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汉译英unit1 section_a父母觉得有责任尽其所能给孩子提供最好的。(to feel obliged to do/to provide . for . )Parents feel obliged to provide the best they can for children.应该严肃认真地大力惩治政治腐败。(to get serious about/to curb/corruption)Its time to get serious about curbing political corruption.学校的校长不应指望刚从大学毕业的老师来应付一大群难以对付的孩子。(principals/fresh from/to deal with)School principals should not expect teachers, fresh from college, to deal with a large group of difficult children. 她讲话不多,但言之有理。(to talk much/to make sense)She doesnt talk much, but what she says makes sense.对于强加给他的指责,他从未放在心上。to be indifferent to / to thrust .on.He was indifferent to the criticism that was thrust on him. 为了确保司机的安全,一定要敦促机械师确保汽车发动机已调整好。(to keep.safe/to urge/mechanics/to make sure/to tune up)In order to keep drivers safe, mechanics are urged to make sure that car engines are properly tuned up.当她站在那儿看到她女儿大学毕业时,内心充满了骄傲。(graduate from university / swell with pride) Her heart swelled with pride as she stood watching her daughter graduate from university.如果你仍然无法下定决心,那么你也许会失去提高自己的绝佳机会。(make up your mind/a golden chance ) If you still cannot make up your mind, then perhaps you will lose a golden chance of improving yourself.政府有责任保障公民安全,可它并未采取强有力的措施对抗持续增长犯罪。(to make prompt response to/take the responsibility of/to ensure) The government failed to make prompt response to increasing crimes, while they should take the responsibility of ensuring its citizens safety.鼓励使学生乐于接受新知识,惩罚则使学生充满挫败感。(to keep students minds open to sth./to be full of)While encouragement will always keep students minds open to new knowledge, punishment may make students full of frustration.Unit1 section_b她提出了一个让自己的小说得以发表的计划。(devised a scheme/ getting her novel published) Shes devised a scheme for getting her novel published.日复一日,球队的信心越来越强。(with each successive day/grew stronger) With each successive day, the teams confidence grew stronger.他对音乐的热爱促使他去上希尔博士的课程。(deep love / move sb. to / take lessons with ) His deep love of music moved him to take lessons with Dr Hill.我估计到头来和往常一样还得由我付账。(end up doing / as usual)I expect Ill end up paying, as usual.当人们知道自己拥有何种智能,他们便可以开始更好地了解自己要怎么学,以及哪种学习方法最适合自己。(begin to better understand / suit them best)When people know which intelligences they possess, they can begin to better understand how they learn, and which methods of learning suit them best.假如你连开始的动力都没有,又怎样冲出这条漫漫长路呢?(along this way / have motivation to start with)How do you start along this way if you dont have motivation to start with? 关于他究竟是否适合做这项工作,他实在拿不准。 (uncertain)He is very uncertain as to whether its the right job for him. 说到大学,提高语言能力也许可以让你进入理想的大学,甚至以后能找到好工作。(speaking of / improving your language skills / help you get into / choice colleges / land future jobs) Speaking of college, improving your language skills might help you get into choice colleges and even land future jobs. 信不信由你,可能你从没特别注意过, 呼吸就是久经证明的释放压力的好方法。(believe it or not / proven stress reliever / without even thinking about ) Believe it or not, breathing is a proven stress reliever, probably without your even thinking about it. Unit2 section_a对具有电脑知识人才的高需求是我选择在大学主修计算机科学的原因。(the high demand for / computer science)The high demand for persons with knowledge about computers is why I chose to major in computer science at the university. 她是一个颇有成就的运动员,连续四次获得冠军。(an accomplished athlete / championship)She is an accomplished athlete and won the championship four times in succession. 只要我们尽力而为,不管结果是输是赢,我们必定可以从这次经历中有所收获。(try our best / gain something positive)As long as we try our best we are bound to gain something positive from the experience whether we win or lose.老板在会议上支持了我,使我免受了一些尴尬。