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淘宝平台法律声明(Legal Statement)提示条款(Reminders)淘宝提醒您:在使用淘宝平台各项服务前,请您务必仔细阅读并透彻理解本声明。如对本声明内容有任何疑问,您可向淘宝平台客服咨询。阅读本声明的过程中,如果您不同意本声明或其中任何内容,您应立即停止使用淘宝平台服务。如果您使用淘宝平台服务的,您的使用行为将被视为对本声明全部内容的认可。Taobao reminds you that: Before you use the services of Taobao Platform, be sure to prudently read and carefully understand this Statement. If you have any doubt about this Statement, you may consult the customer service personnel of Taobao Platform. If you do not agree to this Statement or any contents of this Statement after you read it, youd better stop registration immediately.If you use the services of Taobao Platform in any way, you will be deemed to have accepted all contents of this Statement.定义(Definition)淘宝平台:指包括淘宝网(域名为 )、天猫(域名为)、一淘网(域名为)、聚划算(域名为、)、阿里妈妈(域名为)、阿里旅行(域名为)等网站及客户端。淘宝:淘宝平台经营者的单称或合称,包括淘宝网经营者浙江淘宝网络有限公司、天猫经营者浙江天猫网络有限公司、一淘网经营者浙江淘宝网络有限公司、聚划算经营者浙江天猫网络有限公司、阿里妈妈经营者杭州阿里科技有限公司、阿里旅行经营者浙江淘宝网络有限公司等。Taobao Platform: refers to , , , , , and and their clients.Taobao: refers to either or all operators of Taobao Platform, including the operator of -Zhejiang Taobao Network Limited, the operator of - Zhejiang Tmall Network Co., Ltd., the operator of - Zhejiang Taobao Network Limited, the operator of - Zhejiang Tmall Network Co., Ltd., the operator of - Hangzhou Ali Technology Co., Ltd., and the operator of - Zhejiang Taobao Network Limited.权利声明(Statement on Rights)一、权利归属(Ownership of Rights)除非淘宝另行声明,淘宝平台内的所有产品、技术、软件、程序、数据及其他信息(包括但不限于文字、图像、图片、照片、音频、视频、图表、色彩、版面设计、电子文档)的所有权利(包括但不限于版权、商标权、专利权、商业秘密及其他所有相关权利)均归淘宝或其关联公司所有。未经淘宝许可,任何人不得擅自使用(包括但不限于通过任何机器人、蜘蛛等程序或设备监视、复制、传播、展示、镜像、上载、下载淘宝平台内的任何内容)。淘宝平台的Logo、“淘宝”、“Taobao”等文字、图形及其组合,以及淘宝平台的其他标识、徵记、产品和服务名称均为淘宝及其关联公司在中国和其它国家的商标,未经淘宝书面授权,任何人不得以任何方式展示、使用或作其他处理,也不得向他人表明您有权展示、使用或作其他处理。Unless otherwise stated by Taobao, all rights (including but without limitation to copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret and any other related rights) in, of, and to all products, technology, software, programs, data and other information (including but without limitation to words, images, pictures, photos, audios, videos, charts, colors, layout and electronic file) within Taobao Platform are vested in Taobao or its affiliated companies. Without the consent of Taobao, no one is permitted to use the said information (including but without limitation to monitor, copy, transmit, display, mirror, upload and download any content on Taobao via web robots, web spiders and other software or equipment).Logo, “Taobao”, and other words, graphics and combination of words and graphics as well as other logos, marks, product names and service names within Taobao Platform are all trademarks of Taobao and its affiliated companies in China and other countries.Without written authorization of Taobao, no one may display, use or otherwise dispose of any of the said trademarks in any way. Furthermore, even if any party is entitled to display, use or otherwise dispose of any of the said trademarks, the party may not disclose its right to any other person.二、责任限制(Limitation on Liability)鉴于淘宝平台提供的服务属于电子公告牌(BBS)性质,淘宝平台上的店铺、商品信息(包括但不限于店铺名称、公司名称、 联系人及联络信息、产品的描述和说明、相关图片、视频等)均由会员自行提供并上传,由会员对其提供并上传的所有信息承担相应法律责任。淘宝平台转载作品(包括论坛内容)出于传递更多信息之目的,并不意味淘宝赞同其观点或已经证实其内容的真实性。