外文翻译--农业变速拖拉机CVT变速箱  英文版_第1页
外文翻译--农业变速拖拉机CVT变速箱  英文版_第2页
外文翻译--农业变速拖拉机CVT变速箱  英文版_第3页
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Design parameters for continuously, UniversidadPolitePoliteformSince 1996, when the first agricultural tractor with CVT transmission was shown, the presence of this type of transmissions has beenSince the emergence of the power-shift transmissions in CVT transmissions (with continuous variation) werethe outside, relative to management and driving strategies,but dierent on the inside. Later, Deutz introduced theAgrotron TTV and New Holland introduced the TM serieswith a continuous TVT transmission. Most recently, Mas-sey Ferguson has developed Dyna-TV transmission andMcCormick has developed VTX. Their structures are*Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 913 365 854; mobile: +34 618 807499; fax: +34 913 365 845.E-mail addresses: pilar.linaresupm.es (P. Linares), valeriano.mendezupm.es (V. Mendez), h.catalanupm.es (H. Catalan).1Tel.:+34 913 365 854; mobile: +34 618 807 499; fax: +34 913 365 845.2Tel.:+34 917 308 355; mobile: +34 616 981 407.3Tel.:+34 914 293 822; mobile: +34 605 445 597.Available online at Journal of Terramechanics xxxJournalARTICLE IN PRESSagricultural tractors, the requirement to combine theengine and transmission to increase productivity in thetractors performance, has led to stepped transmissionswith a greater number of gears. The introduction of com-puting in tractors allows the possibility of managing bothfactors automatically and simultaneously. However, witha high number of gear shifts it is necessary to place a highnumber of clutches or hydraulic brakes to govern the trans-mission. Under these circumstances, the appearance ofCVT technology in agricultural tractors, paved the wayinstalled in agricultural tractors beginning in 1996. FendtsVARIO was surprising because of its originality; it was notrelated to its equivalent in an automobile. It split the powerin two ways and joined it again later on. It was innovativebut much easier to use than to understand. Then, Steyr-Cases S-MATIC arrived at a series production, whichwas also a power split, but very dierent. On the otherhand, in Germany, Claas has a vehicle, Xerion, with a sim-ilar transmission: HM-I, which later led to HM-II 2. Cla-as meanwhile replaced it with ZFECCOM CVT. Then,John Deere was incorporated into the CVT family withtwo transmissions AUTOPOWR which were the same onincreasing. All companies oer them in their products range. Nevertheless, there is little technical documentation that explains the basicsof its operation. This report shows all types of CVT transmissions: non-power-split type and power-split ones, as well as the three typesused in agricultural tractors, hydro-mechanical power-split transmissions (3 active shafts, input coupled planetary; 3 active shafts, outputcoupled planetary and 4 active shafts). The report also describes the design parameters of a type of CVT transmission, which use apower-split system with 3 active shafts as well as the fundamental relations among them.Crown Copyright C211 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of ISTVS. All rights reserved.Keywords: CVT; Transmission; Hydro-mechanical power-split transmission; Hydrostatic CVT; Tractor transmission1. Introduction to an integral management and to the development of driv-ing strategies, which improve productivity and comfort.transmissions using planetariesP. Linaresa,b,1,V.MendezaResearch Group “Tractors and Tillage”bDpto. Ingeniera Rural, E.T.S. Ingenieros Agronomos, UniversidadcDpto. Matematica Aplicada, E.T.S. Ingenieros Agronomos, UniversidadReceived 6 February 2009; received in revisedAbstract0022-4898/$36.00 Crown Copyright C211 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd. on behalfdoi:10.1016/j.jterra.2010.04.004Please cite this article in press as: Linares P et al., Design parameters for continuouslytransmissions using planetaries with 3 active shafts, J Terramechanics (2010),variable power-splitwith 3 active