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Unit 1 what is beauty?New words and expressions1go to some/ great/ all lengths to do sthgo to any length to do sth 竭尽全力,不遗余力Ill go to any length to help a friend in trouble. 2former adj. 以前的,从前的;(置于名此前)my former English teacher/ the former world champion /my former wifein former times/days从前,往昔;the former the latter 前者(的);后者(的);John and Jane are sisters. The former is a pianist; the latter is a singer. 3a writer and lecturer 一位作家兼讲师Jay Chou, a singer and actor, is very popular among young people. 4complimentu n. 赞扬,称赞;荣誉的事,敬意;pay sb. a compliment = pay a compliment to sb. = praise sb. for sth. 对某人表示赞扬;1) Thank you for your compliment. 2) She paid me a very charming compliment on my painting. 她极为赞赏我的画. v compliments pl. 问候,致意,祝贺;3) Give my compliments to your father. Compliments of the season! 谨致节日的祝贺!w v 恭维,夸奖,称赞;(compliment sb. on sth. )4) She complimented him on his excellent German. 5) One likes to hear compliments on ones appearance. 人人都爱听夸奖自己容貌的话. 5look ones best 看上去最美The lake looks its best in the winter. 6Watch what you eat. watch= pay attention to / notice 注意,留心1) Watch the cars when you cross the street. 2) Watch your steps!7Its up to sb to do sth. 由决定;是的职责/责任1)Its not up to you to tell me what to do. 2) Coffee or juice? Its up to you. 8regardless of 不管 = in spite of / despiteregardless of the consequences, danger, expense1) He continued speaking, regardless of my feelings on the matter. 2) Regardless of the difficulty, you must finish the task by tomorrow. 3) Regardless of his fathers objections, he went to play football. 9emphasisu c&u 强调,重视; lay / put / place (great/much) on/upon (doing ) sth1) A special emphasis was placed /laid on/upon cutting costs. 2) Some schools put/lay /place great on language study. with emphasis adv. 强调,用力3) He spoke with emphasis on the necessity of cooperation. v emphasize = emphasise v. 强调,着重,把重点放在;4) Which word should I emphasize? 5) He emphasized the importance of careful driving. = He emphasized that careful driving is important. 10fitu adj. 适合的,相称的,得当的;(unfit)be fit for sth / (for sb )to do stha place fit for a camp = a fit place for a camp1) What kind of job is he fit for? 2) Is this water fit to drink? 3) The house isnt fit for you to live in. v adj. 健康的,精力充沛的(不置于名词前); keep (sb) fit = keep (sb) healthy4) Exercise keeps you fit. 5) Dont you feel fit? idiom: as fit as a fiddle非常健康. w vt. 使符合,使适合;6) This jacket fits me well. 7) The key doesnt fit the lock. x vi. 适合,符合;8) These shoes fit perfectly. fit in with相处融洽;She doesnt fit in with the rest of the class. 11stretchvt. & vi. 拉长,拽宽,撑大,撑松;伸展,舒展(肢体)1) Is there any way of stretching shoes? 2) He stretched (out his arms) and yawned lazily. 12endure vt. 忍耐, 忍受; endure (doing/to do) sth1) Can you endure that noise? 2) They had to endure a long wait before the result3) He cant endure being defeated. = He cant endure to be defeated. endurable adj. 4) I felt that life was no longer endurable. endurance n endurance test13considerable & considerateconsiderate adj. 体贴他人的;considerable adj. 相当大的数量、数目、距离;It is considerate of sb to do sth 某人做某事是体贴人的;1) It was considerate of you to turn down the radio while he was sleeping. 2) He is a considerate person. 3) I bought the piano at considerable expense. 14free adj. 自由的;无约束的; be free to do sth 随心所欲的做某事Every parent was free to express himself at the parents meeting. 有空的;I have no free afternoon this term. 