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据不完全统计 , 开采中被遗弃在地下的薄煤层煤炭资源达 90 亿 t 以上 。 由于薄煤层地质条件复杂 , 采煤工作面空间狭小 , 机械化程度低 , 投入产出比高 , 致使薄煤开采工艺技术发展缓慢 。 随着计算机技术和自动化技术的日益提高 , 煤矿综采液压支架电液控制系统得到不断推广应用 , 大大提高了煤矿生产效率和自动化程度 , 从而实现了薄煤层开采综合机械化的新突破 。 根据峰峰集团黄沙矿薄煤层地质条件 , 河北天择重型机械有限公司开发研制了电液控制薄煤层液压支架 ZY3300/07/13,采用 pm32型电液控制系统 , 与薄煤层采煤机和刮板输送机控制系 统联动 , 由程序控制协调完成各工序 , 薄煤层工作面机械化程度大大提高 。 1 薄煤层液压支架 ZY3300/07/13 电液控制系统的配置组成 ( 1) 薄煤层液压支架 ZY3300/07/13 的结构见图 1, 支架型式是两柱掩护式 , 工作阻力 3 300 kN, 高度 0.71.3 m, 中心距 1.5 m, 采高 0.91.2 m, 主要由顶梁 、 掩护梁 、 前后连杆 、 底座 、 推移杆 、 立柱 、 平衡千斤顶 、 底调千斤顶 、 液压系统等组成 , 支架控制系统采用 pm32 型电液控制系统 , 根据煤矿采煤工艺的要求 , 可灵活选择多重控制方式 , 可选择手动单架控制 , 邻架控制 , 成组程序控制 , 工作面运输巷内主控制器全工作面可编程遥控 。 图 1 支架结构组成 ( 2) 液压支架电液控制系统的配置电液控制系统 。 单架控制系统以控制器为核心 , 主要由支架控制器 、 立柱压力传感器 、 推移千斤顶行程传感器 、 电液换向阀组 、 红外线检测器 ( 发射器安装在采煤机 ) 等组成 , 配置连接见图 2。 通过连接器 、 耦合器等将每个支架的控制器互联 , 再配置双路电源箱 、 总线提升器等组成一个计算机网络 , 可实现多重控制方式 。 整个工作面的配置及连接见图 3。 图 2 单架控制系统 1.电液换向阀组 2.推移千斤顶位移传感器 3.立柱压力传感器 4.红外线接收器 5.电磁线圈驱动器图 3 整个工作面的配置 1.支架控制器 2.隔离耦合器 3.双路电源箱 4.总线提升器 5.网络终 端器 6.架间连接器 7.电源 耦合器连接器 8.耦合器 本架控制器连 接器 9.耦合器 邻架控制器连接器 2 电液控制系统控制过程 工作面内各个支架控制器与主控制器连成一个计算机网 , 形成一个有机整体 。 主控器设在工作面运输巷内指挥作业 , 它是全工作面电液控制系统的中枢 , 将接收到的工作面支架控制器信息和采煤机信息分析处理后反馈给支架控制器 , 支架控制器将根据主控台反馈的信息 、 支架 压力传感器和位置传感器传来的信号判断处理后 , 对电磁阀发出控制信号 , 控制支架完成相应的动作 , 同时将支架信息反馈给主控器 , 主控器根据监测到的信息 , 及时修改控制器运行参数 , 协调采煤机与支架同步运行 。 3 电液控制系统的主要功能 ( 1) 通过支架上安装的压力传感器 、 行程传感器 、 电液控制阀 , 实现液压支架的自动移架 、自动推移输送机等单架 ( 邻架 ) 非自动控制 , 自动顺序联动 , 成组自动控制 , 也可以对支架的单个功能控制 。 ( 2) 以采煤机位置为依据的支架自动控制 。 采煤机上安装的位置检测装置将检测到的采煤机位置信息传给系统 , 系统根据工 作面的作业规程和采煤机位置的信息自动发出命令指挥相应的支架控制器控制支架自动完成相应的动作指令 。 ( 3) 支柱在工作中发生卸载时的自动补压功能 。 支柱在支撑中如因某种原因发生压力降落 ,当压力降至某一设定值时 , 系统会自动执行升柱 , 补压到规定压力 , 并可执行多次 , 保证支护质量 。 ( 4) 闭锁及紧急停止功能 。 为安全目的不允许工作面某处支架动作时 , 可操作支架控制器上的闭锁键将本支架闭锁 , 同时在软件作用下还将左右邻架也闭锁 , 只有解锁操作后才可恢复 。 当工作面发生可能危及安全生产的紧急情况 , 需要立即停止或禁止支架的自动动作时 ,可按压任意一个支架控制器上的紧急停止按键 ( 与闭锁键共用 ), 全工作面支架自动动作立即停止并在急停解除前自动控制功能被禁止 。 ( 5) 可设置主控计算机 , 在井下工作面巷道实现对工作面设备进行监控和控制 , 可实现跟机自动控制或与其他设备的联合控制 , 也可实现在地面对工作面设备的控制 。 4 电液控制系统应用到薄煤层液压支架中的突出优点 电液控制系统应用到薄煤层液压支架 , 实现了复杂地质条件下薄煤开采综合机械化的新突破 , 其优点更为突出 , 使薄煤工作面的生产和管理发生了根本性的变化 , 经济效益显著 。 ( 1) 大大提高了薄煤层综采自 动化程度电液控制系统与采煤机和刮板输送机的控制系统配合联动 , 可实现薄煤层开采工作面的自动化 , 煤矿薄煤层综采自动化程度大大提高 。 电液控制系统远程控制功能 , 使井下无人工作面成为现实 , 较好地解决了薄煤层自动化开采问题 。 ( 2) 可实现工作面的平直推进 。 移架步距准确 , 多架可同时推移刮板输送机 , 采煤机截深准确 , 可以保持工作面输送机的直线性 , 实现工作面的平直推进 。 另外使输送机缓慢弯曲 , 避免溜槽连接处产生过大应力 。 ( 3) 显著改善了工作面顶板的支护状况 , 提高了安全生产系数 电液控制系统集监测和控制于一体 , 能有效保 证工作面液压支架的初撑力 , 带压擦顶移架 ,有效防止前方片帮冒顶 , 利于保护顶板围岩的稳定 。 合理解决了液压支架初撑力达不到额定阻力和带压移架问题 , 为改善工作面顶板的维护提供有利条件 , 可减少顶板事故 。 另外操作人员可邻架控制 , 远离工作面控制 , 故可避免冲击地压粉尘等矿井灾害的袭扰 , 保证人员的安全 。 ( 4) 降低了煤矿工人的劳动强度 , 改善了工人的工作环境 在巷道内操作就能完成工作面内的破煤 、 装煤和运煤等各工序 , 使薄煤层工作面简单化 , 减少和改善了薄煤层采煤工人在工作面内爬行的工作状况 , 安全有了可靠保障 , 极大地改善了工人的劳 动条件和劳动环境 , 工人不再进入工作面而是在巷道内操作机器 , 降低了劳动强度 ;工作面内用人少 , 提高了人工工效 ; ( 5) 生产效率大大提高 , 提升了煤矿经济效益 在薄煤层工作面 , 原先受煤矿地质条件和作业空间的限制 , 机械化程度低 , 生产效率低 。 采用电液控制系统后 , 由计算机合理安排采煤工序 , 取消了人工控制过程的辅助时间 , 移架速度快 , 同时可以对多个支架编组进行控制操作 , 可实现跟机定量推溜和自动移架 , 大幅度提高了采煤机械的利用率和生产效率 , 同时也给煤矿带来了可观的经济效益 。 ( 6) 电液控制方式灵活多样 , 适用性强 煤矿可根据本矿 的地质条件和采煤工艺 , 灵活选择多重控制方式来适应地质条件的变化 , 对于各种困难地质条件和局部构造适用性强 , 特别是对于薄煤层地质条件和大倾角液压支架 ,其优点更为突出 。 ( 7) 提高了煤矿资源的利用率 过去产出效率低 , 一般薄煤层单产只是中厚煤层的 1/3 或更少 。 掘进率高 , 开采成本明显高于中厚煤层 , 许多煤矿对薄煤层开采较少 , 甚至不考虑薄煤开采 , 随着电液控制技术在液压支架中的应用 , 近年来薄煤层开采得到较快发展 , 以前不愿或不能开采的薄煤层被开采 ,煤矿资源得到有效开采利用 。 5 结语 ZY3300/07/13 液压支架是 峰峰集团第 1 套全工作面实现电液控制的薄煤层液压支架 。 采用电液控制系统有效地解决了复杂条件下薄煤层高产高效开采的技术问题 , 大大提高了薄煤层开采的机械化程度 。 将电液控制系统应用在薄煤层支架中 , 其优点更为突出 。 