2019-2020年三年级英语上册 lesson22 How Old Are You教案 (新版)冀教版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年三年级英语上册 lesson22 How Old Are You教案 (新版)冀教版一、教学目标:1、知识目标:学生掌握下列词汇能口头运用How old are you ? I am _ years old.2、能力目标:学生能够理解并能用以下词句进行交际: old , young.能口头运用How old are you ? I am _ years old.3、情感态度目标:营造英语学习氛围,培养学生学习英语的兴趣。学生能够准确地发音,喜欢英语并愉快上课。二、教学重难点:描述特征。三、教学用具、学具:单词卡片或实物、字母卡片、录音机四、教学过程:Step1: Class opening1Greeting :T: Hello, boys and girls!S: Hello teacher!T: How are you ?S: Im fine, thanks.S: How are you ?T: Im fine, thanks.2 Listen to a song: I love you.Step2: New concepts1 . Sister , brother . Ask the students to look at the picture of Jennys family and describe what they know in English . Lead a discussion , in as much English as possible , about the pictures and sentences from Jennys photograph album .2.Talk about Jennys sister and brother, then listen to the audiotape and read.(规范学生的表达)3. The students talk about the pictures of their families with sister, brother or some other words.(表达时可应用本单元学过的知识)4. Show a picture of an old man and say: “He is an old man. He is old.” Then show a young girl. Tell them she is young. Say it, please . He/She is old/young .5. The students say sentences themselves with young and old.6. Point to the old man: “He is old. But how old is he? He is sixty years old. Put on the Jenny puppet and ask it How old are you? As Jenny , answer my own question : I am _ years old .Write How old are you ? I am _ years old on the blackboard. Show some other puppies and ask the age.7. The students ask the age each other.8.Read after the tapeStep 3: HomeworkAsk your mother How old are you? Say something next class.五、Blackboard Hand- writingLesson 22How old are you? old youngHow old are you? Im _ years old.Exercise:Fill in the blanks.1.br_ther, s_st_ _, _ ld, y_ _ _ s2. How _ are you? Im _ years old. (十岁)六、课后反思:附送:2019-2020年三年级英语上册 lesson23 Happy Birthday教案 (新版)冀教版一教学目标:1. 知识目标:理解并认识birthday cake and candles ,birthday presents ,birthday party能够熟练运用Happy birthday!能够试唱“Happy birthday to you!” 2. 能力目标:学生学过本课后能够运用到实际生活中,过生日时能运用Happy birthday!祝福,能唱Happy birthday to you!3 情感目标:鼓励学生乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,主动请教。培养学生与老师和他人合作意识。二教学重难点:重点:birthdaycakecandles, birthday presents,birthday party难点:理解第一部分的对话内容。熟练运用Happy birthday!唱Happy birthday to you!三教具使用:图片、录音机 多媒体教学过程Step 1 Class openingA song Happy birthday to you!(创设情境激发学生的学习兴趣,营造良好的儿童学英语的氛围,引出本课的新知识)Step 2 New concepts 一 DemonstrateT: Today is Jennys birthday. She will have a birthday party.(教师解释并引读birthday birthday party)Do you want to e Jennys birthday party?Ss: Yes !T: Lets go.Lets look what is on Jennys birthday party?(允许学生用汉语回答。)Ss: 生日蛋糕,蜡烛,生日礼物.(教师领读birthdaycakecandles, birthday presents)T: On the birthday party, there are birthdaycake and candles, birthday presents. What do you say to Jenny?Ss: 生日快乐T: Good ,we say “Happy birthday!” (学生练习读) OK Lets go to Jennys birthday party.(播放多媒体,学生跟读,教师做适当的解释,针对课文内容向学生提出一些简单的问题,检查学生的理解情况)Is Jenny happy? Does Li Ming e to her party?(教师渗透西方国家过生日时比较重视家人朋友的团聚以聚会为主,而中国人过生日以家人吃饭为主,但是现在中国人过生日也有生日蛋糕和蜡烛等)二 Practice 假设学生过生日,试说birthdaycakecandles, birthday presents,birthday party Happy birthday! 播放生日快乐歌,学生跟唱,最后学生自己试唱。三 Homework 1 画birthdaycakecandles, birthday presents birthday party 并注上英文


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