shaftsa,c,*,2, H. Catalana,c,3Politecnica de Madrid, Spaincnica de Madrid, Ciudad Universitaria s/n, 28040 Madrid, Spaincnica de Madrid, Ciudad Universitaria s/n, 28040 Madrid, Spain14 April 2010; accepted 19 April 2010/locate/jterra(2010) xxxxxxofTerramechanicsof ISTVS. All rights reserved.variable power-splitdoi:10.1016/j.jterra.2010.04.004ARTICLE IN PRESSNomenclature2 P. Linares et al./Journal of Terramechanpresented in the German Yearbook Agricultural Engineer-ing 15.These kinds of transmissions have been well received byfarmers because of their clear advantages, such as comfort,C ring gear (or clutches in Fig. 12)Caclutch aCdclutch dCVT continuously variable power-split trans-missionCVU continuously variable unitdividerplanetaryCVT power-split transmission with thePGT in the input nodee CVT unit input shaftem mechanical input shaft to the PGTF forwardf shaft connected to the variable path(called floating shaft)g eciencyHMT hydro-mechanical transmissioni1internal transmission in CVT unit; trans-mission ratio between PGT and CVUi2internal transmission in CVT unit; trans-mission ratio between PGT and couplingiminternal transmission in CVT unit; trans-mission ratio between CVU and couplingitoverall transmission ratio engine-wheelsIttransmission ratio in the CVT Unitkftorque ratio of the floating shaft (Mf/Memin divider planetary; Mf/Momin summingplanetary)kmtorque ratio of the mechanical path(Mom/Memin divider planetary; Mem/Momin summing planetary)k teeth ratio in the PGT (ZC/ZP)Memtorque in mechanical input shaft to thePGTMftorque in shaft connected to the variablebranch, called floating shaftMixedtransmissiontransmissions with a shiftable combina-tion of dierent modes of workMomtorque in mechanical output shaft to thePGTMR mechanical regenerative power flown rotation speedN powern1rotation rate in shaft 1 of the variator(connected to the coupling)n2rotation rate in shaft 2 of the variator(connected to the floating shaft)Please cite this article in press as: Linares P et al., Design parameters for continuouslytransmissions using planetaries with 3 active shafts, J Terramechanics (2010),ics xxx (2010) xxxxxxease of handling, and response to the most diverse require-ments. However, there is not a systematic theory of opera-tion to study them, which is a disadvantage in presentingthe transmission characteristics.nC1rotation speed in ring gear number 1 (in acommercial CVT transmission)nerotation speed in CVT input shaftNeinput power in CVT unitnemrotation speed in mechanical input shaftin PGTnfrotation rate of the floating shaft (shaftconnected to the variable path)nmrotation speed in shaft between planetarygear trainNmpower in mechanical shaftnorotation speed in CVT output shaftnomrotation speed in output shaft in PGTnoutrotation speed in output shaft in Fig 12(after even clutches box)NR non-regenerative power flowNvPower in variable shafto CVT unit output shaftom mechanical output shaft from the PGTom rotation speed of the mechanical outputshaft(s) from the PGTP sun gearPGT planetary gear trainPS planet carrierR reverse gearsRftransmission ratio of the floating shaftRttransmission ratio in the mechanical pathof the planetary systemRtbtransmission ratio in the lockup pointRvtransmission ratio in the CVUShaftto shaftnon-splitted CVT transmissionSummingplanetaryCVT power-split transmission with thePGT in the output nodeTTM transmission teaching model (CVTpower-split transmission with the PGTin the output node)Variator continuously variable unitVR variable regenerative power flowVU continuously variable unitXmtpower distribution in mechanical pathXvtpower distribution in variable pathZ number of teethZcnumber of teeth of the ring gearZpnumber of teeth of the sun gearvariable power-splitdoi:10.1016/j.jterra.2010.04.0042. Types of CVT transmissionsThe main feature of CVT transmissions is a steplessspeed change. A continuous variable unit that allows infi-nite gear ratios, must be incorporated.There are dierent types of CVT transmission systemswhich can be classified according