Whereas the services provided by Taobao Platform are of the nature of bulletin board system (BBS), all information on shops and commodities on Taobao Platform (including but without limitation to names of shops, names of companies, liaisons and contact information, product description and specification, pictures and videos) are provided and uploaded by members, who shall assume legal responsibility for the said information.Taobao Platform carries works (including contents on forum) for the purpose of transferring more information, which does not mean that Taobao agrees with the viewpoints in the works or has confirmed the trueness of the contents of the works.三、知识产权保护(Protection of Intellectual Property Rights)淘宝尊重知识产权,反对侵权盗版行为。知识产权权利人认为淘宝平台内容(包括但不限于淘宝平台会员发布的商品信息)可能涉嫌侵犯其合法权益,可以通过淘宝知识产权保护平台()提出书面通知,淘宝收到后将及时处理。Taobao respects intellectual property rights and opposes any act of infringement and pirating. If a holder of intellectual property rights thinks that any content on Taobao Platform (including but without limitation to commodity information released by any member of Taobao Platform) may infringe any of his/her legitimate rights and benefits, he/she may send a written notice through Taobaos intellectual property rights protection platform (). After receiving the notice, Taobao will deal with such issue in time.隐私权政策(Privacy Right Policy)淘宝(下称“我们”)非常尊重用户个人信息的保护,在您使用淘宝平台提供的服务时,我们将按照本隐私权政策收集、使用及共享您的个人信息。本隐私权政策包含了我们收集、存储、使用、共享和保护您的个人信息的条款,我们希望通过本隐私权政策向您清晰地介绍我们对您个人信息的处理方式,因此我们建议您完整地阅读本隐私权政策,以帮助您了解维护自己隐私权的方式。如您对本隐私权政策有任何疑问,您可以通过淘宝平台公布的联系方式与我们联系。如果您不同意本隐私权政策任何内容,您应立即停止使用淘宝平台服务。当您使用淘宝平台提供的任一服务时,即表示您已同意我们按照本隐私权政策来合法使用和保护您的个人信息。Taobao (hereinafter referred to “We”) very respects and strictly protect the personal information of the users. When you use the services of Taobao Platform, we will collect, use and share your personal information according to this Policy. This Policy contains terms and conditions on how we collect, store, use, share and protect your personal information. Through this Policy, we wish to clearly introduce to you how we deal with your personal information. Therefore, we advise you to read this Policy completely to understand the means of protecting your privacy right. If you have any doubt about this Policy, youre welcome to contact us through the means of contact published on Taobao Platform.If you do not agree to any contents of this Policy, youd better stop using the services of Taobao Platform immediately. If you use the services of Taobao Platform in any way, you will be deemed to have agreed that we could use and protect your personal information according to this Policy.一、适用范围(Scope of Application)为用户提供更好、更优、更个性化的服务是淘宝坚持不懈的追求,也希望通过我们提供的服务可以更方便您的生活。本隐私权政策适用于淘宝平台提供的所有服务,您访问淘宝平台网站及/或登陆相关客户端使用淘宝平台提供的服务,均适用本隐私权政策。需要特别说明的是,本隐私权政策不适用于其他第三方向您提供的服务,例如淘宝上的卖家依托淘宝平台向您提供服务时,您向卖家提供的个人信息不适用于本隐私权政策。To provide the users with better, higher-quality, more personalized services is our persistent pursuit. We also wish to provide more conveniences to your life through our services. This Policy is applicable to all services provided by Taobao Platform. When you visit Taobao Platform and/or log on any client concerned to use the services of Taobao Platform, this Policy will apply.Especially, this Policy is not applicable to any services provided by any third party to you. For example, when any seller on Taobao provides services to you through Taobao Platform, any information provided by you to the seller is not governed by this Policy.二、我们如何收集信息(How We Collect Information)我们收集信息是为了向您提供更好、更优、更个性化的服务,我们收集信息的方式如下:1.您向我们提供的信息。当您注册淘宝账户及您在使用淘宝平台提供的相关服务时填写及/或提交的信息,包括您的姓名、性别、出生年月日、身份证号码、护照姓、护照名、护照号码、电话号码、电子邮箱、地址、支付宝账号及相关附加信息(如您所在的省份和城市、邮政编码等)。2.在您使用服务过程中收集的信息。