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扬中市第一中学 八年级英语导学案 8B Unit6 Sunshine for all 第五课时Grammar2(新授课)主备人:陈伯云 审核人:_ 审批人:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_【学习目标】1. 学会用It is + adjective+ to infinitive结构来谈论做某事的感受。2. 学会用It is + adjective+ for + to infinitive结构来谈论某人做某事的感受。3. 学会用It is + adjective+ of + to infinitive结构来评价某人的行为。4. 能区分It is + adjective+ for + to infinitive和It is + adjective+ of + to infinitive的不同之处,并根据不同的语境准确地运用。【学习重难点】能区分It is + adjective+ for + to infinitive和It is + adjective+ of + to infinitive的不同之处,并根据不同的语境准确地运用。【学习过程】一、课前预习导学请根据句意,用介词of或for填空,补全句子1. It is necessary _ us to take action to reduce the air pollution.2. It is kind _ you t help me with my lessons.3. It is important _ students to have enough sleep every day.4. It is dangerous _ children to play with fire.5. It is silly _ her not to forgive others for their mistakes.二、课堂学习研讨 知识点讲解:It is + adjective+ to infinitive句型通常用来表示对某事物的看法,意为“做某事是的”。这个句型通常用表示性质、状况的形容词。如:easy, difficult, pleasant, important等作表语。例:坚持每天读英语是不难的。_ It is + adjective+ for + to infinitive句型意为“做某事对某人来说是的”。这个句型通常用来说明我们谈论的是谁、谈论的事情对他来说怎么样,这个句型常用的形容词有important, dangerous, difficult/hard, easy等。 例:他们很难再这么短的时间内想出新的办法。_ It is + adjective+ of + to infinitive. 这个句型用来表达某人的品格和能力。句型中通常用表现品格和能力的形容词,如kind, good , clever, nice等。形容词表示主观情感或态度,of后面的人物与形容词之间有主表关系。 例:这个士兵就了那个孩子的命真是勇敢。_三、课堂检测:一、完成下列句子1.她男朋友总是毫无怨言地等待她,真是够有耐心的It is _ her without _.2.他吃了整个蛋糕,真是很自私。It is very selfish _3.我们的校长真好,为我们组织这个聚会。Our headmaster is _ this party for us.5. 防止饮水污染是非常重要的。_ keep the drinking water from being polluted.6. 有必要帮助残疾人。It _ the disabled.7. 对我们来说,做好每一件事是很必要的。It is very necessary _8. 多吃水果和蔬菜对身体有好处_ our health to eat more fruit and vegetables.9. 我认为你嘲笑别人是不礼貌的。I think it is _9.西蒙难以学好汉语。_ learn Chinese well.10.按时完成作业很重要。_ the homework on time.四、作业布置:(一) 同义句转换1. This task is difficult to finish ._ _ difficult _ _ this task.2. I find it easy to learn English well._ _ easy _ _ _ learn English well.3. You will lose your way easily in such a big city.It is _you to _ _ in such a big city.4. We should train ourselves before running._ _ _ us to train ourselves before running.5. He is unable to work out such a difficult problem._ _ _ him to work out such a difficult problem.6. The girl gives her seat to people in need. She is very kind. _ _ _ the girl _ _ her seat to people in need.7. The old man donated lots of money and things to the people in Yaan. He was generous._ _ _ _ the old man _ _ lots of money and things to the people in Yaan.8. Tom doesnt forgive others for their mistakes. He is silly._ _ _ Tom _ _ _ others for their mistakes.(二) 完形填空:Jim Smith was a poor boy. One day he was very cold and _1_. He came to a house and asked the young _2_ only for a glass of water. But the lady was so _3_ that she gave him a glass of hot milk. Jim drank it and then asked, “_4_ should I pay you?” “You dont need to pay. she replied. Jim _5_ her from the bottom of his heart.Years later, Jim became a _6_. One day, a woman was sent to his hospital. She was seriously ill. He recognized her at once and decided to _7_ to save her life.The operation(手术) was successful, but the cost(费用) was high. After looking at the womans bill(账单), Jim wrote _8_ on it. When the woman received the bill, she didnt dare to(不敢) look at it. _9_, something on the side of the bill caught her attention(注意). She began to _10_ the following the words:Paid in full with one glass of milk.( )1. A hot B hungry C cool D strong( )2. A woman B man C husband D waiter( )3. A angry B beautiful C lucky D kind( )4.A. When B. Where C. How much D. Why ( )5. A. thanked B. forgot C. missed D. understood ( )6. A. teacher B. worker C. doctor D. driver ( )7. A. say hello B. do his best C. give away D. get back ( )8. A. anything B. everything C. nothing D. something ( )9. A. However B. Whenever C. Especially D. Hardly ( )10. A. write B. remember C. read D. guess 8B Unit6 Sunshine for all 第六课时Integrated skills &study skills(新授课)主备人:陈伯云 审核人:_ 审批人:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_【学习目标】 1. 能从听力材料中获取有用的信息 2. 能用所得信息将语篇补充完整 3. 能用英语谈论如何为需要的人提供帮助 4. 了解英文写作中谋篇布局的几种方式。 5. 学会根据不同的文章内容,使用不同的布局方法。 