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61. Due to a quality issue, the change control board approves a change. The project manager must implement the change to align the project with the project management planWhat should the project manager implement first?A. Quality control B. Defect repair C. Corrective actionD. Preventive action61.由于质量问题,变更控制委员会批准了一项变更。项目经理必须实施变更以便让项目与项目管理计划保持一致。项目经理首先应该实施那一项工作?A. 质量控制B. 缺陷补救C. 纠正措施D. 预防措施参考答案:B。解析:质量问题属于缺陷。变更请求可能包括:uu 纠正措施。 为使项目工作绩效重新与项目管理计划一致,而进行的有目的的活动。uu 预防措施。 为确保项目工作的未来绩效符合项目管理计划,而进行的有目的的活动。uu 缺陷补救。 为了修正不一致产品或产品组件的有目的的活动。uu 更新。 对正式受控的项目文件或计划等进行的变更,以反映修改或增加的意见或内容。PMBOK6 P9662. During project implementation, the project management notices a high amount of rework. The project manager should consult which of the following for strategies to decrease the amount of reworkA. Process improvement planB. Quality metricsC. Scope statementD. Quality management plan62.在项目实施期间,项目经理注意到返工量很大。项目经理应查阅下列哪一项?A. 过程改进计划B. 质量测量指标C. 范围说明书D. 质量管理计划参考答案:D。解析:PMBOK6 P286原话:应该在项目早期就对质量管理计划进行评审,以确保决策是基于准确信息的。这样做的好处是,更加关注项目的价值定位,降低因返工而造成的成本超支金额和进度延误次数。63. A developmental project to create a new system is implemented in the market. The project manager delivers cost estimates for the sponsors evaluation inWhat tool should the project manager consider in the estimation process?A. Expert judgmentB. Bottom-up estimating C. Vendor bid analysisD. Reserve analysis63.创建一个新系统的开发项目在市场中实施。项目经理交付成本估算,供项目发起人评估项目经理在估算过程中应考虑什么工具?A. 专家判断B. 自下而上估算C. 卖方投标分析D. 储备分析参考答案:A。解析:四个选项都可以用来估算成本,专家判断用途最广,优先A。64. A project will end in two days. However, due to undefined requirements, there is one task that is incompleteBefore transitioning to the operations team, what should the project manager do?A. Collect the project information for future usageB. Conduct a lessons learned review with the teamC. Confirm the deliverable to obtain acceptance with the clientD. Convene stakeholders to gain agreement on the unfinished task64.项目将在两周内结束。但是,由于未定义的需求,还有一个任务未完成。在移交给运营团队之前,项目经理应该怎么做?A. 收集项目信息,以便将来使用B. 与团队开展经验教训审查C. 确认可交付成果,获得客户的验收D. 召集干系人获得对未完成任务的同意参考答案:C。解析:移交之前应该获得客户对可交付成果的验收。65. A project manager identifies a risk on a project which causes work to stop. The project team was forced to use a contingency planIn what project management process group is the project manager currently in?A. Control riskB. Plan risk responsesC. Identify risksD. Mitigate risks65.项目经理识别到项目上的一个风险可能导致停工。项目团队被迫使用应急计划。项目经理目前处于那一个项目管理过程组?A. 控制风险B. 规划风险应对C. 识别风险D. 减轻风险参考答案:A。解析:实施应对计划是控制风险过程。(详见PMBOK第六版 控制风险是在整个项目中实施风险应对计划、跟踪已识别风险、监督残余风险、识别新风险,以及评估风险过程有效性的过程。)66. A company customizes products for a customer. Production begins and the quality team performs quality checks on all the products. After the products are approved, the customer receives the finished product. However, the customer is not satisfied with the quality and wants to send the products back.Which of the following techniques should be used to fix the issues?A. Quality controlB. Control chartsC. Process analysisD. Histogram66.一家公司为一个客户定制产品。生产开始,质量团队对所有产品执行质量检查。产品获得批准之后,客户收到成品。但是,客户对质量不满意,想要将产品退回。若要解决这个问题应该使用下列哪一项技术?A.质量控制B.控制图C.过程分析D.直方图参考答案:C。解析:过程分析可以识别问题的根本原因。67. When cold weather season ends, the construction team can complete outdoor construction according to schedule. The project manager reviews the risk register and identifies that the risk due to cold weather are less significant than previously anticipatedWhat tool or technique did the project manager use to make this determination?A. Risk auditsB. Risk reassessmentC. Variance and trend analysisD. Influence analysis67.在寒冷天气季节结束时,施工团队可以按照进度计划完成室外施工工作。项目经理审查风险登记册,并确定由于寒冷天气引起的风险比预期的严重性要低。项目经理使用了哪项工具或技术做出这项决定?A. 风险审计B. 风险再评估c. 偏差和趋势分析D. 影响分析参考答案:B。解析:已发生风险的影响比预期分析的严重性要低,说明对风险进行了再评估。(风险再评估是PMBOK第五版,11.6.2控制风险的工具与技术)68. A project manager plans activates and resources for a project. What should the project manager use to review inter dependencies among tasks, review critical path activities, and find opportunities to shorten the project duration?A. network analysisB. PERT analysisC. milestone chartD. schedule network diagram68.项目经理为一个项目规划活动和资源。项目经理应使用什么方法来审查任务之间的相互依赖关系,审查关键路径活动并找到缩短项目持续时间的机会?A.网络分析B.PERT分析C.里程碑图D.进度网络图参考答案:A。解析:网络分析技术包括关键路径法、关键链法、资源优化技术和建模技术等。69. During final product testing of a two-year project, an application is scheduled to be implemented within the next month. The project manager discovers that a mandatory deliverable was overlooked in the project management plan; however, the development team states that it will only take 15 days to complete.What should the project manager do?A. Re-validate the scopeB. Perform integrated change controlC. Adjust the schedule to cover the changeD. Perform crashing to meet the deadline69.在一个为期两年项目的最终产品测试期间,一项应用程序安排在下个月实施。项目经理发现项目管理计划中忽略了一个强制性可交付成果。然而,开发团队说只需花15天能够完成。项目经理应该怎么做?A. 重新核实范围B. 实施整体变更控制C. 调整进度计划包含变更D. 执行赶工,满足期限要求参考答案:B。解析:“忽略了一个强制性可交付成果”,说明与原计划有偏差,需要变更。按照整体变更控制来进行其他三个选项得内容。70. A project manager asks a team member to review the projects status. The team member starts by measuring, collecting, and distributing performance information as well as assessing measurements and trends.In which of the following processes is the project


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