为了提供并优化您需要的服务,我们会收集您使用服务的相关信息,这类信息包括:在您使用淘宝平台服务,或访问淘宝平台网页时,淘宝自动接收并记录的您的浏览器和计算机上的信息,包括但不限于您的IP地址、浏览器的类型、使用的语言、访问日期和时间、软硬件特征信息及您需求的网页记录等数据;如您下载或使用淘宝或其关联公司客户端软件,或访问移动网页使用淘宝平台服务时,淘宝可能会读取与您位置和移动设备相关的信息,包括但不限于设备型号、设备识别码、操作系统、分辨率、电信运营商等。除上述信息外,我们还可能为了提供服务及改进服务质量的合理需要而收集您的其他信息,包括您与我们的客户服务团队联系时您提供的相关信息,您参与问卷调查时向我们发送的问卷答复信息,以及您与淘宝的关联方、淘宝合作伙伴之间互动时我们收集的相关信息。与此同时,为提高您使用淘宝平台提供的服务的安全性,更准确地预防钓鱼网站欺诈和木马病毒,我们可能会通过了解一些您的网络使用习惯、您常用的软件信息等手段来判断您账户的风险,并可能会记录一些我们认为有风险的URL。3.来自第三方的信息为了给您提供更好、更优、更加个性化的服务,或共同为您提供服务,或为了预防互联网欺诈的目的,淘宝的关联方、合作伙伴会依据法律的规定或与您的约定或征得您同意的前提下,向淘宝分享您的个人信息。您了解并同意,以下信息不适用本隐私权政策:a)您在使用淘宝平台提供的搜索服务时输入的关键字信息;b)在您未选择“匿名购买”和/或“匿名评价”功能时,淘宝收集到的您在淘宝平台进行交易的有关数据,包括但不限于出价、成交信息及评价详情;c)信用评价、违反法律规定或违反淘宝规则行为及淘宝已对您采取的措施;d) 应法律法规要求需公示的企业名称等相关工商注册信息以及自然人经营者的信息。We collect information in order to provide you with better, higher-quality, and more personalized services. We collect information by the following means:1. Information provided by you to usThe information you fill in and/or submit when you register an account of Taobao or use the services of Taobao Platform, including your name, sex, date of birth, I.D. card number, surname on your passport ,given name on your passport, passport number, telephone number, email, address, Alipay account number and additional information (such as the province and city youre in, postal code, etc.) .2. Information collected by us when you use the service of Taobao Platform.In order to provide you with the services required by you and optimize such services, we will collect information concerning the services you are using, which includes:When you use the services of Taobao Platform or visit the web pages of Taobao Platform, Taobao will automatically receive and record the information on your browser and computer, including but without limitation to your IP address, the type of the browser, the language used, date and time of visit, information on characteristics of software and hardware and records on the web pages required by you; when you download or use any client software of Taobao or any of its affiliated companies, or access to mobile web pages to use the services of Taobao Platform, Taobao may read information related to your position and the mobile equipment youre using, including but without limitation to model of equipment, identification code of equipment, operating system, resolution and telecom operator.In addition to the information above, we may collect any other information about you in order to provide services to you and improve our service quality, including any information provided by you to our customer service team, your answers to our questionnaire, and any information collected by us when you interact with any affiliated company or partner of Taobao. Meanwhile, in order to improve safety when you use the services of Taobao Platform, prevent any phishing website from fraud more accurately, and block Trojan, we may judge the risk of your account by knowing your habit of accessing to web and information on software commonly used by you, and may record some URLs which we deem to have risks.3. Information from any third partyTo provide you with better, higher-quality, more personalized services, or provide services to you together with Taobao, or prevent Internet fraud, the affiliated companies and partners of Taobao will share your personal information with Taobao according to law, any agreement with you, or with your consent in advance.You acknowledge and agree that any of the following information is not governed by this Policy:a) Key words input by you when you use the search services of Taobao Platform;b) Transaction data on Taobao Platform collected by Taobao when you do not select the function of “Buying Anonymously” and/or “Assessing Anonymously”, including but without limitation to bid, closing information and assessing particulars;c) Credit assessment, acts in violation of laws, regulations or the rules of Taobao, and measures taken by Taobao against you;d) Enterprise name and other industrial and commercial registration information as well as information on natural persons as operators as required to be disclosed by laws and regulations.