



Unit 5 Good mannersPeriod 6Task.根据句意及所给汉语提示完成句子1.We must prepare a room for our _(客人).2.After a long discussion, they reached a _(结论).3.The _(主人) gets the dinner ready. 4.The _(目的) of the party is to relax ourselves.5.Read this _(目录) carefully. Youll get many tips about learning English.用所给单词的适当形式填空1.Its _(polite) to leave before others finish the meal. 2.Dont leave the door _(open) when you are away. 3.We should keep quiet while_(eat).4.Jack is waiting for his mother _(pick) him up at the school gate.5.The purpose of the talk is_(tell) the students to study hard.根据句意,从方框中选用恰当的单词或短语,并用其正确形式完成下列句子useful, take place, give a talk on, make too much noise, at table1.Where is Linda?She is _.2.You shouldnt _ in the hospital.3.Dont you find this kind of magazine _? 4.The fashion show _ next Monday evening.5.Why not _ good manners in the school hall?.单项填空 ()1.This kind of camera is _ dear. I dont have _ to afford it.A.too much; money enough B.much too; money enoughC.too much; enough money D.much too; enough money()2.2018南京Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon _ 20 July 1969.A. in B. on C.at D. for()3.2018苏州Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the nearest underground station? Walk straight on _ you see a white building. Its right there.A. though B. since C.until D. if()4.The tickets for the concert will be sold out soon. Youd better _ that you get one today.A.make sure of B.be sure of C.make sure D.be sure about()5.2018天水There _ great changes in Tianshui in next ten years.A.are B.were C.will be D.are going to have()6.2018上海Please _ the rubbish into different litter bins according to the signs.A.puts B.put C.putting D. to put()7.2016河北Your _ is very helpful. I guess Ill take it.A.secret B.advice C.promise D.purpose()8.2018十堰Mike, please turn down the music. _ Dabao _ Erbao are sleeping.Sorry, Ill do it right away.A. Neither; nor B. Either; or C.Both; and D. Not only; but also教师详解详析.1.guest(s)2.conclusion3.host4.purpose5.content.1.impolite2.open3.eating4.to pick5.to tell.1.at table2.make too much noise3.useful4.will take place5.give a talk on.1.D2. B考查介词辨析。句意:尼尔阿姆斯特朗是第一位于1969年7月20日在月球上行走的人。“20 July 1969”具体到某一天,应用介词“on”。故选B。3. C4.C5.C考查动词的时态。句意:在未来的十年里,天水市将会有巨大的变化。本句为there be句型。结合句中的时间状语“in next ten years”可知要用there be句型的将来时there will be或there is/are going to be。故选C。6.B考查祈使句的用法。句意:请根据标志,把垃圾放入不同的垃圾桶里。分析句子结构可知此处是一个肯定的祈使句,please后面接动词原形,故选B。7.B此题考查名词辨析。secret意为“秘密”;advice意为“建议”;promise意为“承诺”;purp


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