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登陆下载更多资料 量子场女生英语短语M4 U1 1. be used to doing 习惯做某事2. share sth with sb. 与某人分享某物3. persuade sb to do sth.劝说某人做某事persuade sb into doing sth.4. at ones service 听某人的吩咐of service有用的 do sb a service (favor)帮某人忙5. intend to do sth. 打算做某事intend doing be intended for 为而设计5. tell a lie 说谎lie to sb (lie lied lied lying ) 6. be aware of 意识到,明白7. even if / though 即使,纵然8. bad breath 口臭9. fall for 上当10. play tricks on 欺骗,捉弄11. deal / do with 处理12. committing suicide 自杀13. be satisfied with 对满意14. trick sb into doing sth. 诱使某人做某事15. over and over again 反复16. senior high 高中17. in order to /so as to 以便,为了18. be bored / fed up with 对厌倦be tired /sick of19. day and night 日以继夜20. be determined to do 决定做 21. appeal to 吸引,迎合22. be concerned with 关心be concerned about 关心,担心23. get sth. across 传达24. put sth. together 组织,汇集,组装25. lead to 导致26. up to (数量,程度)达到27. in particular 尤其28. be connected with 和相连接29. remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事remind sb of sth.30. end up with 以结束31. have / keep sth in mind 心里想着某事32. be similar to 与相似33. provide sb with sth 给某人提供provide sth for sb34. provided that 倘若,假使 providing that35. be / feel proud of对感到骄傲,自豪 be proud to do 36. make a deal with sb 与某人做交易 Its a deal! 成交37. be supposed to do sth 应该做某事38. keep away 避开,使远离39. encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事40. public service 公共服务41. for free 免费42. Project Hope 希望工程43. feel good about 对感觉好44. be available to sb 对有效,可利用45. on sale 有待出售for sale减价46. be expected to do sth 被期望做某事47. products of high quality 高质量的产品48. lead by sb 由某人带领49. go on the market 上市50. changeinto把变为 51. seem to be interested in看上去对 有兴趣52. take place 发生,举行53. rich imagination 丰富的想象力54. advise sb to do sth. 建议某人做某事suggest ones doing sth55. stay / keep the same 保持不变56. consider doing 考虑做某事take sth. into consideration 把 纳入考虑范围57. recommend sth to sb 把推荐给某人recommend sb to do sth 推荐某人做某事recommend doing58. for several reasons59. take turns to do sth. 轮流做某事take turns at doing sth.60. for several reasons61. an organized plan 一个有组织的计划62. a book written by a 17-year-old boy 一本17岁男孩写的书63. have a clear goal 有明确的目标64. do market research 进行市场调查do some research on65. share in happiness and sorrow 甘苦与共66. be meant to do目的是。mean to do 计划做某事 mean doing 意味着67. vary fromto 从变化到 a variety of 许多 various of68. it is convenient for sb to do sth 某人做某事很方便M4 U2 1. play an important role 发挥重要作用 2. enjoy playing different sports 喜欢玩不同的运动3. be delighted to 高兴做某事4. sharewith 与分享5. at the end 最后6. every four years 每四年7. such as 例如8. take part in 参加9. in honor of 为了纪念10. from around the world 来自全世界11.side by side 一起;并肩的12. realize (live) this dream 实现这个梦想13.under his original name以他最初的名字14.at the opening ceremony 在开幕典礼上15.know of 听说过,知道有16.compete for medals 为奖牌竞争17.be recognized as 被公认为18.break the world record 打破世界记录19.make contributions to 对做出贡献20.after 32 years absence缺席了32年21.bring joy to people 把快乐带给人们22.look forward to 期待着23.join sb in sth.