



【写作佳句及惯用表达】 1.Hard work can often make up for a lack of intelligence. 勤能补拙。2.This indicates that environment as well as birth plays a part.这说明除了先天外,环境同样也起作用。3.Genes are transmitted from one generation to another by the chromosomes.基因是由染色体从一代遗传到下一代。4.A person who quickly learns and understands has good intelligence. 学习和理解迅速的人智商高。5.A childs character is greatly influenced by his home environment. Children need a happy home environment. 家庭环境对孩子的个性影响很大。孩子需要幸福的家庭环境。6.A happy family provides a loving environment for its children. 幸福的家庭为孩子提供一个充满爱的环境。7.Children should be taken away from the bad environmental influences in which they live. 应让孩子离开他们所生活的恶劣环境。8.Many famous people grew up in the environment of poverty. 许多名人都在贫穷的环境里长大。9.a man of high / average / low intelligence智商高 / 中 / 低的人,an intelligentreply聪明的回答,an intelligent reader聪明的读者,intelligence test智力测验,intelligence quotient智商,intellectual curiosity求知欲,an intellectual worker脑力劳动者,intellectual powers智力,an intellectual occupation用脑的职业,intelligentsia知识界,知识分子(总称)。10.environmental pollution环境污染,contaminate the environment污染环境,a perfect environment for work and rest工作和休息的极好环境。【写作范文】 Some people believe that some people are born clever, and others born stupid. But differences are also found in twins who grow up and work in different environments. How do you account for this? What conclusion can you draw?Write a composition of about 150 words on the following topic:Intelligence and Environment It is true that some people are born clever and others born stupid. Apparently, intelligence is innate quality, that is, to some extent, our intelligence is given at birth. People having close blood relationship are likely to be similar in intelligence. Take two identical twins, for example. They may share the same intelligence. And it is also right to believe that intelligence is affected by the environments we are living in and the education weve received. What would happen to their intelligence if two identical twins are put in different environments? We might send one of them, for instance, to a highly developed city and the other to a poor and backward village. We can expect to see differences in their intelligence development. Any special education or whatever favorable environment can make a genius out of a child with average intelligence. On the other hand, for children with similar or identical intelligence, those who live in favorable environments may develop their intelligence better than those who grow up in unfavorable surroundings. This shows the effect of environments on intelligence though intelligence is what people are born with.The above analysis shows that good education and favorable living conditions and surroundings have a great positive effect on ones intelligence though it is given at birth. In order to make children more intelligent, we should make great efforts to improve their education and living conditions.【学习要点】 innate 先天的,天生的 to some extent 在某种程度上 identical 相同的【要点提示】 本文是通过对比法论证智力是与生俱来的,同时还证明环境对一个人的智力发展有很大的影响。最后得出结论:虽然智力是与生俱来的,但后天影响对智力发展有积极的影响。接着作者提出建议:In order to make children more intelligent, we should make great efforts to improve their education and living conditions.【模拟训练】35 MIN. Some people believe that intelligence is innate, while others argue that it is developed. What is your point of view on this? Use specific reasons for your answer.Write a composition of about 150 words on the following topic:Is Intelligence Born or DevelopedYou are to write in three paragraphs.In the first paragraph, state your answer.In the second paragraph, discuss the relation between intelligence and environment. In the last paragraph, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion.Write the composition according to the framework:. Introduction: Intelligence is both born and developed. Body: TS1: It is easy to show that intelligence is to some extent something we are born with.DS: (examples)TS2: Environment as well as birth plays a part.DS: (examples). Conclusion: In sum, our intelligence is given at birth, but its also affected by the environment. 【模拟训练参考作文】 点击此处查看答案 Is Intelligence Born or DevelopedAre some people born clever and others stupid? Or is intelligence developed by our environment or our experiences? Strangely enough, for my part, the answer to both questions is yes.If we take two people at random from the crowd, it is likely that their degrees of intelligence will be completely different. If, on the other hand, we take two identical twins, they will probably share almost the same intelligence. It is easy to show that intelligence is to some extent something we are born with. The closer the blood relationship between two people, the closer they are likely to be in intelligence.Suppose if we put two identical twins in different environments. For example, we might send one to a university where he can receive a good education and the other


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