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Module 4 Planes, ships and trains一、学习目标:A.单词和短语:road, accident, except, far, far away, crowded, choice, classmate, all the time, journey, book, outside, close, park, however, costB.交际用语:1. What happened?2. Dont worry.3. Who lives the closest to school? Lingling lives closest.4. What is the most comfortable way to go to school for Betty? By taxi. 5. Whats the most expensive way to go to school? Going by taxi is the most expensive.6. How do you get there?7. Whats the cheapest way?8. Whats the best way to get there?9. Whats the cheapest way to travel from London to Paris? The cheapest way is by coach.10. Its the most comfortable way, but its the most expensive.11. He lives farthest from school.12. It is the fastest and the second cheapest.13. The more information, the better.二. 教学目标1. Function: Describing and comparing modes of transportation.2. Structure: Superlative adjectives and adverbs (-est, most); irregular superlatives.3. Skills: 1) Listening and understanding familiar topics (transportation)2) Comparing modes of transportation.3) Reading and finding specific transportation 4) Writing a short passage comparing modes of transportation.4. Around the world: The longest railway 5. Task: Making a holiday plan for a family trip to a city in China.三、重点及难点: Superlative adjectives and adverbs (-est, most); irregular superlatives. 四、教学设计:Unit 1 He lives the farthest from school. Teaching modelListening and speaking Teaching method PWP approach Teaching aims1. Key vocabulary: road, accident, except, far, far away, crowded, choice, classmate, close, all the time2. Key structures: superlative adjectives and adverbs (-est, most); irregular superlatives.3. Key sentences:1) What happened?2) Dont worry.3) Who lives the closest to school? Lingling lives closest.4) What is the most comfortable way to go to school for Betty? By taxi. 5) Whats the most expensive way to go to school? Going by taxi is the most expensive. Teaching aidsTape recorder, OHP, video Teaching StepsStep 1 Warming-up1. Work in pairs. Show some pictures and ask “How do you often go to school?”2. Look and say something about the pictures.3. Introduce the new words.4. Learn the new words.5. Read the new words.Step 2 Look and match.1. Ask the students to read the words in Activity 1.bus ship taxi train underground2. Look at the pictures in Activity 1 carefully.3. Now match the words with the pictures.5. Check the answers with the students.Keys: 1. train 2. ship 3. taxi 4. underground 5. bus Step 3 Look, listen and match.1. Ask the students to read the words in Activity 2.busy cheap expensive modern2. Play the recording and ask the students to listen to the recording carefully.T: Listen and match the words in the box with the pictures in Activity 1. You need to use one word more than once.3. Check the answers with the students.Step 4 Listen and read.1. Show some pictures, and ask the students to talk about them.2. Ask the students to read the conversation silently.3. Play the recording and ask the students to listen the conversation, and then answer the questions. 1) How does Lingling go to school? Why?2) How do you think Betty will go to school?4. Read the conversation.5. Act it out.Step 5 Complete the table.1. Ask the students to read the conversation again.2. Now complete the table.BettyTonyLinglingDamingWays to go to school3. Check the answers.Keys: by bus (by bike) by underground walks / on foot by busStep 6 Complete the sentences.1. Ask the students to read the words in the box in Activity 4.close comfortable good far2. Read the sentences. 1) The _ way to go to school is by taxi.2) Tony lives the _ from school.3) Linglings home is the _ to school, so she always walks.4) For Betty, going to school by bike is the _ choice. 3. Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box.4. Check the answers: Keys: 1. most comfortable 2. farthest 3. closest 4. bestStep 7 Complete the sentences.1. Ask the students to read the words or expression in the box in Activity 5.accident crowded except most modern 2. Read through the sentences. 1) All the students take the bus to school _ Sam.2) The _ train in the world is the Shanghai airport train.3) I saw a(n) _ on the way to school yesterday.4) I do not take the bus to school because it is usually very _.3. Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box.4. Check the answers: Keys: 1. except 2. most modern 3. accident 4. crowdedStep 8 Pronunciation and speaking.1. Play the recording once without stopping.2. Play the recording again and ask the whole class to repeat.1) Who lives the closest to school? Lingling lives closest.2) What is the most comfortable way to go to school for Betty? By taxi. 3. Ask the students to listen and mark the intonation.4. Now listen again and repeat.Step 9 Work in pairs.1. Ask the students to read the words or expression in the box in Activity 7.2. Read the example with the class. Whats the most expensive way to go to school? Going by taxi is the most expensive.3. Work in pairs.Step 10 Language points1. Maybe I should go to school by taxi. 或许我应该坐出租车去上学。by 和表示交通工具的名词(名词前没有任何冠词)连用,意思是“乘、坐”。