to several criteria:C15 Power flow.C15 Type of variator.C15 The nature of its components.The first criterion of classification is power flow (Fig. 1).In the non-split type, there is only a single path for thepower to flow through. These CVTs are addressed as“Shaft to Shaft” 7. On the contrary, in the split type,the power is split in two paths and then rejoined. In addi-P. Linares et al./Journal of TerramechanARTICLE IN PRESStion, there are the mixed-flow CVTs, which have two powerflow paths (brakes and clutches) which allow it to operatein dierent modes, such as split or non-split, or in severalother patterns (Fig. 1).Two types of variators exist, mechanical and hydraulic.Within the mechanic type, there are belt, chain and roller-based variators (toroidal transmission). These are used inthe CVT transmission found in cars, motorcycles and trac-tor prototypes. As for hydraulic variators, there areanother two types: Hydrostatic Transmission, and torqueconverters.According to the third criterion of classification, the nat-ure of the components included in the CVT transmission,there are several dierent categories. The components canbe all-mechanical, all-hydraulic, or a combination ofmechanical and hydraulic elements (HM). Within the all-mechanical type, both split and non-split exist. The splittype, hydrostatic and hydrodynamic transmissions, how-ever, is not present in all-hydraulic transmissions. Mixedmechanical-hydraulic transmissions can be split or in seriesconfigurations.Fig. 1. Types of CVT transmissions with respect to the power flow. CVU:continuously variable unit (variator).Please cite this article in press as: Linares P et al., Design parameters for continuouslytransmissions using planetaries with 3 active shafts, J Terramechanics (2010),3. Power-split CVT transmissionsPower-split transmissions divide the power into twopaths, one with fixed transmission ratio (the mechanicalpath) and another which includes the variator (the variablepath). Both rejoin in the output shaft. The CVT eect isprovided by the path with the variator.There are three dierent types of commercial transmis-sions (Fig. 2):C15 3 active shafts:s Input coupled planetary or summing planetary.s Output coupled planetary or divider planetary.C15 4 active shafts: bridge type planetary.The definition of “active shaft” refers to those connectedto the planetary gear train (PGT), the true mechanicalheart of the CVT system. When there are 3 active shafts,the PGT has one mechanical input shaft (em), one or sev-eral output shafts (om) and a single floating shaft con-nected to the variator (f). On the other hand, in the 4active shafts type, also known as “bridge type” 18, thetwo variator shafts are connected with the PGT.In the transmissions with 3 active planetary shafts thereare two nodes, one at the input of the CVT unit, and theother one at the output. Two basic configurations areknown 7; the dierence between them depends on theposition of the PGT. In the input coupled planetary (sum-ming planetary), the PGT is the output node and the inputnode is the coupling. In the output coupled planetary (divi-der planetary), the input node is the PGT and the outputnode is the coupling.For each layout there are 3 patterns of operationaccording to the flow of power through the CVT, seeFig. 3 9. If the power flowing through one of the pathsis greater than the input, the power is said to be regenera-tive. In contrast, when the power flow through each of thetwo paths is lower than the input, the power is said to benon-regenerative. In the regenerative power scheme, sincethere are two paths, situations can arise:C15 The power through the fixed path is greater than theinput power (mechanical regenerative).C15 The power through the variable path is greater than theinput power (variable regenerative).Kress 7 of John Deeres Technical Center, laid out thefundamentals which explain how this type of transmissionoperates, but there was no series production for tractors formany years. Recently, CVT transmissions and power splithave