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学期论文 要求和范文样本.doc_第3页




Topic: On the translation of one of pragmatic texts which we have discussed this term from the perspective of Skopos Theory. Requirements:Your paper (no less than 800 words) should consist of title, abstract, key word, body (introduction, body, conclusion) and bibliography. Refer to the Sample. Any omission of the above mentioned part will result in loss of mark. Sample:Error Analyses of Chinese-English Translation of Public Signs(小二;Times New Roman;居中;粗体)班级 姓名 学号AbstractThe relationship between language and culture has been studied for several decades. The argument proposes that language and culture are interdependent and they influence each other. Learning a language is inseparable from learning its culture. Considering the major role culture plays in English learning, these thesis focuses on the research question “the importance of culture learning for English majors”. Beginning with the relationship between language and culture, some problems appearing in English learning are presented. Key words: language and culture; culture learning; English majors1. Introduction2. Language and Culture2.1 The Definition of Language and Culture According to Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary-6th Edition, one definition of language is “The system of communication in speech and writing that is used by people of a particular country” which interprets language in a narrow sensea particular country, while the other definition is more generalized, “The use by humans of a system of sounds and words to communicate”. Both of the definitions stress on that language is used to communicate in speech and writing. 2.2 The Relationship between Language and CultureSystematic researches on the relationship between language and culture have been undergoing for quite a long period of time in western countries as well as in china. Now it is widely accepted that language and culture are interdependent and they influence each other. On the one hand,3. Some Problems Caused by the Neglect of Culture Learning 3.1 Stereotypes and Prejudice Caused by Different Cultural Perceptions“Human perception is an active process by which we use our sensory organs to sense the world”(Guo Mingchen,2007:33).(引文用双引号表示;超过三行的引文应该单独成段,要求变换字体字号,Arial, 小五号,斜体;左边距:5cm;右边距4cm)Simply speaking, culture is a very comprehensive concept and it is not easy to give it a satisfactory definition. Different scholars from different fields perceive culture from different ways. However, all these definitions cannot apply in specific study. The following definition of culture is generally accepted at present:Culture, in a broad sense, it means the total way of life of a people, including the patterns of belief, customs, objects, institutions, techniques, and language that characterize the life of the human community. In a narrow sense, culture may refer to local or specific practice, beliefs or customs, which can be mostly found in folk culture, enterprise culture or food culture and so on. (Dai weidong, 2002:127)Putting it simply, language is a set of verbal symbols that are primarily auditory, but secondarily written. Culture refers to the entire way of a society, “the ways of a people”. And it can be described in a simplistic manner as the totality of the beliefs and practices of a society.6. ConclusionIn the contemporary world, English learning becomes more and more important and necessary and has gained much more attention than ever before. However, some problems exist in English learning, which caused by the neglect of culture learning. As noted previously, language and culture are interdependent and they influence each other. Learning a language is inseparable from learning its culture(参考书目,单独一页,具体要求见前面说明)BibliographyDavis, L. Doing Culture: Cross-Cultural Communication in Action M. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2001.Guo Mingchen and William J. S. Foundations of Intercultural Communication M. Shanghai: Foreign Language Education Press, 20


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