三、我们如何使用信息(How We Use Information)因收集您的信息是为了向您提供服务及提升服务质量的目的,为了实现这一目的,我们会把您的信息用于下列用途:1.向您提供您使用的各项服务,并维护、改进这些服务。2.向您推荐您可能感兴趣的内容,包括但不限于向您发出产品和服务信息,或通过系统向您展示个性化的第三方推广信息,或者在征得您同意的情况下与淘宝的合作伙伴共享信息以便他们向您发送有关其产品和服务的信息。如您不希望接收上述信息,可通过相应的退订功能进行退订。3.我们可能使用您的个人信息以预防、发现、调查欺诈、危害安全、非法或违反与我们或其关联方协议、政策或规则的行为,以保护您、其他我们用户,或我们或其关联方的合法权益。4.我们可能会将来自某项服务的个人信息与来自其他服务的信息结合起来,用于为了给您提供更加个性化的服务使用,例如让您拥有更广泛的社交圈的需要而使用、共享或披露。5.经您许可的其他用途。We collect your information for the purpose of providing you with services and improving the service quality. Therefore, we will use your information for the following purposes:1. Various services you are using, as well as maintenance and improvement of these services;2. Recommending to you any contents which you may be interested in, including but without limitation to sending product and service information to you, or displaying personalized third party promotion information to you through the system, or sharing information with the partners of Taobao with your consent in advance so that they send information about their products and services to you. If you would like to stop receiving these information, you can unsubscribe using the unsubscribe function;3. We may use your personal information to prevent, discover and investigate fraud, any act endangering security, illegal activity, or any other act which violates any agreement, policy or rule of us or any of our affiliated companies so as to protect the legitimate rights and benefits of you, any other user of us, us or any of our affiliated companies;4. We may combine your personal information from one kind of service with information from any other kind of service so as to provide you with more personalized services, for example, use, share or disclose your personal information so as to provide you with broader society of friends;5. Any other purpose as permitted by you.四、我们如何共享信息(How We Share Information)我们对您的信息承担保密义务,不会为满足第三方的营销目的而向其出售或出租您的任何信息,我们会在下列情况下才将您的信息与第三方共享:1.事先获得您的同意或授权。2.根据法律法规的规定或行政或司法机构的要求。3.向淘宝的关联方分享您的个人信息。4.向可信赖的合作伙伴提供您的个人信息,让他们根据我们的指示并遵循我们的隐私权政策以及其他任何相应的保密和安全措施来为我们处理这些信息。5.如您是适格的知识产权投诉人并已提起投诉,应被投诉人要求,向被投诉人披露,以便双方处理可能的权利纠纷。6.只有共享您的信息,才能提供您需要的服务,或处理您与他人的纠纷或争议。例如您在淘宝上创建的某一交易中,如交易任何一方履行或部分履行了交易义务并提出信息披露请求的,淘宝会视情况向该用户提供其交易对方的联络方式等必要信息,以促成交易的完成或纠纷的解决。7.如您出现违反中国有关法律、法规或者淘宝相关协议或相关规则的情况,需要向第三方披露。8.为维护淘宝及其关联方或用户的合法权益。Were obliged to keep your personal information confidential and will not sell or rent any of your personal information to any third party for the purpose of the marketing of the third party, provided that we may share your personal information with the third party under any of the following circumstances:1. Obtaining your consent or authorization in advance;2. As required by laws and regulations or administrative or judicial organ;3. Sharing your personal information with any of the affiliated companies of Taobao;4. Providing your personal information to reliable partners so that they could deal with such information according to our instructions, the privacy right policies and any other