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山东省滕州市木石镇中学2015届九年级英语下学期学业水平模拟考试试题(1)(满分120分,考试时间100分钟)一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题l分,计15分)从下列各题a、b、c、d四个选项中,选择一个能填入空白处的最佳答案。1in the nineteenth century, english became international languageaanba c/dthe2 im afraid i cant you, sircan you speak more slowly? of courseafollowblistencseedfind3china began to open to the outside world in the late 1970s_, there have been great changes in the countryaby thenbas a resultcat lastdin all4- driving on icy roads is very dangerous ! the more ice there is, the _ down the road you have to lookyou should be more careful- ok, i willamore farbfarercfartherdfarthest5i _ be a little bit slow, but at least i dont make foolish mistakesashouldbmaycmustdneed6-look! someone _ the floorits clean-well,it wasnt me i went shopping just nowais sweeping bwas sweeping chad swept dhas swept7after a short time,the bad news had_ all over the city and everybody knew itashowed bspread ccovered dexplored8-mr. white asked me to remind you of the meeting this afternoondont forget it!-ok,i _awont bdont cwill ddo9chairperson xi calls on us to do what we can _ as much as possibleasave bto save csaved dsaving10-how can we help the children in the mountain village? -we can _ leaflets to ask people to donate moneyagive in bgive off cgive up dgive out11-could you tell me _? -until tomorrow afternoonahow long you will stay there bhow soon you will stay therecwhen will you stay there dhow often will you stay there12-this kind of sports is exciting -yes,but its dangerousone cant do it _ he or she has got some trainingaif bafter cwhen dunless13-how do you like this piece of music by tan dun? -well,of all the music that he has written,i think this is his _ oneabetter-known bwell-known cbest-known dmost-known14ladies or gentlemen,whether young or old,_ some money of yours to the poor people in the mountain area who are sufferingato donate bdonating cdonate dwill donate15-the young man who entered our factory last month has made some mistakes this week -well_ahe that climbs high falls heavilybhe who makes no mistakes makes nothingche who laughs last laughs best dhe that will not work shall not eat二、完形填空(共l5小题;每小题l分。计15分)阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。joe azougar was walking his dog when a bear appeared suddenlywhen it came up,the first thing my dog did was 16 me and attack the bear, azougar said from his 17 in lady minto hospitalthen azougar ran into his house and began to 18 his neighbors,warning them what was going onas i looked around i saw the bear pull my dog into the 19 and to my great sadness,the dog was killed, he saidthen suddenly,the bear 20 and it broke through the houses back windowazougar began throwing things at the bear and making loud noisesthen he stood on a chair to make himself look much 21 it seemed as if the bear was very 22 , said azougar“i thought my best chance was to run outside 23 someone could find meazougar began running,but the bear 24 himit had four paws on top of me, he said“then,it 25 my body and tried to bite my stomachthat gave me just a few 26 to turn into and protect my headthe bear began to pull azougars body“by that time i could feel my body becoming 27 , azougar saidluckily,two women,who were 28 ,saved himtheir car was such a(n) 29 thing in the bears eyes,that it ran quickly into the woodsi am just thankful to those two angels that saved me in time, he saidpeople,who have lived here for 20 or 30 years,said they had 30 seen anything like this, said azougarhe is the first one,and he hopes that he will be also the last onenow im planning to move somewhere else once i come out of hospital16aprotect bfollow cleave dstop17aoffice blab cbed ddesk18acalm bvisit csave dcall19awater bfire cwoods dgrass20aran away bcame back cgave up djumped up21alarger bkinder csmaller dcleverer22asick blazy cbored dhungry23aever since bso that ceven if das if24aate bforgot ccaught dchanged25aturned over bput up ccut off dpoured into26adays bhours cminutes dseconds27awarm blifeless cstrong dhealthy28awalking by brunning by cdriving by dcycling by29afunny binteresting cmodern dfrightening30asometimes bonce cnever doften三、阅读理解(共l5小题;每小题2分,计30分) 阅读下列内容,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 abiking is an amazing family activity,but finding a route that is suitable for different,ages is a little difficultlee mcneil and his family ate crazy about bikingthey have seven children,from 4 to 24 years oldwhen looking for a route,they look for enough protection from traffic,good surface condition and interesting viewshere are some great routes for biking with your whole family which are suggested by mcneiliron horse trailthis is the mcneil familys favorite ridethe route s 26 miles and goes through the 21 mile snoqualmie tunnelbeautiful views,the tunnel,and places to stop and watch the rock climbers make it special, mcneil saidall our kids have taken their turn to go through the black tunnel bravely for the first time and we celebrate it at the end of the ride if you prefer,check http:/bit,ly/mlt9y4 for more informationcentennial trailthe centennial trail runs for 23 miles from snohomish to bryantthe trail is wide and smooth,and is safe for kids as it is off the roadsa nice stop is lake cassidy east of marysvillea dock(码头) on the lake is fun to exploreit also has picnic tables