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考点总复习三年级上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷(八套)说明:本套试卷精心编写了各考点和重要知识点,测试面广,难易兼备,仅供参考。全套试卷共八卷。目录:考点总复习三年级上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷A卷(一)考点总复习三年级上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷B卷(二)考点总复习三年级上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷C卷(三)考点总复习三年级上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷D卷(四)考点总复习三年级上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷D卷(五)考点总复习三年级上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷D卷(六)考点总复习三年级上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷D卷(七)考点总复习三年级上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷D卷(八)1 / 42考点总复习三年级上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷A卷一时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. Whats this?_(It/This) is a ball.2. 根据中文提示,把单词补充完整。1. (1)m_rn_ng (上午)2. (2)f_n_(很好)3. (3)h_w(怎么样)4. (4)g_d(好的)5. (5)th_k(谢谢)3. 选出下列单词中不同类的单词( )A .pigB .penC .pencil box4. you, Lily, are(.) (连词成句)5. 根据提示写单词。1. (1)香蕉 _(提示:anbaan)2. (2)橘子 _(提示:ronaeg)6. 选出不同类的项( )A .kB .FC .g7. How old are you?_A .Im fine.B .Im nine.C .How are you?8. 将下列单词与其相应的汉语意思匹配。monkey _A.猴子panda _B.熊猫mouse _C.老鼠mouth _D.嘴head _E.头二、词语练习(30分)9. 选择不同类的单词( )A .capB .redC .jacket10. What is it?Its_.A .niceB .an eggC .blue11. 选出与其它两项不同类的单词( )A .isB .amC .be12. _you like a pie?Yes, please.A .DoB .WouldC .Are13. 选出你听到的图片( )A .B .C .14. The dog is yellow. 15. 选择合适的应答语( )A .Here you areB .Youre welcome三、提升练习(30分)16. My fathers father_(是) my grandfather.17. 一 Are you my mum?一 A .Yes, I am.B .Yes, he is.18. 选择正确的答语。Are you a dog? _ A、Hello , Im Mr Li .How are you?_ B、Goodbye .Good morning!_ C、No , Im not .Hello, Im Lily._ D、Im fine , thank you .Goodbye._ E、Good morning .19. Hello. I am a pencil.A .B .20. 给句子排序,使它们成为一段通顺的对话。_Good afternoon, Wu Yifan._Nice to meet you, Jack. Happy birthday!_Good afternoon, Mike.( 7 )Im 5 years old.( 3 )This is my brother, Jack._How old are you?_Thank you.21. 选出听到的短语或句子( )A .Open the gateB .Come in,please!C .Welcome!22. 读读并排序。_Cool! I like it._Good afternoon. How are you?_Its a tiger._Good afternoon._Fine, thank you. Whats this? 第 6 页 / 共 42 页 考点总复习三年级上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷B卷二时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. 选出不属于同一类的一个单词( )A .greenB .cakeC .black2. 选出你听到的字母组合、单词或短语( )A .ilgB .gilC .lig3. 选出不属于同一类的一个单词( )A .hot dogB .cakeC .jacket4. Good morning, Sarah. A .Good morning.B .Im fine, thank you.5. Who _ she? (am / is / are)She _ my friend.6. Look at _ (I/ me).7. It can fly.8. you , are , Joe(?) (连词成句)二、词语练习(30分)9. There _ many watermelons in the shop.A .isB .areC .have10. Look! This is a bear. 11. Show me your eraser.12. 选出与其它两项不同类的单词( )A .IB .myC .you13. 写出下列字母的小写形式。JYRL_14. Is it a _(猫)?15. Kitty can see many kites in the classroom.