(spare / embarrassment) The boss stood up for me at the meeting, sparing me some embarrassment. 要推测工会和资方之间的谈判结果,还为时过早。(the workers union / the companys leadership) It is too early to speculate about the outcome of the negotiations between the workers union and the companys leadership. 学习人文学科赋予你批判思维的能力,为你提供无限的机遇。(critical thinking / the scope of many opportunities) Studying humanities invests you with critical thinking and provides you with the scope of many opportunities.如果现在你不能勇于面对自己的错误,那么将来有可能会重蹈覆辙。(face up to / repeat)If you cant face up to your mistake now, you are liable to repeat it in the future. 与石油市场一起,美元在1986年经历了一个艰难的时期。(go through / a bad phase)In company with the oil market, the US dollar went through a bad phase in 1986.大学的真正价值越来越被看作是发展学生的个人特质及社会技能,而非是大学课程本身。(developing ones identity / curriculum) The true value of college is more and more seen as developing the students identity and practicing social skills rather than learning the college curriculum. 这个村子曾经是一个风景秀美的地方,现在却因为地震变成一片废墟。(stunning scenic beauty / lie in ruins)Once a place with stunning scenic beauty, the village now lay in ruins because of the earthquake.如果我们只是关注眼前利益而不考虑长远发展,那么很有可能我们会得不偿失。If we only focus on the immediate needs and interests and fail to take the future development into consideration, its very likely that we will lose more. Unit2 section_b既然你提起了这件事,我得给你再解释解释。(mention/ explain it further)Now that you mentioned it, I have to explain it further.她的信用和信誉因丑闻受损,被迫辞职。(resign/ scandal /credibility/ reputation) She was compelled to resign because the scandal had damaged her credibility and reputation.一想起又可以见到她, 他便兴奋起来。(cheer up) He cheered up at the thought of seeing her again. 人们对中国队期望很高,但世界杯上的形势对他们非常不利。(be expected much/ the odds )They are expected much, but the odds are heavily stacked against Chinese players in the World Cup.当地居民可以买到一些廉价商品,但是数量不足以满足需求。(in sufficient quantities/ satisfy demand)Cheap goods are available to the local people, but not in sufficient quantities to satisfy demand.除了学习课本知识,大学生们还需要体验各种社会活动。(learn from the textbooks)Besides learning from the textbooks, college students need to expose themselves to various social activities.我们不应忽略的事实是教育本身是很重要的。(lose sight of )We shouldnt lose sight of the fact that education is important for its own sake. 普遍的共识是大学生应该在假期里去打工,因为打工可以使他们接触社会,帮助他们在经济上获得独立。(take part-time jobs / expose sb. to / be independent)There has been a general consensus that college students should take part-time jobs in vacations, because these jobs can expose them to society and help them to be economically independent.毫无疑问,学习外语有助于提高学生的交际能力, 加深学生对其他文化的了解。(give insight into)There is little/no doubt that English learning helps to improve students abilities to communicate with others and gives them deeper insights into other cultures.大学生需要更加认真客观地全面评估大学生活的方方面面,要把在校学习看作是对未来的一种投资,然后决定自己应该如何度过四年的大学生活。(give insight into)College students need to evaluate the campus life equation more seriously and objectively, calculate it as an investment to the future, and decide how to spend their four years of college life.英译汉unit1 section_aIf I am the only parent who still corrects his childs English, then perhaps my son is right. (para.1)如果我是唯一一个还在纠正小孩英语的家长,那么我儿子也许是对的。Schools fail to adequately teach the essential framework of language, accurate grammar and proper vocabulary, while they should take the responsibility of pushing the young onto the path of competent communication. (para.7)学校有责任教会年轻人进行有效的语言沟通,可他们并没把语言的基本框架准确的语法和恰当的词汇充分地传授给学生。While the road map guides your journey to your destination, an excellent vehicle helps you to fully enjoy all of the sights, sounds and experiences along the way. (para.12)路线图会把你带到目的地,而一台好车却能让你完全陶醉于旅途的所有景色、声音及经历之中。