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We DayHi ! We Day!Wow!how are you? 谢谢你们邀请我来到这里。thank you for inviting me . 来到这里很开心It is so great to be here. 我非常感谢你们今天邀请我在这里与你们分享我的经历I wanna thank you for inviting me and allowing me to share my experiences with you today. 你们是如此的朝气蓬勃you guys are inspiring. 我知道坐在这里的每一个人都希望在你们生活的圈子里活出别样的精彩I know that each of you have been invited here today because you are striving to make a difference in your life and in your community. 而我想说这真是太棒了,充满勇气!and I wanna tell you that is amazing that is inspring. 我想说的话很简单 my message is simple因为我想往往就是这些简单的话语可以改变你的生活 because I believe its the simple messages more often than not that can change the cause of our lives. 你的生活由无数个瞬间组成,他们有时候可以成就你有时毁掉你或者改变你,有时则逼你重新思考人生There are moments in your life that can make you or break you or change you, forcing you to reevaluate . 这些瞬间常以不同的形态突如其来these moments ,they often come in different shapes and sizes. 在我上学的时候,我要和读写障碍症搏斗When I was in school ,I struggle with Dyslexia ,这让我在班里时常感到沮丧难堪,你并不愚蠢,但感觉总是不如人I was often frustrated in class and I know I wasnt stupid but somehow,I felt less than. 幸运的是我的老师注意到我的沮丧Fortunately I had a teacher who recognize my frustration. 他告诉我读写障碍症并不会使我愚蠢He told me that my Dyslexia, it didnt make me stupid .这跟智商没关系it had nothing to with intelligence.事实上他说这是种天赋 he actually told me that it was a gift.老师的话仿佛在我的脑海里点亮了一盏灯 hearing my teacher tell me that set off a light bulb in my brain.然后当我19岁的时候我住在伦敦So I m nineteen ,and I m living in London .回首往事looking back,我觉得你们大概会觉得我那时候是个捣蛋鬼I guess you can say I was a bit of trouble maker.不合群,缺乏团队精神a bit of outsider, not exactly a team player.不过这也是我过去的一部分,就在那时生活给了我一个曲线球but that what I have one of moments when life just threw you a ourve ball. 当我试图爬上我朋友公寓的房顶时,我从离地三十英尺高的三楼窗户摔了下来I fell 30 feet, a three storeys from a window while trying to get onto a roof terrace of a friends apartment.我掉在一截栏杆和一堆清洗器具中间,人事不省i landed between arm railings and all washing machines where I lay unconscious .最终我醒了过来until I finally come to .当我醒来,我发现我不能动了when I came to ,I couldnt move ,I couldnt move my arms. 胳膊不能动,腿也不能动I couldnt move my legs.我瘫痪了 i was paralyzed .这是我第一个想到的是:该死!谁会在第十二夜中扮演奥西诺公爵呢?那是我正在排演的一部剧。and the first thought that I had was:Damn!i wonder who gona play Orsina in Twelvfth Night that evening that was a play I was rehearsing . 医生告诉我,我的脊椎遭遇复合性骨折,我再也不能下地走路了the doctors, the told me that I had a sever coupound fracture in my spine and I may never walk again. 我躺在那里,忍受着我背上的剧痛,盯着天花板整整四天,怀疑我是否可以再次下地走路 I lay there on my back in excruciating pain ,staring the celling,for four days ,not knowing if I could walk again. 你们可能说这就是传说中的人生低谷I guess you could say that was a low point.但是这也是做出改变和幡然醒悟的瞬间But it was also a moment of change and charity. 我意识到我过去的人生过得有多么匆忙,永远不慢下脚步,永远盯着下一个目标,从来不懂享受当下i realized Ive been racing through my lives,never slowing to acknowledge the moment,always focus on the next thing,never appreciating what was right in front of me.我们总是把日常的一切当做理所当然,无法察觉他们的珍贵,因为我们总是有错觉,生活永远会如此继续下去we take so much for granted on the daily basis ,things we should cherish most because we think they always be there。躺在医院的床上,我回想着自己的人生经历Laying on the hospital bed, I thought about the course of my life.我有多莽撞,我有多么不懂得珍惜我的生活? How reckless I had been how I hadnt valued my life我知道这不是我的终点 i knew that wasnt my destiny .我整理我的思绪,我要自己离开医院,并且再也不挥霍生命i fixed my mind right there and then that I would leave hospital on my own and steive never to rake life for granted again.再也不Never.所以医生说,一定有一群爱尔兰的修士修女日夜为我祈祷so the doctor said I must had monks and nuns in Ireland praying for me 因为十二天后,十二天,带着脊柱上的六颗螺丝钉和两块钢板,我走出了医院,回到了学校because twelve days after, twelve days ,six bolts two metal plates in my spine later I walk out of hospital and backed to school.我是幸运的。 I was lucky.这些经历告诉我我与众不同those thing teaches I was different.大家也许觉得我是个捣蛋鬼,但当我回到学校,我已经是一个不同的学生Those thing teaches you thought I was a trouble-maker said I come back to school a different student.一些事情改变了我something had changed.那些差点毁掉我的经历反而赋予我新的人生目标some they could have killed me gave me focus. 最终我明白了我的人生价值i finally understood the value of my life.我带着藏在戏服下的支架完成了38场公演,虽然那让我看起来并不怎么样 I performed all of my 38 plays in the back brace which honestly didnt look that great under my costume .但我用前所未有的热情投入了演出But I threw myslf into acting in a way I never had before. 这世上没有人能一帆风顺There is no one in the world that is immune from obstacles.那些伟大的领袖:纳尔逊曼德拉 ,埃丽娜罗斯福,马丁路德金他们都面临挑战。The greatest leaders of all ages like Nelson Mandela, Elanor Roosevelt Dr.Martin Luther King.They all face challenges 关键是要认清挑战的真面目I think the point is recognize challenges for what the are. 那些成长的时刻,战斗的伤痕,是装点你生活的荣誉勋章Moments of growth, battle scares on your journey,bages of honor decorating your lives. 我在演讲之初就要传达一个简单的信息I started this speech with a promise of simple message and this is it .那就是你所面临的挑战超出你的想象you have more challenges ahead of you than you can imagine.现在坐在这里,我希望你能珍藏今天的回忆。sitting here right now I want you to commit this date of memory .所以当挑战来临so when these challenges come up记住你有足够强大来面对它们,你有足够强大去克服它们,你有足够强大去经历它们,获得成长 you always remember that you are strong enough to face them you are strong enough to overcome and you are strong enough to grow through them. 如果你每次都逃避挑战,你会失去无数学习和成长的机会if you run for hills when challenges come to
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