started to be used in the automobile industry, forimplementation in hybrid vehicle transmissions 19 as wellas in agricultural tractors. Renius 13, Renius and Resch14, Renius et al. 15 have explained and commented onexisting tractor CVT transmissions. Hsieh and Yan 5,ics xxx (2010) xxxxxx 3Sheu et al. 17,Lu9, Shellenberger 18, Mangialardiand Mantriota 10,11, Mantriota 12 and Gomez 4 havevariable power-splitdoi:10.1016/j.jterra.2010.04.004ARTICLE IN PRESS4 P. Linares et al./Journal of Terramechanstudied power flow and performance under dierent oper-ating conditions. Studies made in transmissions providedFig. 2. Types of commercial hydro-mechanical power-splitting CVT transmissionrotation in CVT input shaft, no: rotation in CVT output shaft, nem: rotation inrotation rate in shaft 1 of the variator (connected to the coupling).Fig. 3. Possible power flow in dierent operation modes. Up: dividerplanetary; down: summing planetary. (a) The power flow produces splitfunction. (b and c) The power flow leads to power recirculation. PGT:planetary gear train; VU: variator. Lu 9.Please cite this article in press as: Linares P et al., Design parameters for continuouslytransmissions using planetaries with 3 active shafts, J Terramechanics (2010),ics xxx (2010) xxxxxxwith belt mechanical variators prove that those with sum-ming planetaries render a better mechanical performance.In order to compare variators which are hydrostatic trans-missions, they must be equal and only the position of thePGT can be changed. This is not true in commercial trans-missions, because those with divider planetary transmis-sions have a hydrostatic element which is much moresophisticated (variable displacements unit, type bent-axishydraulics units and very large displacements and osetangles). On the other hand, although the PGT is moresophisticated and they have several maneuvering elements,in summing planetary transmissions there is a simpler var-iator, with conventional hydraulic units. As a result, com-paring performances between the two types is not easy.s. HMT: hydro-mechanical transmission. PGT: Planetary gear train, ne:mechanical input shaft in PGT, nom: rotation in output shaft in PGT, n1:variable power-splitdoi:10.1016/j.jterra.2010.04.004of the input shaft remains constant, at that shaft the sin-ARTICLE IN PRESS4. Elements of a power-split CVT with 3 active planetaryshaftsThe basic elements of a CVT transmission are (Fig. 2):C15 CVT unit input shaft (e). Rotation rate: neC15 CVT unit output shaft (o). Rotation rate: noC15 Coupling or junction: 2-shaft node:s One connected to the variable path.s One connected to the mechanical path.C15 Planetary gear train (PGT): Node with, at least, 3active shafts:s Mechanical input shaft to the PGT (em). Rotationrate: nem.s Mechanical output shaft(s) from the PGT (om).Rotation rate: nom.s Shaft connected to the variable path, called floatingshaft (f). Rotation rate: nf.C15 Variator (CVU: continuously variable unit): with 2shafts:s Shaft 2: Connected to the floating shaft (rotation raten2).s Shaft 1: Connected to the coupling (rotation rate n1).C15 Internal mechanical transmissions:s Connection between PGT and variator (i2).s Connection between variator and coupling (i1).s In the mechanical path (im).5. Parameters for power-split CVTs with 3-shaft planetariesIn order to understand the operation of CVT transmis-sions, it is useful to define a series of parameters by whichthey are characterized. The famous paper of Kress 7 con-tains (besides other systems) the complete model of power-split systems with 3-shaft standard planetaries. The authorsdeveloped their parameter study on this basis, howeverthey did so with structures which contain an additionalratio of gear wheel(s) between the planetary and the secondjunction point. This enlargement of the basic structures byimcan better accommodate commercial power-split sys-tems with internal transmissions between planetary andjunction point. Definitions of internal transmission ratiosare given by Fig. 2 based on the methodology of Kress 7:C15 Transmission ratio in the mechanical path of the PGT:Rt.C15 Transmission ratio in the floating element of the PGT:Rf.C15 Transmission ratio in the CVT unit: It.The ratios between the speeds of the PGT shafts areexpressed by the basic speed equations as shown inFig. 