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上海市外国留学生政府奖学金申请表APPLICATION FORM FORSHANGHAI GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIP (SGS)申请就读学校 东华大学 DONGHUA UNIVERSITYUniversity to Apply for 申请人姓名 Name of Applicant 申请人国籍 Nationality of Applicant 填表日期 年 月 日Date of Application Year Month Date申请编号Application No.学校填写/filled by University2010SGS上海市教育委员会 编制Designed by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission填写申请表前,请务必认真阅读以下说明Please read the following guidelines before filling in the form.填写本表前,请详细阅读2010年东华大学“上海市外国留学生政府奖学金”实施细则,了解申请资格、条件及有关规定。Before you fill in this form, please read carefully Detailed Rules for the Implementation of“Shanghai Government Scholarship for International Students” at Donghua University in 2010 to learn about the eligibilities, relevant requirements and regulations.该申请表中的每一项均为必填项。请用中文或英文如实、清晰地填写此表,若无内容填写,请注明“无”。最好在电脑上填写后打印出来后签字;若手填,请用蓝色或黑色笔。Each blank in this application form is required for all applicants. Please fill in the form in Chinese or English clearly and truly. Fill in“NONE” if theres no detail. We prefer you print out the filled form and sign manually, and please use black or blue pen or ball pen if filling in by hand,.申请表完成后,请务必阅读“保证书”并亲笔签名,否则申请无效。Please do read the Letter of Guarantee carefully and sign manually after finishing the form; otherwise, your application will be taken as invalid.请按要求准备其他申请材料并在第6页上相应处划勾。请在规定的申请日期之前提交该报名表和其他申请材料。Please prepare the other required application documents and tick the boxes of the corresponding items on Page 6, and submit this application form along with other application documents before the deadline. 照片Photo1. 申请人情况/Personal Information护照用名/ Name as in Passport: 姓/Family Name: 名/Given Name: 中文姓名/Chinese Name: 性别/Sex: 男/M 女/F国籍/Nationality: 婚姻状况/Marital Status: 已婚/Married 未婚/Single出生日期/Date-of-birth: 年/Y 月/M 日/D 护照号码/Passport No.: 出生地点/Place of Birth: 国家/Country: 城市/City: E-mail: 宗教信仰/Religious belief: 家庭地址/Home Address: 家庭电话/Home Tel: 现联系电话/Current Tel: 现联系地址/Current Address: 是否曾在华学习或任职/Have you ever studied or worked in China? 是/Yes 否/No 学习或任职单位/Institution or Employer: 在华时间/Time in China: 自/From: 年/Y 月/M 至/To: 年/Y 月/M 亲属情况(请填写全名和职业)/Family Members (please fill out their full name and current occupation):配偶/Spouse: 父亲/Father: 母亲/Mother: 在华紧急事务联系人/ Emergency Contact Person in China: 姓名/Name: 电话/Tel: 邮件/Email: 地址/Address: 您是经何种途径了解东华大学的SGS项目的?/ By which way you know or be recommended to SGS at Donghua university (DHU)? 我是(或以前是)东华大学留学生/ I am/was an international student at Donghua university 网络/ Internet google DHUs homepage other 他人推荐/ Other persons 推荐人姓名/ name 联系方式/Contact: 机构推荐/ Agencies or organizations 推荐机构名称/ name 联系方式/Contact: 请选择您的奖学金申请事务联络人/ Please choose the contact person responsible for your SGS application affairs: 申请人/Applicant 推荐人或机构/recommender 在华事务担保人/Guarantor2. 奖学金和学习申请/ Apply for scholarship and study申请奖学金种类/ SGS Categories A类全额奖学金/ Class A, full scholarship 若未被评为A类奖学金,您是否同意转到B类?/ If youre not approved as Class A candidate, do you agree to transfer to Class B? 是/Yes 否/No B类部分奖学金/ Class B, part scholarship若获得B类奖学金,您希望:/ If youre approved as Class B candidates, you will 预定东华大学留学生公寓 / 房型/ Book a room (Type / ) in the International Student Apartment of Donghua University * 请访问 /life/index3.html,查看留学生公寓相关信息。