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武汉职业技术学院数控技术应用专业毕业设计(论文)课题名称: 下壳体零件综合数控工艺设计与编程加工班 级:设 计 者:设计时间:指导教师: 2009年 月 日 武汉职业技术学院机电学院毕 业 设 计 任 务 书专业: 班级: 学号: 姓名: .一、设计题目:主镜体零件的综合数控加工工艺设计及编程加工 二、主要内容:1、 解读产品图纸,了解其结构特征,分析加工工艺性,填写工艺分析表。2、 制定毕业设计的工作计划,确立方案,编制工艺总表和刀具需求单。3、 进行具体综合数控车铣加工的工艺设计和程序设计,编写相关的设计说明,填写工艺规程卡片。4、 进行相关工装及对刀辅具的结构分析与设计,编写相关的使用说明。5、 使用数控加工仿真软件或操控机床进行数控加工工艺和程序的验证。6、 整理技术资料,撰写毕业论文。3、 设计(论文)任务和要求(包括说明书、论文、译文、计算程序、图纸、作品等数量和质量等具体要求)本课题以毕业论文形式提交,要求承担者完成开题报告、论文、译文等。1. 开题报告:不少于2000字。要求就灯罩零件总体加工工艺及数控加工关键工序进行设计的内容、方法、手段以及步骤以及参考文献等进行阐述;2. 译文:要求中文译文不少于2000汉字,内容必须与数控专业课题内容有联系,严禁抄袭有中文译本的外文资料。3. 论文: 结构要求:毕业设计(论文)应采用汉语撰写,一般由11部分组成,依次为:(1)封面,(2)任务书,(3)开题报告,(4)中英文摘要及关键词,(5)目录,(6)正文,(7)参考文献,(8)附录,(9)外文资料,(10)中文译文, (11)致谢 内容要求其中正文部分一般不少于15000字,应包括以下内容:数控加工技术的发展史(约1500字左右)数控加工工艺的相关基本概念(约1000字左右)零件加工工艺性分析及总体加工工艺安排(约1500字左右)零件加工工艺过程分析与设计(为论文核心部分,约5000字左右)刀具和设备的选用、装夹方案及工艺参数的确定、数控加工工艺卡片(为论文核心部分,约5000字左右)主要程序编制清单(为论文核心部分,约1000字左右)工艺方案的评估与设计心得(为论文核心部分,约1000字左右)四、毕业设计(论文)进度表序号起止日期计划完成内容实际完成情况检查人签名检查日期12009.02-2009.03文献搜集与整理、外文翻译、开题报告209/03/01-09/03/07撰写开题报告309/03/08-09/03/15灯罩零件加工工艺性分析409/03/16-09/03/20灯罩零件加工工艺过程分析与设计509/03/21-09/03/28刀具、设备、夹具选用数控加工工艺卡片609/03/29-09/04/07程序设计709/04/08-09/04/24试制加工809/04/25-09/04/29工艺评估、资料整理出论文大纲909/05/03-09/05/20出论文初稿1009/05/21-09/05/30教师审阅论文、修改论文注:1.本任务书一式两份,一份院(系)留存,一份发给学生,任务完成后附在说明书内。2. “实际完成情况”和“检查人签名”由教师用笔填写,其余各项均要求打印。五、设计时间和学分:6周、6学分。指导教师(签字): 教研室主任(签字): . 年 月 日武汉职业技术学院毕业设计(论文)开题报告课题名称灯罩零件的综合数控车铣加工工艺设计与编程加工院系名称机电工程学院专业数控技术应用专业班级学生姓名来文静一、课题研究的意义 (蓝色为参考内容) 课题研究的搓丝机基座及连接臂零件需要多面加工,加工方法涉及到轮廓铣削、刻字、挖槽加工、钻孔、铰孔、镗孔、攻丝等;加工用刀具种类全面,既有通用刀具、也有专用刀具的加工内容;使用机床类别有立式、卧式,还需要使用四轴加工或采用专用夹具定向加工的技术内容。零件加工内容涉猎虽广但并不复杂,是典型的适合数控铣削类加工的零件。 本课题针对搓丝机主要零部件(基座、连接臂等)的总体加工工艺设计、主要工序的数控加工工艺设计及实际加工训练,全面了解具有装配关系零部件的加工要求和总体生产过程、质量控制及保证措施。从单件试制到批量生产进行不同工艺方案的设计比较;使用通用刀具与定制刀具进行加工效率及成本的比较;从批量生产线的工序组织、成本核算及生产管理等全方位的了解并掌握一个数控工艺人员所必须具备的解决实际问题的能力。二、所属领域的发展状况 机械零件的切削加工在数控技术发展的初期,大多是依靠普通切削加工机床来完成的,数控机床主要是进行复杂难加工部位的加工内容,主要服务应用于高、精、尖技术领域。随着数控技术的高速发展,数控机床成为机械加工领域的主流、大众化设备,数控机床的加工对象已不再是高精尖的复杂单个零件,使用数控机床进行一般零件的批量生产已是发展的大势所趣,因此数控加工技术应用人才的社会需求越来越大。 搓丝机开发是针对神龙汽车公司需要的大量配件进行配套批量生产而展开的一个科研课题,是借鉴国外先进经验进行国产化技术改造的项目之一。搓丝机零件的制造目前一直依靠进口,进行其主要零部件的数控加工工艺探索,是国产化改造的关键技术所在,本课题的研究是在去年我们已进行过样件制作的基础上对其技术细节及批量生产方案作进一步探究。三、本课题的研究内容、研究方法和手段1)搓丝机主要零部件(基座、连接臂等)的加工工艺性分析包括工况了解,零部件间的装配关系要求和零件加工可行性分析。工艺性分析通常从零件结构形状的复杂程度、位置及尺寸精度的可控制程度、材料难加工程度几个方面进行分析说明。2)零件加工工艺过程分析与设计该基座零件需要多面加工,加工方法涉及到轮廓铣削、刻字、挖槽加工、钻孔、铰孔、镗孔、攻丝等;该零件加工内容涉猎虽广但并不复杂,是典型的适合数控铣削类加工的零件。具体加工工艺过程可细致到每把刀具走刀路线设计,可通过CAM软件用动画模拟或制作现场加工录象等手段了解各刀具走刀加工过程、装夹定位方案、成型刀具结构等。可先由动画了解后再到实际加工现场进一步了解。3)零件加工用刀具、设备等的选用及相关内容该零件加工需要用到品种繁多的各式刀具,包括定尺寸铣刀、成型铣刀、燕尾槽刀、T形槽刀、刻字刀、钻头、铰刀、镗刀、美制丝锥等。可通过切削加工过程的模拟结合刀具实物来认识各类刀具的加工特点,各类刀具的结构。了解并选用各刀具的切削加工参数。针对零件多面加工及其加工特点选用数控设备,了解立、卧式机床的零件装夹方案、设备的装刀特点、设备的加工能力和机床工作状况等内容。4)基座零件的数控程序设计针对各刀具加工内容按设计的走刀路线编写数控加工程序,进行节点计算、走刀优化及程序编写与调整。