三、提升练习(30分)16. 给图片排顺序。A. B C D E 17. 你想把自己介绍给别人,你会说:A .Im Peter.B .You are Peter.C .Hello ! Peter.18. 如果你想知道这支钢笔是不是Tom的, 你可以问他:A .Is this your pencil, Tom? B .Is this your ruler, Tom? C .Is this your pen, Tom?19. 选出听到的短语或句子( )A .Open the gateB .Come in,please!C .Welcome!20. 在答题卷四线格上正确书写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号。1. (1)good morning mrs fang._2. (2)its tail is long_3. (3)in winter, it is cold_21. 选出不同项( )A .bagB .redC .blue22. 找出单词中不同类的词语()A .fishB .noodlesC .face 第 10 页 / 共 42 页 考点总复习三年级上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷C卷三时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. 读句子,重新排列,使之成为完整的对话。_Nice to meet you, Gao Shan._Hello. This is my friend Gao Shan._Nice to meet you, too._Hello, Wang Bing.2. Point to the four .A .chairB .deskC .desks3. 选出你听到的字母组合、单词或短语( )A .CEOB .COOC .CFO4. This is Chen Jie._A .This is Mike.B .Nice to meet you.C .Youre welcome.5. Look at _ my cap.A .aB .theC ./6. 将下列英语单词与汉语匹配。A. 妈妈 B. 爸爸 C. 妹妹 D. 哥哥 E. 奶奶father _ mother _ brother _ sister _ grandma _ 7. 选出不同类的项( )A .bigB .smallC .long8. now it what colour is (?)_?二、词语练习(30分)9. 读一读, 选择正确的单词A. eyes B. monkey C. five D. eraser E. bread1. (1)Have some_, please! 2. (2)Im Datou. I have two_. 3. (3)I see_plates. 4. (4)Show me your_. 5. (5)Look at the funny_. 10. Who _ you? (am / is / are)11. about/ an/ what/ apple (?)(连词成句)12. _you like a pie?Yes, please.A .DoB .WouldC .Are13. Hello! My name is Leg. 14. 选出你听到的图片( )A .B .C .15. 你想知道这些苹果多少钱,你可以问:A .How many apples?B .How much are these apples?三、提升练习(30分)16. Have some rice, please!A .B .17. 选择配伍Whats your name? _ A、Its in the green bag.Is it a dog? _ B、No, its in the yellow bag.How old are you? _ C、My name is Lingling.Is it in the desk? _ D、Im nine.Wheres the cat? _ E、No, it isnt.18. Whats _ name? A .youB .yourC .she19. 当你早上见到刘老师时,应说: .A .Good morning, Miss LiuB .Good night! Miss Liu20. 当别人送东西给你时,你应该说:A .This is for you.B .Thank you.C .No, thank you.21. Look! Its a cat. It has four _. A .legsB .mouthC .ears22. 新年到了,你可以对朋友说:A .Happy New Year!B .Thank you.C .This is for you. 第 13 页 / 共 42 页 考点总复习三年级上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷D卷四时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. This is Joe. thin. A .HesB .Shes2. A .noseB .mouth3. Goodbye, Mr Wang._ boys and girls.4. Are you Linda?_ (Yes/No), I am.5. This _her nose.A .amB .areC .is6. 将下列英语单词与汉语匹配。A. 妈妈 B. 爸爸 C. 妹妹 D. 哥哥 E. 奶奶father _ mother _ brother _ sister _ grandma _ 7. 根据提示写单词。1. (1)t ,r,e ,h, e(三)_2. (2)o, w, d ,w, n ,i(窗户)_3. (3)r, f ,u, o(四)_8. 读一读,根据上下文,填空完成对话。A: _ _, Miss Fang.B: Good morning, Peter.A: How _ _.B: _, thanks.A: _.B: Goodbye.二、词语练习(30分)9. 选词填空。A. This is Mary. Shes nine. Shes tall. Shes thin.B. This is Danny. Hes six. Hes short. Hes fat.C. This is Eddie. Hes nine. Hes short. Hes thin.1. (1)2. (2)3. (3)10. Who _ you? (am / is / are)11. g_ftA .oB .eC .i12. Its a red _(球).13. They are three tigers 14. c_teA .aB .uC .e15. 