and washrooms for a convenient(方便的) lunch-time stopfor a map,go to http:/bitly/l5qceycascade trailthe cascade trail is 23 milesthe slope(斜坡) is gentle and it makes for an easy family ridemcneil said it is a beautiful ride up the skagit valley,with lots of places to watch wildlife along the rivergo to http:/bit,ly/pr4wow to see a map showing the trail,parking areas and bus stopsother good choicessnoqualmie valley trail: http : / / lusagov/n wgwoguemes island: http:/bit,ly/lj3rxlburke-gilman trail: http : / /lusagov/ s33li31which of the following route do mcneils family like best?acascade trail biron horse trail ccentennial trail dburke-gilman trail32if you choose the centennial trail,you can _ a,watch the rock climbers bsee a small valley cgo through a tunnel dhave a picnic for lunch33the main purpose of the passage is to _aask people to learn from lee mcneilbtell people how to make a family ridecintroduce some routes for family ridesdencourage more people to ride bikesb please sit down and enjoy your mealjust dont talk about itthese are the requirements at a popular dining party that is known as silent dinnersit encourages people who take part in the dining party not to speak for one to two hours and not to use electronic devicesinstead,the idea is to just on the foodsilent dinner parties are fast growing, said honi ryan,who has hosted 32 silent dinner parties in 11 cities across eight countries,including germany,australia and the united statesthe way we communicate is changing so fast that we need to stop and think about itaccording to a 2013 nationwide survey,restaurant noise came in second only to poor service among customer(顾客) complaintsand 19 percent of diners who took part in the survey said noise and crowds disturbed them most while eating outthough silent dinners may seem curious,the idea is not a new oneyogis(瑜伽信徒) have long enjoyed silent meals as part of a deepened practicein fact,it was a trip to a temple(寺庙) in india by a man that encouraged one brooklyn restaurant recently to add a silent dinner to its event programmingwell make a small speech at the beginning of the meal to make sure everyone understands what is happening and ask them not to speak or use their mobile phones for at least an hour, said eat greenpoint owner jordan colonand background music will be turned off,tooits funny;when i first opened eat,i didnt play music for some time and people had very different reactions(反映) to that, said colonsome people who come out to eat are ready to party,but it was so quiet without musicbut i wanted to create an environment that makes you relaxedalthough personal reactions to a silent dinner may be various,in general they are more likely to get into a lot of talk afterwards,said ryanat the end of the night people always have a lot to say about silencebut the most reaction is that there is always a good laugh34the first paragraph is written to be a(n)_ aconclusion bintroduction cargument dwarning35at silent dinner parties,people should not_aleave before they finish eating bjust pay attention to the foodcuse a mobile phone or listen to music dtake electronic devices to the party36what does the writer try to tell us in paragraph 5?asilent meals help people live longer byogis are the first to hold silent dinners cmore and more people like eating in silencedthe idea of eating in silence appeared long ago37in jordan colons opinion,silent dinners _ amake people comfortable and relaxedbare hard to be accepted by most peopleccan help him to attract more customersdprovide a chance to get to know others cnearly eight hundred million people in this world cannot read or write,most of them in developing countriestwo-thirds are women and girlsjohn wood who started the room to read campaign (运动),has opened1650 schools and 15000 libraries in some of the worlds poorest communities(社区)he said that from the beginning,room to reads goal was to reach 10 million children around the world in the poorest countriesin 1998,on a three-week vacation journey in nepal,wood met a local headmaster who invited him to visit his school in a far mountain villagethe experience changed woods lifethis headmaster had 450 students at the school,but he didnt have any books, wood saidhe had a library that was emptywood promised to fill the library shelves and returned to the village one year later with some of his friends with 3000 booksand that was just the startlater,wood used some of his personal money to start room to read he believes that world change begins with educated childrentoday,the programme can be found in10 countries across asia and africawood believes the key to the programs success is local supportwhile room to read gives away money and provides books,communities offer land and parents help build the schoolagnes,a room to read teacher in zambia who also runs the library,is proud to say the literacy at her school has improved room to reads biggest challenge is the huge need hundreds of communities have asked for literacy prograrnmesone way of room to reads success is that it will achieve woods goal of reaching 10 million kids by 2015,five years earlier than it is planned38the purpose of the room to read campaign is to _aask parents to read together with their childrenbhelp poor children to learn to read and writectell more people the importance of readingdhelp 10 million children to go to college39when