例如:travel by train/car/ship/ underground/boat/bus/taxi乘火车/汽车/轮船/地铁/小船/公交车/出租车出行2. except prep. 除之外 强调被除去的部分不包括在内, 常与all, every, no, nothing等含有整体意义的词连用, 除去的部分常与整体是同类事物。如: We have an English lesson every day except Sunday. All the students went to the museum last Sunday except him. Step 11 Grammar形容词、副词的最高级构成及其用法附练习Step 12 中考链接 ( )1.The girls are talking about the art festival_. (2013温州) Yes. They have so many fun things to share.A. easilyB. angrilyC. sadlyD. happily( ) 2.Our school bus will leave at 8 oclock tomorrow. Dont be late. OK. I will be there ten minutes_. (2013安徽) A. sooner B. slower C. faster D. earlier( ) 3. Debbie is growing fast. She is even_ than her mother. (2013北京)A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest( ) 4.Dad, would you please drive _? (2013福州) No hurry. We have enough time before the plane takes off. A. faster B. more slowly C. more carefully( ) 5.Do you know Lin Shuhao? (2013漳州) Yes. He is one of _ basketball players in the NBA. A. popular B. more popular C. the most popular( ) 6.Which country is your favorite, Lin Tao?(2013牡丹江) France, of course. Its the _ place that I want to visit. A. worst B. better C. best( ) 7. Is Lilys home _ away from school than Lindas? (2013益阳)A. far B. farther C. farthest .( ) 8.Who ran _ of all in the sports meeting? (2013襄阳) Hector did, I think. A. fast B. faster C. the fastest D. most fast( ) 9. Li Na is _ tennis player in China now. (2011永州) A. most famous B. the most famous C. more famous Keys: 1. D 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. BStep 13 Homework1. Remember the new words and phrases in the lesson.2. Finish the exercises in the workbook. Unit 2 What is the best way to travel? Teaching modelReading and writing. Teaching method Top-down approach Teaching aims1. Listening and understanding familiar topics (transportation)2. Comparing modes of transportation.3. Reading and finding specific transportation 4. Writing a short passage comparing modes of transportation. Teaching Objectives 1. Key vocabulary: journey, book, outside, choice, however, cost2. Keys structure: Superlative adjectives and adverbs (-est, most); irregular superlatives. Teaching aidsRecorder, OHP, video Teaching StepsStep 1 Warming-up Learn some new words.Step 2 Work in pairs.1. Talk about the ways to go to a city that you like to visit.How do you get there?Whats the cheapest way to get there?Whats the best way to get there?2. Show some pictures.3. Talk something about the pictures.Step 3 Reading.1. Play the recording and listen to the tape carefully.2. Ask the students to read through the passage.3. Read the passage and number the ways of travelling from the most expensive to the least expensive in Activity 2.4. Check the answers.Step 4 Complete the table.1. Read the passage and complete the table.Ways of travellingGood pointsBad pointsTrainmore relaxing than by coachmore expensive than by coachCar and shipCoachPlane2. Check the answers.3. Read the passage again and answer the questions. 1) Can we buy the train ticket a long time before we travel from London to Amsterdam by train? Why? Yes. Because its usually cheaper. 2) How long does it take you to go by coach from London to Amsterdam? About twelve hours.Step 5 Complete the passage.1. Ask the students to read the words in the box in Activity 4.choice cost However journey outside2. Ask the students to read through the passage in Activity 4.There are four ways to travel from London to Amsterdam. The first (1) _ is by train because the (2) _ takes only four hours. (3) _, its quite expensive. Going by car and by ship, or coach does not (4) _ as much as going by train. When you go by car and by ship, remember that parking in Amsterdam is not cheap, so it is best to stay (5) _ the city centre and travel in by bus or by train. 3. Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box.4. Check the answers.Step 6 Writing Work in pairs.Ask and answer about the ways of travelling. Use the information in the table. Whats the cheapest way to travel from London to Paris? The cheapest way is by coach.Ways of travellingCost Time Comfortable InterestingLondon- ParisCoach2010 hours*Plane801 hour*Train 603 hours*Step 7 Language points1. journey, travel和trip的用法辨析2. take, spend, pay & cost 辨析3. The more information, the better. 信息越多越好。“the +比较级,the + 比较级”是个固定句型,意为“越 ,就越 ”。4. A journey by train is more relaxing than by coach, but a lot more expensive. 坐火车旅行要比坐汽车更放松, 但会贵很多。 在比较级前添加a lot, much, a little, a bit等词, 可以说明程度; 添加 even, still 等词, 可以表示强调。 e.g. Toms room is a bit bigger than Lilys. 汤姆的房间比莉莉的大一点儿。