你想问这些梨子多少钱, 你可以问:A .How much are these pears? B .How many pears? C .How much is this peach?三、提升练习(30分)16. Look at the window, please. 17. Nice to meet you!_!A .Good morningB .HelloC .Nice to meet you, too18. 选择正确的答语。Are you a dog? _ A、Hello , Im Mr Li .How are you?_ B、Goodbye .Good morning!_ C、No , Im not .Hello, Im Lily._ D、Im fine , thank you .Goodbye._ E、Good morning .19. 当你早上见到刘老师时,应说: .A .Good morning, Miss LiuB .Good night! Miss Liu20. 读句子,排序。_Im ten years old._Hello, Mike. Happy birthday!_Lets eat the cake._Thank you._How old are you?_OK.21. Look! Its a cat. It has four _. A .legsB .mouthC .ears22. 给下列句子排序,使其组成一段通顺的对话。首句已给出。_Lets make a puppet!_Nice to meet you._Great!_Nice to meet you, too._My name is Liu Xin. 1 Hello! Im Lily. Whats your name? 第 17 页 / 共 42 页 考点总复习三年级上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷卷五时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. This is Joe. thin. A .HesB .Shes2. 读句子,重新排列,使之成为完整的对话。_Its nice. A cake?_Good morning, Mary._Good morning. Look at my new skirt._Oh, no. Thank you.3. How you?Im fine. Thank you.A .amB .isC .are4. Mum,Id like some . A .waterB .eggsC .rice5. _ , boys and girls .Good morning ,Mr Li .6. 选出与其它两项不同类的单词( )A .hot dogB .cakeC .green7. A .Its hot is summer.B .Its cool in autumn.8. 将下列单词与其相应的汉语意思匹配。monkey _A.猴子panda _B.熊猫mouse _C.老鼠mouth _D.嘴head _E.头二、词语练习(30分)9. How are you?_ A .Thank you.B .And you?C .Im fine, thank you.10. 情景匹配A. Good morning, grandpa.B. This is my family.C. This is me.D. Good evening.E. This is my mother.F. Hes my brother.1. (1)当你想要向别人介绍你的妈妈时,你可以说:_2. (2)早晨起床后爷爷问好,你可以说:_3. (3)你想要向别人介绍你的弟弟,你可以说:_4. (4)当你想要告诉别人照片上的人就是你自己,你可以说:_5. (5)你指着你的全家福照片,告诉大家说:_6. (6)晚上,你可以对你的父母说:_11. 一 Heres an egg for you, Kitty. 一 A .Thank you, Dad.B .Im fine, thank you.C .Here you are.12. 下列哪种动物爱吃鱼?A .birdB .catC .tiger13. Its _(在.里)the desk.14. He is _ 15. _(怎样)are you?三、提升练习(30分)16. Have some rice, please!A .B .17. Nice to meet you!_!A .Good morningB .HelloC .Nice to meet you, too18. 当你想让对方看你的眼睛时,应说: .A .Look at my noseB .Look at my eyes19. 你想告诉对方你有一个书包,你应该说:A .I have a bag.B .Its a bag.C .You have a bag.20. What colour is my cup? .A .Yes, I amB .Its whiteC .Yes, it is21. 选择正确的一项完成句子(填序号)。A. He B. She C. I D. It E. You1. (1)_ is Mike.2. (2)_ are Su Hai.3. (3)_ is Miss Li.4. (4)_ am Bobby.5. (5)_ is a dog.22. Would you like an egg? A .Yes, I am.B .No, Im not.C .Yes, please. 第 20 页 / 共 42 页 考点总复习三年级上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷卷六时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. I have an . A .crayonB .pencilC .eraser2. This is my . A .mouthB .footC .leg3. 连词成句。1. (1)is/ Miss/ this/ Li. (.) _2. (2)is/ my/ she/ sister (.) _3. (3)is/ my/ this/ friend (.) _4. (4)is/ my/ he/ father (.) _5. (5)is/ my/ friend /Tom/ too (.)