编程方法可选用手工编程或CAM自动编程。理解程序并讲究程序的实用性,考虑各刀具结构特点及各种可能的干涉情形。5)基座零件实际加工训练及加工过程控制在加工现场进行实际加工训练,了解并掌握机床操作、工件装夹、程序调试、刀具装夹、对刀调整及实际加工中涉及的各内容。通过实际加工进一步熟悉各刀具的切削特点,切削状况,了解工艺参数的影响,修正和优化走刀路线。6)生产过程的组织与管理通过整个零件各工序加工过程控制,全面了解生产工艺流程、生产线的组织方法、加工质量的相互影响及其保证措施,各类量测检具的使用方法和尺寸检测控制要点。了解加工现场生产组织及管理过程。四、课题研究的计划与安排主要阶段性成果序号研究阶段(起止时间)阶段成果名称成果形式承担人12009.2_2009.3调研调研报告23.8-3.15工艺性分析工艺分析卡片33.16-3.29工艺设计工艺规程文件43.29-4.07程序设计程序清单54.8-4.24仿真/试制加工64.25-4.29工艺评估75.03-5.20资料整理最终研究成果撰写毕业论文论文PPT五、参考书目周向槽形铣削刀路设计与探索詹华西,新技术新工艺,2007.11数控加工与编程 詹华西主编 西安电子科技大学出版社 2007.8月第二版数控加工工艺赵长旭编 西安电子科技大学出版社 2006.1月第一版数控加工工艺王军编 武汉职业技术学院校内教材金属切削加工手册 CH6145A车削中心使用说明书沈阳第一机床厂 2002丽驰LV-800立式四轴加工中心使用说明书台湾丽驰科技股份有限公司 2002灯罩零件综合数控车铣加工工艺设计与编程加工来文静,机电工程学院摘 要本设计是以XH716型立式加工中心为研究对象,进行工作台包括X轴在内的进给传动系统的设计与分析。本系统是以大惯量交流伺服电机与滚珠丝杠直连进行运动,对X轴进给传动的精度与刚度作了方案分析,并建立数学模型与力学模型,从理论上分析了如何保证进给系统的刚度与精度等要求的条件。采用滚动直线导轨来提高数控系统的响应速度和灵敏度;采用半闭环系统可以用来提高整个系统的精度;并选用高精度的滚珠丝杠与膜片联轴器来保证部件的精度以弥补半闭环系统的不足。并对工作台结构和相关传动部件进行了设计与计算。关 键 词 加工中心;进给传动系统;工作台;滚珠丝杠;设计XH716 Vertical Machining Center Design Student : Ye Baicong, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering CollegeInstructor : Fan Chaoyi, Jianghan UniversityAbstract The design is based on XH716 vertical machining center study. For Work Bench, including the X-axis drive system for the progress of the design and analysis. The system is based on large inertia AC servo motor and ball screw directly connected exercise, right to the X-axis drive into the accuracy and rigidity program analysis. The establishment of Mathematical model and mechanical model, analyzed theoretically how to ensure that the system of up to the stiffness and precision of the required conditions. Linear motion guide is used for improve the response speed and sensitivity of the CNC system. Semi-closed-loop system is used for improve the accuracy of the entire system. And use high-precision ball screw and coupling membrane components to ensure the accuracy to make up for the semi-closed loop system. The Work Beach structure and associated transmission components were designed and calculated. Keywords Machining Center; Feed drive system; Work Bench; Ball Screw; Design 目 录一、数控加工技术的发展史二、数控加工工艺的相关基本概念三、零件加工工艺性分析及总体加工工艺1、产品图纸2、产品工艺分析卡片3、总体加工工艺方案四、零件加工工艺过程分析与设计1、工序一的分析与设计2、工序二的分析与设计3、工序三的分析与设计5、 工艺装备及工艺参数设计1、 刀具及设备的选用2、 工装夹具的应用3、 工艺参数的确定6、 主要程序编制清单7、 仿真及加工试制8、 工艺方案的评估与设计心得9、 参考文献10、 外文资料及中文译文十一、致谢参考文献:1 FANUC LINEAR MOTOR serlesLinear Motor Realizing Ultimate High Speed and Precision Feed. 2 FANUC i MANUAL GUIDEIntegrated Operation Guidance with extremely simplified operations.3 詹华西.数控加工与编程M.西安:西安电子科技大学出版社 2007.8月第二版4 赵长旭.数控加工工艺M.西安:西安电子科技大学出版社 2006.1月第一版5 王军.数控加工工艺M.武汉:武汉职业技术学院校内教材6 山特维克.SANDVIK刀具手册M7金属切削加工手册 8CH6145A车削中心使用说明书沈阳第一机床厂 20029丽驰LV-800立式四轴加工中心使用说明书台湾丽驰科技股份有限公司 200210XH713A立式加工中心使用大连机床厂 200411XD40床身数控铣床使用说明书大连机床厂 200412 华茂发,周健.