



n Production Surface Class 成品表面等級Class 1 Surface: Visible on a constant, daily basis. This includes, but is not limited to, the top and front of a electronic product.1級面:可經常見到的面,包括電子產品的頂面和正面,但不限於此。Class 2 Surface: Visible occasionally, as the sides of a unit. 2級面:可偶爾看到的面,如零部件的兩個側面。Class 3 Surface: Visible during normal customer maintenance, such as the back and bottom of unit.3級面 : 客戶在正常維修時才可見到的面,例如部件的背面和底部。Class 4 Surface: Not normally visible. This encompasses all other surfaces which are not Class 1, Class 2 or Class 3.4級面 :正常情況下不可見,即除1,2,3級面外的所有表面。n Molded Plastic 成型塑件Blush: Discoloration or change in gloss, usually at gate areas or where wall thickness changes.異色:顔色或光澤變異,通常位于澆口附近或壁厚差異之處。Bubbles: Transparent parts or void pockets (may appear as a blister or bulge on colored parts). 氣泡:透明部分或真空的泡囊(彩色零件上可能像凸包或凸起)。Burns: Brown marks, spots or streaks (usually associated with poor venting of gasses during molding).燒傷:褐色的斑塊,斑點或條塊(通常與排氣口排氣不良有關)。Cold Slug: First material to enter the mold during injection. The solid or semi-solid material leaves a border with the adjacent material and weakens the bond between the two materials. 冷料:注射時首批進入模腔的原料。固狀或半固狀原料與相鄰材料閒留下的邊界,造成兩種材料閒的連接削弱。Contamination: Discoloration from foreign material or foreign material embedded in the surface.髒污:外來物所致的變色或嵌入零件表面的異物。Cracking: Splitting or fissures causing separation of the material.裂縫:材料分裂所致的破裂或裂縫。Crazing: Tiny cracks due to stress exerted on the part.龜裂:零件表面應力造成的細小裂紋。Delamination: Peeling of the layers of plastic.起鱗:塑膠分層所至的剝離現象。Discoloration: Inconsistent color or any deviation from the color standard.變色:色彩不一致或與標準色有差異。Drag Marks: Scratches from the plastic scraping against the mold when ejected.拉模:零件射出時與模具摩擦產生的刮傷。Flow Marks: Wavy or streaked appearance of a surface.流痕:表面呈現的波紋或條紋。Flash: Excessive plastic along the parting line or mating surface of the mold.毛邊:在模具的分型線和合模面上的溢料。Gas Marks: Burn marks or dark discolored streaks caused by incomplete venting of the gasses trapped in the mold. 焦痕:由於模具的排氣不良造成的燒傷或黑的變色條紋。Gouge: Surface imperfection due to abrasion, nicking or damage.溝槽:零件的外表面有磨損、缺口或損傷。Grease: Machine lubrication on the part.油脂:在零件表面有機器的潤滑油。Haze: Cloudiness of a transparent part.霧狀:透明件上的雲霧現象。Marbling: Colored streaks due to incomplete mixing of color.大理石紋:顔料混合不均造成的彩色斑紋。Nicks: Surface imperfection due to damage.缺口:因損傷造成的表面缺陷。Particles: Small discolored spots or matter embedded in transparent material.雜點:在透明材料中的小污點。Pin Push: Distortion or protrusion caused by ejector pin pushing into part more than normal.頂白:頂針在成型頂出時把塑膠零件頂傷或頂變形。Pitting: Crater-like imperfections in the material.凹坑:材料里彈坑狀缺陷。Porosity: Holes or voids in the material.縮松:材料内部形成孔洞。Protrusion: Raised area on a surface, such as a blister or bump.突起:表面的突起區域,像水泡或凸塊。Pulling: Part distortion caused from plastic catching in the mold.拉傷:塑件卡在模具内造成的零件變形。Scratch: Surface imperfection due to abrasion.劃傷:由磨損引起的表面缺陷。Shine: Glossy or shiny areas on textured surfaces (usually caused by worn or damaged areas in the mold).亮斑:在咬花表面有光亮的區域(通常是由於模具内部損傷引起)。Shorts: Missing material due to incomplete filling of the mold.不飽模:模具内塑料未完整填充造成的短料。Sink: Surface depression caused by non-uniform material solidification and shrinkage.縮水:由於材料凝固和收縮不均造成的表面變形。Specks: Small discolored spots or matter embedded in the material.斑點:微小的褪色斑點或嵌入零件的雜質。Splay: Off-colored streaking (often silver-like) caused by moisture in the material or thermal degradation of the resin during processing. 銀紋:由於原料中有水份或樹脂分解而形成的脫色條紋(通常為銀色)。Weldlines: Appears as a line where two or more fronts of molten plastic converge (also called knitlines or flowlines).熔接線:兩股或多股熔體前沿相遇形成的接綫(也叫結合線或流線)。Witness Lines: A visible line formed by the junction of two pieces of steel in the mold.合模線:模具的兩個模面接合處形成的線條。n Sheet Metal 金屬板件Abrasion: A scuffed or rubbed surface imperfection characterized by its large width and length relative to its depth.擦傷:: 拖傷或摩擦造成的表面缺陷,其長寬尺寸相對與厚度很大。Arcing Marks: Marks in the part caused by the part coming into contact with the plating tank.電弧痕:由於接觸到電鍍池引起的零件痕跡。Brush Finish: Electro-galvanized material brushed to provide a consistent finish.刷面:為使表面一致而塗刷鍍鋅材料。Burr: Ragged and usually sharp protrusions on edges or holes (defined as a percentage of material thickness and protrusion height).毛刺:有划傷力,通常在邊沿或孔上呈凸起狀。(按照材料厚度和凸起高度定義)Dent: A depression or hollow made by impact or pressure.凹痕:由沖擊或擠壓造成的變形或凹坑。Pitting: Discontinuities in the material surface which result from the removal of roll inclusions and/or oxidization.凹坑:因軋製雜質或/和氧化物脫落造成的材料表面不連貫。Scratch: A mark in the surface that is characterized by its long length relative to its depth and width.刮傷: 留在金屬表面的痕跡,其長寬相對與厚度很大。Slug: A small piece of material produced during stamping when piercing a hole.料屑:衝孔時產生的一小塊材料。Slug Marks: Dents caused when slugs are trapped between the mating die surfaces andthe sheet metal. 料屑痕:陷在模具表面和鋼模面閒的金屬屑導致的凹坑。Water Spots: Discolorations on sheet metal caused by impurities in the wash. 水漬:清洗液雜質導致的金屬板件變色。White Rust: Powdery substance resulting from zinc coating oxidization.白鏽:鍍鋅層氧化引起的粉末物質。n Labels/Printing/Silk Screening 標貼紙/印刷/絲印Classification and requirement will be consistent with the product cosmetic surface classification and requirement where the label will be affixed. LABLE的等級和要求應與其要粘貼的表面的等級和要求一致。Class 1: Labels which are primarily of a decorative nature and aesthetically required to enhance the visual quality of the product. All product identity parts, such as logos and model numbers, will be Class 1. A label or overlay appearing on a Class 1 product surf


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