2, by means of parameters kmand kf8, which repre-sent the share of torque for the two paths assuming noP. Linares et al./Journal of Terramechanpower losses. The lockup is the point at which a power-splitCVT transmission becomes purely mechanical, the floatingPlease cite this article in press as: Linares P et al., Design parameters for continuouslytransmissions using planetaries with 3 active shafts, J Terramechanics (2010),gle point is the unit.In Fig. 4, the distance between the dierent vertical linesis an arbitrary distance, considering the unitary distancebetween the input and the floating shafts. Vertical lines rep-resenting Rtand Rfare placed at a specific distance fromthe floating shaft. This distance is determined by the lockuptransmission ratio corresponding to the PGT when thisshaft is active.Once the organization of the PGT and the variation ofthe transmission ratio on the floating shaft are known,the point of the input shaft is joined to the ends of the linedefined by the transmission ratio on the floating shaft. Theshaft being stationary and the transmission ratio as thelockup ratio, Rtb. When calculating a CVT transmission,the first step is to analyze the PGT in order to achievethe lockup transmission ratio and the values for parameterskmand kf.Once the ratios for the lockup point transmission andthe floating element are known, we can calculate the trans-mission ratio for the PGT using the following formula,which is valid for all types of transmissions (divider andsumming planetaries):Rt Rtb Rf1 C0 Rtb6. Power distribution in a power-split CVT transmissionOnce the lockup transmission ratio is known, we candetermine the distribution of power and its status at anygiven time (Tables 1 and 2).The diagram showing the power distribution curvesallows us to determine the status of the transmission:Non-regenerative (NR); mechanical regenerative (MR)and hydraulic or variable regenerative (VR). In both typesof transmission when the transmission ratio is negative, thepower is regenerative through the hydraulic path (VR).However, the behavior is dierent in the case of positivetransmission ratio. In divider planetaries, power is non-regenerative up to the lockup transmission ratio, and fromthat point on it is mechanical regenerative. In summingplanetaries, power is mechanical regenerative up to thelockup transmission ratio, and from that point on it isnon-regenerative.The operative status of the transmission can also beshown by means of the diagram in Fig. 4, based on thestudies made by Fredriksen 2. In this model, there areas many vertical axes as shafts contained in the PGT, thatis, input shaft, floating shaft and as many output shafts asit may have. Fig. 4 shows only one output shaft. Thespeed for each shaft is shown, taking the speed relativeto the input shaft. Thus, on the floating shaft we haveindicated the transmission ratio Rfand on the outputshafts, we have indicated the transmission ratio for thePGT when the shaft is active. If we assume that the speedics xxx (2010) xxxxxx 5lines thus obtained correspond to the maximum and mini-mum shaft speeds. The intersection of the two lines withvariable power-splitdoi:10.1016/j.jterra.2010.04.004variableARTICLE IN PRESSTable 1Power distribution (X) in CVT transmissions.Power distributionOutput coupled planetary (divider)XmtNmNeg1RtRtbXvtNvNeg1 1 C0RtRtbNe: input power in CVT unit. Nm: power in mechanical shaft. Nv: power inXmt: power distribution in mechanical path. Xvt: power distribution in variableRt: transmission ratio in the mechanical path of the planetary system.Rtb: transmission ratio in the lockup point.Table 2Power distribution based on transmission ratio R .6 P. Linares et al./Journal of Terramechanthe output shafts provides the