数控机床加工工艺M.北京:机械工业出版社 200013 许友谊,李金伴.数控机床编程技术M.北京:化学工业出版社 2005.5第一版14 王爱玲.现代数控机床编程技术及应用M.北京:国防工业出版社 200115 詹华西.周向槽形铣削刀路设计与探索.北京:新技术新工艺,2007.11外文资料:e Packages of the most efficient CNC features Distinguished control function for grinding machine Advanced CNC technology Advanced digital servo technologyExcellence on service & Highly reliable CNC Excellence on worldwide service networksupport User friendly operation Simple operation programmingConfiguration with enhanced functionsPerformance-oriented configuration for machines that require improved functionality and productivityConfiguration with excellent cost-performance ratioCost-performance ratio-oriented configuration based on the basic specificationsBy adopting the position loop in spindle control, the spindle motor is completely synchronized with the tap axis (Z-axis). The high speed and high precision tapping is realized.igid tapping (0i-M/T, 0i Mate-M oRotation of a programmed shape is possible.dinate system rotation Tools can be classified into various groups, and the tool life and the tool numbers for each group can be arranged in the NC memory in the form of a table.ool life management (0i-M/T, 0i Mate-M only)Program command values can be scaled anywhere in a range from 0.001 to 999.999 times or from 0.00001 to 9.99999 times.Scaling (0i-M, 0i Mate-M only)AI advanced preview control realizes the optimum acceleration and deceleration of cutting speed by looking ahead multi-blocks of the part program. This effectively eliminates machining trajectory error in corners and small radius, and contributes the high speed and high accuracy machining.AI contour control realizes more high speed and high accuracy machining.AI advanced preview The multiple repetitive cycles generate a series of cutting paths with simple commands. For instance, definition of final profile of workpiece generates tool path for rough cutting automatically. It simplifies the lathe programming.MulThe dimension data such as angle of a straight line, chamfering value, corner radius value, etc., which are indicated in the red print, can be specified directly as they are. It simplifies the part programming.gramming (0i-T, 0i Mate-T only)This feature is ideal for cam grinding and face milling (X, C axis) using a lathe. The machining profile can be programmed using a cartesian coordinate system.T, 0i Mate-T only)Custom macro and macro executor are available for customizing machine tool by MTB themselves.With this feature, compensation is carried out for errorsrelating to mechanical positioning, such as lead screw pitch error. Compensation data is stored in the CNC memory.nsationThis feature is ideally suitable for cylindrical groove cutting needs. Programming can be performed precisely as the cylinder developed.Cylindrical