_ 4. How many in the sky?Five.A .birdB .birdsC .windows5. Who _ she? (am / is / are)She _ my friend.6. 将下列图片和句子配对。 7. 根据中文意思,选择正确的英语单词或句子。我是李老师。_ A. Goodbye上午好。_B. good morning你好吗_ C. How are you?再见。_ D. Thank you.谢谢你。_E. Im Mr Li.8. 选出不同类的项( )A .eyeB .armC .toy二、词语练习(30分)9. 将句子对应的中文意思的序号填在横线上。 This is Bobby. _A. 她是我的妹妹。Sam is my friend. _B. 他是麦克。She is my sister. _C. 萨姆是我的朋友。He is Mike. _D. 这是波比。Goodbye, Bobby. _E. 再见,波比。10. Nice to meet you, Sarah.Nice to meet you, too.11. 选择正确的答句。A.Im Mike.B. Goodbye.C. Good afternoon,Miss Li.D. Hello!E. Good morning,class.1. (1)下午遇到李老师,你想和她打招呼,你可以说:_2. (2)上午上课时时,老师会说:_3. (3)遇到你的好朋友,你想和她打招呼,你可以说:_4. (4)和同学分手时,你可以说:_5. (5)Mike向老师介绍自己时,会说:_12. 读一读。帮妈妈们找到自己的孩子 CHILD LOSTAnn LeeGirlFat and shortBig eyesLong hairIn white trousersCHILD LOSTLucy ChenGirlFat and tallBig eyesLong hairIn black trousersCHILD LOSTJohn HeBoyFat and shortBig eyesShort hairWith a schoolbagCHILD LOSTMary FuGirlThin and shortSmall eyesLong hairIn a white dress _ _ _ _13. Whats that?Its a blue _(椅子).14. c_teA .aB .uC .e15. 根据句子,判断图片是否正确。Open your mouth.三、提升练习(30分)16. 你想告诉对方你是一个男孩,你会说:A .Im a boy.B .Im a dog.C .Im Miss Wang.17. 选出听到的短语或句子( )A .an orangeB .a bananaC .a watermelon18. 一 Four apples, please.一 A .How are you?B .Here you are.19. What would you like? A .No, thank you.B .A hot dog, please.C .Its great.20. 选出不同项( )A .armB .legC .egg21. Hello. I am a pencil.A .B .22. 选出不同项( )A .breadB .threeC .cake 第 24 页 / 共 42 页 考点总复习三年级上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷卷七时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. 选出正确的选项。A、five B、four C、two D、three E、seven F、nine1. (1)2. (2)3. (3)4. (4)5. (5)6. (6)2. 选出不同类的单词( )A .MrB .catC .dog3. A . pandaB .tiger4. Hello , Im Alice .Hello, _ Joe .A .IB .ImC .You are5. 连词成句。1. (1)at/ my/ look/ skirt (.) (连词成句) _2. (2)is/ it/ great (.)(连词成句)_6. 选出下列单词中不同类的单词( )A .cakeB .dogC .bird7. This is _ orange skirt.A .aB ./C .an8. 选出与录音内容相符的图片字母( )A .B .二、词语练习(30分)9. How are you?_ A .Thank you.B .And you?C .Im fine, thank you.10. Would, a, like, you, sweet (?) (连词成句)11. 选择正确的词填空。color at new jacket great1. (1)Look at my _.2. (2)What _ is my cap?Its red.3. (3)Look _ the T-shirt.4. (4)The _ cap is red.5. (5)It is _.12. Its a red _(球).13. 你想向别人道歉,你可以说:A .Im sorry.B .Thank you.14. He is _ 15. Hi! I KateA .areB .isC .am三、提升练习(30分)16. 如果你的包不干净, 妈妈可能会对你说:A .Please open your bag.B .Please close your bag.C .Please clean your bag.17. Look at my _(帽子).18. I like the white bird.A .B .19. 你想知道离你远的东西是什么时,你可以问:A .Whats this?B .Whats that?C .Thats a robot.20. Would you like an egg? A .Yes, I am.B .No, Im not.C .Yes, please.21. What would you like? A .No, thank you.B .A hot dog, please.C .Its great.22. 你想问对方是否想要吃一个蛋糕,你会问:A .What colour is the cake?B .What is a cake?C .Would


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