transmission ratios. Thelockup line is also represented; it is obtained by joiningthe input shaft point to the corresponding stationary float-ing shaft. We can easily identify the operation status of thetransmission on this diagram. Assuming that Fig. 4 corre-sponds to summing planetary transmission; the dierentfields of operation have been represented. For the rangeof variation of the transmission ratio drawn on the floatingshaft, the transmission would operate one half of the rangein the mechanical regenerative zone and the other half inthe non-regenerative zone.As an example, Fig. 5 shows the CVT unit of the ZF-Eccom 1.5 box, which is included with the tractor DeutzAgrotron TTV. It is evident that it is summing planetarypower-split transmission, with a compound PGT madetRt 1VRt RtbMR Xvt 0M0 Rt RtbNR 0 Xvt 1NPower distribution in CVT transmissions with 3 active 4 planetary shafts. Memoutput shaft to the PGT. Mf: torque in shaft connected to the variable branch,VR: variable regenerative power flow.MR: mechanical regenerative power flow.NR: non-regenerative power flow.N: power.Ne: input power in CVT unit.PGT: Planetary gear train.Please cite this article in press as: Linares P et al., Design parameters for continuouslytransmissions using planetaries with 3 active shafts, J Terramechanics (2010),Input coupled planetary (summing)XmtNmNeg1RtbRtXvtNvNeg1 1C0RtbRtshaft.path. g: eciency.ics xxx (2010) xxxxxxup of three interconnected single PGTs. The variator isthe hydrostatic transmission, formed by one variable dis-placement unit (unit 1) and another fixed displacement unit(unit 2). The PGT has 5 shafts, one for the mechanical pathinput (the ring-gear of the first PGT), the floating shaft (thesun of the first PGT) and 3 possible output shafts, of whichat any given variator ratio, only one is active, thus makingthe box a “3 active shaft”-type. In series with this CVT unitis a range box equipped with 4 clutches which, in accor-dance to the desired speed, selects one of the possible out-put shafts (of the CVT units three output shafts, one isused in the two even-numbered ranges). The result is 4ranges in series, in which the maximum speed for eachone matches the minimum speed of the next. Fig. 5 showsthe CVT parameters corresponding to each of the 3 possi-RRt 0 Rt Rtb: torque in mechanical input shaft to the PGT. Mom: torque in mechanicalcalled floating shaft.variable power-splitdoi:10.1016/j.jterra.2010.04.004ble configurations of the PGT and Fig. 6 shows the speedsfor the three output shafts.7. Design of 3 active shafts power-split CVT transmissionsIn order to achieve the desired objective (a certain rangeof transmission ratios), once the type of transmission hasbeen established, there are two remaining design parame-ters: The ratio for lockup transmission Rtband for thefloating shaft Rf, which depends on that of the variator,Rv(n2/n1) and on the CVT units internal transmissions3 (Table 3).The lockup transmission ratio depends on the CVTparameters, and these depend on two characteristics:C15 The configuration of the PGT, which determines theinput (im), output (om) and floating shafts.C15 The dimensions of the PGT, which determine k which isthe ratio of ring gear teeth and sun gear teeth.Fig. 5. kmand kfparameters in CVT ZF-EccomFig. 4. Transmission ratio diagram in CVT unit. NR: non-regenerativepower flow. MR: mechanical regenerative power flow. VR: variableregenerative power flow.P. Linares et al./Journal of Terramechanics xxx (2010) xxxxxx 7ARTICLE IN PRESSPlease cite this article in press as: Linares P et al., Design parameters for continuouslytransmissions using planetaries with 3 active shafts, J Terramechanics (2010),1.5 transmission (Deutz Agrotron TTV).variable power-splitdoi:10.1016/j.jterra.2010.04.004ARTICLE IN PRESS8 P. Linares et al./Journal of TerramechanSumming up, the design parameters, once the type oftransmission has been established, are:C15 Organization of the CVT unit: internal ratios i1, i2, imC15 PGT of the CVT unit: type of PGT (single orcompound) and