interpolation (0i-M/T, 0i Mate-T only)High performance.Distinguished control function for grinding machine (0i only)CRepetitive machining, a function unique to grinding applications, can be commanded in a block. Four types of canned cycles are offered to facilitate programming.Even in cases where the X-axis is not attached at a 90angle to the Z-axis, programming can be carried out using a rectangular coordinate system. The actual movements of eachaxis are automatically controlled at an oblique angle.Using skip signals (max.8) from a measuring instrument or other device, it is possible to insert skips in a program under execution. Infeed control can be performed in constant increments along the programmed figure to allow input of external signals.This function provides continuous compensation of grinding wheel cutting and dresser cutting corresponding to the amount of dressing performed by continuous dressing duringgrinding in canned cycles for surface grinding.The dresser is constantly controlled in a direction vertical to the dressing figure.The powerful built-in PMC is available, which executes sequence control for machine tool and peripheral devices.The MTB can directly change PMC program and macro executor program on the CNC, due to the flash memory chips, and no special writing tool or a RAM board is required for debugging program.Ethernet can be suitable for building the productive system where many machine tools and factory computers exchange data.y)FANUC Series 0i/0i Mate can be operated using 9” CRT/MDI unit and a flat 7.2” LCD/MDI unit.And FANUC Series 0i can be operated using 8.4” color LCD, 10.4” color LCD unit and display unit with PC function.SPINDLE HRV ControlQuick acceleration and response by SPINDLE HRV ControlQuick response and high stability of current control are much enhanced by high speed DSP and advanced control algorithm (SPINDLE HRV Control).High response and high precision spindle control is realized with faster velocity loop sampling time and high resolution detector circuit.Controllability of C-axis contouring control is also much enhanced.lHigh Speed and high precision servo controlBy combination of hardware technology such as “Servo motor with ultra smooth rotation”, “Accurate current detection”, “High response and high resolution Pulsecoder”, and SERVO HRV Control, high speed and high precision feed control can be realized.And Mechanical resonance can be suppressed by Auto Following HRV Filter even though its frequency is changed.Quick & Smart Tuning of Servo and SpindleThis software provides the integrated environment for making test programs, setting parameters and data measurement needed for servo and spindle tuning. It has theAutomatic tuning function for


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