/ Please visit /life/index3.html for details about the international student apartments. 自行解决住宿/ Live outside campus during the future study申请学习类别/ Degree programs 本科(学士)/ Bachelors (undergraduate) 4年,汉语授课/ 4 years, taught in Chinese 硕士学位/Masters 2.5年,汉语或英语授课/ 2.5 years, taught in Chinese or English 博士学位/Doctoral 3年,汉语或英语授课/ 3 years, taught in Chinese or English申请专业/ Prospective major or study field: 学习开始时间 / Entry Time: 2010 年/Y 9 月/M 希望授课语言 / You preferred teaching language: 英语/ English 汉语/ Chinese* 请务必按2010年东华大学“上海市外国留学生政府奖学金”实施细则附13所列出的专业名称填写,并选择授课语言,否则申请无效。/ Please write down the name of you preferred major in accordance with Appendix I to III on “Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Shanghai Government Scholarship for International Students at Donghua University in 2010” and choose the corresponding teaching language; otherwise the application will be invalid. 目前语言水平/Current language proficiency汉语/Chinese: 很好/Excellent 好/Good 一般/Fair 差/Poor 不会/None 已获得HSK等级/ HSK level obtained: 英语/English: 很好/Excellent 好/Good 一般/Fair 差/Poor 不会/None已获得的相关证书/ Relevant certificates obtained: 母语/Mother tongue: 其他语言及水平/Other Languages & Proficiency: 申请人保证书Letter of Guarantee1. 我保证申请表中所填写的所有内容和提供的材料真实无误;I hereby affirm that all the information and materials given in this form are true and correct.2. 我保证除上海市外国留学生政府奖学金外,未申请同一时间的其他中国政府奖学金;I ensure that besides the SGS, I have not applied for any other Chinese government scholarships within the period I study in Shanghai. 3. 在华期间,我将遵守中国的法律、法规,不从事任何危害中国社会秩序的、与本人来华学习身份不符合的活动; During my stay in China, I shall abide by the laws and decrees of the Chinese government, and will not participate in any activities which are deemed to be adverse to the social order of China and are inappropriate to my capacity as a student.4. 我保证在享受奖学金期间不无故要求变更学校和所学专业;During the period of my getting SGS, I shall not apply for any changes of institution and specialty of study without valid reasons.5. 在学期间,我将遵守学校的校纪、校规,全力投入学习和研究工作,尊重学校的教学安排; During my study in China, I shall abide by the rules and regulations of the host university, concentrate on my studies and researches, and follow the teaching programs arranged by the university.6. 我将按照规定参加上海市外国留学生政府奖学金年度评审; I shall go through the procedures of the annual assessment of SGS status as required.7. 我将按规定期限修完学业,按期回国,不无故在华滞留; I shall return to my home country as soon as I complete my scheduled study program in China, and will not extend my stay in China without valid reasons.8. 如违反上述保证而受到中国法律、法规或校纪、校规的惩处,我愿意接受上海市外国留学生政府奖学金管理委员会中止或取消奖学金及其它相应的处罚。 If I am judged by the Chinese laws and decrees and the rules and regulations of the university as having violated any of the above, I will not lodge any appeal against the decision of SGS administration on suspending, or withdrawing my scholarship, or other corresponding penalties.申请人亲笔签名/Signature of the Applicant: * 无亲笔签名,申请无效/The application is invalid without the applicants manual signature *签字日期/Date: 年/Y 月/M 日/D请在所附材料前划 / Please Indicate the materials you attached with : 本人有效护照复印件/Photocopy of Valid Ordinary Passport. 本人最后学历证书(中文或英文,须公证)/Certificate or Diploma of the Most Advanced Studies (in Chinese or English, notarized).高中/High School 本科/Bachelors Degree 硕士/Masters Degree 博士/Doctoral Degree 其它


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