its configuration (em, om, f, k, km,kf, Rtb)C15 The variator (Rvand, consequently, Rf)Fig. 6. Speed diagram in the Planetary Unit in ZF-Eccom 1.5 transmission.Table 3Transmission ratio of the floating shaft Rfin the two types of three shaft power-sTransmission ratio of the floating shaftDivider planetaryRfi2C1imC1RtbC1Rvi1C0i2C1im1C0RtbC1RvRvDierent shafts placed in the CVT unit in divider planetary transmissions (left)the variator (connected to the coupling). n2: rotation rate in shaft 2 of the variatorplanetary gear train and coupling. PGT: Planetary gear train.Please cite this article in press as: Linares P et al., Design parameters for continuouslytransmissions using planetaries with 3 active shafts, J Terramechanics (2010),ics xxx (2010) xxxxxxFig. 7 shows the flow diagram for the design of power-splitCVT transmissions with 3 active shafts.8. Design application of a CVT transmission model fortraining purposesWith the aim of preparing teaching material which rep-resent and demonstrate concepts of power-split CVT trans-n: Rotaion speed; ne: rotation speed in CVT input shaft.plit CVT transmission.Summing planetaryRfi2C1imi1C1 Rvn2n1and summing planetary transmissions (right). n1: rotation rate in shaft 1 of(connected to the floating shaft). nm: rotation rate in shaft betweenvariable power-splitdoi:10.1016/j.jterra.2010.04.004CVT ARTICLE IN PRESSEngine P. Linares et al./Journal of Terramechanmissions, a model has been designed by the “Tractors andTillage” Research Groups at the Polytechnic University ofMadrid (Figs. 810). This model works with a 3 activeshaft PGT and has the following features:C15 Choice between the two possible arrangements (inputand output coupled).Power splitArrangementN active shaftsYES3RvSUMMING VARIATORConfigurationem om fZCZP km kfRtbRtInternal transmissions : i1, i2, imRfDimensionsPlanetary Gear Train Fig. 7. Design diagram of three active shaftsPlease cite this article in press as: Linares P et al., Design parameters for continuouslytransmissions using planetaries with 3 active shafts, J Terramechanics (2010),ics xxx (2010) xxxxxx 9C15 Mechanical belt variator.C15 Single PGT (Zc= 58; Zp=20;k = 2.9) (Fendt VarioTransmission series 400).C15 Mechanical inverter.In this case, the type of transmission is already set (splitpower), as well as the dimensions and type (single) of theNo Shaft to shaft 4Bridge type DIVIDER Rfkm kfRtbInternal transmissions : i1, i2, imRtConfigurationem om fZCZP DimensionsPlanetary Gear Train power-split CVT Transmissions.variable power-splitdoi:10.1016/j.jterra.2010.04.004ARTICLE IN PRESS10 P. Linares et al./Journal of TerramechanPGT. To choose the type of configuration, Fig. 8 shows therelationship between the dimensions of the PGT (repre-sented by k) and the lockup transmission ratio in the sixpossible configurations of the single PGT.Divider or summing configurations are achieved by asliding gears wheel selector as shown in Fig. 9, the equiva-lent configurations (Table 4) between both arrangementsmust be considered. Configuration III is chosen, in whichthe lockup transmission ratio is positive. It correspondsto an arrangement used in commercial transmissions, suchas Vario, present in Fendt tractors, and Dyna-VT, in Mas-sey Ferguson, which has an input coupled planetary config-Fig. 8. Relationship between k and Rtbin the six possible connectPlease cite this article in press as: Linares P et al., Design parameters for continuouslytransmissions using planetaries with 3 active shafts, J Terramechanics (2010),ics xxx (2010) xxxxxxuration, and was presented by Sheu et al. 17, the latterfeaturing a mechanical variator.For the dimensions of the PGT available (k = 2.9), thelockup transmission ratios were 3.9 and 0.256 for dividersumming planetary arrangements respectively. The varia-tor is mechanical, belt-type, and with a variation range(Rv) between 0.7 and 2.5. All the internal transmissionsin the model have a value of 1, including the mechanical in-verter. With these values, the possible transmission ratiofor the input