



Teaching Plan for How to do Reading Comprehension Part IIBaolian Middle School Wei Lixia Teaching aims:At the end of the lesson, students can be guided to improve the abilities of doing Reading Comprehension Part II.Teaching important points:The ways: topic sentence, subtitle,logical relationshio,clue word,refenrence and explanation.Teaching difficult points:How to help the Ss grasp the skills and ways of doing Reading Comprehension Part II And then the Ss can find the correct answers by themselves.Teaching process:StepI. Lead inEnjoy part of a song:Yesterday Once More and rearrange the lyrics. Play the part twice.目的:以歌曲引入,轻松课堂气氛,同时告诉学生生活中的英语也是处处讲究上下文的连贯性和一致性的和逻辑关系的。 Step II. Presentation Tell Ss something about Reading Comprehension Part II.1.短文体裁:大多数是考说明文。2.短文内容:教人如何学习、如何做事、如何生活等。3.短文长度:考纲中说“一段约300词的短文留出5个空白” 短文特征:(1)常含有tips, steps, suggestions, ways, methods等词。(2)文章多半有大标题、小标题、主题句,或有表示列举或顺序的词(如first, second, next, then, finally等),结构清晰,层次分明,条理清楚,便于理解。目的:初步了解考纲中的对七选五题型的考查内容。Step III. Practice1、. Ask the students to do some exercises.这些练习分别使用了以下方法: topic sentence, subtitle,logical relationshio,clue word,refenrence and explanation.目的:展示的七选五真题,引导学生归纳出该题型的特点和作答要求。 2、 Make a short conclusion Show on the slide and let the Ss review the ways to finish this part. Topic sentence, Subtitle, logical relationshio, Clue word, Refenrence and Explanation.目的:加深学生印象,为以下练习作准备。Step IV Have a try Choose the right answers to complete a passage. (2015课标卷I) (2015课标卷I) Building Trust in a Relationship Again Trust is a learned behavior that we gain from past experiences. 36 Trust is a risk. But you cant be successful when theres a lack of trust in a relationship that results from an action where the wrongdoer takes no responsibility to fix the mistake. Unfortunately, weve all been victims of betrayal. Whether weve been suffer from, lied to, misled, or cheated on, there are different levels of losing trust. Sometimes people simply cant trust anymore. 37 Its understandable, but if youre willing to build trust in a relationship again, we have some steps you can take to get you there. 38 Having confidence in yourself will help you make better choices because you can see what the best outcome would be for your well-being. 39 If youve been betrayed, you are the victim of your circumstance. But theres a difference between being a victim and living with a “victim mentality”. At some point in all of our lives, well have our trust tested or violated. You didnt lose “everything”. Once trust is lost, what is left? Instead of looking at the situation from this hopeless angle, look at everything you still have and be thankful for all of the good in your life. 40 Instead, its a healthy way to work through the experience to allow room for positive growth and forgiveness. A.Learn to really trust yourself.B.It is putting confidence in someone.C.Stop regarding yourself as the victim.D.Remember that you can expect the best in return.E.Theyve been too badly hurt and they cant bear to let it happen again.F.This knowledge carries over in their attitude toward their future relationships.G.Seeing the positive side of things doesnt mean youre ignoring what happened.目的:学生能够把学到的各种技巧综合应用于整片文章得出至少4个正确答案Step V Conclusion and homework 要点回顾:1. 略读文章抓大意2. 重点阅读上下句3. 看看结构变轻松(1) 标题结构(2) 句子结构4. 词语复现显神功5. 代词逻辑亦管用(1) 代词衔接(2)逻辑关系最后,将选出的答案带入原文,检查核对,排除干扰项,确定最终答案。 从内容上是否语义连贯合理,语篇结构上是否通顺连贯、具有一致性、合乎逻辑,写作思路是否清晰明了,格式以及用语是否恰当贴切。(词汇衔接、逻辑衔接、结构衔接)Finish a passage as homework.Nearly everyone is shy in some ways. If shyness is making you uncomfortable, it may be time for a few lessons in self-confidence. 1 Make a decision not to hold back in conversations. What you have to say is just as important as what other people say. And dont turn down party invitations just because of your shyness.Prepare yourself for being with others in groups. 2 Then make a list of ideas, experiences, and skills you would like to share with other people. 3 Then say it.If you start feeling self-conscious in a group, take a deep breath and focus your attention on other people. 4 Other people are concerned about the impression they are making, too.No one ever gets over being shy completely, but most people do learn to live with their shyness. 5 They work at fighting their shy feelings so that they can face the cameras and the public. Just making the effort to control shyness can have many rewards. But perhaps the best reason to fight shyness is to give other people a chance to know more about you.A.Make a list of the good qualities you have.B.People often talk as if it is a disease or mental condition that can be cured.C.Even entertainers admit that they often feel shy.D.You can build your confidence by following some suggestions.E.Think about what you would like to say in advance.F.I guess that our shyness is there because each of us is born with some insecur


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