To him, I am a tedious oddity: a father he is obliged to listen to and a man absorbed in the rules of grammar, which my son seems allergic to. (Para.1, L2)对他而言,我是一个乏味的怪物:一个他不得不听其教诲的父亲,一个还沉湎于语法规则的人,对此我儿子却似乎颇为反感。Schools fail to adequately teach the essential framework of language, accurate grammar and proper vocabulary, while they should take the responsibility of pushing the young onto the path of competent communication. (Para.7, L5)学校有责任教会年轻人进行有效的语言沟通,可他们并没把语言的基本框架准确的语法和恰当的词汇充分地传授给学生。 Perhaps, language should be looked upon as a road map and a valuable possession: often study the road map (check grammar) and tune up the car engine (adjust vocabulary). (Para.11, L1)也许,语言应该被看成是一张路线图和一件珍品:我们要常常查看路线图(核对语法)和调整汽车的引擎(调节词汇)。Learning grammar and a good vocabulary is just like driving with a road map in a well-conditioned car. (Para. 11, L3)学好语法和掌握大量的词汇就好比拿着路线图在车况良好的车里驾驶。Unit1 section_bHe skipped all the words he didnt know and then would end up with no clue as to what the book was about. (Para.3, L5)他跳过了所有不认识的词,可是最终他全然不知这本书里写了什么。“I became frustrated,” Malcolm X wrote in his autobiography, speaking of his inadequate language skills. (Para.3, L6)马尔科姆艾克斯在他的自传里谈到他贫乏的语言技能时是这样写的:“我变得沮丧起来。”Months passed without his even thinking about being in prison. (para.8, L5)数月过去了,他竟然没感到自己在坐牢。Anyone who has read a great deal can imagine the new world that opened. (para.8)任何一个阅读广泛的人都能想象那个开启了的新世界。Malcolm Xs life is a wonderful example of the profound effect of learning a language. (para.10)马尔科姆艾克斯的一生成功地创造了一个通过语言学习而深刻改变人生的光辉典范。He was born into a world full of poverty and ignorance. However, as he acquired knowledge, his horizons expanded. (para.10)他出生于贫穷、无知的世界。可是,知识开阔了他的眼界。He had left behind the narrow, ignorant world of his youth to join the world community of thoughts and actions ever since he started with his great journey of learning English in prison. (para.10)从他在监狱里踏上伟大的英语学习之旅起,他就离开了青年时代狭窄、无知的世界,加入到有思想、有作为的世界之中。Unit2 section_aCollege education is more and more seen as a means for economic betterment rather than a means for human betterment. (Line 3, Para.2)大学教育越来越被看成是改善经济而不是提升人类自身的手段。Once the dominant pillars of university life, the humanities now play bit roles when students take their college tours. (Line 4, Para.3)人文学科曾是大学生活的重要支柱,而今在学生们的大学游中却只是一个小点缀。If we study only mathematics, its likely we will be a candidate only for jobs as a mathematician. (Line 9, Para.8)if we study the humanities alone, we are liable to miss many opportunities. (Line 1, Para.9)如果我们仅学习数学,我们很可能只能申请数学家之类的工作。如果我们单学人文,可能会失去很多机会。Most importantly, studying the humanities invests us with great insight and self-awareness, thereby releasing our creative energy and talent in a positive and constructive manner. (Line 4, Para. 7)最重要的是,学习人文学科使我们具有伟大的洞察力和自我意识,从而以积极和建设性的方式来发挥我们的创造力和才艺。In summary, the humanities help to create well-rounded human beings with insight and understanding of the passions, hopes and dreams common to all humanity. (Line 1, Para.10) 总之,人文学科帮助造就全面发展的人,这些人具有洞察力,并理解全人类共有的激情、希望和理想。The humanities, the ancient timeless reservoir of knowledge, teach us to see differently and broaden our horizons which is as useful and relevant in our modern age as it has always been. (Line 2, Para.10)人文学科,这个古老、永恒的知识储蓄库,教我们如何以不同的方式看待事物,同时也拓宽我们的视野。在现代社会中,人文学科一如既往地同生活息息相关,也发挥着重要作用。Unit2 section_bThere has been a general consensus that all high school graduates ought to go to college because college will help them get a job, earn more money, become “better” people, and learn to be more responsible citizens than those who dont go. (Para.1, L2-4)普遍的共识是所有的高中毕业生都应该上大学,因为大学会帮他们找到工作,挣更多钱,成为“更好的”人,并学会如何做一个比那些不上大学的人更负责的公民。There is litt


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