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What!?雅思阅读真题汇总没兴趣?那阅读“真题原文”你要不要?2015年第一季度雅思考试阅读真题已汇总,对“症”练习,哪题不会“读”哪题。文末还有“真题原文”作为“彩蛋”奉送哦!2015.3.28Passage 1题材:历史类话题:纽扣的发展题型:判断题 填空题同类文章:剑九test4 passage 3Passage 2话题:仿生科技题型:配对题 填空题 判断题主要内容:人们利用生物的特征帮助人类科技的发展同类文章:剑七test3 passage 1Passage 3题材:心理学话题:安慰剂的作用 Placebo effect题型:配对题 选择题 判断题主要内容:安慰剂的效应同类文章:剑八 Test1阅读Passage32015.3.21Passage 1题材:历史类话题:European Exploitation of the New World and Fishing Grounds题型:填空题 判断题主要内容:主要讲exploration and exploitation,提到哥伦布发现新大陆的时间英国人也去过,1846年出发,但是由于各种原因被阻止,但最终他仅仅带了17个人出发,但记载没有流传。后来有一个人去了但是没有记载和证据,他儿子说被大量的鱼所hinder,然后发展了捕鱼业。后来有一个人还提到南欧北欧对于大量的鱼的保存处理方式不同,北欧和挪威等人一样是dry fish,但是南欧因为在海边所以有大量的盐来处理鱼。有一个Dr为这种不同做了详细比较。最后一段提到了account。Passage 2题材:管理类话题:企业社会责任题型:填空题 选择题主要内容:企业社会责任可以帮助公司拓展业务,帮助公司解决一些问题。同类文章:剑六 Test3阅读Passage2Passage 3题材:心理学话题:自我感知题型:选择、判断、配对主要内容:我们对自己的感知不是很了解,最了解的是我们自己的情绪,而不是我们的行为。分为四种:第一种是大家都能看出来的,第二种是dark side,第三种是personal mode。2015.3.14Passage 1题材:历史类话题:茶的历史与发展题型:配对题主要内容:第一段炎帝偶然发现茶,第二段通过佛教传到日本,第三段日本注重茶道,第四段传到其他大陆欧洲葡萄牙,第五段茶叶在荷兰开始是奢侈品,第六段荷兰不管健康不健康都很流行,第七段在其他国家流行过,第八段俄罗斯运送艰辛。Passage 2题材:科技类话题:Bestcom 电话转接系统题型:判断、填空题主要内容:Bestcom这个防打扰系统是如何帮助上班族处理各种Email自动转接电话等。Passage 3题材:历史类话题:厨师手册题型:判断、单选题、填空题主要内容:对比了传统烹饪行为与科学原理不符的地方以及用科学改良烹饪。文章中突出强调与分析了分子美食理论。2015.3.12Passage 1 题材:传记类话题:The Extraordinary Watkin Tench题型:判断题、简答题主要内容:Watkin Tench,英国人,在历史上非常有名,曾经因参加英国的“第一舰队”(殖民澳大利亚的舰队),并出版两本描述这一经历的书而著名。Passage 2 题材:心理学话题:说谎病与艺术家题型:判断题、填空题主要内容:通过马龙白兰度的例子讲述表演者都是很好的谎言家。同类文章:如何识破说谎者(9分达人雅思阅读真题还原及解析Page 14-17)Passage 3 题材:教育类话题:教育科研该不该面向产业主要内容:关于theory-based research的话题,管理类院校的科研成果。2015.2.28Passage 1题材:传记类题型:判断题、填空题主要内容:讲述了女考古学家前往柬埔寨Cambodia探寻人类remains的事Passage 2题材:心理学话题:多任务处理Multitasking Debate- Can you do them at the same time?题型:配对题、填空题主要内容:关于一个人同时做很多事儿的能力的讨论,不同研究者的不同研究。如何能同时完成多种任务。Passage 3 题材:商业类话题:企业家培训课程题型:判断题、填空题、单选题主要内容:由香港机构举办的企业家培训课程2015.2.14Passage 1题材:考古类话题:新西兰发现人的头骨题型:判断题、填空题主要内容:一个人在河边发现一个骨头,警察先去进行了调查,以为是动物骨头,后来请了一位专家,专家说是头骨。经病理学家鉴定,这个是某位欧洲妇女的头骨。这个发现震惊了很多人,因为这个骨头的主人早于记录中第一个发现新西兰的白人。Passage 2题材:教育学话题:家长参与教育题型:判断题、配对题、单选题主要内容:关于父母参与学校教育是否有实际作用,不同的专家意见不一,以及学校管理模式的变化等。全世界很多国家都觉得parental involvement很重要。分别介绍了加拿大、美国和UK的相关规定和具体情况。Passage 3 题材:心理学话题:团队合作心理题型:配对题、填空题主要内容:关于团队与个人的理论,涉及到的内容有:个人处于团体中时做的贡献是否比个人做时少,团体的决定是否比个人的决定正确;个人在团体中能帮助个人更好的了解自我,由非常聪明的人组成的团体为何会失败等。2015.2.12Passage 1题材:管理学话题:管理者的角色与功能What do managers do?题型:配对题、多选题、判断题主要内容:讲manager的工作职能,先介绍了传统意义上的四大职能,后面引出manager理论,把manager的作用细分为三大类,每一大类又有几小类。Passage 2话题:黑猩猩的研究close relative-chimpanzee题型:配对题、单选题、填空题主要内容:动物和人类的区别,以及它会使用工具。Chimpanzee的文化影响个体行为;ape和chimpanzee有相同祖先。Passage 3题材:评论性文章话题:Robert Louis题型:判断题、单选题、填空题主要内容:对Robert Louis的评论文章,包括改作者去世后的风评;冒险类小说受电影的热爱;对其他作者的影响;生活环境对他的影响;两位俄罗斯作曲家类比scott和Robert Louis。2015.2.7Passage 1题材:历史类话题:History of Sahara题型:判断题主要内容:男博士邀请女博士一起去做研究,女博士同意了。两个人先是弄出了个地图,然后开始按图索骥。偶然地,男博士发现了很多骨头。