6. 能辨别英语文章中所运用的布局方法。【学习重难点】能用英语谈论如何为需要的人提供帮助能从听力材料中获取有用的信息【学习过程】一、课前预习导学翻译下列短语:1.一个大学生_2. 山区一所小学校_3.在野外工作_4.通过电话交谈_5.一个小学老师_6.步行两个多小时到学校_7.以这种方法 _8.在我们的日常生活中_9.节约我们的零花钱并捐给需要的人_10.给无家可归的人食物_二、课堂学习研讨 知识点讲解:1. project n. 项目、工程、课题 希望工程 _做一个关于的课题_ 我正在做一个有关中国历史的课题。_三、课堂检测 1.他们将去中国的西南部They are _.2.你参加过志愿者项目吗?_?3.用这种方式,我们可以帮助当地人改善他们的生活。_, we can help the local people _.4.在日常生活中,你如何帮助他人呢?_ you help others_?5.你积攒你的零花钱吗?Do you _?6.他们通常捐款给需要帮助的人。They usually _.7.周末在书店当志愿者是很有意义的。It is _ in bookshops at the weekend.8.旅游有助于我们放松心情。Travelling helps _.9.天空没有以前那么蓝了。The sky is _ before.10.我认为良好的阅读习惯很重要。I think _.四、作业布置(一)根据句意等完成单词1. Xinjiang lies in the _(西北) of China .2. We are doing a _(课题)on pollution.3. Kunming is in the _(西南) of China .4. last year he _(捐献) 100000 to cancer research.5. He studied Physics at _(大学)6. They want a chance to do _(mean) work.7. Who taught _(they) Geography last year?8. It is _(help) to discuss your problems with your friends.9. Jim is so kind that he takes the _(home) cat to the Animals Center.10. You can learn _(difference) customs during the travel.(二)同义句转换1.Its necessary that you train yourselves before the walk. Its _ _ you _ _ train yourselves before the walk.2.They are foolish to make such a mistake. _ _ foolish _ _ _ make such a mistake.3.Reading in the sun is bad for your eyes. _ bad for our eyes _ _ in the sun.4.Its not easy that workers finish the work in a month. Its _ _ _ _ finish the work in a month.5.This kind of medicine is safe to take. _ _ _ _ _ this kind of medicine.6.You will lose your way easily in such a big city. Its _ _ you to _ _ in such a big city.7.To see my teachers and friends again in the new school term is pleasant. Its _ _ _ my teachers and friends again in the new school term.(三)翻译下列句子1. 学生们每天早上读英语是有用的_2. 在学校,每天打扫三次教室是有必要的_3. 对他来说,在一周之内完成这项工作太困难了_4. 在公共汽车上给老人让座是有礼貌的行为。_5. 在整个活动中,你们之间互相帮助和支持时相当重要的_8B Unit6 Sunshine for all 第七课时Task(新授课)主备人:陈伯云 审核人:_ 审批人:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_【学习目标】 1. 学会设计写作提纲,合理安排每段的主要内容 2. 完成一封寻求他人帮助的书信 3. 使用合作的学习方法,取长补短,更好地完成任务。【学习重、难点】学会写一封寻求他人帮助的书信【学习过程】一、课前预习导学根据句意及提示完成单词1.She lost a lot of _ (血)in the accident.2.After a brief _ (介绍)by the chairman, the meeting began.3.The poor man had two major _(手术) in two weeks.4.She was the last _ (幸存者)of the family.5.Its too _(危险的)for the kids to play in the street.二、课堂学习研讨 知识点讲解: 1.introduction意为“引言”,有时候作为专著,或教科书的一部分;它也可表示 “介绍、引进”的意思,是动词introduce 的名词形式。_引言告诉你怎样使用这本书。introduce v. introduce oneself 自我介绍 introduce sb. to 向介绍某人Would you mind _(介绍) your hometown to us?2. operation n. 手术 operate v. 动手术常见短语 do/perform an operation on operate onDoctors are _ _ the patient. = Doctors are _ _ _ _ the patient.3. survivor n. 幸存者 survive vt. 在之后仍然生存, 从中逃出 vi. 活下来,幸存,残留他是灾难幸存者之一。He was one of the _ of the disaster.只有两名乘客在飞机失事中幸免于难。Only two passengers _ the air-crash.洪水后极少有人生还。Few people _ after the flood.三、课堂检测 Max 的学校有一名叫Joan的八年级女生得了很严重的心脏(heart)疾病,请你以Max的名义写一份80词左右的倡议书,呼吁大家为Joan捐款,要点如下: 1. 自从去年开始一直住院 2. 现在她需要做一个手术,但花费将超过20万元 3. 家境贫寒,没钱做手术 4. 对于Joan来说尽快做手术很重要,否则就会有生命危险Dear all, _ Thanks a lot for your help! Max四、作业布置(一)单项选择( ) 1. It is generous _ Millie _ each of us two presents. A. for; to give B. of; give C. of; to give D. for; gives( ) 2. It is kind _ you to help me with my lessons because it is very difficult _ me to learn them well. A. for; for B. of ; of C. for; of D. of; for( ) 3. I felt _ necessary to accept my mothers advice because its valuable _me. A. its; to B. it is; for C. it; for D. that was; for( ) 4. What would you like to _ us about volunteers work? A. speak B. talk C. say D. tell( ) 5. Whats happening? Look! _ heavy the rain is! Youd better not go out in _ weather. A. What; so a bad B. How; such bad C. How; such a bad D. What; so bad(二)完成句子1. 你应该尽力而为,而不是轻易地放弃。 You should _.2. 他真是够慷慨的, 居然给他们都买了礼物。 He was _ all of you .3. 如果那个医生能伸出援助之手,那个男孩也许就不会失去生命。 If the doctor _, the little boy _.4. 自从2012年以来,他的爷爷就卧病在床了。 Her grandpa _.5. 肖伟需要尽快做一个手术。Xiao Wei needs _.(三)缺词填空 When this story h_1_, they were working around a very large house. Their job was to do the c_2_. It w


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