目前 ,ZY3300/07/13 液压支架正在峰峰集团黄沙矿使用 , 其带来的经济效益明显高于峰峰集团小屯矿和大树村矿使用的手动控制薄煤层液压支架带来的经济效益 , 电液控制薄煤层液压支架推广应用前景广阔 。 According to incomplete statistics, abandoned underground mining of thin coal seams T of coal resources of 9.0 billion or more. Complex geological conditions of the thin coal seam Complex, coal face space is small, low level of mechanization, input-output Ratio, resulting in thin coal mining technology development is slow. As computing Machine technology and the increasing automation, coal mines of hydraulic support Electro-hydraulic control system aircraft to continuously promote the use, greatly improving the coal Mine production efficiency and automation in order to achieve a thin seam mining Breakthrough mechanized. According to sand mining thin seams Fengfeng Group Geological conditions, selection Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. Hebei, developed a Electro-hydraulic control of thin coal hydraulic support ZY3300/07/13, by pm32 Electric hydraulic control system, and the thin seam coal mining and conveyor control Linkage system of systems, control and coordination by the program to complete the process, thin seam Face greatly increased the degree of mechanization. A thin seam of hydraulic support ZY3300/07/13 electro-hydraulic control system Configuration composed of (1) thin seam structure of hydraulic support ZY3300/07/13 see Figure 1, the bracket are two types of the covering, working resistance 3 300 kN, Height of 0.7 1.3 m, center distance of 1.5 m, mining height 0.9 1.2 m, mainly From the top beam, covering beams, before and after the connecting rod, base, bed bar, column, flat Balanced jack, tune the bottom jack, hydraulic system, etc., support the control Pm32-type system uses electro-hydraulic control system, according to coal mining workers Arts requirements, the flexibility to select multiple control modes, manual Single-frame control, frame control neighborhood, group process control, transportation Lane Face Full-face within the programmable remote master controller. (2) electro-hydraulic control system of hydraulic support the configuration of electro-hydraulic control System. Single frame controller as the core control system, mainly by the bracket Controller, column pressure sensors, sensor trip over jack, Electro-hydraulic valve group, the infrared detector (transmitter installed in the coal mining Machine) etc. Configuration is shown in Figure 2. Through the connector, coupler Interconnect controller for each bracket, and then configure the dual power supply box, the total Line enhancer composed of a computer network, can achieve multiple control Way. The configuration of the entire face and is shown in Figure 3. Figure 2 Single-frame control system 1. Electro-hydraulic valve group 2. Goes jack displacement sensor 3. Column pressure sensor Device 4. IR receiver 5. Electromagnetic coil driver Figure 3, the configuration of the entire face 1. Stent controller 2. Isolation coupler 3. Dual Power Box 4. Bus riser 5. Network termination Terminal device 6. Frame between the connector 7. Power - Coupler connector 8. Couplers - with the frame controller Connector 9. Couplers - o shelf controller connector 2 electro-hydraulic control system control process Face of each bracket within the controller and the host controller into a connected