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Unit 4 At the sports meeting.共有 4课时 第1课时教学内容: At the sports meeting.教学目标:一了解一些英语的运动项目的名称:Have a sports meeting. Throwing. 100- meter race. Long jump. High jump. Running race. The relay race.二. 能够掌握以下句型:1. Whats your favorite sport?2. What are you good at? 3. How often do you play it?4. What sport did you take part in?5. How about?教学重点:四会单词:Have a sports meeting. Throwing. 100- meter race. Long jump. High jump. Running race. The relay race.教学难点:句型:1. Whats your favorite sport?2. What are you good at?3. How often do you play it?4. What sport did you take part in?5. How about?教法:高效课堂教学模式学法:自主探究 合作交流教具准备:小黑板 单词卡片 录音机教学环节:一. 自主学习(一)温故知新1复习以前学过的运动项目的名称2师生进行对话引出本课话题: T: What are you good at?Ss: Im good at T: Whats your favorite sport? Ss: My favorite sport isT: How often do you play it? Sa: I play it twice a week. (二)Lets learn.1.词汇学习: 听录音,小组合作学习单词,讨论解决问题,解决不了的请老师指导。2学生自读,互读,并根据图片理解单词意思。3展示成果。4写一写。(鼓励学生边读边写,把所学的单词拼写会)5教师检测拼写情况三新授课文(Lets talk.)(一)学生试着读一读并回答下列问题。1. What did the students do yesterday? 2.What sport did Liu take part in?3. Did you Liu win the boys one hundred meter race?4. What about Lius long jump?(二)学生分组分小组表演课文,(三)试着在最短的时间内复述课文。四点拨升华 写出下列单词的过去式Play_ Throw_ Have_ take_Is_ Lose_ Do_ Win_五. 作业布置:板书设计:课后反思:Unit 4 At the sports meeting.共有 4课时 第2课时教学内容: At the sports meeting.教学目标:一掌握英语书信的格式二会用英语描述运动会的情况教学重点:掌握英语书信的格式教学难点:会用英语描述运动会的情况教法:高效课堂教学模式学法:自主探究 合作交流教具准备:小黑板 单词卡片 录音机教学过程:一自主学习(一)温故知新Retell the dialog have learned.(二)阅读方法1.对话学习:听录音,第一遍,整体感知对话,第二遍掌握正确发音,个别难词 应该反复跟读。2. 再读课文,然后判断正误Ma Lis school had a sports meeting last week.( )Wu Chen was from Class Three and Colin was from Class One.( )Liu Zhaoyang ran very fast. ( )Kitty won the girls high jump.( )Colin was the first in the boys 1500-meter race. ( )3. 复述课文。二展示交流(Ask and answer)- What sport did he take part in at the school sports meeting?- He took part in the throwing.- Did he win it?- Yes he did./ No he didnt. He lost it.三点拨升华:巩固练习1.首先老师放录音,让学生复述。2.同桌两人一组练习本课对话,然后进行情景表演。四. 课堂作业:翻译下列短语:Come on_ Best wishes._ High jump._Run fast._ Throw far _ Do well in._用所给动词的适当形式填空1. Last month our school _(have) a sports meeting.2. Give_ (your) best wishes.3. Bob_(win) the boys throwing.4. Kitty won the _(girl) six hundred meter race.5. Colin took part in the boys the 1500-_(meter) race.板书设计: 课后反思: Unit 4 At the sports meeting.共有 4课时 第3课时教学内容: At the sports meeting.教学目标:一 掌握下列句型的用法:Had better do something.Had better not do something.二掌握下列短语的用法:Lets be faster, higher and stronger.Be healthy. Keep healthy. Once a year. Twice a month. Three times every day.教学重点:一形容词比较级的用法二熟练掌握句型:Had better do something.Had better not do something.教学难点: 形容词比较级的用法教法:高效课堂教学模式学法:自主探究 合作交流教具准备:小黑板 单词卡片 录音机教学过程: 一. 自主学习(一)温故知新1.复习上节课所学单词及句子 2.预习:师生问答- We will have a sports meet next week.- Really?What sport will you take part in?- I will take part in the boys throwing.- Do you throw far?- Yes I do. I won it last year.3. 造出新句子并表演Boys throwing. Throw far Girls 60- meter race. Run fast.Girls high jump. jump high.(二)互助释疑(Read a story.)1. 学生试读2. 听录音并跟读课文3. 交流讨论故事内容二展示交流试着复述故事。三.点拨升华1. listen and match.2. Order and act.3.chose and complete.Do well in. I feel happy. Be excited. Do sports every day. Be healthy or Keep healthy.4. Read and choose四作业布置板书设计:课后反思: Unit 4 At the sports meeting.共有 4课时 第4课时教学内容:复习巩固本课内容。教学目标:熟练掌握本课内容。教学准备:练习资料。教学方法:高效课堂模式。教法:情景教学法,趣味游戏法。 学法:自主学习,合作探究。教学过程:(一)复习热身1、听写单词、短语和重点句子。2、背诵课文。(二)操练1、学生练习,合作探究。2、教师指点,互相评价。3、指导完成配套练习所剩内容。(三)作业1、小组听写。2、背诵所学课文。3、预习下一课的单词和对话。第二次月考检测题一、我会翻译。(20分)1.在时_ 2.跳远_ 3.留言_ 4.建立_ 5.赛跑_ 6.参加_7.在运动会上_ 8.呆在学校_ 9.对感兴趣_ 10.想成为_二、单项选择(20分)1.Do you like play _violin?A. a B.the C./2. I want two _ of fish.A. plates B. plate C. plates3.Could you please _me clean the room?A. Help. B. to help C. Helping4. Would you like something _?A. drink B. drinks C. to drink5. How _ is the drink?A. much B. many C. /三、句型转换。(20分)1.I often have hamburgers.(一般疑问句)2.She took part in the throwing. (一般疑问句)3.My father was a worker ten years ago.(对划线部分提问)4.He is from America. (对划线部分提问)5.I will use a mobile phone to play games. (对划线部分提问)四、补全对话。(20分)-Hi ,Kitty .What do you want to be when you finish school?-Me?_ I like playing basketball.-Really. But I dont think you are tall enough.-_ But I think I can be a good guard.-_-I know that._-Thats good.


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