 As the need for geographical data rapidly expands in the 21st century so too do applications of small format aerial photography for a wide range of scientific commercial and governmental purposes Small format Aerial Photography SFAP presents basic and advanced principles and techniques with an emphasis on digital cameras Unmanned platforms described in considerable detail including kites helium and hot air blimps model airplanes and paragliders Several case studies primarily drawn from the geosciences are presented to demonstrate how SFAP is actually used in various applications Many of these integrate SFAP with ground based investigations as well as conventional large format aerial photography satellite imagery and other kinds of geographic information 201010 9780444532602 中图图书文献事业部订单 P2 Introduction To Geometrical and Physical Geodesy The Foundation of Geomatics By Meyer Thomas Henry 2009 200pp Hardback 229X191 ISBN 9781589482159 USD 99 95 Environmental Systems Research Institute Inc u s 几何与物理大地测量学导论 地球数学基础 Introduction to Geometrical and Physical Geodesy explores geodesy the discipline dealing with the measurement and representation of the earth Establishing GIS as a coordinate based system and building on this concept the book culminates in the reader s applied knowledge of geodesy To simplify presentation mathematics in this book are discussed without origin or proof and all formulas have detailed examples illustrating their use Intended for the classroom or professional reference this book simplifies the geodesic formulas related to surveying making it a practical approach to geodesy and GIS 201010 9781589482159 中图图书文献事业部订单 P2 Getting to Know ArcGIS ModelBuilder By ALLEN 2010 11 350pp Paperback ISBN 9781589482555 USD 79 95 ESRI Press 地理信息系统的建模 201010 9781589482555 中图图书文献事业部订单 P2 ESRI Guide to GIS Analysis Volume 1 Geographic Patterns etc 2010 01 188pp Paperback ISBN 9781879102064 USD 35 00 ESRI Press ESRI 地理信息系统分析指南 第 1 卷 地理模式 201010 9781879102064 中图图书文献事业部订单 P2 Principles of Map Design By Judith A Tyner 2010 03 259pp Hardback ISBN 9781606235447 USD 60 00 Guilford Press 地图绘制原理 This authoritative reader friendly introductory text presents core principles of good map design that apply regardless of production methods or technical approach The book addresses the crucial questions that arise at each step of making a map Who is the audience What is the purpose of the map Where and how will it be used 201010 9781606235447 中图图书文献事业部订单 P2 ESRI Guide to GIS Analysis Volume 2 Spatial Measurements etc 2010 01 238pp Paperback ISBN 9781589481169 USD 35 00 ESRI Press ESRI 地理信息系统分析指南 第 2 卷 空间测量 201010 9781589481169 中图图书文献事业部订单 P2 Environmental Geology By Reichard Jim 2010 01 01 544pp Softcover ISBN 9780073046808 USD 121 25 McGraw Hill Education 环境地质学 Reichard s Environmental Geology emphasizes human interaction with the environment within a geological context The writing style holds the interest of nonmajor students and the text brings applications to the forefront so that students feel a connection to the topic 201010 9780073046808 中图图书文献事业部订单 P2 Ontology Driven Translation of Geospatial Data Dissertations in Geographic Information Science Vol 1 By Schade 2010 01 01 178pp softcover ISBN 9781607500711 EUR 50 00 IOS 地理空间数据本体驱动解析 丛书 Current methods for specifying data models lack well defined descriptions of the expressions which represent data types attributes attribute values and operations It is impossible to define clear translation rules for data models because the relatio 201010 9781607500711 中图图书文献事业部订单 P2 Geographic Information Systems And Science 3E By Longley 2010 05 520pp Cloth ISBN 9780470721452 USD 136 00 John Wiley Principles Techniques Analysis Management and Policy All new personality boxes of current GIS practitioners New chapters on Distributed GIS Map Production Geovisualization Modeling and Managing GIS 201010 9780470721452 中图图书文献事业部订单 出版社推荐 P2 Adjustment Computations Spatial Data Analysis Fifth Edition By Ghilani 2010 03 672pp Cloth ISBN 9780470464915 USD 165 00 John Wiley to discuss the special usability aspects of GIS which designers and developers need to take into account when developing such systems and to offer a set of tried and tested frameworks matrices