及时练:( ) 1. Study hard! _ you study, _ results youll get. A. Harder; better B. The harder; better C. The harder; the better D. Harder; the better( ) 2. Dear students, please read every sentence carefully. _ you are, _ mistakes youll make. A. The more carefully, the fewer B. The more careful, the lessC. The more carefully, the less D. The more careful, the fewerKeys: 1. C 2. DStep 8 中考链接 ( ) 1. What do you think of the traffic in our city? (2013菏泽) Its_ than it used to be, but theres still a long way to go.A. worse B. worst C. better D. best( ) 2. I am good at math, but his English is _ than mine. (2013黄石)A. much better B. more better C. very better D. pretty better( ) 3. The worlds population is growing _ and there is _ land and water for growing rice. (2013荆门) A. more; less B. larger; fewer C. larger; less D. more; fewer( ) 4.Which season do you like _, summer or winter? Summer. (2013长沙) A. well B. best C. betterKeys: 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. C Step 9. Written taskWrite a passage about ways of travelling from London to Paris. Use the information in Activity 5 and the passage in Activity 2 to help you.You can go from London to Paris by coach, plane or train. Travelling by plane is the fastest but also the most expensive.Unit 3 Language in useTeaching modelRevision and application Teaching method Formal and interactive practice Teaching aims1. Function: Describing and comparing modes of transportation.2. Structure: Superlative adjectives and adverbs (-est, most); irregular superlatives.3. Around the world: The longest railway4. Task: Making a holiday plan for a family trip to a city in China.Teaching aidsTape recorder, OHP, handoutsTeaching StepsStep 1 RevisionHow do you often travel?Step 2 Language practice1. Read through the example sentences in the box with the whole class.1) Its the most comfortable way, but its the most expensive.2) He lives farthest from school.3) It is the fastest and the second cheapest.4) The more information, the better.2. Ask the students to repeat the sentences in the box.Step 3 Complete the sentences.1. Ask the students to read through the sentences in Activity 1. 1) This bus takes the _ (long) and goes the _ (slow). 2) The new train travels _ (fast) of all the trains in the world.3) The _ (cheap) way to get there is by coach.4) I am in a hurry. Whats the _ (fast) way?5) The fastest way to travel is by plane, but it is also the _ (expensive).2. Complete the sentence with the correct form of the words in brackets.3. Check the answers. Keys: 1. longest slowest 2. fastest 3. cheapest 4. fastest 5. most expensiveStep 4 Complete the conversation.1. Ask the students to read through the sentences in Activity 2. a) By plane, but you have to go to the airport by taxi and that takes time too.b) The cheapest way is going by train, c) The most comfortable way is going by train, but it takes more time, than going by plane.d) There are three ways: by plane, by train and by coach.2. Complete the conversation with the sentences in the box.3. Check the answers. Keys: 1. d 2. a 3. b 4. c5. Read the conversation together.Step 5 Complete the conversation.1. Ask the students to read through the words in the box in Activity 3. cheap close expensive good much slow2. Read through the conversation in Activity 3.A: Whats the (1) _ way to go to Qingdao?B: We can take a plane but thats (2) _. We can also take the train. Its (3) _, but its not so expensive. B: The coach is the (4) _ way to go and it takes (5) _ time.A: So how should we go?B: I think the best way is by train because the train station is the (6) _ to our home.3. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words in the box.4. Check the answers. Keys: 1. best 2. the most expensive 3. the slowest 4. cheapest 5. the most 6. the closest6. Read the conversation together.Step 6 Complete the word map.1. Learning to learnRemember that putting words in groups (for example, bus, train, plane, taxi) makes them easier to learn. Make sure you give your groups a title (for example, Ways of travelling). Remember also that its useful to learn expressions as well as the words (for example, take a bus / plane / taxi, bus stop / train station). 2. Complete the word map in Activity 4.Step 7 Work in pairs.Choose a place you would like to visit. Ask and answer the questions about the ways by which you can get there. 1. Whats the cheapest way to get there?2. Whats the most expensive way to get there?3. Whats the fastest way to get there?4. Whats the most comfortable way to get there?5. Whats the safest way to get there?Step 8 Complete the email.1. Ask the students to read through the words in the box in Activity 6. book choice cost travel trip2. Read through the email in Activity 6.FROM: SallyTO: TonySUBJECT: Journey to ChinaHi Tony,My family is planning a journey to China in the summer. We want to visit Beijing first. Do you think we should (1) _ the plane tickets early? After Beijing we want to visit Xian and Hangzhou, and maybe somewhere else. How can we (2) _ from Beijing to Xian, by train or by plane? The (3) _ is not so important, but the time is. After Xian, we want to go to Hangzhou. Is it better to go to Shanghai first, or can we go from Xian to Hangzhou directly?And after Hangzhou whats the best (4) _? Can we make a short (5) _ to Suzhou? What do you think? Thanks for your help.Sally3. Complete the email with the words in the box.4. Check the answers. Keys: 2. travel 3. cost 4. choice 5. trip 5. Read together.Step 9 Listening practice.1. Ask the students to read through the information in Activity 7 individually.1 London 2 Birmingham3 Oxford4 Cambridgea) the city with four million peopleb) a small beautiful cityc) the most expensive cityd) the most interesting citye) the biggest city2. Play the


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