(doing sth) 加入某人做某事24.match its glorious past与它光荣的过去相匹配25.keep the audience interested使观众感兴趣26.get their brains working使脑筋工作起来27.follow the speakers train of thought 跟随演讲者的思路28.highlight his speech突出他的演讲29.be designed to 被设计用于做30.bringcloser together使更紧密在一起 31.promise to do许诺做某事32.tourist attractions 景点33.protectfrom保护使不受34.pay close attention to密切的注意35.in order to 为了36.make mistakes 犯错误37.even if 即使38.the answer to 的答案39.be related to 与有关40.look out for 注意,小心41.be busy doing 忙于做42.be similar to 与相似43.be popular with 受欢迎44.be of use to sb. 对有用45.under control (被)控制住46.make way for 给 让路,把职位让给47.look at 考虑,看待,着眼于48.hope for 希望,期待49.get through完成;通过50.with their attempts 用他们的努力51.make it possible for sb to do 使某人有可能干某事52.stretch across the centre of the table 从桌子中央延伸到对边53.require sb to do 需要某人做某事M4 U3 1 at full/top speed/at speed/ with great/good speed以全速at a safe/dangerous/low/high speed以安全/危险/低/高的速度pick up/gather speed 加快速度at a speed of以的速度2give out散发(光,热,气味);用光,耗尽 筋疲力尽 分发 give away vt. 1.送掉,赠送 2. 泄露(秘密);3. 丢掉或错失(良机); give back 归还,恢复 反射(光线、声音)give in vi. 1.屈服,投降(感情、压力、请求) give in to sb./sth. 向某人/某事屈服 2. vt. 提出give off vt. 放出(光、烟、气味等),散发give over vt. 交付,托付 He gave the suspect over to the police.giveover to 把交给give up vt. 戒除(习惯等),放弃(尝试,想法) give up+n./doing vi.认输,投降,放弃give sb. up 放弃(病人等),对某人放弃希望 3put sth/sb forward 提出(观点,议 案)4Virtual reality 虚拟现实 in reality事实上, 实际上, 其实 turn sth. into reality 把变成现实5have/make/leave a .impression on 给留下的印象6impress sth on/upon sb=impress sb with sth 给某人留下印象7be set in 使(故事,剧情)以为背景set about vt. 散布(谣言等); 着手开始set about sth./doing sthset aside vt. 储蓄=put aside;忽视,不顾=put asideset down 放下=put down ;记下,写下=put downset off vi. 启程 =set out set off for Beijing; 动身去北京set off a bomb引爆,使爆炸set out vi. 出发,启程 =set off ; set out to do sth./set out on sth. 着手开始做 8be surprised at 对感到吃惊9enable sb. to do 使能够做某事10. deliver sbfrom sth 把某人从解救出罘deliver sthtoover sb. 把某物交付某人 deliver a message 带信,传话 deliver a speech 发表讲话deliver oneself of an opinion 发表意见11. risk doing sth冒险做12. make ones dream come true 使的梦想成真13. end in 以而告终13. pass sth. on to sb 将某物交给某人 去世 继续前进 转移到另一话题 pass away 死亡; (时间等)消逝,(不安等)消失,(习惯等)革除;度(时间)pass away / on /over 去世pass by 通过(的旁边);忽视,避开pass the exam 通过考试pass the law通过法律pass down 把传给后世pass through 穿过;经历14. last but not least 最后但同样重要的15. be situated in=be located in;lie in /on 坐落在16. close down 倒闭,封闭,关闭17. be accused of 被控告犯有罪18. in my opinion 在我看来,依我看来19. a leading character 主角20. a man of character 有个性的人22. escape from reality 逃避现实 describe a scene with reality逼真地描写情景 bring sb. back to reality 使面对现实, 不抱幻想in reality事实上, 实际上, 其实 turn sth. into reality 把变成现实23. sign ones name for sb. 为签名24. base on/upon: 建立于之上,以为根25. at one time: 曾经,一度 ahead of time 提前all the time 一直,始终; at a time 一次,每次at all times 随时,总是at no time 从不,决不at times 有时,间或 for the time being 暂时,眼下 from time to time 有时,不时in no time 立即,马上in time 及时,终有一天,合节拍on time 准时 once upon a time 从前 26. be impressed by 被所感动have/make/leave a .impression on 给留下的印象 27. at any moment 在任何时候,随时at the last moment 在最后关头for a moment 一会儿for the moment 目前,暂时the moment 一就(conj.) at the mome


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