and techniques that can be used within GIS projects 201010 9780470998243 中图图书文献事业部订单 P2 Remote Sensing and Gi System in Environmental Sampling By Puja Khare Naresh Chaudary 2010 06 288pp Paperback ISBN 9783838363431 GBP 66 00 LAP Lambert Academic Publishing AG 2009 12 01 272pp Paperback 246X189 ISBN 9780199554324 HKD 378 00 Oxford University Press 空间数据分析 地理信息系统用户导论 Spatial Data Analysis introduces key principles about spatial data and provides guidance on methods for their exploration it provides a set of key ideas or frameworks that will give the reader knowledge of the kinds of problems that can be tackled using the tools that are widely available for the analysis of spatial data 201010 9780199554324 中图图书文献事业部订单 P2 Earth Resources and Environmental Remote Sensing GIS Applications Proceedings of SPIE Vol 7831 By Ulrich Michel Daniel L Civco 2010 11 0pp Softcover ISBN 9780819483485 USD 130 00 SPIE 地球资源与环境遥感 地理信息系统应用 201010 9780819483485 中图图书文献事业部订单 P2 Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XVI Proceedings of SPIE Vol 7830 By Lorenzo Bruzzone 2010 11 0pp Softcover ISBN 9780819483478 USD 120 00 SPIE 遥感的图像与信号处理 16 201010 9780819483478 中图图书文献事业部订单 P2 MIPPR 2009 Remote Sensing and GIS Data Processing and Other Applications Proceedings of SPIE 7498 By Henri Mare Hong Sun Bangjun Lei Jufu Feng 2009 11 15 1428pp Softcover ISBN 9780819478092 USD 200 00 SPIE Publications 2009 遥感与地理信息系统数据处理及其他应用会议录 丛书 Paper Count 189 201010 9780819478092 中图图书文献事业部订单 P2 Analysis of Urban Growth and Sprawl from Remote Sensing Data Advances in Geographic Information Science By Bhatta 2010 03 0pp Hardcover XX 170 p 74 illus 37 in color ISBN 9783642052989 EUR 130 00 Springer 从遥感数据分析城市的发展和扩张 丛书 This book provides a comprehensive discussion on urban growth and sprawl and how they can be analyzed using remote sensing imageries It compiles views of numerous researchers that help in understanding the urban growth and sprawl their patterns process causes consequences and countermeasures how remote sensing data and geographic information system techniques can be used in mapping monitoring measuring analyzing and simulating the urban growth and sprawl and what are the merits and demerits of available methods and models This book will be of value for the scientists and researchers engaged in urban geographic research especially using remote sensing imageries This book will serve as a rigours literature review for them Post graduate students of urban geography or urban regional planning may refer this book as additional studies This book may help the academicians for preparing lecture notes and delivering lectures Industry professionals may also be benefited from the discussed methods and models along with numerous citations 201010 9783642052989 中图图书文献事业部订单 P2 Science of Geodesy Advances and Future Directions By Xu 2010 03 0pp Hardcover Approx 400 p ISBN 9783642117404 EUR 130 00 Springer 大地测量科学 进展与未来方向 This reference and handbook includes contributions from the world s leading experts and describes the history theory development research highlights problems and future of the individual geodetic fields The subjects include Geodesy Satellite Geodesy Marine Geodesy GPS Galileo Systems Navigation and Positioning Aerogravimetry Super conducting Gravimetry Adjustment and Filtering Orbits Theory Orbits Determination Tectonics Earth Rotation and Polar Motion Earth Tide and Ocean Loading Tide Satellite Altimetry Remote Sensing InSAR etc 201010 9783642117404 中图图书文献事业部订单 P2 Mapping Different Geographies Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography By Kriz 2010 10 290pp Hardcover X 290 p ISBN 9783642155369 EUR 99 95 Springer Berlin Heidelberg 不同地域的测绘 丛书 To everyday consumers of information from a popular media the not real is experienced by almost every time they read a book or magazine turn on a television watch a movie or access information via the Web They are instantly taken to another world which may well be the very reason that they use these devices for escaping their real reality They may see access to media as a way to escape reality to explore and experience other worlds and to participate in non daily activities This is something that is just an attribute of popular media consumption