A computer network to form an organic whole. In the work of master Surface transportation lane command operations, it is the whole face electro-hydraulic control system The center, will receive the controller information and mining working face Information analysis and processing machine back to the stand after the controller, the controller bracket Feedback information according to the console, bracket and location of pressure sensors Determine the sensor signal processing came after the issue of control of the solenoid valve Signal, control bracket to complete the appropriate action, while the bracket information Feedback to the master, master the information to the monitoring and timely repair Change the controller operating parameters, coordination and support synchronous operation Shearer. 3 electro-hydraulic control system functions (1) through the bracket installed on the pressure sensor, travel sensor Devices, electro-hydraulic control valve, the automatic transfer of hydraulic support frame, automatically push Moving conveyor, such as single frame (o-planes) of non-automatic control, automatic sequence associated Move into a group of automatic control, can also support a single function control. (2) shearer location-based support automation. Mining Installed on coal-position detection device will detect the position of Shearer Home information to the system, the system operating under the rules and mining face Coal location information automatically support an order commanding the corresponding control Control bracket system automatically orders the appropriate action. (3) pillars of the work occurring in the auto-fill pressure unloading function Energy. As a result of the support pillars in the pressure drop occurs for some reason, when When the pressure down to a set value, the system will automatically lift column, make Pressure to the required pressure, and can perform multiple, supporting quality assurance. (4) Locking and emergency stop functions. Not allowed for security purposes Face somewhere bracket action, the operational support of the closure on the controller Lock key to lock the bracket, while the software will be left under the action of o Frame is also closed, and only unlock after restore operation. When the face that may endanger the safety of emergency situations, Need to immediately stop or disable the automatic action stent can press any A bracket means the emergency stop button on the controller (with latch key Total Use), all working face automatic action to immediately stop and emergency stop solution In addition to automatic control functions are disabled before. (5) can be set to the host computer, implemented in the underground tunnel face Is on the face equipment monitoring and control can be realized with the automatic Control or joint control with other equipment can also be realized in the face Face control. 