john wood travelled in nepal in 1998,he _avisited many local schools bsent many books to local childrencstarted the room to read campaigndmet a man who changed his life40the underlined part the literacy in the last paragraph refers to(指的是)_athe teaching conditions bthe teaching qualitycstudents ability to read and writedthe money teachers earn every month41john wood is a person that is _ahelpful and generous bhonest and braveccareless but active dstrict but friendlydwhen you watch 3d movies or tv,you have to wear a special pair of glassesthe 3d glasses make the images from the screen look like they are there in the room with youthree-dimensional,or 3d,means having three dimensions(维度) : width,height and depth3d technology(技术) is based on the way the human brain(大脑) and eyes workbecause the pupils of a persons eyes are about 65era apart(分开),when we look at something,each eye sees it from a different angle(角度)our eyes send the two images to our brain,and the brain puts them togetherthe small difference between the image from the right eye and the image from the left eye allows us to see depthwhen we view pictures and television in two dimensions,each eye gets the same informationthat is because the image has no real depth,and there is only one of viewing itso the goal of 3d technology is to get a different image into each of the viewerit uses two film projectorsone projects a left eye image and the other projects a right imagethe 3d glasses allow us to see a different image in each eye while watching 3d films,we feel that we are in the same environment as the things were watchinghowever,it also has its disadvantagesthe 3d glasses work by controlling the amount of light that reaches the eyesit makes the screen look darkerwhats more,people with eye problems may get headaches if they spend too much time watching 3d movies,because their brains need to work harder to read the images42according to the passage,we can see 3d tv with the help of _athe exciting games bthe special glassescthe dark screen dthe image in the room43the second paragraph mainly tells us _ahow we see things in 3dbhow 3d films are madecwhat the human brain does for our eyes dhow different images get into the brain44the underlined word pupils in the passage means_ in chinesea学生 b视线 c睫毛 d瞳孔45which of the following is true? a3d glasses make the screen look brighter bpeople with eye problems cant see 3d films ca 3d film needs making by two film projectors d3d glasses held people get the same image in each eye四、词汇运用(共10小题;每小题l分,计10分)根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。(每空一词)46mh370 with 239 people_ contact on march 8th,2014(失去,丢失)47she had to sell the house even though it was _ her own wishes(违背)48the machine is _ by a robot instead of a worker(控制)49the _ side of the building gets more sunshine than the northern(南面的)50yangzhou is beautiful,_in spring(尤其,特别)51they are trying their beast to find out the _ of south korea ferry disaster(tree)52_,they had no money for their mothers medical treatment(sad)53when i was walking in the street,i met a friend of _(me)54do you know the _ sunday of june is fathers day? (three)55more and more teachers feel worried about some_ strange behaviour(teenage)五、任务型阅读(共l0空;每空l分。计l0分)阅读下列短文,根据短文中的信息完成文后表格。(每空一词)happiness ks not far awayhappiness comes from the little things in lifesimple ways in our daily life often help the mostit is not a dream for you to make it come true but a shining star that guides you and a mirror that shows you the meaning of life in the worldif you feel that happiness does not come to you,here are the following steps which will lead you thereto yourselfstart by treating yourself kindly and becoming your own best friendgive up trying so hard to become someone else who is not yourself right nowits better to just be youto your lifewalk in the park or along the street with a petbalance your life with activities and a good restplay and do those activities which gently nurture(滋养) your own mindplaying in your garden or filling your home with beautiful flowers is not a bad try and the memory of those flowers will be always carried with yousmile as you think about the futureif you smile,you can not have negative(消极的) thoughts!concentrate on the positive(积极的) in this world,and look for joyto your workwork hard and make efforts to reach your goals,and reward yourself when you are doneremove the task that is not usefulwe are learning that doing too many tasks at the same time just doesnt worktry writing down what is troubling you,discussing your trouble with yourselfthe science now shows that as you write your troubles,your brain will change for the betterby writing a daily thanks diary you will feel the positive memory and experiences once more,and by remembering these moments,your levels of happiness will riseto your friendsyou can write a happy letter to your family and friends every dayjust a short note will doyou can do the following:monday: write a thank-you note to your friendtuesday: write a short letter to your friend about a good moment you have recently experiencedwednesday: write about a nice moment you plan to experience in the futurethursday: write a letter to someone that is important in your lifefriday: write three things that went really well todaysaturday and sunday: go on with your daily tha


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