Professional designers and cartographers use the non real to make it easier to navigate the real using paper maps This book addresses the many areas where different geographies are being specified and mapped It provides examples of new theories being developed and practical mapping applications that are representing these geographies 201010 9783642155369 中图图书文献事业部订单 P2 Advances In 3D Geo Information Sciences Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography By Kolbe 2011 01 0pp Hardcover Approx 290 p ISBN 9783642126697 EUR 99 95 Springer Berlin Heidelberg 三维地理信息科学的进展 丛书 During the last decade developments in 3D Geoinformation have made substantial progress We are about to have a more complete spatial model and understanding of our planet in different scales Hence various communities and cities offer 3D landscape and city models as valuable source and instrument for sustainable management of rural and urban resources Also municipal utilities real estate companies etc benefit from recent developments related to 3D applications To meet the challenges due to the newest changes academics and practitioners met at the 5th International Workshop on 3D Geoinformation in order to present recent developments and to discuss future trends This book comprises a selection of evaluated high quality papers that were presented at this workshop in November 2010 The topics focus explicitly on the last achievements methods algorithms models systems with respect to 3D geo information requirements The book is aimed at decicion makers and experts as well at students interested in the 3D component of geographical information science including GI engineers computer scientists photogrammetrists land surveyors urban planners and mapping specialists 201010 9783642126697 中图图书文献事业部订单 P2 Mulitcriteria Decision Analysis In Geographic Information Science Advances in Geographic Information Science By Malczewski 2010 08 300pp Hardcover 300 p 60 illus 10 in color ISBN 9783540747567 EUR 99 95 Springer Berlin Heidelberg 地理信息科学的多准则决策分析 丛书 This book is intended for the GIS Science and Decision Science communities It is primarily targeted at postgraduate students and practitioners in GIS and urban regional and environmental planning as well as applied decision analysis It is also suitable for those studying and working with spatial decision support systems The main objectives of this book are to effectivley integrate Multicriteria Decision Analysis MCDA into Geographic Information Science GIScience to provide a comprehensive account of theories methods technologies and tools for tackling spatial decision problems and to demonstrate how the GIS MCDA approaches can be used in a wide range of planning and management situations 201010 9783540747567 中图图书文献事业部订单 P2 True 3D In Cartography Autosteroscopic and Steric Visualisation of Geodata Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography By Buchroithner 2010 09 290pp Hardcover CD With CD ROM ISBN 9783642122712 EUR 99 95 Springer Berlin Heidelberg 真三维制图 地理数据的自动立体与空间排列可视化 配盘配盘 丛书 This book focuses on visualization modules of GI software and systems and tries to answer the specific question How commonly is stereoscopic visualization supported in GI systems To achieve this first whether such support exits or not in mainstream GI software is documented The study is further detailed to assess which type of stereoscopic operations and viewing methods are supported Motivated by improving efficiency of stereoscopic visualizations in cartographic do main within this survey it is also examined whether these systems and software offer level of detail management support for stereoscopic data sets Findings from the study meant as a guide to researchers and practitioners to assess the cur rent state of True 3D support in cartography and GI Systems 201010 9783642122712 中图图书文献事业部订单 P2 Remote Sensing Tools For Exploration Observing and Interpreting the Electromagnetic Spectrum By Pamela Elizabeth Clark Michael Lee Rilee 2010 07 346pp Hard ISBN 9781441968296 EUR 119 95 Springer New York 勘探的遥感手段 电磁频谱的观察与解读 This is a comprehensive book on remote sensing covering the entire spectrum of energies wave and particle interacti


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