4 electro-hydraulic control system applied to the thin seam of the outstanding merits of hydraulic support Electro-hydraulic control system applied to the thin coal hydraulic support to achieve Thin under complicated geological conditions of the new breakthroughs in mechanized coal mining, its Advantage is more prominent, so thin coal face of production and management have taken place Fundamental changes, significant economic benefits. (1) greatly increased the degree of automation Thin Seam Mining Electro-hydraulic control system and shearer and conveyor control With the linkage system can achieve automatic thin coal seam face Technology, coal Thin Seam Mining greatly increased degree of automation. Electro-hydraulic control Remote control system of the system, so that no one face into mine now Fact, solved the problem of thin seam mining automation. (2) can achieve straight face forward. Frame accurate step move, multi-rack conveyor over the same time, Shearer deep and accurate, can keep a straight face conveyor , To achieve face straight forward. In addition to the slow curve conveyor Music, to avoid generating too large chute connection stress. (3) significantly improved the status of the supporting roof and improve The safety factor Electro-hydraulic control system set to monitor and control in one, can effectively protect Card Face the setting load of hydraulic support, frame shift with pressure rub the top of the effective To prevent the front of the slide and roof fall, which will help protect the roof rock of stability. Co Management to solve the hydraulic support force of less than the rated resistance and with pressure Moving frame issues, to improve the maintenance of roof to provide favorable conditions Parts, can reduce the roof accident. In addition the operator can control the adjacent shelf, far Control away from the face, it can avoid the burst of dust and other mine disasters The harassment and ensure staff safety. (4) reduce the labor intensity of the mine workers and improve working conditions for workers Operation can be done in the tunnel face in the breaking of coal, coal loading And coal and other processes, so that a thin seam simplification, reduction and Improved thin seam coal mining workers in the face like the work within the crawl Conditions, a reliable security guarantee, which greatly improved the labor Conditions and working environment, workers no longer enter the face but in the roadway The operation of machinery, reducing the labor intensity; face in employing less, provided Artificial high efficiency; (5), greatly improving production efficiency, improve economic efficiency of coal mine In thin seam, the original work by the geological conditions and coal mines Space constraints, the low degree of mechanization, low production efficiency. Using electro-hydraulic Control system, reasonable arrangements for coal mining operations by the computer, eliminating Auxiliary manual control process time frame moving fast, and can Grouping of multiple stents to control operation can be realized with the machine to push the quantitative Slip and automatic shifting planes, substantially increased the utilization of coal mining machinery and Production efficiency, but also to mine brought considerable economic benefits. (6) flexible electro-hydraulic control, applicability Coal mines in accordance with the geological conditions and mining technology, flexible Multiple control options to adapt to changes in geological conditions, for all Kinds of difficult geological conditions and local structures in application, especially for Geological conditions and thin coal seam inclined hydraulic support, and its advantages more sudden


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