免费的;We used to enjoy free medical care. free from不受影响;没有的;The old lady is never free from pain. free of远离;无付费需要;They are living in a village, free of crowds and noise. All the tickets are free of charge. freedom n15point 意义,目的I dont see the /any point of doing it all again. 我就不明白,再做一次有什么意义。There is no point in doing sth 做是没有意义的There is no point in blaming yourself too much for the mistake. 16set out1) The way John set out his plan impressed his boss deeply. (表明,陈述)2) The girl set out to practice playing the violin. (开始着手做某事)3) We d better set out early tomorrow. ( 出发,动身)4) well need set out some chairs for the meeting. ( 摆放,安排)17issue(亦用an issue) n. c 问题,论点,争论;a political/an economic issue政治/经济问题;The rising unemployment was the most important issue at Congress. n. u(亦用an issue)发行,刊行;u发行物,刊物;the June/latest issue of a magazine杂志的6月号/最新一期;vt. 发行(邮票、通货、印刷物),出版;issue stamps /coins /shares /newspapers /magazinesThis magazine is issued weekly. vt. 发出(命令、声明),公布; orders /instructions /a statementThe government issued a statement about the problem. Expressions1welcome to Head to Head 欢迎收听人与人节目 2go to (great) lengths 竭尽全力3make oneself more beautiful 使自己更漂亮 4in quotes 在引号中5agree with sb. /what sb. says 同意 6suffer from 忍受,遭受7on the earth 在地球上 8be up to sb. 由某人决定9keep oneself fit 使自己保持健康10put emphasis on 把重点放在; too much emphasis过多强调11be right for sb. 适合某人 12cosmetic surgery 整容手术13fit societys current ideas 符合社会的现代潮流 14go in for 喜欢;从事15Southeast Asia 东南亚 16look back (on/upon/to) 回顾17push sb. into 催促某人做18Judge people by their appearance. 以貌取人19set out 1)表明(想法,理由) 2)动身,出发 3) to do 想开始做,着手20take the first call 接听第一个电话21(be) on the line 在接电话或打电话进来 22make tattoo 文身23give sb. a brief historical perspective on sth. 从历史的角度给某人简单地讲述有关24start with 从开始25come along 出现,到来;进展,改进,提高;一起去(或来)语法讲解:倒装句主语和谓语有两种顺序:一是主语在前,叫自然语序。反之,如果谓语在主语前就是倒装语序,又分全部倒装和部分倒装。全部倒装是把全部谓语放在主语之前,部分倒装是把助动词或情态动词放在主语之前。一、全部倒装1there be 句型:可以用在这类句型中的动词除be外,还可用 live,happen,exist,remain,stand等等作这类句型的谓语。如:There are many students in the classroom. Long ,long ago there lived a king who loved horses very much. There happened to be nobody in the bedroom when the fire broke out. 2Here/There/Nowvi. (常为come,go)主语(必须是名词)此句型中here/there用来唤起注意意思是“喂,注意了”。如:Here comes Mary. I can see Mary coming. There goes the bell. I can hear the bell ringing. Here comes the bus. here句中也可用系动词。如:Here are some story books I want. Here is what you asked for,or you are looking for. 3then引起谓语为 come,follow的句子。如:Then came a new difficulty. 然后产生了一个新的困难。Then followed eight years of the AntiJapanese War. 接着是八年抗战。4out,in,up,down,away之类的副词作状语放在句首,主语比较长,也就是说主语不能是很短的人称代词,谓语为不及物动词come, go,run ,rush,etc。句式为:副词vi. 主语(必须是名词)。如:Out rushed the tiger from among the bushes. In came the rose fragrance through the windows. 5介词短语作状语放在句首,谓语为不及物动词,主语比较长,也就是说主语不能是很短的人称代词。句式为:介词短语vi. 主语(必须是名词)。如:In the middle of our school stands a high building. 在学校中央有一座高楼。6表语放在句首,表语常为形容词、分词、副词、介词短语。要求主语比较长,也就是说主语不能是很短的人称代词。句式为:表语系动词主语(必须是名词)。Gone are the days when the teachers were looked down upon. On the both sides of the street are beautiful flowers. South of city are two big lakes. 二、部分倒装1“only副词/ 介词短语/ 状语从句”开头的句子。如:Only then did I realize the importance of English. Only in this way can you make progress in your English. 注意:1)在only状语从句主句结构中,主句用倒装结构但从句用正常语序。2)only修饰主语,不倒装。Only Tom knows the answer. 只有汤姆知道答案。2否定词(短语)开头的句子要用部分倒装。表示否定的副词never,nor,neither,表示半否定意义的副词hardly,few,seldom,little,含有no和not的词组by no means(决不),in no time(很快),at no time(在任何时候都不,在任何情况下都不)not until,not only. . . but also,no sooner. . . thanhardly. . . when/scarcely. . . when。即“否定词助动词/情态动词主语其他”。