coupled planetary goes from C00.92 to C03.3when operating with variable regenerative power statusand from 0.63 to 1.23 when operating in the non-regenera-ion arrangements in a simple planetary. Rtb 0 and k 1.5.variable power-splitdoi:10.1016/j.jterra.2010.04.004Fig. 9. First design of the transmission model 3.Fig. 10. CVT Transmission model designed at designed by the “Tractorsand Tillage” Research Group at the Polytechnic University of Madrid.Table 4Equivalent configurations between divider and summing planetary arrangemenDivider planetary Equivalentconfiguratioem f om Basic configuration of the singlePGTCPPS1IP C PS 2 IIPS C P 3 IIICPS 4 IVSC5VPPS 6 VIP: sun gear; C: ring gear; PS: carrier; em, om and f see Fig. 2.I, II, III, IV, V and VI: dierent arrangements of em, f and om in a PGT.P. Linares et al./Journal of Terramechanics xxx (2010) xxxxxx 11ARTICLE IN PRESSPlease cite this article in press as: Linares P et al., Design parameters for continuouslytransmissions using planetaries with 3 active shafts, J Terramechanics (2010),tive zone. In the case of the output coupled planetaryarrangement, the values are C01.8 to C00.3 in variable regen-erative and 0.81.6 in non-regenerative. Operation in the14 are places for positionning torsiometers.mechanical regenerative zone is not carried out in eitherof the two arrangements.9. Mixed CVT transmissionsThe authors propose to use the term “mixed CVT trans-missions” for transmissions with a shiftable combination ofdierent modes such as shaft-to-shaft (direct) variatormode and a power split mode. The mentioned“Responder” 20 worked with a hydrostatic variator in afirst direct shaft-to-shaft mode for driving o and reversingand a second mode with input coupled power split forcruising. Kress 6 and Browning 1 analyzed mixed CVTtransmissions with a mechanical variator.ts 3.nSumming planetaryBasic configuration of the singlePGTem f om5PSPC3 PS C P2 P C PS6 PSC1C4 CPSPvariable power-splitdoi:10.1016/j.jterra.2010.04.004ARTICLE IN PRESS12 P. Linares et al./Journal of TerramechanThis type of transmissions has also been discussed bySheu et al. 17 for use in motorcycles, Fig. 11. It allowstwo possible modes. When the clutch Ca goes into action,it is a power split mechanicalmechanical CVT, with beltvariator and summing PGT. When Cd (and not Ca) isengaged, the path to the sun gear of the PGT is interruptedand the transmission becomes a non-split CVT with amechanical belt drive variator. It should be mentioned,Fig. 11. Mixed CVTFig. 12. Mixed CVT transmission in AutoPowr John DeerePlease cite this article in press as: Linares P et al., Design parameters for continuouslytransmissions using planetaries with 3 active shafts, J Terramechanics (2010),ics xxx (2010) xxxxxxthat this power-split system does not always have the mainobjective of increasing eciency rather its objective is toexpand the band width of speeds versus zero or even cross-ing zero to reverse 6,1,16.The transmission provided in the John Deere 30 seriestractors can also be called a mixed transmission (Fig. 12).It has clutches in its paths and it operates in a sequentialmanner as an input coupled-bridge type planetary (thetransmission 17.8030 agricultural tractors simplified structure “forward”.variable power-splitdoi:10.1016/j.jterra.2010.04.004sequence being repeated twice in the forward speedrange).10. ConclusionsThis research has been written with the aim of laying outa set of concepts which would aid in classifying and under-standing CVT transmissions, as well as to present a generalscheme for their depiction in terms of representativeparameters, kmand kf. These parameters represent the dis-tribution of torques on the mechanical and variable pathsand the lockup transmission ratio, which can be calculatedas a function of those parameters.The general diagram for the design of the transmission isoutlined. The design parameters are the characteristics ofthe PGT (dimensions and configuration) that determinethe lockup transm


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