之后两人对于鉴别这些骨头分属于哪个人种产生了分歧。先介绍了第一种人种(畜牧类),骨骼大,有9000年历史;骨骼小的那个人种生活比较轻松,距今6000年。根据好多原因,女博士作出了结论,断定了哪个骨头是属于哪种人的。后来又出现一个学者,指出女博士的结论的不足之处。相关文章:见文章末尾Passage 2话题:植物净水题型:判断题、配对题、多选题、填空题主要内容:很早之前就存在用自然的方式净化水。两种净化方式的比较。Passage 3话题:广告题型:判断题、单选题、填空题主要内容:介绍广告大师李奥贝纳,起初大部分的广告都是靠文字来吸引,后来用图片来吸引眼球,然后有很多成功的案例。图像的运用到今天还作为很多广告的基础,影响很大。2015.1.31Passage 1 题材:历史文化类话题:毛利人纹身题型:判断题、填空题主要内容:文章研究了毛利人的传统纹身,先介绍背景,科学家喜欢研究这种纹身,然后介绍纹身的制作工艺,最后说了纹身的含义。Passage 2题材:科技类话题:Culture and Thought题型:配对题、填空题主要内容:研究不同地区、不同文化的人对事物认知的差异性。Passage 3题材: 生物类话题:The Right of Apes题型:填空题、判断题、单选题主要内容:讨论人猿是否应享受人类的权利。有科学家提出应该享受和人同等权利,并为此做出努力,但实施该观点有很多困难,分析了社会等因素。2015.1.29Passage 1话题:反刍动物 Bovid题型:配对题、单选题、简答题主要内容:文章讲述一种bovid这种动物的基本概况,比如分布在哪里,还有体型,除此之外还讲了几个sub-families。Passage 2话题:自由游戏play and children题型:配对题、填空题主要内容:自由游戏的general idea,然后讲小孩子free play的好处,之后是相关的动物实验以及4个人从动物实验中得出的理论和观点。同类文章:剑四 test2 passage1:Play is a serious businessPassage 3 话题:Gardener 园艺大师日记题型:单选题、判断题2015.1.17Passage 1题材:科技类话题:铅笔的历史The history of pencil主要内容:石墨是如何被发现的;石墨的早期应用;石墨的军事用途和政府管制;最早的铅笔;铅笔浓淡系统的应用;铅笔在早期太空研究的应用Passage 2题材:科技类话题:冰河时代题型:单选题、配对题、填空题主要内容:由一幅画引出冰河时代的讨论,关于其是否会再次发生、影响及应对策略等内容。相关文章:A New Ice Age(9分达人雅思阅读真题还原及解析Page32-34)Passage 3题材:人物传记类话题:新西兰作家Myhn采访报告题型:判断、选择、填空、单选主要内容:作家作品的特点;作品的常见背景设定;作品的评论。同类文章:剑九 Test4阅读Passage 12015.1.10Passage 1 话题:邦迪海滩 Bondi Beach题型:判断题、简答题、填空题主要内容:澳大利亚著名的Bondi Beach的发展情况,新的定居者到后来的发展。Passage 2题材:环境类话题:气候与经济Economic Effect of Climate题型:配对题、填空题主要内容:气候对于各个国家财富和农业的影响。Masters读了一本书得到灵感:低温有利于农业发展;那些国家贫穷或富有的气候原因;哪些因素导致贫富。相关文章:Wealth in A Cold Climate(9分达人雅思阅读真题还原及解析3Page42-44)Passage 3 题材:文化类话题:语言类和非语言类信息研究题型:填空题、判断题、单选题【福利:2015年2月7日Reading】Passage 1A On October 13,2,000, a small team of Palaeontologists led by Paul Sereno of the University of Chicago clambered out of three battered Land Rovers, filled their water bottles, and scattered on foot across the toffee-colored sands of the Tenere desert in northernB Mike Hettwer, a photographer accompanying the team, headed off by himself toward a trio of small dunes. He crested the first slope and stared in amazement. The dunes were spilling over with bones. He took a few shots with his digital camera and hurried back to the Land Rovers. “I found some bones”, Hettwer said, when the team had regrouped. “But theyre not dinosaurs. Theyre human.”C In the spring of 2005 Sereno contacted Elena Garcea, an archaeologist at the University of Cassino, inD Garcea explained that the Kiffian were a fishing-based culture and lived during the earliest wet period, between 8,000 and 10,000 years ago. She held a Kiffian sherd next to a Tenerian one. “What is so amazing is that the people who made these two pots lived more than a thousand years apart.”E Over the next three weeks, Sereno and Garceaalong with five American excavators, five Tuareg guides, and