如:Never have I been in this city. Little/Seldom do I watch TV. Not until I began to work did I realize how much time I had wasted. 注意:1)关联词的搭配。2)前一分句倒装,后一分句不倒装。3以so开头,用 “so助动词/情态动词/系动词主语”表示前面叙述的情况也适合于另一个人或物,意为“也,同样,也如此”。表示前面叙述的否定情况也适合于另一个人或物,用“neither/nor助动词/情态动词/系动词主语”。 Society has changed and so have the people in it. 注意: 1)当so表示对前句内容的肯定、符合,或进一步强调前面所说的情况,或者赞同前面的说法时,应用自然语序。意为 “的确,正是”。Tom works hard. 汤姆工作很卖力。So he does and so do you. 的确如此,你也是。2)倒装部分的助动词、情态动词、连系动词的时态和形式要与前句相一致。If you dont go,neither/nor shall I. (If you dont go,I shall not go. )注意:表示前面的多种情况也适合于另一人或物,或者既有肯定又有否定情况或涉及到不同类型的动词时可用:It is the same with sth. /sb. 或 So it is with sth. /sb. 句型。She does well in English,but is poor in maths. So it is with Lucy. 4由as引导让步状语从句要用部分倒装或前置。句式为:表语/状语/动词原形as主语其他。如:Clever as he is,he doesnt study well. 虽然他很聪明,但他学习不好。Child as he is, he knows a lot. 虽然他是个孩子,但他懂得不少事情。Much as I like it,I wont buy it. 虽然我非常喜欢它,但我不买。Try as she might, she failed. 虽然她试过了,但还是失败了。注意:表语前的名词无形容词修饰时冠词要省略5在so. . . that从句中,如果soadj. /adv. 放在句首,其主句要倒装。So loudly did he speak that everyone could hear him. 6某些表示祝愿句子也用倒状语序。May you succeed. 祝你成功!Long live the Communist Party of China!中国共产党万岁!同步练习1At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River_, one of the ten largest cities in China. Alies Chongqing BChongqing lies Cdoes lie Chongqing Ddoes Chongqing lie2We laugh at jokes,but seldom _ about how they workAwe think Bthink we Cwe do think Ddo we think3Never_ Lisa would arrive but she turned up at the last minute. did we think Bhave we thought Cwe thought Dwe have thought4John opened the door. There _ he had never seen before. Aa girl did stand Ba girl stood Cdid a girl stand Dstood a girl5Not until he left his home _ to know how important the family was for him. A . did he begin Bhad he begun Che began Dhe had begun6At the foot of the mountain _. A . a village lie Blies a village Cdoes a village lie Dlying a village7_, he talks a lot about his favorite singers after class. AA quiet student as he may be BQuiet student as he may beCBe a quiet student as he may DQuiet as he may be a student8So sudden _that the enemy had no time to escape. Adid the attack Bthe attack did Cwas the attack Dthe attack was9Little _ about her own safety, though she was in great danger herself. Adid Rose care BRose did care CRose does care Ddoes Rose care10Never in my wildest dreams_these people are living in such poor conditions. AI could image Bcould I image CI couldnt image Dcouldnt I image11I have tried very hard to improve my English, but by no means _with my progress. Athe teacher is not satisfied. Bis the teacher not satisfiedCthe teachers is satisfied Dis the teacher satisfied12My room gets very cold at night. _. ASo is mine BSo mine is CSo does mine DSo mine does13_that Maric was able to set up new branches elsewhere. ASo successful her business was BSo successful was her businessCSo her business was successful DSo was her successful business14Only then _ how much damage had been caused? AShe realized Bshe had realized Chad she realized Ddid she realize15On the coast _. Aa town lie Blies a town Cdoes a town lie Dlaying a town16Did Linda see the traffic accident? No, no sooner _than it happened. Ahad she goon Bshe had gone Chas she gone Dshe has gone17So much homework _that we had no time to take a rest. Adid we have to do Bwe did have to do Cwe have to do did Dwe have to did do18_, his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting. Strange as might it sound BAs it might sound strangeCAs strange it might sound DStrange as it might sound19, women dont get as well paid as men. Try though they might BTry as they mightCTry as might they DTry though might theyMore reading1aim at v 针对;对象是。