applicable confidentiality and safety measures;5. If youre an eligible complainant of intellectual property rights and file a complaint, disclosing your personal information to the complained as required by the complained so as to solve the potential dispute in time;6. Only if we share your personal information, we could provide services as required by you or deal with any dispute between you and any third party. For example, with respect to a transaction created by you in Taobao, if either party performs all or part of his/her obligations and requires disclosure of information, Taobao will provide the party with the contact information of the counterparty and other necessary information (as the case may be) so as to boost the consummation of the transaction or solving of any dispute;7. If you violate laws and regulations of China or related agreements or rules of Taobao, disclosing to any third party whenever necessary; or8. Safeguarding legitimate rights and benefits of Taobao and its affiliated parties or users.五、Cookie 和网络 Beacon 的使用(Use of Cookie and Beacon)为使您获得更轻松的访问体验,您访问淘宝平台相关网站或使用淘宝平台提供的服务时,我们可能会通过小型数据文件识别您的身份,这么做是帮您省去重复输入注册信息的步骤,或者帮助判断您的账户安全。这些数据文件可能是Cookie,Flash Cookie,或您的浏览器或关联应用程序提供的其他本地存储(统称“Cookie”)。请您理解,我们的某些服务只能通过使用“Cookie”才可得到实现。如果您的浏览器或浏览器附加服务允许,您可以修改对Cookie的接受程度或者拒绝淘宝的Cookie,但这一举动在某些情况下可能会影响您安全访问淘宝平台相关网站和使用淘宝平台提供的服务。网页上常会包含一些电子图象(称为单像素 GIF 文件或 网络 beacon),使用网络beacon可以帮助网站计算浏览网页的用户或访问某些cookie,我们会通过网络beacon收集您浏览网页活动的信息,例如您访问的页面地址、您先前访问的援引页面的位址、您停留在页面的时间、您的浏览环境以及显示设定等。To provide you with easier experiences, when you access to relevant websites of Taobao Platform or use the services of Taobao Platform, we may identify your identity through small data files. In this way, we can help you omit inputting some existing registration information or judge the security of your account. These data files may be Cookie, Flash Cookie or local storage provided by your browser or affiliated application (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Cookie”).Please understand that some of our services are only available through “Cookie”. If permitted by your browser or additional browser services, you may amend your degree of acceptance to Cookie or refuse Cookie of Taobao, which may influence your safe access to related websites of Taobao Platform or use of the services of Taobao Platform under certain circumstances.There are often some electronic images (called “GIF files” or iBeacon) in web pages. The use of iBeacon may help the website calculate the number of the users who browse web pages or access to certain cookies. We will use iBeacon to collect information on you browsing web pages, such as the address of web pages youre visiting, position of the reference page you previously accessed to, the period during which you stop on the page, your browsing environment and display setup.六、信息存储(Storage of Information)淘宝收集的有关您的信息和资料将保存在淘宝及(或)其关联公司的服务器上,这些信息和资料可能传送至您所在国家、地区或淘宝收集信息和资料所在地并在该地被访问、存储和展示。Your personal information and data collected by Taobao will be stored in the servers of Taobao and (or) its affiliated companies. These information and data may be sent to the country or region where youre located or the place where Taobao collects such information and data, and will be accessed, stored and displayed at such place.七、您的个人信息保护(Protection of Your Personal Information)为保障您的信息安全,我们努力采取各种合理的物理、电子和管理方面的安全措施来保护您的信息,使您的信息不会被泄漏、毁损或者丢失,包括但不限于SSL、信息加密存储、数据中心的访问控制。我们对可能接触到您的信息的员工或外包人员也采取了严格管理,包括但不限于根据岗位的不同采取不同的权限控制,
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