five soldiers from Nigers army, sent to protect the camp from bandits made a detailed map of the site, which they dubbed Gobero, after the Tuareg name for the area. They exhumed eight burials and collected scores of artifacts from both cultures. In a dry lake bed adjacent to the dunes, they found dozens of fishhooks and harpoons carved from animal bone. Apparently the Kiffian fishermen werent just going after small fry: Scattered near the dunes were the remains of Nile perch, a beast of a fish that can weigh nearly 300 pounds, as well as crocodile and hippo bones.F Sereno flew home with the most important skeletons and artifacts and immediately began planning for the next field season. In the meantime, he carefully removed one tooth from each of four skulls and sent them to a lab for radiocarbon dating. The results pegged the age of the tightly bundled burials at roughly 9,000 years old, the heart of the Kiffian era. The smaller “sleeping” skeletons turned out to be about 6,000 years old, well within the Tenerian period. At least now the scientists knew who was who.G In the fall of 2006 they returned to Gobero, accompanied by a larger dig crew and six additional scientists. Garcea hoped to excavate some 80 burials, and the team began digging. As the skeletons began to emerge from the dunes, each presented a fresh riddle, especially the Tenerian. A male skeleton had been buried with a finger in his mouth.H Even at the site, Arizona State University bioarchaeologist Chris Stojanowski could begin to piece together some clues. Judging by the bones, the Kiffian appeared to be a peaceful, hardworking people. “The lack of head and forearm injuries suggests they werent doing much fighting,” he told me. “And these guys were strong.” He pointed to a long,narrow ridge running along a femur. “Thats the muscle attachment,” he said. “This individual had huge leg muscles, which means he was eating a lot of protein and had a strenuous lifestyleboth consistent with a fishing way of life.” For contrast, he showed me the femur of a Tenerian male. The ridge was barely perceptible. “This guy had a much less strenuous lifestyle,” he said, “which you might expect of a herder.”I Stojanowskis assessment that the Tenerian were herders fits the prevailing view among scholars of life in the Sahara 6,000 years ago, when drier conditions favored herding over hunting. But if the Tenerian were herders, Sereno pointed out, where were the herds? Among the hundreds of animal bones that had turned up at the site, none belonged to goats or sheep, and only three came from a cow species. “Its not unusual for a herding culture not to slaughter their cattle, particularly in a cemetery, Garcea responded, noting t


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