1) What students aim at should no longer be their scores in exams, but their practical ability. 2) The book is aimed at very young children. 这本书的对象是幼童。Aim to do sth 目的是做某事2supplyu vt. 供应,供给,补给;supply sb with sth = supply sth to sb:向某人供应某物1) They supply us with fresh vegetables= They supply vegetables to us2) The media supplies lots of information to us every day. The media supplies us with lots of information. v. n 供应量,供给量,供应,供给;The water supply = the supply of water (food / electricity )w supplies生活必需品,日用品;medical supplies医疗用品;school/office supplies学校/办公用品Our supplies were running out. supply and demand供求关系3It is suggested that( should do )It is suggested that he (should) not follow a career like his fathers. 4sharp adj. 锐利的;尖的;急转的;剧烈的;敏锐的;a sharp knife快刀 /a sharp turn急转弯 / a sharp boy聪明的孩子a sharp pain in one of the teeth. 一只牙齿剧痛adv. 几点整;Tell him Ill be there at eleven sharp. 构词法:sharpsharpen;widewiden;weakweaken;deepdeepen;broadbroaden;strengthstrengthen;lengthlengthen;courageencourage;largeenlarge;5sumu n. c合计,总计,和,总数;the sum/the totalthe sum of incomes收入总和v n. c金额a large/small sum of money巨/小额的钱w vi sum up 合计,总计为;总而言之;sum up all the expenses总计全部支出To sum up, he agrees with us. 总而言之,他赞成我们的意见。Recommend v. 推荐,推举 recommend for The pills are recommended for a cold. recommend sb. for He will recommend you for the job. recommend sth to sb= recommend sb sthWould you recommend a good dictionary for me? = Would you recommend me a good dictionary? recommend sb as I recommend her as your secretary. recommend doingHe recommended reading the book before seeing the movie. Recommend sb to do sthThe doctor recommended me to take a long rest. recommend that The teacher recommended that we (should) read the novel. Beneficial adj. 有用的,有好处的Be beneficial to 对有益Fresh air is beneficial to ones health. Benefit n. 好处,利益Ive had the benefit of a good education. For ones own benefit 为了某人好Although she didnt mention me by name, I know her remarks were intended for my benefit. Benefit sb v. 使某人受益This facilities have benefited the whole town. Benefit from/by 得益He hasnt benefited from the experience. Expressions1aim at 把目标对准 2at a higher rate 以更高的速率;以较高价格3increase the strength of heart and lungs 增强心肺力量4reduce blood pressure 降低血压 5reduce the risk of heart attack降低心脏病的风险6give sb. more energy 给人以更多的能量7slow down 让慢下来 the aging process 延缓衰老的过程8achieve a higher stand 达到更高的水平 9in nature 本质上10in a word 总而言之;一句话 11lead to 导致 (result in)12to music 合着音乐单元知识练习lead to emphasis perspective lengths efficient aging suffer compliment standard beneficial 1Nowadays, it is widely agreed that more _ should be put on the elementary education. 2Given his social status, Mary is always waiting for suitable occasions to pay him a _. 3Dont be too arrogant, you will _ one day for what you do today. 4After all the misunderstandings and mistrust, we should look at the matter from a brandnew _. 5To look more beautiful, many women will go to any _. 6With the development of Chinese economy, peoples living _ is also keeping increasing. 7Aerobics is one of the most _ and one of the most beautiful forms of exercise. 8The newlyequipped devise is much more _ and is able to do nearly twice the work in a unit of time. 9Today, the _ problem is bothering many women. Many women even turn to pl


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