Unit 5 Animals in danger.教案2.doc_第1页
Unit 5 Animals in danger.教案2.doc_第2页
Unit 5 Animals in danger.教案2.doc_第3页




Unit 5 Animals in danger教学设计1、 Teaching aim1. To arouse Students interest in learning about Animals in Danger. 2. To develop Students speaking ability. 3. Enable the Students to earn how to talk about endangered animals and express their concern.二、Important and difficult pointPattern: It is.It has got It lives/eats Its fur is Has it got? Does it live/eat.? Is it.? It has got It lives/eats Its smaller than3、 Teaching aidsRadio、cards、VCD、tapes4、 Teaching process Step 1 Lead-in Purpose: To activate Students and arouse them to talk about animals. Give Students a competition by listing names of animals and use spider to list more words related to animals. zebra 斑马 antelope 羚羊 deer 鹿 giraffe 长颈鹿 camel 骆驼 elephant 象 lion 狮 leopard 豹 tiger 虎 fox 狐 wolf 狼monkey 猴子squirrel 松鼠, bear 熊 duckbill鸭嘴兽 kangaroo 袋鼠 koala 考拉, 树袋熊seal 海豹 eagle 鹰 peacock 孔雀 swan 天鹅 swallow 燕子 sparrow 麻雀 crocodile 鳄鱼turtle 龟 frog 青蛙 toad 蟾蜍rhinoceros 犀牛 duckbill, platypus 鸭嘴兽hippopotamus 河马 Step 2 Introduction Purpose: Get Students to talk about tigers and the reasons why animals are endangered. 1. Get Students to talk about the tigers in pairs. Ask them: Do you know anything about tigers? Can you tell the species of tigers? 2. Read the passage on our textbook to get more information about tiger. 3. Recall the students answer and then look up the new words by themselves. Suggested answers: (1) species (2) habitat (3) conservation (4) endangered (5) struggle (6) reserve (7) extinct (8) survival (9) wild (10) wildlife 4. Discussion Ask Students to work in groups to discuss the reason why animals are in danger. Then ask them to discuss what is the most important reasons listed in Activity 3 on P51. Step 3 Speaking Purpose: Enable Students to talk about the endangered animals and how to save them. Ask Students to work in groups to discuss how to solve the problems and how to save the endangered animals. The Activity 1 on P57 in Speaking will help them. After that, collect Students answers. Step 4 Function Purpose: Enable Students to show their concern. 1. Ask Students to finish Activity 1 on P57 to learn how to express concern. Suggested answers: 1) . Im concerned about 2) . Im very worried about 3) . We really should do more for They are all more formal than “Its really upsetting.” 2. Finish Activity 2 individually. Suggested answers: 1) . Im concerned about the way that rain forest are being cut down everywhere. 2) . I think we should do more to stop people buying and selling rare animals. 3) . Im very worried about the effect of global warming on ocean leve


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